
Biology ( англиски )

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This species feeds on sea squirts by biting lumps from the zooids (3). Breeding occurs in late spring and summer. The sexes are separate and fertilisation takes place internally following copulation. Females lay their eggs into sea squirts by biting holes in the colonies and then laying their flask-shaped egg capsules (each containing around 800 eggs) into the hole. After a few weeks the larvae hatch. They are free-swimming and pelagic for around a month (2) and are usually found in coastal waters during the summer (3). In some parts of the world, large cowrie shells were once used as currency, but this did not occur in Britain. The word cowrie originates from the Hindu and Urdu languages, as cowries are very common in the Indian Ocean (4).
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Conservation ( англиски )

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Conservation action has not been targeted at this species.
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Description ( англиски )

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The European or spotted cowrie is a marine mollusc that has an egg-shaped glossy shell featuring many transverse ridges with a long, narrow aperture on the underside (2). The upper surface of the shell is usually a reddish brown colour, and has three characteristic spots that allow the species to be identified easily (3). The head, tentacles, foot and body of this mollusc are brightly coloured; they may be red, yellow, green, brown or orange (3).
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Habitat ( англиски )

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Found in association with its prey, colonial sea squirts (ascidians) including Botryllus schlosseri and Botylloides leachi (2) on the lower shore and in the sublittoral zone of rocky shores. It may also live in estuaries (3).
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Range ( англиски )

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This cowrie is found around most British coasts (2). It is found as far south as the Mediterranean, and reaches the extreme north of its range in western France and Britain (3).
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Status ( англиски )

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Not threatened (2).
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Threats ( англиски )

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This species is not currently threatened.
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Associations ( англиски )

добавил BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK
Animal / rests in
egg capsule of Trivia monacha rests inside nibbled hole common test of Botrylloides leachi

Animal / rests in
egg capsule of Trivia monacha rests inside nibbled hole common test of Botryllus schlosseri

Animal / rests in
egg capsule of Trivia monacha rests inside nibbled hole common test of Diplosoma

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BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK

Trivia monacha ( бретонски )

добавил wikipedia BR

An hoc'higed-mor Europa gant pikoù a zo blotviled bihan eus Eurazia a ya d'ober ar spesad Trivia monacha. Renket int bet e-pad pell en hevelep spesad hag ar spesad all Trivia arctica hag a vev e hevelep lec'hioù. An diforc'h gwellabl etrezo o vezañ an tri merk gell teñval a zo ouzh kein Trivia monacha ha n'en deus ket Trivia arctica.

Graet e vez eus outo e yezhoù tro war-dro "spotted cowrie" pe "false cowrie", "British trivia" (saozneg), "Europäische Kauri" (alamaneg), "gevlekt koffieboontje" (nederlandeg), "grain de café", "cochon", "pucelage", porcelaine puce" (galleg).[1]


Oranjez-gell eo liv mantel, proboscis, brec'helloù ha troad al loen bev. Gell eo ar grogenn gant 3 roud gellteñval pe du.

Kavet e vint etre 0 ha 100 m donder er morioù Europa. Posupl eo kavout lod anezho kuzhet dindan reier izeloc'h evit ar mareoù izel. Kregin al loened marv a vez kavet a-wechoù war an draezhenn. War aodoù Breizh int dastumet ingal ha dibaoe pell. Kigdebrerien int hag an Ascidiacea a seblant bezañ o fredoù pennañ.


Anv ar genad Trivia a dalv "boutin" hag hini ar spesad "monacha" a dalv "e-unan", "evel ur manac'h"

Diskrivet eo bet ar spesad gant Da Costa e 1778.


N'int ket boued evit Mab-den, met dibaoe pell int dastumet evel objedoù brav da vezañ implijet evit kinkladurioù. Kavet eo bet troioù-gouzoug graet ganto e bez Tevieg (korfoù div vaouez bet douaret gant objedoù etre 5000 ha 7000 bloaz a-raok Jesus-Krist e Krennoadvezh ar maen) e enezenn Tevieg war gumun Sant-Pêr-Kiberen.

Notennoù ha daveennoù

  1. lec'hienn WORMS Word Register of Marines species, bet sellet outi d'an 21 a viz Mae 2014, http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=141744, (en)
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Trivia monacha: Brief Summary ( бретонски )

добавил wikipedia BR

An hoc'higed-mor Europa gant pikoù a zo blotviled bihan eus Eurazia a ya d'ober ar spesad Trivia monacha. Renket int bet e-pad pell en hevelep spesad hag ar spesad all Trivia arctica hag a vev e hevelep lec'hioù. An diforc'h gwellabl etrezo o vezañ an tri merk gell teñval a zo ouzh kein Trivia monacha ha n'en deus ket Trivia arctica.

Graet e vez eus outo e yezhoù tro war-dro "spotted cowrie" pe "false cowrie", "British trivia" (saozneg), "Europäische Kauri" (alamaneg), "gevlekt koffieboontje" (nederlandeg), "grain de café", "cochon", "pucelage", porcelaine puce" (galleg).

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Europäische Kauri ( германски )

добавил wikipedia DE
Gehäuse von Trivia monacha

Die Europäische Kauri (Trivia monacha) ist eine kleine Art von Schnecken aus der Familie Triviidae, die im nördlichen Atlantischen Ozean vorkommt und Seescheiden frisst.


Die Europäische Kauri hat ein halbrundes, schmutzigweißes bis rötlich oder hellbraunes Gehäuse mit drei dunklen Punkten auf der Oberfläche. Das Gehäuse wird von einer feinen Riffelung aus 20 bis 30 quer verlaufenden feinen Graten gezeichnet, im Gegensatz zu anderen Familien der Kaurischnecken, deren Gehäuseoberfläche glatt oder mit Skulpturen und Stacheln versehen ist. Der letzte Umgang überwächst und verdeckt alle älteren Windungen. Die Schale wird bei einer ausgewachsenen Schnecke bis zu 15 mm lang und etwa 8 mm breit. Die Gehäusemündung ist lang und schmal. Das Aussehen der Art ähnelt dem der Arktischen Kauri (Trivia arctica), die allerdings ein reinweißes Gehäuse hat.

Der Körper der Schnecke sieht aus wie bei Trivia arctica, doch hat das Männchen einen fadenförmigen, zylindrischen Penis. Der dunkle Mantel ist mit wenigen Papillen bedeckt, deren Spitzen meist blass gelb sind, in einen langen Sipho ausgezogen und bedeckt die ganze oder fast die ganze Schale. Der Fuß ist orange oder hellgelb. Die admedianen Zähne der Radula weisen keine Zähnchen auf.


Die Schnecke lebt auf Hartböden unterhalb der Gezeitenzone im Mittelmeer und Atlantik bis zur Nordsee, wobei sie insbesondere in den südlichen Teilen des Verbreitungsgebietes häufig ist.


Die Schnecken sind getrenntgeschlechtlich. Die Paarungszeit ist im späten Frühling und Sommer. Das Männchen begattet das Weibchen mit seinem Penis. Aus den Eiern schlüpfen Veliger-Larven mit einem sehr dunklen Darmkanal, deren Velum zwei geringfügig eingeschnittene Lappen aufweist und die nach einer etwa fünf- bis sechsmonatigen Phase als frei schwimmendes Zooplankton zu kriechenden Jungschnecken metamorphosieren.


Die Europäische Kauri ernährt sich von Seescheiden (Botryllus schlosseri, Botrylloides leachi und Diplosoma listerianum), die mit der Raspelzunge angefressen werden können. Das Innere der Seescheiden dient den Schnecken als Ablage für die Eikapseln, die bis zu 800 Eier enthalten.



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Europäische Kauri: Brief Summary ( германски )

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 src= Gehäuse von Trivia monacha

Die Europäische Kauri (Trivia monacha) ist eine kleine Art von Schnecken aus der Familie Triviidae, die im nördlichen Atlantischen Ozean vorkommt und Seescheiden frisst.

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Trivia monacha ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

Trivia monacha, also known as the European cowrie or spotted cowrie, is a species of small sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusc in the family Triviidae, the trivias.

The name Trivia means "common" and the word monacha means "solitary".

It is worth comparing this species with the similar species Trivia arctica, the northern cowrie.

Shell description

Lateral view of a shell of Trivia monacha
Five views of a shell of Trivia monacha
Seven Trivia nonacha shells, shown in close-up. A range of sizes is visible: the largest is about a centimeter across, the smallest about half a centimeter across. Five of the shells are face down, showing the ridged back of the shell, which is a pink-brown colour; the characteristic dark spots are visible. One shell is on its side, and one is upside-down, showing the white underside and the slit where the animal sticks its tentacles out. On the upside-down shell, four or five sand grains, about a millimeter across, are stuck on the aperture.
Adult Trivia monacha shells hand-picked from beachdrift, from near Aberffraw, Anglesey. Scale is in cm.

The shell of this species is glossy, convolute and lemon-shaped, with 20-30 transverse ridges. The dorsal part of the shell is a pinkish or reddish-brown with three characteristic darker spots in mature individuals, one spot anterior, the other posterior and one in the centre, all situated along a central line. Juvenile shells are all white or light-coloured. The apertural side is white and flattened. The aperture is narrow and runs along the whole length of the shell. At the ends it turns to the left in the direction of the swollen body whorl. The transverse ridges are strong and often bifurcate. The ones at the ends are almost U-shaped.

The shell length is up to a maximum of about 15 mm and its width about 8 mm.

The dark mantle is covered by few papillae, usually tipped with pale yellow. The mantle is drawn out into a long siphon anteriorly, extending over the whole (or almost the whole) shell. The foot is orange or bright yellow.

The breeding season is late spring or summer. The larvae have a very dark stomach and intestine. More developed larvae in the veliger stage have a two-lobed velum (a structure used for swimming and particulate food collection) that is slightly indented at sides. The larvae reach the adult form in about five to six months.


This species occurs from the Mediterranean Sea to the Shetland archipelago in the north of Scotland, but is more common in the south.

In Orkney and some parts of Scotland, the species are known as 'groatie buckies'.


This species usually lives on rocky shores or under stones below low tide, in other words is sublittoral, but the empty shells of this species are often washed up onto beaches. It is usually found together with compound ascidians (Botrylus, Botrylloides and Diplosoma). Trivia monacha lacks small denticles on the admedian teeth of the radula. Furthermore, the rows of teeth in the two species are different.

Feeding habits

This snail feeds on sea squirts and compound ascidians.

Similar species

Trivia monacha is sometimes confused with Trivia arctica. In fact they were considered to be two forms of the same species until 1925, when Alfred James Peile published a paper in the Proceedings of the Malacological Society differentiating the two.[1] They can be differentiated by the radula, the shape of the penis and their larval stages. In Trivia monacha the penis is filiform and cylindrical, while in Trivia arctica the penis is large and flat.

It is now known that the larvae of the two species are readily distinguishable.

The Linnaean name Trivia europea, now lapsed, referred to the supposed single species. Linnaeus himself mentioned two kinds: Cypraea europea and Cypraea anglica, but these terms were intended as a geographical distinction and are not accepted as species names today.


  1. ^ Peile A. J. (1925). "The Differentiation as Species of the two forms of British Trivia". Proc. Malac. Soc. 1925, pp: 195-198.

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Trivia monacha: Brief Summary ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

Trivia monacha, also known as the European cowrie or spotted cowrie, is a species of small sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusc in the family Triviidae, the trivias.

The name Trivia means "common" and the word monacha means "solitary".

It is worth comparing this species with the similar species Trivia arctica, the northern cowrie.

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Trivia monacha ( француски )

добавил wikipedia FR

Trivia monacha est une espèce de mollusques gastéropodes marins de la famille Triviidae. Appelé grain de café, grain de café tacheté, porcelaine puce, pucelage[1] ou cochon[2],[3],[4], il est proche de Trivia arctica, dont il est similaire bien qu'un peu plus grand, plus foncé et surtout tacheté.



Vue latérale d'une coquille de Trivia monacha
Cinq points de vue d'une coquille de Trivia monacha
Coquilles de Trivia monacha. Échelle en cm.

Trivia monacha mesure 12 mm de long et 8 mm de large. La coquille brillante, de forme ovoïde, est couverte de stries transversales. Le dessous est plat. L'ouverture étroite se développe sur toute la longueur de la coquille. Les extrémités de l'ouverture sont incurvées vers l'intérieur, ce qui évoque un grain de café. La coquille est rouge brunâtre avec trois taches brunes sur le dessus. Les trois points sur la coquille sont caractéristiques de l'espèce[5],[6]. La face ventrale est blanche. La tête, les tentacules, le pied et le manteau sont très colorés : jaune, orange, rouge, brun[6],[7],[5] ou vert[5]. Le pied est souvent plus clair. Le manteau recouvre presque entièrement la coquille lorsque le mollusque est actif[6],[7].

Espèces semblables

Trivia monacha est parfois confondu avec Trivia arctica[6],[7]. Les deux espèces ont d'ailleurs été considérées comme deux formes de la même espèce jusqu'en 1925[8].


Trivia monacha se nourrit de Botryllus schlosseri, Botrylloides leachii et Diplosoma listerianum. La saison de reproduction se situe entre la fin du printemps et l'été[6].


Trivia monacha se rencontre sur les côtes jusqu'à quarante mètres de profondeur dans l'Atlantique, la Manche et la mer du Nord[7]. Ce mollusque est répandu sur les côtes britanniques et irlandaises et peut également se trouver en Méditerranée et sur la façade atlantique française[5].


  1. (en) S. Gofas, « Trivia monacha (da Costa, 1778) », World Register of Marine Species (consulté le 4 août 2017)
  2. « Glossaire zoologique », sur http://flelchat.free.fr/ (consulté le 7 août 2017)
  3. « grain de café ou petit cochon? », sur http://www.mop.typepad.fr (consulté le 7 août 2017)
  4. « des coquillages cochons! », sur http://pwassons.over-blog.com (consulté le 7 août 2017)
  5. a b c et d (en) « European cowrie (Trivia monacha) », ArKIVE (consulté le 4 août 2017)
  6. a b c d et e (en) S.J. Rowley, « Spotted cowrie (Trivia monacha) », Marine Life Information Network: Biology and Sensitivity Key Information Reviews (consulté le 4 août 2017)
  7. a b c et d A. Bay-Nouailhat, « Description de Trivia monacha », septembre 2008 (consulté le 4 août 2017)
  8. (en) A. J. Peile, « The Differentiation as Species of the two forms of British Trivia », Proceedings of the Malacological Society,‎ 1925, p. 195-198


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Trivia monacha: Brief Summary ( француски )

добавил wikipedia FR

Trivia monacha est une espèce de mollusques gastéropodes marins de la famille Triviidae. Appelé grain de café, grain de café tacheté, porcelaine puce, pucelage ou cochon,,, il est proche de Trivia arctica, dont il est similaire bien qu'un peu plus grand, plus foncé et surtout tacheté.

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Fínicín Eorpach ( ирски )

добавил wikipedia GA

Is moileasc é an fínicín Eorpach.

Is síol ainmhí é an t-alt seo. Cuir leis, chun cuidiú leis an Vicipéid.
Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh.

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Gevlekt koffieboontje ( холандски; фламански )

добавил wikipedia NL

Het gevlekt koffieboontje (Trivia monacha) (ook wel Europese kauri) is een slakkensoort uit de familie van de Triviidae of Ribkauri's. [1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1778 door da Costa. De soort geldt als inheems voor Nederland en Belgie, en spoelt af en toe aan in Zeeland.


Het gevlekt koffieboontje is ongeveer 12 mm hoog. De kleur is roze tot grijs, aan onderkant meestal meer wit. Op de rugzijde bevinden zich drie bruine vlekken.

Voorkomen en ecologie

Het dier leeft doorgaans op rotsige kusten in ondiep water. Het dier eet vooral zakpijpen (Ascidiacea).

De eieren worden door de vrouwtjesdieren gelegd in eikapsels, die elk circa 800 eieren bevatten. Als de larven na enkele weken zijn uitgekomen, leven deze enige maanden als plankton. Ongeveer een half jaar nadat de eieren zijn uitgekomen krijgen de dieren hun uiteindelijke schelpvorm.

De soort komt voor van de Middellandse zee tot Scandinavië en de Britse Eilanden, ook langs de Nederlandse en Belgische kust. Het verspreidingsgebied is iets zuidelijker dan dat van het ongevlekte koffieboontje Trivia arctica.


Naast het gevlekt koffieboontje wordt ook wel de wat grotere geldkauri (Monetaria moneta) (circa 25 mm) gevonden aan de Vlaamse, Zeeuwse of Hollandse stranden. Deze soort werd in vroeger tijden door de VOC als betaalmiddel gebruikt, en de aangespoelde dieren zijn afkomstig van destijds vergane schepen.


  • Anemoon
  • W.J. Prud;homme van Reine, 1963 Wat vind ik aan het strand? Thieme, Zutphen.
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Gofas, S. (2012). Trivia monacha (da Costa, 1778). Geraadpleegd via: World Register of Marine Species op http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=141744
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Gevlekt koffieboontje: Brief Summary ( холандски; фламански )

добавил wikipedia NL

Het gevlekt koffieboontje (Trivia monacha) (ook wel Europese kauri) is een slakkensoort uit de familie van de Triviidae of Ribkauri's. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1778 door da Costa. De soort geldt als inheems voor Nederland en Belgie, en spoelt af en toe aan in Zeeland.

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Trivia monacha ( португалски )

добавил wikipedia PT

Trivia monacha (denominada, em inglês, european cowrie[2] ou spotted cowrie[3][4]; em português, beijinho - como é denominada em Portugal)[5] é uma espécie de molusco gastrópode marinho do nordeste do oceano Atlântico, principalmente em costas da Europa[2][6], pertencente à família Triviidae. Foi classificada por Emanuel Mendez da Costa, em 1778, e nomeada Cypraea monacha (no gênero Cypraea), em sua obra Historia naturalis testaceorum Britanniæ, or, The British conchology : containing the descriptions and other particulars of natural history of the shells of Great Britain and Ireland : illustrated with figures, in English and in French.[1]

Descrição da concha e hábitos

Concha de coloração creme-amarronzada ou rosada até púrpura e comumente dotada de 3 manchas escuras em seu dorso, sem espiral visível e com um canal sifonal curto; com 1.2 centímetros de comprimento e 8 milímetros de largura, quando desenvolvida; ovalada e esculpida com cerca de 20 costelas espirais por toda a sua superfície, chegando até o seu lábio externo engrossado e sua columela, margeando uma abertura estreita, localizada em sua base plana e branca. Pode ser confundida com Trivia arctica (Pulteney, 1799), que é menor e carece de possuir os 3 pontos escuros, distintivos, em seu dorso.[2][3][7][8][9]

É encontrada em águas rasas da zona nerítica e zona entremarés, durante a maré baixa, sob rochas e em habitats com ascídias, das quais se alimentam; incluindo as espécies Botryllus schlosseri, Botrylloides leachi e Diplosoma listerianum.[2][3][10]

Distribuição geográfica

Trivia monacha ocorre do norte da África e mar Mediterrâneo até canal da Mancha, mar do Norte e mar da Irlanda.[2][3][6] Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português, incluindo a zona económica exclusiva.[5]


  1. a b c d e f «Trivia monacha (da Costa, 1778)» (em inglês). World Register of Marine Species. 1 páginas. Consultado em 19 de abril de 2019
  2. a b c d e CAMPBELL, Andrew C.; NICHOLLS, James (1980). The Hamlyn Guide to the Seashore and Shallow Seas of Britain and Europe (em inglês). England: The Hamlyn Publishing Group. p. 156-157. 320 páginas. ISBN 0-600-34019-8 A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |coautor= (ajuda); |acessodata= requer |url= (ajuda)
  3. a b c d «Spotted cowrie (Trivia monacha (em inglês). MarLIN: The Marine Life Information Network. 1 páginas. Consultado em 19 de abril de 2019
  4. «Spotted Cowrie» (em inglês). The Wildlife Trusts. 1 páginas. Consultado em 19 de abril de 2019
  5. a b «Trivia monacha (da Costa, 1778)». OMARE. 1 páginas. Consultado em 19 de abril de 2019
  6. a b «Trivia monacha distribution» (em inglês). World Register of Marine Species. 1 páginas. Consultado em 19 de abril de 2019
  7. Kluijver, M.J. de; Ingalsuo, S. S.; Bruyne, R. H. de. «Mollusca of the North Sea - Trivia monacha» (em inglês). Marine Species Identification Portal. 1 páginas. Consultado em 19 de abril de 2019 A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |coautores= (ajuda)
  8. «Trivia monacha» (em inglês). Hardy's Internet Guide to Marine Gastropods. 1 páginas. Consultado em 19 de abril de 2019. Arquivado do original em 11 de agosto de 2021
  9. «Trivia arctica (Pulteney, 1799)» (em inglês). World Register of Marine Species. 1 páginas. Consultado em 19 de abril de 2019
  10. LINDNER, Gert (1983). Moluscos y Caracoles de los Mares del Mundo (em espanhol). Barcelona, Espanha: Omega. p. 54. 256 páginas. ISBN 84-282-0308-3 |acessodata= requer |url= (ajuda)
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Trivia monacha: Brief Summary ( португалски )

добавил wikipedia PT

Trivia monacha (denominada, em inglês, european cowrie ou spotted cowrie; em português, beijinho - como é denominada em Portugal) é uma espécie de molusco gastrópode marinho do nordeste do oceano Atlântico, principalmente em costas da Europa, pertencente à família Triviidae. Foi classificada por Emanuel Mendez da Costa, em 1778, e nomeada Cypraea monacha (no gênero Cypraea), em sua obra Historia naturalis testaceorum Britanniæ, or, The British conchology : containing the descriptions and other particulars of natural history of the shells of Great Britain and Ireland : illustrated with figures, in English and in French.

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Trivia monacha ( руски )

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Латинское название Trivia monacha (da Costa, 1778)

на Викивидах

на Викискладе

ITIS 73182

Trivia monacha (лат.) — вид морских брюхоногих моллюсков из семейства Triviidae, обитающий в Средиземном море и Атлантике до Северного моря.


Раковина моллюска полукруглой формы, от грязно-белого до красноватого или светло-коричневого цвета с тремя тёмными крапинами на поверхности. Поверхность раковины имеет тонкое рифление, в отличие от представителей других семейств, поверхность раковины которых гладкая, либо снабжена колючками. Последний завиток зарастает и закрывает все предыдущие старые завитки. Устье раковины длинное и тонкое. Внешне вид похож на Trivia arctica, чья раковина чисто белого цвета.


Моллюск живёт на твёрдом грунте в Средиземном море и Атлантике до Северного моря.

Образ жизни

При помощи тёрки моллюск питается асцидиями (Botryllus schlosseri, Botrylloides leachi и Diplosoma listerianum). Внутренняя часть асцидий служит моллюскам в качестве капсул для кладки, куда они откладывают до 800 яиц.


  • Frank Riedel: Ursprung und Evolution der «höheren» Caenogastropda. Berliner Geowissenschaftliche Abhandlungen, Reihe E, Band 32, Berlin 2000, 240 S., ISBN 3-89582-077-6.
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Trivia monacha: Brief Summary ( руски )

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Trivia monacha (лат.) — вид морских брюхоногих моллюсков из семейства Triviidae, обитающий в Средиземном море и Атлантике до Северного моря.

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Авторы и редакторы Википедии
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wikipedia русскую Википедию