non-native garden escape. Aggressive smothering vine over shrubs along bank of drainage crossing grassy prairie remnant.
non-native garden escape. Aggressive smothering vine over shrubs along bank of drainage crossing grassy prairie remnant.
non-native garden escape. Aggressive smothering vine over shrubs along bank of drainage crossing grassy prairie remnant. Underside (abaxial) of foliage and stem.
non-native garden escape. Aggressive smothering vine over shrubs along bank of drainage crossing grassy prairie remnant. Upperside (adaxial) view of foliage and stem.
non-native garden escape. Aggressive smothering vine over shrubs along bank of drainage crossing grassy prairie remnant. Note hairs on emerging floral buds
Category hierarchy: Environmental Topics | Human Impact | Introduced SpeciesDescription: A thick shroud of Japanese honeysuckle vine in flower, covers a fence.Capture device: Camera: Canon EOS D30 SLR digitalCapture details: Lens: Canon compact macro 50 mmLocality: Latitude: 3.907680000000000e+001; Longitude: -7.765360000000000e+001
Category hierarchy: Environmental Topics | Human Impact | Introduced SpeciesDescription: Flowers of the Japanese honeysuckle vine varying from white to yellow in color depending on their age.Capture device: Camera: Canon EOS D30 SLR digitalCapture details: Lens: Canon compact macro 50 mmLocality: Latitude: 3.885150000000000e+001; Longitude: -7.729819999999999e+001
Category hierarchy: Environmental Topics | Human Impact | Introduced SpeciesDescription: Flowers of the Japanese honeysuckle vine varying from white to yellow in color depending on their age.Capture device: Camera: Canon EOS D30 SLR digitalCapture details: Lens: Canon compact macro 50 mmLocality: Latitude: 3.743160000000000e+001; Longitude: -7.865689999999999e+001
Category hierarchy: Environmental Topics | Invasive SpeciesDescription: Japanese honeysuckle flower.Capture device: Camera: Canon EOS Elan IICapture details: Lens: Canon Ultrasonic 28-80mm; Film: FujichromeOriginal date: 20020701Locality: Latitude: 3.743160000000000e+001; Longitude: -7.865689999999999e+001
Category hierarchy: Environmental Topics | Invasive SpeciesDescription: Honeysuckle in bloom.Original date: 20020601Locality: Latitude: 3.743160000000000e+001; Longitude: -7.865689999999999e+001
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Species: Lonicera japonica Thunb. ex Murray Date: 0000-00-00 Location: Cork Rd, Avondale Habitat: Climbing on vegetation by ditch.
Radnor Lake State Natural Area, Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, US
Radnor Lake State Natural Area, Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, US