
Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Toxicodendron is a genus of around 15 species (Miller and Wilken 2012) in the Rhus complex of the family Anacardiaceae (a mainly tropical family that includes around 70 to 80 genera and 600 to 850 species, among them Cashew,Mango, and Chinese Lacquer Tree). Toxicodendron has a disjunct distribution between eastern Asia and North America (with a few speciesoccurring in the tropics from Central America to northernmost South America or in southeastern Asia). In North America, this genus is very familar because it includes "poison-ivy" and "poison-oak". Species boundaries and nomenclature within this poison-ivy/poison-oak group have been very confusing for well over a century (in large part due to within-species variation in growth form, leaf and leaflet shape, and other features) (e.g., Gillis 1971; Gartner 1991). Just five North American Toxicodendron species are usually recognized today: Common Poison-ivy (T. radicans), Western Poison-ivy (T. rydbergii), Eastern Poison-oak (T. pubescens), Western Poison-oak (T. diversilobum), and Poison-sumac (T. vernix) (Senchina 2006).

Phylogenetic analysis of a variety of DNA sequence data by Nie et al. (2009) strongly supported Toxicodendron as a monophyletic group distinct from other genera of the Rhus complex, supporting the suggestion by Barkley (1937,1942,1963 as cited in Yi et al. 2004), Gillis (1971), Miller et al. (2001), and others that Rhus should be delimited more narrowly and that Toxicodendron and several other genera are best segregated from Rhus. Some authorities (e.g., Mabberley 2008) have continued to treat Toxicodendron species as falling within Rhus.

Nie et al. identified two temperate lineages with disjunct North American-eastern Asian distributions: one including the putative poison ivy sister taxa T. radicans subspecies hispidum in eastern Asia and poison ivy T. radicans subspecies radicans from eastern North America and the other including the sister taxa Chinese Lacquer Tree, T. vernicifluum, of eastern Asia and the eastern North American Poison Sumac, T. vernix.

Molecular phylogenetic analyses indicate that the eastern Asian T. radicans subsp. hispidum may be the sister group to a clade including all trifoliate (three-leafleted) Toxicodendron from the New World, rather than to T. radicans subsp. radicans (as current nomenclature based on the shared presence of unlobed leaves would suggest).

Toxicodendron species are well-known for possessing skin-irritating oil (urushiol), which can cause severe allergic reactions in humans. They also have lacquer in the phloem, and the lacquer from at least one species is important for making anticorrosives or decorative paint.

Senchina (2008) reviewed the literature on animal and fungal associates of Toxicodendron in North America with a particular eye toward identifying potential biological control agents. Interest in finding new ways to control poison-ivy and its relatives may increase in coming years given data suggesting that these plants may become more abundant and more ‘‘toxic’’ in the future, potentially affecting global forest dynamics and human health (Mohan et al. 2006).

(Gillis 1971; Mabberley 2008; Nie et al. 2009 and references therein)

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Toxicodendron ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Toxicodendron és un gènere d'arbres llenyosos, arbusts i plantes enfiladisses en les anacardiàcies. Tots els membres del gènere produeixen l'oli irritante de pell urushiol, arribant a causar severes reaccions al·lèrgiques; d'allí que el nom científic signifiqui "arbre verinós".

Els membres d'aquest gènere de vegades s'inclouen en el gènere Rhus.

Té fulles compostes pinnades, alternades i fruits drupes blanques o grisàcies. El més conegut membre és Toxicodendron radicans o Rhus toxicodendron (hedera verinós), molt ubic en l'est de Nord-amèrica.

Les plantes són molt variables en fenotip. Les fulles poden ser suaus, serrades o lobulades, i els tres tipus de vores de fulla poden estar presents en el mateix peu. Les plantes creixen com una enredadera trepadora, arbusts, o, en el cas de l'arbre Lacquer i Verí Sumac, com arbres. Mentre les fulles de l'ivori verinosos i de l'avena verinosa usualmente tenen tres folíols, de vegades són cinc o, ocasionalment, set. Les fulles del Verí Sumac tenen de 7 a 13 folíolos, i l'Arbre Lacquer, 7 a 19.

Espècies de Toxicodendron

  • Avena verinosa de l'oest Toxicodendron diversilobum o Rhus diversiloba, es troba sol en la costa del Pacífic de Nord-amèrica, des del sud de Canadà a la Baixa Califòrnia. És extremadament comú en aquestes regions, predominant aquesta sp. del gènere. Extremadament variable, creix com un dens arbust en camp obert assolejat, o com enredadera trepadora en àrees ombrívoles. Com l'hedera verinosa, es reprodueix per rizomes i/o per llavors. Les fulles estan dividides en tres folíols, de 3,5 a 10 cm de long., amb vores tallades, llisos, o lobulats. Els californians aprenen a reconèixer-la amb el ritme "fulles de tres, ull si la veus". Les fulles poden sere vermelles, grogues, verdes, o combinacions d'aquests colors, depenent de diversos factors, tals com la temporada de l'any.
  • Toxicodendron orientale o Rhus orientale, és molt similar a l'hedera verinosa americana, i es presenta en l'est d'Àsia (tan similar que alguns texts la tracten com si fos una varietat de l'americana).
  • Arbre Lacquer o arbre llaqueat xinès Toxicodendron potaninii o Rhus potaninii, de la Xina central, similar a T. vernicifluum però amb usualment menys folíols per fulla. Creixen a més de 20 m d'altura, com T. vernicifluum la hi usa per a produir laca. Les fulles tenen 7 a 9 folíols.
  • Toxicodendron radicans o Rhus radicans, és extremadament comuna en algunes àrees de Nord-amèrica. A EUA creix en tots els estats excepte Alaska, Hawaii, Califòrnia i Nebraska, però és molt menys comú que l'avena verinosa en l'oest de Nord-amèrica. També creix a Amèrica Central. Aparenta una enredadera trepadora o un arbust, es reprodueix tant per arrels com per llavors. L'aparença vària. Les fulles, arreglades en un patró alternat, usualmente en grups de tres, són de 2 a 5 cm de long., punteades, i de vores llises, dentats, o lobulats, però mai serrats. Les fulles poden ser brillants o matis, i el color varia amb l'estació. Les enredaderes creixen menys enroscades que erectes, i poden mesurar de 8 a 10 m d'altura. De vegades, la planta embòlica enterament l'estructura de suporti, i les enredaderes s'estenen més enllà, donant l'aparença de ser un "arbre".

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Toxicodendron: Brief Summary ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Toxicodendron és un gènere d'arbres llenyosos, arbusts i plantes enfiladisses en les anacardiàcies. Tots els membres del gènere produeixen l'oli irritante de pell urushiol, arribant a causar severes reaccions al·lèrgiques; d'allí que el nom científic signifiqui "arbre verinós".

Els membres d'aquest gènere de vegades s'inclouen en el gènere Rhus.

Té fulles compostes pinnades, alternades i fruits drupes blanques o grisàcies. El més conegut membre és Toxicodendron radicans o Rhus toxicodendron (hedera verinós), molt ubic en l'est de Nord-amèrica.

Les plantes són molt variables en fenotip. Les fulles poden ser suaus, serrades o lobulades, i els tres tipus de vores de fulla poden estar presents en el mateix peu. Les plantes creixen com una enredadera trepadora, arbusts, o, en el cas de l'arbre Lacquer i Verí Sumac, com arbres. Mentre les fulles de l'ivori verinosos i de l'avena verinosa usualmente tenen tres folíols, de vegades són cinc o, ocasionalment, set. Les fulles del Verí Sumac tenen de 7 a 13 folíolos, i l'Arbre Lacquer, 7 a 19.

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Giftsumak ( дански )

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Giftsumak (Toxicodendron) er en planteslægt, der er udbredt i Østasien og Nordamerika. Her nævnes kun de arter, som ses jævnligt i Danmark, eller som har interesse for danskere på rejse.

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Giftsumak: Brief Summary ( дански )

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Almindelig giftsumak (Toxicodendron radicans) Fernisgiftsumak (Toxicodendron vernix) Lakgiftsumak (Toxicodendron vernicifluum) Voksgiftsumak (Toxicodendron succedaneum)
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Toxicodendron ( германски )

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Toxicodendron ist eine Pflanzengattung innerhalb der Familie der Sumachgewächse (Anacardiaceae).[1][2][3][4] Die etwa 30 Arten sind in einem disjunkten Areal verbreitet; sie kommen in gemäßigten Gebieten der Nordhalbkugel, in Südostasien und in der Neotropis vor.[4] Alle Arten produzieren Urushiole, ölige Substanzen, die schwere allergische Reaktionen auslösen können.[3][4]


Illustration aus Köhler's Medizinalpflanzen von Toxicodendron succedaneum
Laubblätter des Kletternden Gift-Sumach (Toxicodendron radicans)

Vegetative Merkmale

Die Toxicodendron-Arten sind laubabwerfende, verholzende Pflanzen, die als Sträucher, Bäume oder verholzende Kletterpflanzen wachsen.[1][4] Einige Arten bilden kriechende oder kletternde Ausläufer.

Die wechselständig angeordneten Laubblätter sind in Blattstiel und Blattspreite gegliedert. Die unpaarig gefiederte Blattspreite ist je nach Art ziemlich variabel.[1] Während die Laubblätter von Rhus radicans und Rhus diversiloba drei Fiederblätter haben, kommen manchmal fünf oder gar sieben Fiederblätter vor; bei Rhus vernix sind es 7 bis 13 und beim Lackbaum 7 bis 19 Fiederblätter; es gibt auch Arten bei denen bis auf ein Fiederblatt reduziert ist.[1] Die Fiederblätter können glatte, gezähnte oder gelappte Ränder haben, auch alle drei Formen an einem Pflanzenexemplar vorkommen.

Generative Merkmale

Die seitenständischen, traubig oder rispigen Blütenstände hängen oft während der Fruchtreife. Die Deckblätter fallen früh ab.[1]

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Der Gattungsname Toxicodendron leitet sich aus den griechischen Begriffen τοξικός - toxikos für „Gift“ und δένδρον - dendron für „Baum“ ab.[5]

Die englischen Trivialnamen zeugen von Ähnlichkeiten zu anderen, nicht näher verwandten Pflanzenarten und von der allergischen Reaktion auf die Urushiole. Die „Gift-Eiche“ (Toxicodendron diversilobum, englisch Poison oak) ist keine Eiche (Quercus, Familie Buchengewächse), sondern erhielt ihren Namen wegen der Ähnlichkeit der Blätter mit denen der Weiß-Eiche (Quercus alba). Der „Gift-Efeu“ (Toxicodendron radicans, englisch poison ivy) ist kein Efeu (Hedera, Familie Araliengewächse), sondern hat eine äußerst ähnliche Wuchsform. Eigentlich enthalten die Pflanzen auch kein Gift (englisch poison), sondern ein äußerst aggressives Allergen.


Einige Autoren werteten Toxicodendron als Untergattung Toxicodendron der Gattung Rhus. Pell meinte 2004, dass es sich um eine eigene Gattung handelt und dabei um einen Teil des Rhus-Komplexes und dass es zu verschiedenen Zeiten entweder als eigene Gattung oder Teil (Untergattung oder Sektion) betrachtet wurde.[6] Manche Autoren erörtern, dass Toxicodendron eine eigene monophyletische Gattung bildet. Es wird kontrovers diskutiert, welche genauen Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse die Gruppen Toxicodendron- und Rhus-Komplexes sind. Es sind weitere Untersuchungen erforderlich.[3]

Die etwa 30 Arten sind in einem disjunkten Areal verbreitet; sie kommen in gemäßigten Gebieten der Nordhalbkugel, in Südostasien und in der Neotropis vor.[4]

Es gibt etwa 30 Arten (Stand 2019) in der Gattung Toxicodendron:[4]



  • Tianlu Min, Anders Barfod: Anacardiaceae. In: Wu Zheng-yi, Peter H. Raven, Deyuan Hong (Hrsg.): Flora of China. Volume 11: Oxalidaceae through Aceraceae. Science Press und Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing und St. Louis 2008, ISBN 978-1-930723-73-3. Toxicodendron Miller, S. 348–352 - textgleich online wie gedrucktes Werk. (Abschnitte Beschreibung und Systematik)
  • Ze-Long Nie, Hang Sun, Ying Meng, Jun Wen: Phylogenetic analysis ofToxicodendron (Anacardiaceae) and its biogeographic implications on the evolution of north temperateand tropical intercontinental disjunctions. In: Journal of Systematics and Evolution, Volume 47, Issue 5, 2009, S. 416–430. doi:10.1111/j.1759-6831.2009.00045.x Volltext-PDF.
  • Ying Jiang, Min Gao, Ying Meng, Jun Wen, Xue-Jun Ge, Ze-Long Nie: The importance of the North Atlantic land bridges and eastern Asia in the post-Boreotropical biogeography of the Northern Hemisphere as revealed from the poison ivy genus (Toxicodendron, Anacardiaceae). In: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Volume 139, Oktober 2019 doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2019.106561.


  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s Tianlu Min, Anders Barfod: Anacardiaceae. In: Wu Zheng-yi, Peter H. Raven, Deyuan Hong (Hrsg.): Flora of China. Volume 11: Oxalidaceae through Aceraceae. Science Press und Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing und St. Louis 2008, ISBN 978-1-930723-73-3. Toxicodendron Miller, S. 348–352 - textgleich online wie gedrucktes Werk.
  2. a b c d e f g Toxicodendron im Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Abgerufen am 20. August 2020.
  3. a b c Ze-Long Nie, Hang Sun, Ying Meng, Jun Wen: Phylogenetic analysis of Toxicodendron (Anacardiaceae) and its biogeographic implications on the evolution of north temperateand tropical intercontinental disjunctions. In: Journal of Systematics and Evolution, Volume 47, Issue 5, 2009, S. 416–430. doi:10.1111/j.1759-6831.2009.00045.x Volltext-PDF.
  4. a b c d e f Ying Jiang, Min Gao, Ying Meng, Jun Wen, Xue-Jun Ge, Ze-Long Nie: The importance of the North Atlantic land bridges and eastern Asia in the post-Boreotropical biogeography of the Northern Hemisphere as revealed from the poison ivy genus (Toxicodendron, Anacardiaceae). In: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, Volume 139, Oktober 2019 doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2019.106561.
  5. D. Gledhill: The Names of Plants, 4. Auflage, Cambridge University Press, 2008, ISBN 978-0-521-86645-3.
  6. Susan Katherine Pell: Molecular Systematics of the Cashew Family (Anacardiaceae) (PhD dissertation at Louisiana State University). 18. Februar 2004. Archiviert vom Original am 15. März 2012.


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Toxicodendron: Brief Summary ( германски )

добавил wikipedia DE

Toxicodendron ist eine Pflanzengattung innerhalb der Familie der Sumachgewächse (Anacardiaceae). Die etwa 30 Arten sind in einem disjunkten Areal verbreitet; sie kommen in gemäßigten Gebieten der Nordhalbkugel, in Südostasien und in der Neotropis vor. Alle Arten produzieren Urushiole, ölige Substanzen, die schwere allergische Reaktionen auslösen können.

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Токсикодендрон ( коми )

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Токсикодендрон ( латин Toxicodendron ) — сумах котырса корья пу увтыр. Сійӧ быдмӧ Азияын да Америкаын.


  1. Toxicodendron acuminatum
  2. Toxicodendron diversilobum
  3. Toxicodendron orientale
  4. Toxicodendron parviflorum
  5. Toxicodendron potaninii
  6. Toxicodendron pubescens
  7. Toxicodendron radicans
  8. Toxicodendron rydbergii
  9. Toxicodendron striatum
  10. Toxicodendron succedaneum
  11. Toxicodendron sylvestre
  12. Toxicodendron vernicifluum
  13. Toxicodendron vernix
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Токсикодендрон ( коми )

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Токсикодендрон ( лат. Toxicodendron ) — сумах котырись корья пу увтыр. Токсикодендрон увтырӧ пырöны 13 вид. Токсикодендрон пантасьӧ Азияын да Америкаын.


  1. Toxicodendron acuminatum
  2. Toxicodendron diversilobum
  3. Toxicodendron orientale
  4. Toxicodendron parviflorum
  5. Toxicodendron potaninii
  6. Toxicodendron pubescens
  7. Toxicodendron radicans
  8. Toxicodendron rydbergii
  9. Toxicodendron striatum
  10. Toxicodendron succedaneum
  11. Toxicodendron sylvestre
  12. Toxicodendron vernicifluum
  13. Toxicodendron vernix
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Токсикодендрон ( удмуртски )

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Токсикодендрон ( лат. Toxicodendron ) — Anacardiaceae семьяысь Азилэн но Америкалэн куаро писпу. Дуннеын тодмо ог 13 пӧртэм.


  1. Toxicodendron acuminatum
  2. Toxicodendron diversilobum
  3. Toxicodendron orientale
  4. Toxicodendron parviflorum
  5. Toxicodendron potaninii
  6. Toxicodendron pubescens
  7. Toxicodendron radicans
  8. Toxicodendron rydbergii
  9. Toxicodendron striatum
  10. Toxicodendron succedaneum
  11. Toxicodendron sylvestre
  12. Toxicodendron vernicifluum
  13. Toxicodendron vernix
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Токсикодендрон: Brief Summary ( удмуртски )

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 src= Токсикодендрон

Токсикодендрон ( лат. Toxicodendron ) — Anacardiaceae семьяысь Азилэн но Америкалэн куаро писпу. Дуннеын тодмо ог 13 пӧртэм.

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Токсикодендрон: Brief Summary ( коми )

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 src= Токсикодендрон

Токсикодендрон ( латин Toxicodendron ) — сумах котырса корья пу увтыр. Сійӧ быдмӧ Азияын да Америкаын.

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Токсикодендрон: Brief Summary ( коми )

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 src= Токсикодендрон

Токсикодендрон ( лат. Toxicodendron ) — сумах котырись корья пу увтыр. Токсикодендрон увтырӧ пырöны 13 вид. Токсикодендрон пантасьӧ Азияын да Америкаын.

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టాక్సికోడెండ్రాన్ ( телушки )

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టాక్సికోడెండ్రాన్ (లాటిన్ Toxicodendron ) పుష్పించే మొక్కలలో అనకార్డియేసి కుటుంబానికి చెందిన ప్రజాతి.


  1. "Toxicodendron Mill". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. 2009-11-23. Retrieved 2010-02-12.
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Toxicodendron ( англиски )

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Toxicodendron is a genus of flowering plants in the sumac family, Anacardiaceae. It contains trees, shrubs and woody vines, including poison ivy, poison oak, and the lacquer tree. All members of the genus produce the skin-irritating oil urushiol, which can cause a severe allergic reaction. The generic name is derived from the Greek words τοξικός (toxikos), meaning "poison," and δένδρον (dendron), meaning "tree".[2] The best known members of the genus in North America are poison ivy (T. radicans), practically ubiquitous throughout most of eastern North America, and western poison oak (T. diversilobum), similarly ubiquitous throughout much of the western part of the continent.

The genus is a member of the Rhus complex, and has at various times been categorized as being either its own genus or a sub-genus of Rhus.[3] There is evidence which points to keeping Toxicodendron as a separate monophyletic genus, but researchers have stated that the Toxicodendron and Rhus groups are complex and require more study to be fully understood.[4]

Plants in the genus have pinnately compound, alternate leaves and whitish or grayish drupes. They are quite variable in appearance. The leaves may have smooth, toothed, or lobed edges, and all three types of leaf edges may be present in a single plant. The plants grow as creeping vines, climbing vines, shrubs, or, in the case of lacquer tree (T. vernicifluum) and poison sumac (T. vernix), as trees. While leaves of poison ivy and poison oaks usually have three leaflets, sometimes there are five or, occasionally, even seven leaflets. Leaves of poison sumac have 7–13 leaflets, and of Lacquer Tree, 7–19 leaflets.

The common names come from similar appearances to other species that are not closely related and to the allergic response to the urushiol. Poison oak is not an oak (Quercus, family Fagaceae), but this common name comes from the leaves' resemblance to white oak (Quercus alba) leaves, while poison ivy is not an ivy (Hedera, family Araliaceae), but has a superficially similar growth form. Technically, the plants do not contain a poison; they contain a potent allergen.

The resins of certain species native to Japan, China and other Asian countries, such as lacquer tree (T. vernicifluum) and wax tree (T. succedaneum), are used to make lacquer, and, as a byproduct of lacquer manufacture, their berries are used to make japan wax.


In East Asia, in particular in Japan, traditional candle fuel was produced from Toxicodendron vernicifluum (synonym: Rhus verniciflua) and Toxicodendron succedaneum (synonym: Rhus succedanea), among other sumac plants in the genus Toxicodendron, rather than beeswax or animal fats. The sumac wax was a byproduct of traditional Japanese lacquer manufacture. The conical rousoku candles produced from sumac wax burn with smokeless flame and were favored in many respects over candles made from lard or beeswax during the Tokugawa shogunate. Japan wax is not a true wax but a solid fat that contains 10-15% palmitin, stearin, and olein with about 1% japanic acid (1,21-heneicosanedioic acid). It is still used in many tropical and subtropical countries in the production of wax match sticks.

Avoidance, treatment, and safety

For specific information on prevention and treatment of Toxicodendron rashes, see Urushiol-induced contact dermatitis.

Selected species of Toxicodendron

  • Toxicodendron acuminatum (or Rhus acuminata) grows in China, Bhutan, India and Nepal.
  • Toxicodendron calcicolum, endemic to China
  • Western poison oak (Toxicodendron diversilobum or Rhus diversiloba) is found throughout much of western North America, ranging from the Pacific coast into the Sierra Nevada and Cascade mountain ranges between southern British Columbia and southward into Baja California. It is extremely common in that region, where it is the predominant species of the genus. Indeed, it is California's most prevalent woody shrub.[5] Extremely variable, it grows as a dense shrub in open sunlight, or as a climbing vine in shaded areas. It propagates by creeping rhizomes or by seed.[6] The compound leaves are divided into three leaflets, 35–100 mm long, with scalloped, toothed, or lobed edges. The leaves may be red, yellow, green, or some combination of those colors, depending on various factors, such as the time of year.
  • Asian poison ivy (Toxicodendron orientale, Rhus orientale or R. ambigua) is very similar to the American poison ivy, and replaces it throughout east Asia (so similar that some texts treat it as just a variety of the American species).
  • Small-flowered poison sumac (Toxicodendron parviflorum or Rhus parviflora) grows in the Himalayas between Kumaun, India and Bhutan
  • Potanin's lacquer tree or Chinese varnish tree (Toxicodendron potaninii or Rhus potaninii) from central China, is similar to T. vernicifluum but with (usually) fewer leaflets per leaf. Growing up to 20 m tall, like T. vernicifluum it is used for lacquer production. The leaves have 7–9 leaflets.
  • Atlantic poison oak (Toxicodendron pubescens or Rhus toxicarium) grows mostly in sandy soils in eastern parts of the United States. Growing as a shrub, its leaves are in groups of three. Leaves are typically rounded or lobed and are densely-haired. Although it is often confused with the more common poison ivy, even in the scientific literature,[7] Atlantic Poison oak has small clumps of hair on the veins on the underside of the leaves, while Poison ivy does not.
  • Poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans or Rhus radicans) is extremely common in some areas of North America. In the United States, it grows in all states east of the Rockies. It also grows in Central America. Appearing as a creeping vine, a climbing vine, or a shrub, it reproduces both by creeping rootstocks and by seeds. The appearance varies. Leaves, arranged in an alternate pattern, usually in groups of three, are from 20 to 50 mm long, pointed at the tip, and can be toothed, smooth, or lobed, but never serrated. Leaves may be shiny or dull, and the color varies with the season. Vines grow almost straight up rather than wrapping around their support and can grow to 8–10 m in height. In some cases, Poison ivy may entirely engulf the supporting structure, and vines may extend outward like limbs so that it appears to be a Poison ivy "tree".
  • Western poison ivy (Toxicodendron rydbergii or Rhus rydbergii) is found in northern parts of the eastern United States. It also exists in the western United States and Canada but is much less common than poison oak. It may grow as a vine or a shrub. It was once considered a subspecies of poison ivy. It does sometimes hybridize with the climbing species. Western poison ivy is found in much of western and central United States and Canada, although not on the West Coast. In the eastern United States, it is rarely found south of New England.
  • Manzanillo (Toxicodendron striatum or Rhus striata) is a South American poisonous tree growing in the tropical rain forests on low elevation slopes. The name should not be confused with the unrelated Manchineel, a poisonous tree that is not a member of the Anacardiaceae.
  • Wax tree (Toxicodendron succedaneum or Rhus succedanea), a native of Asia, although it has been planted elsewhere, most notably in Australia and New Zealand. It is a large shrub or tree, up to 8 m tall, somewhat similar to a sumac tree. Because of its beautiful autumn foliage, it has been planted outside of Asia as an ornamental plant, often by gardeners who were apparently unaware of the dangers of allergic reactions. It is now officially classified as a noxious weed in Australia and New Zealand. The fatty-acid methyl ester of the kernel oil meets all of the major biodiesel requirements in the USA (ASTM D 6751-02, ASTM PS 121-99), Germany (DIN V 51606) and European Union (EN 14214).[8]
  • Toxicodendron sylvestre (or Rhus sylvestris) grows in China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan.
  • Lacquer tree or varnish tree (Toxicodendron vernicifluum or Rhus verniciflua) grows in Asia, especially China and Japan. Growing up to 20 m tall, its sap produces an extremely durable lacquer. The leaves have 7–19 leaflets (most often 11–13). The sap contains the allergenic oil, urushiol. Urushiol gets its name from this species which in Japanese is called Urushi. Other names for this species include Japanese lacquer tree, Japanese Varnish Tree, and Japanese Sumac (Note: the term "varnish tree" is also occasionally applied to the Candlenut, Aleurites moluccana, a southeast Asian tree unrelated to Toxicodendron).
  • Poison sumac (Toxicodendron vernix or Rhus vernix) is a tall shrub or a small tree, from 2–7 m tall. It is found in swampy, open areas and reproduces by seeds. The leaves have between 7–13 untoothed leaflets, in a feather-compound arrangement.[9] In terms of its potential to cause urushiol-induced contact dermatitis, poison sumac is far more virulent than other Toxicodendron species, even more virulent than poison ivy and poison oak. According to some botanists, T. vernix is the most toxic plant species in the United States (Frankel, 1991).


  1. ^ "Toxicodendron Mill". Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. 2009-11-23. Retrieved 2010-02-12.
  2. ^ Gledhill, D. (2008). The Names of Plants (4 ed.). Cambridge University Press. p. 382. ISBN 978-0-521-86645-3.
  3. ^ Pell, Susan Katherine (18 February 2004). "Molecular Systematics of the Cashew Family (Anacardiaceae) (PhD dissertation at Louisiana State University)". Archived from the original on 5 February 2012., page 89
  4. ^ Ze-Long NIE (2009). "Phylogenetic analysis ofToxicodendron(Anacardiaceae) and its biogeographic implications on the evolution of north temperate and tropical intercontinental disjunctions". Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 47 (5): 416–430. doi:10.1111/j.1759-6831.2009.00045.x. S2CID 84305917.
  5. ^ Brooks, Bill (4 March 1999). "The Toxicodendrons: Poison Ivy, Poison Oak and Poison Sumac". Archived from the original on 17 July 2012.
  6. ^ C.Michael Hogan (2008) Western poison-oak: Toxicodendron diversilobum, GlobalTwitcher, ed. Nicklas Stromberg "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2009-07-21. Retrieved 2009-07-21.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  7. ^ Sullivan, Janet (1994). "Toxicodendron toxicarium". Fire Effects Information System. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory.
  8. ^ Mohibbeazam, M; Waris, A; Nahar, N (2005). "Prospects and potential of fatty acid methyl esters of some non-traditional seed oils for use as biodiesel in India". Biomass and Bioenergy. 29 (4): 293–302. doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2005.05.001.
  9. ^ George A. Petrides (1998). A Field Guide to Eastern Trees. ISBN 978-0-395-90455-8.


  • Frankel, Edward, Ph.D. 1991. Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poison Sumac and Their Relatives; Pistachios, Mangoes and Cashews. The Boxwood Press. Pacific Grove, Calif. ISBN 0-940168-18-9.

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Toxicodendron: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Toxicodendron is a genus of flowering plants in the sumac family, Anacardiaceae. It contains trees, shrubs and woody vines, including poison ivy, poison oak, and the lacquer tree. All members of the genus produce the skin-irritating oil urushiol, which can cause a severe allergic reaction. The generic name is derived from the Greek words τοξικός (toxikos), meaning "poison," and δένδρον (dendron), meaning "tree". The best known members of the genus in North America are poison ivy (T. radicans), practically ubiquitous throughout most of eastern North America, and western poison oak (T. diversilobum), similarly ubiquitous throughout much of the western part of the continent.

The genus is a member of the Rhus complex, and has at various times been categorized as being either its own genus or a sub-genus of Rhus. There is evidence which points to keeping Toxicodendron as a separate monophyletic genus, but researchers have stated that the Toxicodendron and Rhus groups are complex and require more study to be fully understood.

Plants in the genus have pinnately compound, alternate leaves and whitish or grayish drupes. They are quite variable in appearance. The leaves may have smooth, toothed, or lobed edges, and all three types of leaf edges may be present in a single plant. The plants grow as creeping vines, climbing vines, shrubs, or, in the case of lacquer tree (T. vernicifluum) and poison sumac (T. vernix), as trees. While leaves of poison ivy and poison oaks usually have three leaflets, sometimes there are five or, occasionally, even seven leaflets. Leaves of poison sumac have 7–13 leaflets, and of Lacquer Tree, 7–19 leaflets.

The common names come from similar appearances to other species that are not closely related and to the allergic response to the urushiol. Poison oak is not an oak (Quercus, family Fagaceae), but this common name comes from the leaves' resemblance to white oak (Quercus alba) leaves, while poison ivy is not an ivy (Hedera, family Araliaceae), but has a superficially similar growth form. Technically, the plants do not contain a poison; they contain a potent allergen.

The resins of certain species native to Japan, China and other Asian countries, such as lacquer tree (T. vernicifluum) and wax tree (T. succedaneum), are used to make lacquer, and, as a byproduct of lacquer manufacture, their berries are used to make japan wax.

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Toxicodendron ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Toxicodendron es un género de árboles leñosos, arbustos y enredaderas de la familia de las Anacardiáceas o Familia Sumac. Todos los miembros del género producen un aceite llamado urushiol que es irritante para la piel, y que puede causar severas reacciones alérgicas; de ahí que el nombre científico signifique "árbol venenoso". Anteriormente los miembros de este género se incluían dentro del género Rhus.


Tiene hojas compuestas pinnadas, alternadas y frutos (drupas) blancuzcos o grisáceos. El miembro más conocido es el Toxicodendron radicans o Rhus toxicodendron (hiedra venenosa), muy ubicuo en el este de Norteamérica.

El fenotipo de este género de plantas es muy variable. Las hojas pueden ser suaves, aserradas o lobuladas, y los tres tipos de bordes de hoja pueden estar presentes en el mismo pie. Las plantas crecen como una enredadera trepadora, arbustos, o, en el caso del árbol de laca (o lacquer) y del zumaque venenoso, como árboles. Mientras las hojas del marfil venenoso y del roble venenoso usualmente tienen tres folíolos, a veces son cinco u, ocasionalmente, siete. Las hojas del Veneno Sumac tienen de 7 a 13 folíolos, y el Árbol Lacquer, 7 a 19.

El nombre común viene de la apariencia similar con otras spp. que no están relacionadas y con la respuesta alergénica al urushiol. El roble venenoso no es un roble (Quercus, familia Fagaceae), pero ese nombre común le viene del parecido de sus hojas con las hojas del roble (Quercus alba), mientras que la hiedra venenosa no es una Hedera (familia Araliaceae), pero tienen un parecido superficial. Ambas, roble venenoso y hiedra venenosa son miembros de la familia sumac (Rhus familia, Anacardiaceae. Técnicamente, las plantas no contienen veneno, lo que tienen es un potente alergénico.

Las bayas de ciertas spp. nativas de Japón y de China —Toxicodendron vernicifluum (árbol lacquer) y T. succedaneum (árbol de cera)— se utilizan para hacer la cera japonesa.

Evitación, tratamiento, y seguridad

Para información específica sobre prevención y tratamiento de alergias y rashes a Toxicodendron, ver Dermatitis de contacto por urushiol, Urushiol y Dermatitis.

Especies de Toxicodendron

  • Roble venenoso del oeste Toxicodendron diversilobum o Rhus diversiloba, se encuentra solo en la costa del Pacífico de Norteamérica, desde el sur de Canadá a Baja California. Es extremadamente común en esas regiones, predominando esa sp. del género. Extremadamente variable, crece como un denso arbusto en campo abierto soleado, o como enredadera trepadora en áreas sombrías. Como la hiedra venenosa, se reproduce por rizomas y/o por semillas. Las hojas están divididas en tres foliolos, de 3,5 a 10 cm de long., con bordes tallados, lisos, o lobulados. Los californianos aprenden a reconocerla con el ritmo "hojas de a tres, ojo si la ves". Las hojas pueden ser rojas, amarillas, verdes, o combinaciones de esos colores, dependiendo de varios factores, tales como la temporada del año.
  • Hedera venenosa asiática Toxicodendron orientale o Rhus orientale, es muy similar a la hiedra venenosa americana, y se presenta en el este de Asia (tan similar que algunos textos la tratan como si fuera una variedad de la americana).
  • Árbol Lacquer o árbol laqueado chino Toxicodendron potaninii o Rhus potaninii, de China central, similar a T. vernicifluum pero con usualmente menos folíolos por hoja. Crecen a más de 20 m de altura, como T. vernicifluum se la usa para producir laca. Las hojas tienen 7 a 9 folíolos.
  • Guan de México,[1]zumaque venenoso[1]​ o hiedra venenosa, Toxicodendron radicans o Rhus radicans, es extremadamente común en algunas áreas de Norteamérica. En EE. UU. crece en todos los estados excepto Alaska, Hawái, California y Nebraska, pero es mucho menos común que el roble venenoso en el oeste de Norteamérica. También crece en América Central. Aparenta una enredadera trepadora o un arbusto, se reproduce tanto por raíces como por semillas. La apariencia varia. Las hojas, arregladas en un patrón alternado, usualmente en grupos de tres, son de 2 a 5 cm de long., punteadas, y de bordes lisos, dentados, o lobulados, pero nunca aserrados. Las hojas pueden ser brillantes o mates, y el color varía con la estación. Las enredaderas crecen menos enroscadas que erectas, y pueden medir de 8 a 10 m de altura. A veces, la planta envuelve enteramente la estructura de soporte, y las enredaderas se extienden más allá, dando la apariencia de ser un "árbol".


El género fue descrito por Philip Miller y publicado en The Gardeners Dictionary...Abreviado... cuarta edición vol. 3. 1754.[2]​ La especie tipo es: Toxicodendron pubescens Mill.


Toxicodendron: nombre genérico que deriva de las palabras griegas: τοξικός (toxikos), que significa "veneno", y δένδρον (dendron), que significa "árbol".[3]


  1. a b Colmeiro, Miguel: «Diccionario de los diversos nombres vulgares de muchas plantas usuales ó notables del antiguo y nuevo mundo», Madrid, 1871.
  2. «Toxicodendron». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 17 de julio de 2013.
  3. Gledhill, D. (2008). The Names of Plants (4 edición). Cambridge University Press. p. 382. ISBN 978-0-521-86645-3.


  1. Idárraga-Piedrahíta, A., R. D. C. Ortiz, R. Callejas Posada & M. Merello. (eds.) 2011. Fl. Antioquia: Cat. 2: 9–939. Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín.
  2. Stevens, W. D., C. Ulloa Ulloa, A. Pool & O. M. Montiel Jarquín. 2001. Flora de Nicaragua. Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 85: i–xlii,

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Toxicodendron: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Toxicodendron es un género de árboles leñosos, arbustos y enredaderas de la familia de las Anacardiáceas o Familia Sumac. Todos los miembros del género producen un aceite llamado urushiol que es irritante para la piel, y que puede causar severas reacciones alérgicas; de ahí que el nombre científico signifique "árbol venenoso". Anteriormente los miembros de este género se incluían dentro del género Rhus.

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Mürgipuu ( естонски )

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Mürgipuu (Toxicodendron) on seebipuulaadsete seltsi anakardiliste sugukonda kuuluv taimede perekond.

Perekonna nimi tuleb kreekakeelsetest sõnadest τοξικος (toxikos) 'mürk' ja δενδρον (dendron) 'puu'.

Mürgipuud kasvavad Aasias ning Põhja- ja Lõuna-Ameerikas.

Perekonda kuulub nii puid, põõsaid kui ka ronitaimi. Mürgipuu perekonda kuuluvaid liike on arvatud ka sumahhi (Rhus) perekonda. Hiljutised DNA uuringud selgitasid, et tegu on siiski erinevate perekondadega.

Mürgipuudel on vahelduvad sulgjad liitlehed; nende viljad on valkjad või hallikad luuviljad. Muus osas on need taimed üsna erineva välimusega. Lehed võivad olla sileda, hambulise või hõlmlehise servaga või isegi kõiki kolme korraga ühel ja samal puul. Lehed koosnevad tavaliselt kolmest osast, aga võivad koosneda ka 5 või 7 osalehest. Soo-mürgipuu ja värnitsa-mürgipuu lehtedel võib osalehti olla koguni 7–19.

Kõik liigid sisaldavad mürgist urušiooli, mis võib nii inimestel kui ka loomadel põhjustada tugevat allergilist reaktsiooni. See ei ole päris mürk, vaid tugev allergeen.

Mitme Ida-Aasias, eriti Jaapanis ja Hiinas kasvava mürgipuuliigi vaiku ja taimemahla kasutatakse laki tegemiseks. Lakitööstus kasutab mürgipuu marju kõrvalsaadusena jaapani vaha valmistamiseks.


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Mürgipuu: Brief Summary ( естонски )

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Mürgipuu (Toxicodendron) on seebipuulaadsete seltsi anakardiliste sugukonda kuuluv taimede perekond.

Perekonna nimi tuleb kreekakeelsetest sõnadest τοξικος (toxikos) 'mürk' ja δενδρον (dendron) 'puu'.

Mürgipuud kasvavad Aasias ning Põhja- ja Lõuna-Ameerikas.

Perekonda kuulub nii puid, põõsaid kui ka ronitaimi. Mürgipuu perekonda kuuluvaid liike on arvatud ka sumahhi (Rhus) perekonda. Hiljutised DNA uuringud selgitasid, et tegu on siiski erinevate perekondadega.

Mürgipuudel on vahelduvad sulgjad liitlehed; nende viljad on valkjad või hallikad luuviljad. Muus osas on need taimed üsna erineva välimusega. Lehed võivad olla sileda, hambulise või hõlmlehise servaga või isegi kõiki kolme korraga ühel ja samal puul. Lehed koosnevad tavaliselt kolmest osast, aga võivad koosneda ka 5 või 7 osalehest. Soo-mürgipuu ja värnitsa-mürgipuu lehtedel võib osalehti olla koguni 7–19.

Kõik liigid sisaldavad mürgist urušiooli, mis võib nii inimestel kui ka loomadel põhjustada tugevat allergilist reaktsiooni. See ei ole päris mürk, vaid tugev allergeen.

Mitme Ida-Aasias, eriti Jaapanis ja Hiinas kasvava mürgipuuliigi vaiku ja taimemahla kasutatakse laki tegemiseks. Lakitööstus kasutab mürgipuu marju kõrvalsaadusena jaapani vaha valmistamiseks.

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Toxicodendron ( фински )

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Toxicodendron on sumakkikasveihin kuuluva kasvisuku. Siinä on 30 lajia.[1] Ne ovat läheistä sukua sumakeille (Rhus), johon nähden lajien tieteelliset nimet ovat päällekkäisiä.



  1. The Plant List: Toxicodendron (luettelo lajeista) (englanniksi) Viitattu 27.10.2017.
  2. Kassu – Kasvien suomenkieliset nimet: Toxicodendron
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Toxicodendron: Brief Summary ( фински )

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Toxicodendron on sumakkikasveihin kuuluva kasvisuku. Siinä on 30 lajia. Ne ovat läheistä sukua sumakeille (Rhus), johon nähden lajien tieteelliset nimet ovat päällekkäisiä.

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Toxicodendron ( француски )

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Le genre Toxicodendron regroupe un petit nombre d'espèces d'arbres, d'arbustes ou de lianes vénéneuses de la famille des Anacardiacées. Il est souvent inclus dans le genre Rhus.

Toutes contiennent de l'urushiol, une huile non volatile qui provoque des réactions allergiques parfois très sévères (dermites de contact) chez la majorité des individus.

Cire de bougie

En Asie de l'Est , en particulier au Japon , le combustible de bougie traditionnel était produit à partir de Toxicodendron vernicifluum (synonyme : Rhus verniciflua) et de Toxicodendron succedaneum (synonyme : Rhus succedanea), entre autres plantes de sumac du genre Toxicodendron , plutôt que de cire d'abeille ou de graisses animales. La cire de sumac était un sous-produit de la fabrication traditionnelle de laque japonaise . Les bougies coniques de rousoku produites à partir de cire de sumac brûlent avec une flamme sans fumée et ont été favorisées à bien des égards par rapport aux bougies faites de saindoux ou de cire d'abeille au cours de lashogunat Tokugawa . La cire du Japon n'est pas une vraie cire mais une graisse solide qui contient 10 à 15 % de palmitine , de stéarine et d' oléine avec environ 1 % d' acide japonais (acide 1,21-hénéicosanedioïque). Il est encore utilisé dans de nombreux pays tropicaux et subtropicaux dans la production de bâtons d'allumettes en cire.

Principales espèces

Notes et références

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Toxicodendron: Brief Summary ( француски )

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Le genre Toxicodendron regroupe un petit nombre d'espèces d'arbres, d'arbustes ou de lianes vénéneuses de la famille des Anacardiacées. Il est souvent inclus dans le genre Rhus.

Toutes contiennent de l'urushiol, une huile non volatile qui provoque des réactions allergiques parfois très sévères (dermites de contact) chez la majorité des individus.

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Toxicodendron ( италијански )

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Toxicodendron Mill., 1754 è un genere di alberi, arbusti e rampicanti legnosi della famiglia delle Anacardiaceae[1] comunemente noti come sommacchi.

Tutte le specie di questo genere producono l'olio urushiol (o urusciolo), irritante per la pelle, che può causare una grave reazione allergica; di qui il nome scientifico che significa "albero velenoso".


Le piante del genere hanno foglie alternate e composte di forma pennata, e drupe biancastre o grigiastre. I membri più noti del genere nel Nord America sono l'edera velenosa, praticamente ubiquitaria nella maggior parte del Nord America orientale, e la quercia velenosa, similmente ubiquitaria in gran parte della zona occidentale del continente.

L'aspetto delle piante è alquanto variabile. Le foglie possono avere bordi lisci, dentati o lobati, e tutti e tre i tipi di bordo possono essere presenti nelle foglie di una stessa pianta. Le piante crescono come striscianti, rampicanti, arbusti o, nel caso dell'albero della lacca e del sommacco velenoso, come alberi. Mentre le foglie dell'edera velenosa e delle querce velenose di solito hanno tre foglioline, a volte ve ne sono cinque od, occasionalmente, anche sette. Le foglie del sommacco velenoso hanno 7-13 foglioline, e quelle dell'albero della lacca 7-19.

I nomi comuni delle varie piante derivano dal loro aspetto, simile ad altre specie che non sono strettamente imparentate, e dalla risposta allergica all'urushiol. Così, ad esempio, la quercia velenosa non è una quercia (Quercus, famiglia Fagaceae), ma questo nome comune deriva dalla rassomiglianza delle foglie a quelle della quercia bianca (Quercus alba), mentre l'edera velenosa non è un'edera (Hedera, famiglia Araliaceae), ma ha una forma di crescita superficialmente simile. Ma sia la quercia velenosa che l'edera velenosa sono membri della famiglia dei sommacchi, le Anacardiaceae. Tecnicamente, le piante non contengono un veleno: contengono invece un potente allergene.


Toxicodendron è a volte considerato una sezione del genere Rhus, sebbene recenti prove molecolari tendano a mantenerlo come genere monofiletico separato.[2]

Il genere comprende le seguenti specie:[1]

Alcune specie

  • La quercia velenosa occidentale (Toxicodendron diversilobum) si trova in gran parte del Nord America occidentale, andando dalla Costa pacifica fino alla Sierra Nevada e alla Catena delle Cascate tra la Columbia Britannica meridionale e fino alla Bassa California. È estremamente comune in quella regione, dov'è la specie predominante del genere. In effetti, è l'arbusto legnoso più diffuso della California.[3] Estremamente variabile, cresce come folto arbusto in piena luce del sole, o come pianta rampicante nelle aree in ombra. Come l'edera velenosa, si riproduce mediante rizomi striscianti o mediante semi. Le foglie sono divise in tre foglioline, lunghe 35–100 mm, con bordi smerlati, dentellati o lobati. I Californiani imparano a riconoscerla con la rima "leaves of three, let it be" ("foglie a tre, lasciala stare"). Le foglie possono essere rosse, gialle, verdi, o una qualche combinazione di quei colori, a seconda di vari fattori, come il periodo dell'anno.
  • L'edera velenosa asiatica (Toxicodendron orientale) è molto simile all'edera velenosa americana, e la sostituisce in tutta l'Asia sud-orientale (talmente simile che alcuni testi la trattano appunto come una varietà della specie americana).
  • L'edera velenosa (Toxicodendron radicans) è estremamente comune in alcune aree del Nord America. Negli Stati Uniti cresce in tutti gli stati eccetto l'Alaska, le Hawaii e la California, ma è molto meno comune della quercia velenosa nel Nord America occidentale. Cresce anche nell'America Centrale. Apparendo come uno strisciante, un rampicante o un arbusto, si riproduce sia mediante rizomi striscianti che mediante semi. L'aspetto varia. Le foglie, disposte in modo alternato, di solito in gruppi di tre, sono lunghe da 20 a 50, appuntite all'estremità, e possono essere dentellate, lisce o lobate, ma mai seghettate. Possono inoltre essere brillanti od opache, ed il colore varia con la stagione. I rampicanti crescono quasi diritti verso l'alto piuttosto che avvolgersi intorno al loro sostegno, e possono raggiungere gli 8–10 m di altezza. In alcuni casi, l'edera velenosa può ingoiare completamente la struttura di sostegno, ed i rampicanti estendersi verso l'esterno come rami, cosicché sembra essere un "albero" di edera velenosa.
  • L'edera velenosa occidentale (Toxicodendron rydbergii) si trova nelle zone settentrionali degli Stati Uniti orientali. Esiste anche negli Stati Uniti occidentali ed in Canada, ma è molto meno comune della quercia velenosa. Può crescere come rampicante o come arbusto. Una volta era considerata una sottospecie dell'edera velenosa. A volte si ibrida effettivamente con le specie rampicanti. L'edera velenosa occidentale si trova in gran parte degli Stati Uniti occidentali e centrali e del Canada, anche se non sulla Costa occidentale. Negli Stati Uniti orientali si trova raramente a sud del New England.
  • L'albero della cera giapponese (Toxicodendron succedaneum) è una pianta nativa dell'Asia, sebbene sia stata piantata altrove, in modo particolare in Australia e Nuova Zelanda. È un grande arbusto o albero, alto fino a 8 m, alquanto simile ad un albero di sommacco. A causa del suo bel fogliame autunnale, è stato piantato al di fuori dell'Asia come pianta ornamentale, spesso da giardinieri apparentemente ignari dei pericoli di reazioni allergiche. In Australia e Nuova Zelanda è ora classificato come erba infestante nociva. Il metilestere di acidi grassi dell'olio dei chicchi soddisfa tutti i principali requisiti del biodiesel negli Stati Uniti (ASTM D 6751-02, ASTM PS 121-99), in Germania (DIN V 51606) e nell'Unione europea (EN 14214).[4]
  • La quercia velenosa atlantica (Toxicodendron pubescens) cresce perlopiù nei suoli sabbiosi delle zone orientali degli Stati Uniti. Crescendo come arbusto, le sue foglie sono a gruppi di tre, hanno una forma tipicamente rotonda o lobata e presentano una fitta peluria. Sebbene sia spesso confusa con la più comune edera velenosa, anche nella letteratura scientifica,[5] la quercia velenosa atlantica presenta piccoli ciuffi di peli sulle venature sulla parte inferiore delle foglie, mentre l'edera velenosa no.
  • L'albero della lacca o albero della vernice (Toxicodendron vernicifluum) cresce in Asia, specialmente in Cina e Giappone. Crescendo fino a 20 m di altezza, la sua linfa produce una lacca estremamente durevole. Le foglie hanno 7-19 foglioline (più spesso 11-13). La linfa contiene l'olio allergenico, l'urushiol (o urusciolo). L'urushiol prende il nome proprio da questa specie, che in giapponese è chiamata urushi. Altri nomi sono: albero della lacca giapponese, albero della vernice giapponese e sommacco giapponese. Da notare che il termine "albero della vernice" si applica occasionalmente anche all'aleurite (Aleurites moluccana), un albero del Sud-est asiatico non imparentato con il Toxicodendron.
  • Il sommacco velenoso (Toxicodendron vernix) è un alto arbusto o un piccolo albero, di 2–7 m di altezza. Si trova in aree aperte, paludose e si riproduce per mezzo di semi. Le foglie hanno tra le 7 e le 13 foglioline dentellate, in una disposizione pennata.[6]


Le resine di certe specie native del Giappone, della Cina e di altri paesi asiatici, come il T. vernicifluum (albero della lacca) e il T. succedaneum (albero della cera), sono usate per produrre la lacca e, come sottoprodotto di questa lavorazione, le loro bacche sono utilizzate per fare la cera giapponese.

Un infuso tossico a base di Toxicodendron vernicifluum è utilizzato dai monaci buddhisti per il sokushinbutsu, rituale religioso volto all'automummificazione e alla morte del praticante.

Prevenzione, trattamento e sicurezza

Per quanto concerne la sua potenzialità di causare la dermatite da contatto indotta dall'urushiol, il sommacco velenoso è di gran lunga più virulento di altre specie di Toxicodendron, anche più dell'edera velenosa e della quercia velenosa. Secondo alcuni botanici, il sommacco velenoso è la specie vegetale più tossica degli Stati Uniti.[7]

Per informazioni specifiche sulla prevenzione e sul trattamento degli eritemi da Toxicodendron, si veda dermatite da contatto indotta dall'urushiol.


  1. ^ a b (EN) Toxicodendron, su The Plant List. URL consultato il 2 maggio 2019.
  2. ^ Susan Katherine Pell, Molecular Systematics of the Cashew Family (Anacardiaceae) (PhD dissertation at Louisiana State University), su etd.lsu.edu, 18 febbraio 2004 (archiviato dall'url originale il 15 marzo 2012)., p. 89.
  3. ^ Bill Brooks, The Toxicodendrons:Poison Ivy, Poison Oak and Poison Sumac, su nac.tamu.edu, 4 marzo 1999 (archiviato dall'url originale il 17 luglio 2012)..
  4. ^ https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2005.05.001
  5. ^ Janet Sullivan, Toxicodendron toxicarium, su Fire Effects Information System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory, 1994.
  6. ^ George A. Petrides, A Field Guide to Eastern Trees, Houghton Mifflin, 1998, ISBN 978-0-395-90455-8..
  7. ^ Frankel, 1991.


  • Edward Frankel, Ph.D. Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, Poison Sumac and Their Relatives; Pistachios, Mangoes and Cashews. The Boxwood Press. Pacific Grove, CA, 1991. ISBN 978-0-940168-18-3

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Toxicodendron: Brief Summary ( италијански )

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Toxicodendron Mill., 1754 è un genere di alberi, arbusti e rampicanti legnosi della famiglia delle Anacardiaceae comunemente noti come sommacchi.

Tutte le specie di questo genere producono l'olio urushiol (o urusciolo), irritante per la pelle, che può causare una grave reazione allergica; di qui il nome scientifico che significa "albero velenoso".

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Raugmedis ( литвански )

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Raugmedis (lot. Toxicodendron, angl. Poison Ivy, vok. Giftefeu) – anakardinių (Anacardiaceae) šeimos augalų gentis.


ir kt.

Toxicodendron diversilobum uogos
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Toxicodendron ( норвешки )

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Toxicodendron er en slekt i sumakfamilien. Disse plantene ble tidligere regnet til slekta Rhus.

De er løvfellende busker eller trær, mer sjeldent forvedede klatreplanter. De har en hvit lateks som blir svart ved kontakt med luft. Bladene er ulikefinnete, trekoblete eller hele. Frukten er en steinfrukt.

Berøring av alle arter i slekta gir kraftig utslett, kløe og feber, frembrakt av aktivstoffet urushiol. Dette stoffet er ikke regnet som en gift, men et allergen, da det får kroppens immunforsvar til å svare med en allergisk reaksjon. Toxicodendron betyr «gifttre».

Toxicodendron er disjunkt utbredt i Nord-Amerika og Øst-Asia. Lateks fra Toxicodendron succedaneum og Toxicodendron vernicifluum brukes til å produsere østasiatiske lakkarbeider. De to vanligste artene i Nord-Amerika er giftsumak, «poison ivy» (Toxicodendron radicans) i øst og «poison oak», Toxicodendron diversilobum i vest.


  • «Toxicodendron». Flora of China. Besøkt 12. februar 2016.
  • Ze-Long Nie m.fl. (2009). «Phylogenetic analysis of Toxicodendron (Anacardiaceae) and its biogeographic implications on the evolution of north temperate and tropical intercontinental disjunctions». Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 47 (5): 416–430. ISSN 1759-6831. doi:10.1111/j.1759-6831.2009.00045.x.

Eksterne lenker

Blomster hos Toxicodendron trichocarpum i Korea
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Toxicodendron: Brief Summary ( норвешки )

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Toxicodendron er en slekt i sumakfamilien. Disse plantene ble tidligere regnet til slekta Rhus.

De er løvfellende busker eller trær, mer sjeldent forvedede klatreplanter. De har en hvit lateks som blir svart ved kontakt med luft. Bladene er ulikefinnete, trekoblete eller hele. Frukten er en steinfrukt.

Berøring av alle arter i slekta gir kraftig utslett, kløe og feber, frembrakt av aktivstoffet urushiol. Dette stoffet er ikke regnet som en gift, men et allergen, da det får kroppens immunforsvar til å svare med en allergisk reaksjon. Toxicodendron betyr «gifttre».

Toxicodendron er disjunkt utbredt i Nord-Amerika og Øst-Asia. Lateks fra Toxicodendron succedaneum og Toxicodendron vernicifluum brukes til å produsere østasiatiske lakkarbeider. De to vanligste artene i Nord-Amerika er giftsumak, «poison ivy» (Toxicodendron radicans) i øst og «poison oak», Toxicodendron diversilobum i vest.

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Toxicodendron ( португалски )

добавил wikipedia PT

Toxicodendron é um género botânico pertencente à família Anacardiaceae.[1][2]



  1. «Toxicodendron» (em inglês). The Plant List. 2010. Consultado em 30 de julho de 2014
  2. Missouri Botanicaal Garden (2014). Tropico, ed. «Toxicodendron» (em inglês). Consultado em 30 de julho de 2014
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Toxicodendron: Brief Summary ( португалски )

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Toxicodendron é um género botânico pertencente à família Anacardiaceae.

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Toxicodendron ( шведски )

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Toxicodendron är ett släkte av träd, buskar och rankor i familjen Anacardiaceae eller sumakväxter. Som namnet (toxi-) antyder är alla arter i släktet giftiga[1], särskilt bladverk och mjölksaft.

Toxicodendron hörde förr till Rhus.


  1. ^ Wigander, Millan (1976). Farliga växter. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell Förlag. sid. 60. ISBN 91-20-04445-3
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Toxicodendron: Brief Summary ( шведски )

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Toxicodendron är ett släkte av träd, buskar och rankor i familjen Anacardiaceae eller sumakväxter. Som namnet (toxi-) antyder är alla arter i släktet giftiga, särskilt bladverk och mjölksaft.

Toxicodendron hörde förr till Rhus.

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Токсикодендрон ( руски )

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Царство: Растения
Подцарство: Зелёные растения
Отдел: Цветковые
Надпорядок: Rosanae
Семейство: Анакардиевые
Подсемейство: Анакардиевые
Род: Токсикодендрон
Международное научное название

Toxicodendron [Tourn.] Mill., 1754

Типовой вид Wikispecies-logo.svg
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на Викискладе
ITIS 28818NCBI 43852EOL 49124GRIN g:16822IPNI 1944-1

Токсикодендрон, или Ипритка[2] (лат. Toxicodendron) — род древесных, кустарниковых и вьющихся растений семейства Сумаховые или Анакардиевые (Anacardiaceae), включающий в себя такие растения, как плющ ядовитый (Toxicodendron radicans), ядовитый дуб (Toxicodendron diversilobum) и лаковое дерево (Toxicodendron vernicifluum).

Виды рода иногда включаются в род Сумах (Rhus), хотя в последнее время исследования молекулярной структуры указывают на то, что Токсикодендрон представляет собой отдельный монофилетический род[3].

Ареал рода расположен в Азии, Северной и Южной Америке.

Все виды содержат раздражающее кожу масло урушиол, которое может вызывать сильную аллергическую реакцию.


Название рода происходит от греческих слов «яд» (греч. τοξικος) и «дерево» (греч. δενδρον)[4].


Имеют сборные соцветия, очерёдностоящие листья и беловатые или сероватые костянки. Самым известным видом рода в Северной Америке является плющ ядовитый, растущий повсеместно в восточной части Северной Америки и ядовитый дуб (Toxicodendron diversilobum), также обычное растение, но на западе континента.

Морфология этих растений довольно разнообразна. Листья могут быть ровными, зубчатыми или лопастными и все три типа листьев могут быть представлены на одном растении. Растения растут как ползучие лианы, вьющиеся лианы, кусты или, в случае лакового дерева и ядовитого сумаха, как деревья. В то время как обычно листья ядовитого плюща и ядовитого дуба имеют три листочка, иногда их бывает пять или порой даже семь. Листья ядовитого сумаха имеют 7-13 листочков, а лакового дерева — 7—19 листочков.

Названия происходят от аллергичности и внешнего сходства этих растений с другими, не состоящими с ними в родстве. Ядовитый дуб не является дубом, а назван так из-за сходства его листьев с листьями белого дуба, а плющ ядовитый не имеет отношения к плющам, но несколько схож с ними по форме роста. Фактически эти растения не содержат яда; вещество, которое они выделяют, является потенциальным аллергеном.

Смола видов, произрастающих в Японии, Китае и других азиатских странах, таких как Лаковое дерево (Toxicodendron vernicifluum) и Восковое дерево (Toxicodendron succedaneum), используется для изготовления лака и, как сопутствующий продукт лакового производства, их ягоды используются для получения японского воска.


По информации базы данных The Plant List, род включает 30 видов[5]:

Некоторые виды
  • Toxicodendron diversilobum (Torr. & A.Gray) GreeneЗападный ядовитый дуб (syn. Rhus diversiloba) встречается в основном в западной Северной Америке, от тихоокеанского побережья до Сьерра-Невады и Каскадных гор между южной Британской Колумбией и на юг до Нижней Калифорнии. Очень обычен в этом регионе и является здесь доминирующим видом рода. Также это один из самых распространённых древесных кустарников Калифорнии[6]. Это растение очень вариативно и растёт как плотный кустарник на солнечных местах или как лазающая лиана в тени. Размножается ползучими ризомами или семенами[7]. Составные листья разделены на три листочка, 35—100 мм длиной, с заострёнными, зубчатыми или ровными краями. Жители Калифорнии учатся распознавать это растение по поговорке «листьев три — обходи» (англ. leaves of three, let it be). В зависимости от времени года листья могут приобретать разные оттенки красного, жёлтого или зелёного цвета.


  1. Об условности указания класса двудольных в качестве вышестоящего таксона для описываемой в данной статье группы растений см. раздел «Системы APG» статьи «Двудольные».
  2. Недолужко В. А. Род Ипритка — Toxicodendron Mill. // Сосудистые растения советского Дальнего Востока : Плауновидные, Хвощевидные, Папоротниковидные, Голосеменные, Покрытосеменные (Цветковые) : в 8 т. / отв. ред. С. С. Харкевич. — СПб. : Наука, 1995. — Т. 7 / ред. тома Н. С. Павлова. — С. 247—249. — 395 с. — 1560 экз.ISBN 5-02-026590-X. — ISBN 5-02-026025-8 (т. 7).
  3. Pell, Susan Katherine. Molecular Systematics of the Cashew Family (Anacardiaceae) (PhD dissertation at Louisiana State University) (неопр.) (18 February 2004). Архивировано 16 марта 2012 года., page 89
  4. Gledhill, D. The Names of Plants. — 4. — Cambridge University Press, 2008. — P. 382. — ISBN 9780521866453.
  5. Toxicodendron (англ.). The Plant List. Version 1.1. (2013). Проверено 20 декабря 2016.
  6. Brooks, Bill. The Toxicodendrons: Poison Ivy, Poison Oak and Poison Sumac (неопр.) (4 March 1999). Архивировано 7 июля 2012 года.
  7. C. Michael Hogan (2008). Western poison-oak: Toxicodendron diversilobum, GlobalTwitcher, ed. Nicklas Stromberg [1]
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Токсикодендрон: Brief Summary ( руски )

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Токсикодендрон, или Ипритка (лат. Toxicodendron) — род древесных, кустарниковых и вьющихся растений семейства Сумаховые или Анакардиевые (Anacardiaceae), включающий в себя такие растения, как плющ ядовитый (Toxicodendron radicans), ядовитый дуб (Toxicodendron diversilobum) и лаковое дерево (Toxicodendron vernicifluum).

Виды рода иногда включаются в род Сумах (Rhus), хотя в последнее время исследования молекулярной структуры указывают на то, что Токсикодендрон представляет собой отдельный монофилетический род.

Ареал рода расположен в Азии, Северной и Южной Америке.

Все виды содержат раздражающее кожу масло урушиол, которое может вызывать сильную аллергическую реакцию.

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漆属 ( кинески )

добавил wikipedia 中文维基百科




  1. ^ Toxicodendron Mill.. Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. 2009-11-23 [2010-02-12].
  2. ^ Gledhill, D. The Names of Plants 4. Cambridge University Press. 2008: 382. ISBN 978-0-521-86645-3.
  3. ^ Pell, Susan Katherine. Molecular Systematics of the Cashew Family (Anacardiaceae) (PhD dissertation at Louisiana State University). 18 February 2004. (原始内容存档于15 March 2012)., page 89
  4. ^ Ze-Long NIE. Phylogenetic analysis ofToxicodendron(Anacardiaceae) and its biogeographic implications on the evolution of north temperate and tropical intercontinental disjunctions. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 2009, 47 (5): 416–430. doi:10.1111/j.1759-6831.2009.00045.x.
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漆属: Brief Summary ( кинески )

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옻나무속 ( корејски )

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옻나무속(-屬, 학명: Toxicodendron 톡시코덴드론[*])은 옻나무과이다.

  • 개옻나무 T. trichocarpum (Miq.) Kuntze
  • 검양옻나무 T. succedaneum (L.) Kuntze
  • 덩굴옻나무 T. orientale Greene
  • 산검양옻나무 T. sylvestre (Siebold & Zucc.) Kuntze
  • 옻나무 T. vernicifluum (Stokes) F. A. Barkley
  • T. acuminatum (DC.) C. Y. Wu & T. L. Ming
  • T. blodgettii (Kearney) Greene
  • T. calcicola C. Y. Wu
  • T. delavayi (Franch.) F. A. Barkley
    • T. delavayi var. quinquejugum (Rehder & E. H. Wilson) C. Y. Wu & T. L. Ming
  • T. diversilobum (Torr. & A. Gray) Greene
  • T. eximium Greene
  • T. fulvum (W. G. Craib) C. Y. Wu & T. L. Ming
  • T. grandiflorum C. Y. Wu & T. L. Ming
    • T. grandiflorum var. longipes (Franch.) C. Y. Wu & T. L. Ming
  • T. griffithii (Hook. f.) Kuntze
  • T. hirtellum C. Y. Wu
  • T. hookeri (K. C. Sahni & Bahadur) C. Y. Wu & T. L. Ming
    • T. hookeri var. microcarpum (C. C. Huang ex T. L. Ming) C. Y. Wu & T. L. Ming
  • T. parviflorum (Roxb.) Kuntze
  • T. phaseoloides Greene
  • T. pubescens Mill.
  • T. quercifolium (Michx.) Greene
  • T. radicans (L.) Kuntze
    • T. radicans var. negundo (Greene) Reveal
    • T. radicans var. pubens (Engelm. ex S. Watson) Reveal
    • T. radicans subsp. eximum (Greene) Gillis
    • T. radicans subsp. hispidum (Engl.) Gillis
    • T. radicans subsp. orientale (Greene) Gillis
    • T. radicans subsp. verrucosum (Scheele) Gillis
    • T. radicans subsp. rydbergii (Small ex Rydb.) Á. Löve & D. Löve
    • T. radicans subsp. verrucosum (Scheele) Gillis
  • T. rhetsoides (W. G. Craib) Tardieu
  • T. rhomboideum (Small) Greene
  • T. rostratum T. L. Ming & Z. F. Chen
  • T. rydbergii (Small ex Rydb.) Greene
  • T. sempervirens (Scheele) Kuntze
  • T. striatum (Ruiz & Pav.) Kuntze
  • T. toxicarium Gillis
  • T. vernix (L.) Kuntze
  • T. wallichii (Hook. f.) Kuntze
  • T. yunnanense C. Y. Wu
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