
Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

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Octopus pallidus Hoyle, 1885

DIAGNOSIS.—Animals medium-sized (to 540 mm TL; to 147 mm ML). Mantle broadly ovoid (MWI 67–78–91); head wide but narrower than mantle (HWI 44–58–89), demarked from mantle by moderate constriction; eyes large, not projecting far above surface of head. Funnel large, stout, bluntly tapered (FLI 31–39–52); funnel organ VV-shaped, limbs thick, outer limbs length of median limbs. Arms short (ALI 134–263), stout, tapering to fine tips. Arm lengths subequal, arm order usually IV > III > II > I. Suckers raised above arm surface, of moderate size (SI females 6–7–8, males 8–9–11), 10th to 13th suckers usually largest, enlarged on all arms of mature males. Right arm III of males hectocotylized, shorter than opposite arm (HAMI 156–184–219; OAI 79–82–89); ligula wide, medium-sized (LLI 9–11–16); ligula groove well marked and deep, with incomplete transverse ridges; calamus long, acutely pointed (CLI 32–40–55); hectocotylized arm with 72–86 suckers. Web moderately deep (WDI 24–30–41), web formula usually D > C > B > E > A. Radula with B4-5 asymmetrical seriation of rachidian. Ink sac present. Gill lamellae 7–9 per outer demibranch. Mature female with large eggs (capsule 11–13 mm long, 3–4 mm wide), attached singly to substrate by long, thin stalks. Penis long (PLI 13–19–27), with single-coiled diverticulum; spermatophores of medium length (SpLI 43–85–118), slender (SpWI 2.1–2.7–3.3), with large, coiled sperm reservoir (SpRI 35–43–52).

Integumental sculpture consists of pattern of coarse, uniformly “rosette”-shaped and closely set epidermal tubercles covering both dorsal and ventral surfaces. Tubercles largest on dorsum near base of arms, smaller and less prominent on ventral surface. Branched and unbranched papillae also present on dorsum. Papillae on mantle dorsum form ~5 subparallel rows of 4–6 simple, usually unbranched papillae along mantle length. Large arborescent papillae obvious in ocular region, with 4 supraocular and 2 subocular papillae. Three rows of 2 papillae each present on dorsal surface of web and dorsal pair of arms. Lateral integumentary ridge or fold around mantle circumference absent. In life, color of resting animals brown and cream mottled dorsally, paler ventrally; when stimulated, animals become uniformly dark brown to purple. Specimens preserved in ethyl alcohol reddish brown to orange dorsally, slightly paler ventrally. In both live and preserved specimens, faint orange stripe often present along length of dorsal arms. Surface of raised tubercles usually darker than background, giving reticulate pattern. Ocelli absent.


TYPE LOCALITY.—Australia, Victoria, off East Moncoeur Island (39°10.5′S, 146°37′E), 38 fm (70 m), sand and shell bottom.

TYPES.—Lectotype: BMNH 1889.4.24.19, 1 male, 56 mm ML. Specimen in good condition, preserved in ethyl alcohol.

Paralectotypes: BMNH 1889.4.24.20–21, 1 female, 78 mm ML, 1 juvenile. Specimens in good condition, preserved in ethyl alcohol.

DISTRIBUTION AND BIOLOGY.—Southeastern Australia, from the Great Australian Bight to central New South Wales, including Bass Strait and Tasmania. A species inhabiting the continental shelf and upper continental slope, living on sand or mud bottom, or among sponges and ascidians, at depths of 7–593 m.

The little information available on the biology of O. pallidus has been summarized in Stranks (1988b).
библиографски навод
Voss, N. A. and Sweeney, M. J. 1998. "Systematics and Biogeography of cephalopods. Volume II." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 277-599. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.586.277
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Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology

Octopus pallidus ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

Octopus pallidus, the pale octopus, is a species of octopus in Oceania.[1]

Immediately after hatching, the pale octopus forages, primarily on bivalves. At night it hides in rubble to surprise prey.[1] Female maturation is dependent on age as well as season.[2] Both sexes can distinguish vertical from horizontal rectangles, and gradient greys from each other and uniform grey.[3]

This species has been studied by scientists trying to determine octopus ages by stylets and pigment.[4][5]



  1. ^ a b "Octopus pallidus, pale octopus". sealifebase.ca. Retrieved 2019-10-17.
  2. ^ Leporati, Stephen C.; Pecl, Gretta T.; Semmens, Jayson M. (2008-09-01). "Reproductive status of Octopus pallidus, and its relationship to age and size". Marine Biology. 155 (4): 375–385. doi:10.1007/s00227-008-1033-9. ISSN 1432-1793.
  3. ^ Muntz, W. R. A.; Gwyther, J. (1988-01-01). "Visual Acuity in Octopus Pallidus and Octopus Australis". Journal of Experimental Biology. 134 (1): 119–129. ISSN 0022-0949.
  4. ^ Doubleday, Zoë; Semmens, Jayson M.; Pecl, Gretta; Jackson, George (2006-10-24). "Assessing the validity of stylets as ageing tools in Octopus pallidus". Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 338 (1): 35–42. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2006.06.027. ISSN 0022-0981.
  5. ^ Doubleday, Zoë A.; Semmens, Jayson M. (2011-01-31). "Quantification of the age-pigment lipofuscin in known-age octopus (Octopus pallidus): A potential tool for age determination". Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 397 (1): 8–12. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2010.11.010. ISSN 0022-0981.
  • Norman M.D. & Hochberg F.G. (2005) The current state of Octopus taxonomy. Phuket Marine Biological Center Research Bulletin 66:127–154
  • Norman M.D., Finn J.K. & Hochberg F.G. (2014). Family Octopodidae. pp. 36–215, in P. Jereb, C.F.E. Roper, M.D. Norman & J.K. Finn eds. Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of cephalopod species known to date. Volume 3. Octopods and Vampire Squids. FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes [Rome, FAO]. 4(3): 353 pp. 11 pls.
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Octopus pallidus: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Octopus pallidus, the pale octopus, is a species of octopus in Oceania.

Immediately after hatching, the pale octopus forages, primarily on bivalves. At night it hides in rubble to surprise prey. Female maturation is dependent on age as well as season. Both sexes can distinguish vertical from horizontal rectangles, and gradient greys from each other and uniform grey.

This species has been studied by scientists trying to determine octopus ages by stylets and pigment.

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Octopus pallidus ( француски )

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Octopus pallidus est une espèce d'octopodes de la famille des Octopodidae.

Description et caractéristiques

Habitat et répartition

Octopus pallidus

Cette espèce est présente dans les eaux du sud-ouest de l'océan Pacifique, en milieu subtropical, dans des eaux situées entre 3 mètres et 589 mètres[3].

Notes et références

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Octopus pallidus: Brief Summary ( француски )

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Octopus pallidus est une espèce d'octopodes de la famille des Octopodidae.

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Octopus pallidus ( италијански )

добавил wikipedia IT

Il polpo pallido (Octopus pallidus) è un mollusco cefalopode della famiglia Octopodidae, diffuso nelle coste dell'Australia sud-orientale e della Tasmania.

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Octopus pallidus ( холандски; фламански )

добавил wikipedia NL

Octopus pallidus is een soort in de taxonomische indeling van de inktvissen, een klasse dieren die tot de stam der weekdieren (Mollusca) behoort. De inktvis komt enkel in zout water voor en is in staat om van kleur te veranderen. Hij beweegt zich voort door water in zijn mantel te pompen en het er via de sifon weer krachtig uit te persen. De inktvis is een carnivoor en zijn voedsel bestaat voornamelijk uit vis, krabben, kreeften en weekdieren die ze met de zuignappen op hun grijparmen vangen.

De inktvis komt uit het geslacht Octopus en behoort tot de familie Octopodidae. Octopus pallidus werd in 1885 beschreven door Hoyle.[1]

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. World Register of Marine Species, Octopus pallidus. Marinespecies.org. Geraadpleegd op 3 oktober 2011.
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琶蛸 ( кинески )

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二名法 Octopus pallida
(Hoyle, 1885)[1]

琶蛸学名Octopus pallida)为蛸科蛸属的动物。分布于马来群岛、澳大利亚西部南部、斯里兰卡海域,包括南海等海域,生活环境为海水,一般生活于200 米以内的大陆架底层。其生存的海拔下限为-366米。该物种的模式产地在澳大利亚新南威尔士福尔德湾。[1]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 中国科学院动物研究所. 琶蛸. 《中国动物物种编目数据库》. 中国科学院微生物研究所. [2009-04-28]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
 src= 维基物种中的分类信息:琶蛸 小作品圖示这是一篇與软体动物相關的小作品。你可以通过编辑或修订扩充其内容。
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wikipedia 中文维基百科

琶蛸: Brief Summary ( кинески )

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琶蛸(学名:Octopus pallida)为蛸科蛸属的动物。分布于马来群岛、澳大利亚西部南部、斯里兰卡海域,包括南海等海域,生活环境为海水,一般生活于200 米以内的大陆架底层。其生存的海拔下限为-366米。该物种的模式产地在澳大利亚新南威尔士福尔德湾。

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wikipedia 中文维基百科