
Comments ( англиски )

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Most collections of Ranunculus adoneus from Colorado, including the type specimen, tend to be small, with narrow leaf segments (only 0.5-1 mm wide) and large flowers. The more widespread form, with leaf segments 1-2 mm wide and more variable flowers, has been called R . adoneus var. alpinus . The leaf and flower characteristics are very poorly correlated, however, and specimens referable to var. alpinus vary greatly in stature and flower size, so the two forms scarcely merit formal recognition.
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Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
библиографски навод
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Description ( англиски )

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Stems erect from large caudices, 9-25 cm, glabrous, each with 1-3 flowers. Roots slender, 0.8-1.4 mm thick. Basal leaves persistent, blades circular to reniform in outline, 2-3×-dissected into linear segments, 0.9-2.5 × 1.1-2.8 cm, base obtuse, margins entire, apices of segments narrowly rounded to acute. Flowers: pedicels glabrous; receptacle glabrous; sepals 4-11 × 3-7 mm, abaxially sparsely pilose, hairs colorless; petals 5-10, 8-15 × 8-19 mm; nectary scale glabrous. Heads of achenes ovoid, 6-12 × 5-9 mm; achenes 1.8-2.4 × 1-1.4 mm, glabrous or nearly so; beak subulate, straight, 1.2-1.7 mm. 2 n = 16.
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Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
библиографски навод
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Distribution ( англиски )

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Colo., Idaho, Mont., Nev., Utah, Wyo.
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Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
библиографски навод
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Habitat ( англиски )

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Spring-summer (May-Sep). Alpine and subalpine meadows, usually around melting snowbanks; 2500-4000m.
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Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
библиографски навод
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Synonym ( англиски )

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Ranunculus adoneus var. alpinus (S. Watson) L. D. Benson; R. eschscholtzii Schlechtendahl var. adoneus (A. Gray) C. L. Hitchcock; R. eschscholtzii var. alpinus (S. Watson) C. L. Hitchcock
авторски права
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
библиографски навод
Flora of North America Vol. 3 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Ranunculus adoneus ( германски )

добавил wikipedia DE

Ranunculus adoneus ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Familie der Hahnenfußgewächse.


Die Stängel sind 9 bis 25 Zentimeter hoch, aufrecht und unbehaart. Jeder Stängel trägt ein bis drei Blüten. Die Wurzeln sind schlank und 0,8 bis 1,4 Millimeter dick. Die Grundblätter sind bleibend. Ihre Blattspreite ist 0,9 bis 2,5 × 1,1 bis 2,8 Zentimeter groß, kreis- bis nierenförmig und zwei- bis dreimal in linealische Segmente geteilt. Der Blattrand ist ganz, die Blattbasis stumpf und die Blattenden der Segmente spitz bis eng abgerundet. Der Blütenstiel ist unbehaart. Der Blütenboden ist unbehaart. Die Kelchblätter sind 4 bis 11 × 3 bis 7 Millimeter groß. Ihre Unterseite ist spärlich mit farblosen Haaren bedeckt. Die 5 bis 10 Kronblätter sind 8 bis 15 × 8 bis 19 Millimeter groß. Die Nektardrüse ist unbehaart. Die Köpfe der Achänen sind 6 bis 12 × 5 bis 9 Millimeter groß und eiförmig. Die Achänen sind völlig oder fast unbehaart und 1,8 bis 2,4 × 1 bis 1,4 Millimeter groß. Der Schnabel ist 1,2 bis 1,7 Millimeter lang, pfriemlich und gerade.

Die Chromosomenzahl beträgt 2n = 16.

Die Art blüht von Mai bis September.


Ranunculus adoneus kommt in Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah und Wyoming vor. Die Art wächst in der alpinen und subalpinen Stufe auf Grünland in Höhenlagen von 2500 bis 4000 Meter. Sie ist für gewöhnlich um abschmelzende Schneeablagerungen herum anzutreffen.


Ranunculus adoneus wurde 1863 von Asa Gray erstbeschrieben.


  • Alan T. Whittemore: Ranunculus adoneus. In: Flora of North America. Vol. 3. online


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Ranunculus adoneus: Brief Summary ( германски )

добавил wikipedia DE

Ranunculus adoneus ist eine Pflanzenart aus der Familie der Hahnenfußgewächse.

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Ranunculus adoneus ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

Ranunculus adoneus, the alpine buttercup[2] or snow buttercup, is a species of flowering plant. It is an alpine buttercup from the family Ranunculaceae. This species is mainly found in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado and Wyoming but can also be found in Idaho, northern Utah and eastern Nevada. Its typical habitat is short grass meadows near the edge of melting snow.


Ranunculus adoneus was first formally described in 1863 by Asa Gray in a list of species collected by several colleagues during the summer and autumn of 1862 on and near the Rocky Mountains in Colorado.[3][4]

Habitat and ecology

Ranunculus adoneus is a native species that is found only in the Rocky Mountains around the limit of snow where it is quite common.[5] It is a long-lived perennial that is found at elevated meadows in alpine environments. The plants emerge at the edge of the melting snow and flower within a few days. The flowering time of R. adoneus is controlled by the time of snowmelt, so that on a steep gradient flowers appear first on a lower altitude and subsequently, with melting of the snow, several tens of meters higher. They are found at an altitude of 2500 – 4000 meters. Flowering lasts longer at lower altitudes.[6][7][8] The flowers persist for approximately 10 days. Secondary flowers may open a week or two after the primary flowers.[8]


The leaves of R. adoneus are about 4 cm in diameter and deeply dissected into linear lobes, with narrow leaf segments that grow at the base and along the stem and are often just one pair. The stem, which is about 9–25 cm long, is hairless and quite thick and ascends erect from the roots (caudices). It bears 1 to 3 flowers that are yellow with 5 to 10 wedge-shaped petals.[9] The flowers are larger than the leaves, about 4 cm and are situated low in the young plant but become higher through stem elongation in the summer. The flowers are protogynous: the pistils mature before the maturation of the anthers to prevent self-fertility.

The flower has 5 greenish-yellow sepals that have white hairs on the lower surface. Petals are overlapping and curved-up towards the tip so the flower is cup-shaped.

Receptacles bear 50–150 stigmas, which mature over several days. Photosynthetic achenes, the fruit that contains a seed, develop from the fertilized ovules. Seeds disperse mainly by gravity 3 to 5 weeks after fertilization.[8]


The flowers present heliotropism, a property that is often present in alpine and arctic plants. It allows the flowers to track the sun, warm up and attract insects[10] In fact, when the flowers are not within 45° in line with the sun, and less insects visit the flower, the seed yield is much less.[11]


  1. ^ "Ranunculus adoneus". Plants of the World Online. Retrieved 27 July 2022.
  2. ^ USDA, NRCS (n.d.). "Ranunculus adoneus". The PLANTS Database (plants.usda.gov). Greensboro, North Carolina: National Plant Data Team. Retrieved 2022-07-28.
  3. ^ Gray, Asa; Hooker, Joseph D. (1881). The Vegetation of the Rocky Mountain Region and a comparison with that of other parts of the world. Authors edition. p. 4. ISBN 978-3-337-38172-1. OCLC 1189712821.
  4. ^ Gray, Asa (1863). "Enumeration of the Species of Plants Collected by Dr. C. C. Parry, and Messrs. Elihu Hall and J. P. Harbour, during the Summer and Autumn of 1862, on and near the Rocky Mountains, in Colorado Territory, lat. 39°-41°". Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 15: 56 – via Biodiversity Heritage Library.
  5. ^ Southwest, The American. "Alpine Buttercup, Ranunculus Adoneus". www.americansouthwest.net. Retrieved 2022-07-25.
  6. ^ Stanton, M. L.; Galen, C.; Shore, J. (1997-02-01). "Population Structure Along a Steep Environmental Gradient: Consequences of Flowering Time and Habitat Variation in the Snow Buttercup, Ranunculus adoneus". Evolution. 51 (1): 79–94. doi:10.2307/2410962. ISSN 0014-3820. JSTOR 2410962. PMID 28568788 – via JSTOR.
  7. ^ Denver, Botanic Gardens (2018). Wildflowers of the Rocky Mountain region. Timber Press. p. 401. ISBN 978-1-60469-644-8. OCLC 1030444975.
  8. ^ a b c Baack, Eric J. (2005-11-01). "Ecological factors influencing tetraploid establishment in snow buttercups ( Ranunculus adoneus , Ranunculaceae): minority cytotype exclusion and barriers to triploid formation". American Journal of Botany. 92 (11): 1827–1835. doi:10.3732/ajb.92.11.1827. ISSN 0002-9122. PMID 21646100.
  9. ^ "Ranunculus adoneus - FNA". beta.floranorthamerica.org. Retrieved 2022-07-25.
  10. ^ Sherry, R. A.; Galen, C. (2002-03-01). "The mechanism of floral heliotropism in the snow buttercup, Ranunculus adoneus". Plant, Cell and Environment. 21 (10): 983–993. doi:10.1046/j.1365-3040.1998.00336.x. ISSN 0140-7791.
  11. ^ Stanton, Maureen L.; Galen, Candace (1989-03-01). "Consequences of flower heliotropism for reproduction in an alpine buttercup (Ranunculus adoneus)". Oecologia. 78 (4): 477–485. doi:10.1007/BF00378737. ISSN 1432-1939. PMID 28312176. S2CID 2055154.

Data related to Ranunculus adoneus at Wikispecies

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Ranunculus adoneus: Brief Summary ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

Ranunculus adoneus, the alpine buttercup or snow buttercup, is a species of flowering plant. It is an alpine buttercup from the family Ranunculaceae. This species is mainly found in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado and Wyoming but can also be found in Idaho, northern Utah and eastern Nevada. Its typical habitat is short grass meadows near the edge of melting snow.

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Ranunculus adoneus ( шпански; кастиљски )

добавил wikipedia ES

Ranunculus adoneus es una de las especies del género Ranunculus comunes de las regiones altas de los Alpes de Europa


Es una planta arbustiva perenne que alcanza 6-10 dm de altura; trepadora, crece apoyándose en soportes vegetales. En primavera se torna rojiza. Y no siempre son verdes, perdiendo las hojas por algunos meses al año.

Raíz fina que anualmente emite varios tallos erectos y redondos. Hojas basales persistentes, láminas circulares a reniformes, 2-3×-disectadas en segmentos lineales, 0,9-2,5 × 1,1-2,8 cm, base obtusa, márgenes enteros, ápices de segmentos angostos y aguzados. Flores amarillas, con pedicelos glabros; receptáculo glabro; sépalos 4-11 × 3-7 mm, abaxialmente poco pilosos, pelos incoloros; pétalos 5-10, 8-15 × 8-19 mm; nectario escamoso glabro. Cabeza de aquenios ovoides, 6-12 × 5-9 mm; aquenios 1,8-2,4 × 1-1,4 mm, glabros o casi; pico subulado, recto, 1,2-1,7 mm. Tiene un número de cromosoma 2 n = 16.

Presenta heliotropismo.


Ranunculus adoneus fue descrita por Asa Gray y publicado en Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 15(3): 56–57. 1863[1864].[1]


Ver: Ranunculus

adoneus: epíteto

  • Ranunculus adoneus var. alpinus (S. Watson) L.D. Benson
  • Ranunculus eschscholtzii var. adoneus (A. Gray) C.L. Hitchc.
  • Ranunculus eschscholtzii var. alpinus C.L. Hitchc.
  • Ranunculus orthorhynchus var. alpinus S. Watson[2]


  1. «Ranunculus adoneus». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 15 de diciembre de 2012.
  2. Ranunculus adoneus en PlantList


  1. Anonymous. 1986. List-Based Rec., Soil Conserv. Serv., U.S.D.A. Database of the U.S.D.A., Beltsville.
  2. Flora of North America Editorial Committee, e. 1997. Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae. 3: i–xxiii, 1–590. In Fl. N. Amer.. Oxford University Press, New York.

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wikipedia ES

Ranunculus adoneus: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

добавил wikipedia ES

Ranunculus adoneus es una de las especies del género Ranunculus comunes de las regiones altas de los Alpes de Europa

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Ranunculus adoneus ( полски )

добавил wikipedia POL

Ranunculus adoneus A. Gray – gatunek rośliny z rodziny jaskrowatych (Ranunculaceae Juss.). Występuje naturalnie w Stanach Zjednoczonych, w stanach Kolorado, Utah, w północno-wschodniej części Nevady, w Idaho, Wyoming oraz w południowo-zachodniej części Montany[3][4].


Bylina o nagich pędach. Dorasta do 9–25 cm wysokości[5].
Mają nerkowaty lub okrągły kształt. Mają 1–2,5 cm długości oraz 1–3 cm szerokości. Nasada liścia ma ucięty kształt. Są całobrzegie[5].
Mają żółtą barwę. Działki kielicha są mniej lub bardziej owłosione i dorastają do 4–11 m długości. Mają 5 płatków o długości 5–10 mm[5].
Nagie niełupki zebrane w jajowatych główkach. Mają 2–4 mm długości[5].

Biologia i ekologia

Rośnie na łąkach w strefie alpejskiej. Występuje na wysokości od 2500 do 4000 m n.p.m. Kwitnie od maja do września[5].


  1. Stevens P.F.: Angiosperm Phylogeny Website (ang.). 2001–. [dostęp 2009-05-30].
  2. a b Ranunculus adoneus A. Gray (ang.). The Plant List. [dostęp 5 maja 2015].
  3. Ranunculus adoneus – Maps (ang.). Encyclopedia of Life. [dostęp 5 maja 2015].
  4. Taxon: Ranunculus adoneus A. Gray (ang.). Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [dostęp 5 maja 2015].
  5. a b c d e Ranunculus adoneus (fr.). Plantes & botanique. [dostęp 5 maja 2015].
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Ranunculus adoneus: Brief Summary ( полски )

добавил wikipedia POL

Ranunculus adoneus A. Gray – gatunek rośliny z rodziny jaskrowatych (Ranunculaceae Juss.). Występuje naturalnie w Stanach Zjednoczonych, w stanach Kolorado, Utah, w północno-wschodniej części Nevady, w Idaho, Wyoming oraz w południowo-zachodniej części Montany.

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Ranunculus adoneus ( виетнамски )

добавил wikipedia VI

Ranunculus adoneus là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Mao lương. Loài này được A. Gray miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1863.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Ranunculus adoneus. Truy cập ngày 13 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Ranunculus adoneus: Brief Summary ( виетнамски )

добавил wikipedia VI

Ranunculus adoneus là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Mao lương. Loài này được A. Gray miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1863.

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