Dioecious, shrubby. Branches and shoots rusty pubescent. Leaves imparipinnate; leaflets 9-11 pairs, opposite to subopposite, 35-60 x 10-15 mm, entire, but sometimes subdentate towards apex, glabrous and glaucous above, paler and with the midrib pubescent on the under surface. Rachis winged. Panicles both axillary and terminal, up to 11 cm long, erect, not exceeding the foliage. Male flowers: calyx c. 1.2 mm long, minutely pubescent, 5-lobed; lobes less than 1 mm long, ovate. Petals exceeding calyx in length, margin minutely pubescent. Ovary in female flowers minutely pubescent, stigmas 3. Drupes c. 4 mm broad, sub-globose, red, pubescent.
The above description is based on cultivated material from Cuba.