Amphibromus is a genus of grasses in the family Poaceae. Most are known as swamp wallaby grass.[2][3][4][5][6] Most are endemic to Australia. One can also be found in New Zealand and there are two species in South America.[4]
These are annual or perennial grasses. Some can have cleistogamous inflorescences sheathed on their stems. The open inflorescences may be spreading or spikelike. These may have some cleistogamous spikelets in them, as well.[4]
Most species occur in moist to wet habitat types. Some tolerate periodic flooding well, even flowering in response to it.[4]
Amphibromus is a genus of grasses in the family Poaceae. Most are known as swamp wallaby grass. Most are endemic to Australia. One can also be found in New Zealand and there are two species in South America.
These are annual or perennial grasses. Some can have cleistogamous inflorescences sheathed on their stems. The open inflorescences may be spreading or spikelike. These may have some cleistogamous spikelets in them, as well.
Most species occur in moist to wet habitat types. Some tolerate periodic flooding well, even flowering in response to it.
Species Amphibromus archeri - pointed swamp wallaby grass - South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria Amphibromus fluitans - river swamp wallaby grass, graceful swamp wallaby grass - Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales, New Zealand (North + South Is) Amphibromus macrorhinus - long-nosed swamp wallaby grass - South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales, Western Australia Amphibromus neesii - southern swamp wallaby grass - Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales; naturalized in California Amphibromus nervosus - common swamp wallaby grass, veined swamp wallaby grass - South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, Western Australia Amphibromus pithogastrus - plump swamp wallaby grass - Victoria, New South Wales Amphibromus quadridentulus - Brazil (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais), Argentina (Entre Ríos, Misiones), Uruguay Amphibromus recurvatus - dark swamp wallaby grass - South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria Amphibromus scabrivalvis - rough amphibromus - Bolivia (La Paz), Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Peru; naturalized in Louisiana Amphibromus sinuatus - wavy swamp wallaby grass - Tasmania, Victoria, New South Wales Amphibromus vickeryae - Western Australia †Amphibromus whitei small swamp wallaby grass - †Queensland but extinctAmphibromus, es un género de plantas de la familia de las Poáceas.
A veces se hace referencia a Helictotrichon
Es una herbácea perenne rizomatosa, o cespitosa, o decumbente. Tallos de 40 cm hasta 1,80 m de altura. Nudos de tallos glabros; internudos huecos. Hojas no basalmente agregadas; no auriculadas. Márgenes de vainas libres. Láminas de hojas angostas; chata, o enrollada (involuta); sin venación cruzada; persistente. Lígula no membranosa; no truncada (elongada, haciéndose lacerada); de 2–15 mm de long.
Plantas diclino monoicas bisexuales, con espigas bisexuales; con flores hermafroditas; cleistógamos expuestos, o chasmógamas; con cleistogenes ocultos, o no ocultos. Inflorescencia paniculada; abierta (angosta, elongada); con macollos (flexuosa). Inflorescencia espateada. Espigas persistentes; pediceladas.
Hay 12 especies; de Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Sudamérica. Es helio o mesofítica. Neotropical, australiana, y antártica. Centro de Brasil, las Pampas, y los Andes. Norte y este de Australia, y sudoeste. Patagónica.
El género fue descrito por Christian Gottfried Daniel Nees von Esenbeck y publicado en London Journal of Botany 2: 420. 1843.[1]
Amphibromus: nombre genérico que deriva de las palabras del griego amphi (acerca, cerca), y bromos (alimento, la avena), correctamente aludiendo a la similitud con Avena (no con Bromus),
Amphibromus, es un género de plantas de la familia de las Poáceas.
A veces se hace referencia a Helictotrichon
Amphibromus is een geslacht uit de grassenfamilie (Poaceae). De soorten van dit geslacht komen voor in Australië, Nieuw-Zeeland en Zuid-Amerika.[1]
Van het geslacht zijn de volgende soorten bekend [bron?]:
Amphibromus is een geslacht uit de grassenfamilie (Poaceae). De soorten van dit geslacht komen voor in Australië, Nieuw-Zeeland en Zuid-Amerika.
Amphibromus là một chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Hòa thảo (Poaceae).[1]
Chi Amphibromus gồm các loài:
Amphibromus là một chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Hòa thảo (Poaceae).