
Diagnostic Description ( англиски )

добавил Plazi (legacy text)

Figs. 14, 38-39.

Monomorium shuckardi Forel 1895:251. holotype, Madagascar: Moramanga (MHNG) [examined]. Monomorium (Notomyrmex) shuckardi Emery 1922: 170.

Material examined - Holotype: Madagascar, Moramanga, coll. [F.] Sikora (MHNG). (NB. The symbol used in the original publication is that for the worker, i.e., [[worker]], but in fact, the specimen is a queen. That a dealated queen is here described rather than a worker is evident from Forel"s use of the term "scutellum", and also his mention of propodeal "teeth", which are not found in the worker. The total specimen length given by Forel for the type specimen agrees exactly with my own measurement, and given that there is no indication in the published description that any other specimens were examined by Forel, a holotype status fixed by monotypy (Code 73.1.2) is here assumed.).

Other material examined: Prov. Toliara: 18 km NNW Betroka, 29.xi.-24.xi.1994 M. A. Ivie & D. A. Pollock (30[[worker]], 1 [[queen]]) (MCZ); Foret Mahavelo, Isantoria Riv., 5.2 km 44 NE Ifotaka 28i.-1.ii 2001 B.L. Fisher (6 [[worker]]); Mahafaly ["Mahafely"] Plateau, 6.2 km 74 ENE Itampolo 21-25ii.2002 B.L. Fisher (2[[worker]]); Reserve Berenty 9.ii.1993 P.S. Ward (3 [[worker]]); (MCZ) (45) (UCDC); Tsimanampetsotsa, Bemanateza, 23.0 km 131SE Beheloka, 22-26.iii.2002 B.L. Fisher (4 [[worker]]).

Worker description.- Head: Head square; vertex planar or weakly concave; frons shining and densely microreticulate; pilosity of frons consisting of a few short, thick, erect setae interspersed with short, appressed setulae; Eye large, eye width 1.5x greater than greatest width of antennal scape; (in full-face view) eyes set above midpoint of head capsule; (viewed in profile) eyes set anteriad of midline of head capsule; eye elliptical, curvature of inner eye margin may be more pronounced than that of its outer margin. Antennal segments 12; antennal club four-segmented. Clypeal carinae indicated by multiple weak ridges; anteromedian clypeal margin broadly convex; paraclypeal setae moderately long and fine, curved; posteromedian clypeal margin approximately level with antennal fossae. Anterior tentorial pits equidistant from antennal fossae and mandibular insertions. Frontal lobes sinuate, divergent posteriad. Psammophore absent. Palp formula 5,3. Mandibular teeth five; mandibles triangular and striate; masticatory margin of mandibles approximately vertical or weakly oblique; basal tooth approximately same size as t4 (five teeth present).

Mesosoma: Promesonotum shining and microreticulate throughout; (viewed in profile) anteri- or promesonotum smoothly rounded anteriad, thereafter more-or-less flattened, promesonotum raised well above propodeum; promesonotal setae greater than twelve; standing promesonotal setae consisting of short, erect or semi-erect bristles; appressed promesonotal setulae few, mainly on dorsum of promesonotum. Metanotal groove vestigial. Propodeum shining and densely microreticulate, with distinct striolae on metapleuron; propodeal dorsum slightly elevated anteriad and sloping away posteriad, or, sloping posteriad and depressed between raised propodeal angles; when seen obliquely, propodeum smoothly rounded or with indistinct angle, but dorsal and declivitous faces separated when seen in profile; standing propodeal setae decumbent and short, rarely also with very short erect and suberect setae; appressed propodeal setulae abundant, particularly on dorsum of propodeum; propodeal spiracle nearer declivitous face of propodeum than metanotal groove. Vestibule of propodeal spiracle absent or not visible. Propodeal lobes present as vestigial flanges or small strips of cuticle only.

Postpetiole and postpetiole: Petiolar spiracle lateral and situated slightly anteriad of petiolar node. node (viewed in profile) cuneate, vertex rounded, or, conical, vertex rounded; appearance of node shining and faintly microreticulate; ratio of greatest node breadth (viewed from front) to greatest node width (viewed in profile) about 1:1; anteroventral petiolar process absent or vestigial; ventral petiolar lobe absent; height ratio of petiole to postpetiole about 1:1; height -length ratio of postpetiole about 1:1; postpetiole shining and microreticulate; postpetiolar sternite not depressed at midpoint, its anterior end an inconspicuous lip or small carina.

Gaster: Pilosity of first gastral tergite consisting mainly of short, appressed setulae, together with a few erect and semi-erect setae.

General Characters: Color orange, head slightly to moderately darker, gaster chocolate. Worker caste monomorphic.

Other worker measurements: HML 1.51-2.32 HL 0.53-0.78 HW 0.45-0.72 CeI 84-95 SL 0.46-0.71 SI 94-105 PW 0.27-0.49 (n=16).

Queen description (holotype).- Head: Head oval; vertex convex; frons shining and finely longitudinally striolate and microreticulate; pilosity of frons a mixture of well-spaced, distinctly longer erect and semi-erect setae interspersed with shorter setae or setulae, which are decumbent or appressed, longer setae thickest on vertex. Eye elliptical, curvature of inner eye margin may be more pronounced than that of its outer margin; (in full-face view) eyes set at about midpoint of head capsule; (in profile) eyes set posteriad of midline of head capsule.

Mesosoma: Anterior mesoscutum smoothly rounded, thereafter more-or-less flattened; sides of mesoscutum and mesopleuron faintly longitudinally striolate, dorsum of mesoscutum mainly smooth; length -width ratio of mesoscutum and scutellum combined between 2:1 and 3:2. Axillae narrowly separated (i.e., less than width of one axilla). Standing pronotal/mesoscutal setae consisting of a mixture of incurved, semi-erect setae and slightly shorter decumbent setae; appressed pronotal, mesoscutal and mesopleural setulae few, mainly on dorsum of pronotum and mesoscutum. Propodeum shining and densely striolate over whole surface; distinctly angulate, propodeal angle sharp; propodeal dorsum sloping posteriad, and depressed between raised propodeal angles; standing propodeal setae consisting of a few decumbent setae only; appressed propodeal setulae wellspaced and sparse; propodeal spiracle nearer metanotal groove than declivitous face of propodeum; propodeal lobes present as well-developed, rounded flanges.

Wing: Wing not seen (queen dealated).

Petiole and postpetiole: Petiolar spiracle lateral and situated slightly anteriad of petiolar node; node, in profile cuneate, vertex tapered; appearance of node shining and microreticulate; ratio of greatest node breadth (viewed from front) to greatest node width (viewed in profile) about 1:1. Anteroventral petiolar process present as a thin flange tapering posteriad; height ratio of petiole to postpetiole about 1:1; height-length ratio of postpetiole between 3:2 and 4:3; postpetiole shining and microreticulate; postpetiolar sternite not depressed, its anterior end an inconspicuous lip or small carina.

Gaster: Pilosity of first gastral tergite consisting of well-spaced, erect and semi-erect setae interspersed with a few appressed setulae.

General characters: Color ferruginous. Brachypterous alates not seen. Ergatoid or workerfemale intercastes not seen.

Holotype measurements: HML 3.16 HL 0.81 HW 0.88 CeI 109 SL 0.79 SI 89 PW 0.82.

Other queen measurements: HML 3.34 HL 0.88 HW 0.86 CeI 98 SL 0.74 SI 86 PW 0.76 (n=1).

Remarks.- Worker specimens are readily separable from other members of the M. shuckardi group by the densely microreticulate sculpture of their frons. The worker of this species also bears a superficial resemblance to that of Monomorium subopacum , but can be distinguished from it by a number of features, apart from those mentioned in the key, including the presence of erect setae on the promesonotal dorsum, the elongate petiolar peduncle, the anterior placement of the petiolar spiracle and the placement of the propodeal spiracle (more dorsal and nearer propodeal declivity compared with more lateral and nearer metanotal groove). Populations are fairly widespread in dry, spiny forest regions in Toliara Province. Like many other Malagasy Monomorium , this species will make opportunistic use of dead twigs above ground for its nests. Other specimens have been collected in pitfall traps, under stones and as ground foragers. Oddly enough, the holotype queen is recorded as having being collected by Sikora in Moramanga, Toamasina Province, hundreds of kilometers from its known current range. This record may be in error, as the vegetation community of Moramanga is very different from that to which this species seems adapted.

not applicable
библиографски навод
Heterick, B. E., 2006, A revision of the Malagasy ants belonging to genus Monomorium Mayr, 1855 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)., Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, pp. 69-202, vol. 57(3)
Heterick, B. E.
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Plazi (legacy text)

Diagnostic Description ( англиски )

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[[ worker ]]. - L. 5,4 mill. - Mandibules striees, armees de 5 dents. Epistome sans dents, avec deux petites aretes longitudinales un peu creuelees. Tete aussi large que longue, en carre arrondi; yeux situes un peu en avant du milieu des cotes. Massue des antennes de - 4 articles. Les articles 2 a 4 du funicule aussi larges que longs. Les scapes atteignent au moins l'occiput. Thorax plus etroit que la tete. Metanotum allonge; sa face declive plus longue que sa face basale, creusee longitudina-. lement en arete, bordee de deux faibles aretes et terminee par deux dents larges et courtes. Premier article du pedicule longuement et fortement petiole devant, et surmonte derriere d'une ecaille transversale, rectangulaire, plus mince et plus etroite en haut qu'en bas (comme chez beaucoup de Pheidole ). Second n oe ud assez eleve et subconique.

Milieu de l'epistome, mesonotum, scutellum, pedicule et abdomen lisses et luisants ainsi que les cotes du vertex. Ces derniers et le mesonotum ont une ponctuation piligere eparse, assez forte. Metanotum entierement et densement ride transversalement, assez mat et microscopiquement sculpte entre les rides. Tete irregulierement striee ridee; les stries assez fines et assez serrees, sont longitudinales sur le front, arquees dans les fossettes antennaires et de chaque cote de l'occiput.

Pilosite dressee eparse, courte, fine, jaunatre, nulle sur les tibias et les scapes. Pubescence espacee sur les tibias et les scapes, tres eparse ailleurs.

Rougeatre. Abdomen d'un noir brunatre. Dessus de la tete, dos du thorax, antennes et pattes plus ou moins brunatres. Mandibules, joues et tarses plus ou moins jaunatres ou d'un jaune brunatre.

Moramanga (M. Sikora).

not applicable
библиографски навод
Forel, A., 1895, Nouvelles fourmis de l'Imerina oriental (Moramanga etc.)., Annales de la Societe Entomologique de Belgique, pp. 243-251, vol. 39
Forel, A.
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Plazi (legacy text)

Monomorium shuckardi ( холандски; фламански )

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Monomorium shuckardi is een mierensoort uit de onderfamilie van de Myrmicinae.[1][2] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1895 door Forel.

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