
Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

добавил Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Octopus salutii Verany, 1839

Octopus salutii Verany, 1839:93, pl. 3.

Octopus saluzzii Naef, 1923:699.

Octopus (Octopus) salutii.—Robson, 1929:157.

DIAGNOSIS.—Animals of medium size (males 30–125 mm ML, females 30–130 mm ML). Mantle short, broadly oval, widest posteriorly (MWI 53.2–55.1), flaccid. Head slightly narrower than mantle (HWI 44.9–∼47.5); eyes large, globular. Mantle aperture wide. Funnel moderately elongate (FLI 26.8–38.1); funnel organ W-shaped with rounded angles, lateral limbs slightly longer than median limbs. Arms long, subequal (ALI 70.0–91.9; MAI 15.2–21.7), tapering to narrow rounded tips; arms I shortest. Suckers medium-sized, not deeply set (SIn males 7.2–9.4, females 6.0–7.0); 2 to 3 enlarged suckers can be present. Right arm III of male hectocotylized (HALI 66.1–76.3), shorter than opposite arm (OAI 78–85), bearing 135–150 suckers. Ligula long and slender (LLI 8.6–16.5), with deep groove and numerous fine transverse lamellae, margin slightly swollen; calamus short (CLI 9–11). Web moderately shallow (WDI 12.5–14.5), distinctly larger and thicker on ventral side of arms, extending to of arm length; web formula C > B > D > E > A. Ink sac present. Gills with 10 to 11 lamellae per outer demibranch. Mature ova 5.2–5.4 mm long, 1.8 mm wide, with short stalks. Penis moderately long (PLI 25.1–31.2), with rounded diverticulum. Spermatophores medium-sized (SpLI 67.0–67.5). Radula with A2 seriation of rachidian. Skin slightly gelatinous and swollen. Dorsal mantle covered with tiny irregular papillae. One large papilla over each eye. Color in life bright yellow orange to yellow brown (golden or lemon yellow with blue spots according to Verany's description).

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION.—Verany, 1839:93, pl. 3.

TYPE LOCALITY.—Western Mediterranean Sea, France, off Nice.

TYPE.—Not traced, presumed to be in MHNN.

DISTRIBUTION.—Mediterranean Sea: Western and eastern basins, southern part of Adriatic Sea; in Mediterranean outflow along south coast of Spain, southwest coast of Portugal, north of Cape Finisterre, Bay of Biscay, northern limit 47°35′N, 6°35′W.

A mesobenthic species that lives on muddy bottoms on the continental slope, mostly at depths of 150–350 m. It can be found as deep as 600 m and, on sandy bottoms, as shallow as 30–50 m.
библиографски навод
Voss, N. A. and Sweeney, M. J. 1998. "Systematics and Biogeography of cephalopods. Volume II." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 277-599. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.586.277
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Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology

Octopus salutii ( англиски )

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Octopus salutii or the spider octopus is a species of cephalopods in the family Octopodidae. It ranges from 4.0 to 13.0 cm ML in males and 3.5 to 16.5 cm ML in females.[2] Octopus salutii are found at depths ranging from 100 to 700m however, they are most abundant at depths of 250 to 500m.[2]


  • Octopus saluzzii Vérany, 1840 & Naef, 1923[3]
Mediterranean Sea O. salutii

Behavior and Life History

Octopus salutii are marine benthic organisms that can be found in the Mediterranean Sea and Northeast Atlantic, from southern Spain to Morocco. Western Mediterranean sea salutii inhabit the lower continental self and the upper slope.[2] Found between the depths of 250 to 500m. Western Mediterranean Sea juveniles inhabit inaccessible areas to avoid trawlers and use the shelfs as reproductive grounds.[2] This species has little to no interest to the market because of its poor consistency of the mantle.

Predators - Grampus griseus, in the family Delphinidae.[4]

Prey - Western Mediterranean Sea species stomach content included 33 different prey belonging to 3 major taxonomic groups. 87% being crustaceans, 25% being fish and 10% being cephalopods.[2]


Male O. salutii have a well-developed ligulae which is used to transfer sperm to the female. O. salutii lay 2,000-4,000 eggs at a time which are 5.2 to 6.0 mm long.[5] Offspring's are planktonic for the first stage of their life. Four life cycles; egg, larva, juvenile and then adult. Males and females will die shortly after . Male usually die a few months after mating and female adults usually die shortly after hatching the eggs.[6]


The Biology of Octopus salutii is poorly known. This is because the species has no value to the market and is difficult to catch for research purposes. To identify the maturity of the species there are 3 stages to clear; immature (ovaries are white, small), maturing (ovaries are yellowish with granular structures), and mature (ovaries full of eggs).


  • Geographical location: North Atlantic from southern Spain to Morocco, and Mediterranean Sea.


  1. ^ "ITIS standard report - Octopus salutii (Verany, 1839)". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 27 December 2014.
  2. ^ a b c d e Quetglas, A.; González, M.; Franco, I. (2005-01-19). "Biology of the upper-slope cephalopod Octopus salutii from the western Mediterranean Sea". Marine Biology. 146 (6): 1131–1138. doi:10.1007/s00227-004-1522-4. ISSN 0025-3162.
  3. ^ "WoRMS - World Register of Marine Species - Octopus salutii Vérany, 1836". www.marinespecies.org. Retrieved 2019-10-24.
  4. ^ "spider octopus - Encyclopedia of Life". eol.org. Retrieved 2022-11-28.
  5. ^ "Octopus salutii - The Cephalopod Page". www.thecephalopodpage.org. Retrieved 2022-11-30.
  6. ^ "Octopus salutii, Spider octopus : fisheries". www.sealifebase.ca. Retrieved 2022-11-28.
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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Octopus salutii: Brief Summary ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

Octopus salutii or the spider octopus is a species of cephalopods in the family Octopodidae. It ranges from 4.0 to 13.0 cm ML in males and 3.5 to 16.5 cm ML in females. Octopus salutii are found at depths ranging from 100 to 700m however, they are most abundant at depths of 250 to 500m.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Depth range ( англиски )

добавил World Register of Marine Species
Deep-sea context derived from a specimen depth data search
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WoRMS Editorial Board
посети извор
соработничко мреж. место
World Register of Marine Species

Habitat ( англиски )

добавил World Register of Marine Species
deep shelf to slope


van der Land, J. (ed). (2008). UNESCO-IOC Register of Marine Organisms (URMO).

авторски права
WoRMS Editorial Board
Jacob van der Land [email]
посети извор
соработничко мреж. место
World Register of Marine Species