За нас
Português do Brasil
имиња во трошки
За нас
Português do Brasil
имиња во трошки
семени растенија
Cryptantha limensis (A. DC.) I. M. Johnst.
Научни имиња
Претпочитани имиња
Cryptantha limensis (A. DC.) I. M. Johnst.
Вид — признено од
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Појдовен таксон од Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Cryptantha limensis
Вид — признено од
wikipedia VI
Chile Species List
, and
Peru Species List
Cryptantha limensis
(A. DC.) I. M. Johnst.
Вид — признено од
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
, and
GBIF national node type records Brazil
Cryptantha limensis
I. M. Johnst.
Вид — признено од
GBIF classification
Cryptantha macbridei
Вид — признено од
Peru Species List
Cryptantha limensis
Признаено од
BHL data coverage
Cryptantha limensis
Вид — признено од
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
iNaturalist data coverage
Cryptantha limensis (A. DC.) I. M. Johnst.
Вид — признено од
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
GBIF data coverage
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Cryptantha macbridei
Вид — признено од
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Cryptantha macbridei I. M. Johnst.
Признаено од
NMNH type specimens
Cryptantha macbridei I. M. Johnston
Признаено од
iDigBio type specimen records
Cryptantha woitschachii
Вид — признено од
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Cryptantha woitschachii Brand
Признаено од
iDigBio type specimen records
Eritrichium limense A. de Candolle
Признаено од
iDigBio type specimen records
Oreocarya macbridei Brand
Признаено од
iDigBio type specimen records
Алтернативни имиња
Cryptantha macbridei (A. Brand) I. M. Johnst.
Not accepted според
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Појдовен таксон од Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Cryptantha woitschachii Brand
Not accepted според
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Појдовен таксон од Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Eritrichium limense A. DC.
Not accepted според
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Појдовен таксон од Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Oreocarya macbridei A. Brand
Not accepted според
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Појдовен таксон од Synonymic Checklists of the Vascular Plants of the World in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Cryptantha macbridei
(A. Brand) I. M. Johnst.
Synonym според
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cryptantha woitschachii
Synonym според
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Eritrichium limense
A. DC.
Synonym според
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Oreocarya macbridei
A. Brand
Synonym според
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cryptantha macbridei (A. Brand) I. M. Johnst.
Not accepted според
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Cryptantha macbridei (Brand) I. M. Johnst.
Synonym според
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Cryptantha woitschachii Brand
Not accepted според
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Cryptantha woitschachii Brand
Synonym според
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Eritrichium limense A. DC.
Not accepted според
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Eritrichium limense A. DC.
Synonym според
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Oreocarya macbridei A. Brand
Not accepted според
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Oreocarya macbridei Brand
Synonym според
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Народни имиња
Нема народни имиња поврзани со таксонов.
Згрижени чиноследи за Cryptantha limensis (A. DC.) I. M. Johnst.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Cryptantha limensis (A. DC.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha abata I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha affinis (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha albida (Kunth) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha alfalfalis (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha alyssoides (A. DC.) Reiche
Cryptantha ambigua (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha angustifolia (Torr.) Greene
Cryptantha aprica (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha argentea I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha aspera (Phil.) J. Grau
Cryptantha barbigera (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha calycina (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha calycotricha I. M. Johnston
Cryptantha chaetocalyx (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha chispae J. Grau
Cryptantha clandestina (Trev.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha clevelandii Greene
Cryptantha clokeyi I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha corollata (I. M. Johnst.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha crassisepala (Torr. & Gray) Greene
Cryptantha crinita Greene
Cryptantha cynoglossoides (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha decipiens (M. E. Jones) Heller
Cryptantha dichita (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha diffusa (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha dimorpha (Phil.) Greene
Cryptantha dolichophylla (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha dumetorum (Greene ex Gray) Greene
Cryptantha echinella Greene
Cryptantha excavata Brandegee
Cryptantha fendleri (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha filaginea (Philippi) Reiche
Cryptantha filiformifolia Macbr.
Cryptantha filiformis (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha flaccida (Dougl.) Greene
Cryptantha foliosa (Greene) Greene
Cryptantha ganderi I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha gayi I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha geohintonii B. L. Turner
Cryptantha globulifera (Clos) Reiche
Cryptantha glomerata Lehm. ex Fisch. & C. A. Mey.
Cryptantha glomeriflora Greene
Cryptantha glomerulifera (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha gnaphalioides (A. DC.) Reiche
Cryptantha gracilis Osterh.
Cryptantha granulosa (Ruiz & Pav.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha gypsites I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha hispida (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha hispidula Greene ex Brand
Cryptantha hooveri I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha incana Greene
Cryptantha intermedia (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha involucrata (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha juniperensis R. B. Kelley & M. G. Simpson
Cryptantha kelseyana Greene
Cryptantha kingii (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha latefissa R. L. Perez-Moreau
Cryptantha leiocarpa (Fisch. & C. A. Mey.) Greene
Cryptantha linearis (Colla) Greene
Cryptantha longifolia (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha marioricardiana Teillier
Cryptantha mariposae I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha maritima (Greene) Greene
Cryptantha marticorenae J. Grau
Cryptantha martirensis M. G. Simpson & Rebman
Cryptantha mendocina I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha mexicana (T. S. Brandegee) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha microstachys (Greene ex Gray) Greene
Cryptantha milobakeri I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha minima Rydb.
Cryptantha mirabunda A. Brand
Cryptantha mohavensis (Greene) Greene
Cryptantha muricata (Hook. & Arn.) A. Nels. & Macbr.
Cryptantha nemaclada Greene
Cryptantha nevadensis Nels. & Kennedy
Cryptantha oxygona (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha papillosa R. L. Perez-Moreau
Cryptantha patagonica I. M. Johnsion
Cryptantha patula Greene
Cryptantha peruviana I. M. Johnston
Cryptantha phacelioides (Clos) Reiche
Cryptantha pondii Greene
Cryptantha pterocarya (Torr.) Greene
Cryptantha recurvata Coville
Cryptantha romanii I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha scoparia A. Nels.
Cryptantha simulans Greene
Cryptantha sparsiflora (Greene) Greene
Cryptantha spathulata (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha subamplexicaulis (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha taltalensis I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha texana (A. DC.) Greene
Cryptantha torreyana (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha traskiae I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha utahensis (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha varians A. Brand
Cryptantha volckmannii (Phil.) I. M. Johnston
Cryptantha watsonii (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha werdermanniana I. M. Johnston
Cryptantha wigginsii I. M. Johnst.
Скратени се уште 4 варијанти заради уредност
Полн список ќе најдете во
ресурсната податотека
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Boraginales Juss. ex Bercht. & J. Presl
Boraginaceae Juss.
Cynoglossoideae Weigend
Cryptantha Lehm. ex Fisch. & C. A. Mey.
Cryptantha limensis (A. DC.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha abata I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha affinis (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha alfalfalis (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha alyssoides (A. DC.) Reiche
Cryptantha ambigua (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha angustifolia (Torr.) Greene
Cryptantha aprica (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha arenophila Rebman & M. G. Simpson
Cryptantha argentea I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha aspera (Phil.) Grau
Cryptantha barbigera (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha calycina (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha calycotricha I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha capituliflora (Clos) Reiche
Cryptantha catalinensis M. G. Simpson & Rebman
Cryptantha chaetocalyx (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha chispae Grau
Cryptantha clandestina (Trevis.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha clementina Rebman & M. G. Simpson
Cryptantha clevelandii Greene
Cryptantha clokeyi I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha corollata (I. M. Johnst.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha crassisepala (Torr. & A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha crinita Greene
Cryptantha cynoglossoides (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha decipiens (M. E. Jones) A. Heller
Cryptantha dichita (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha diffusa (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha dimorpha (Phil.) Greene
Cryptantha dolichophylla (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha dumetorum (Greene ex A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha echinella Greene
Cryptantha echinosepala J. F. Macbr.
Cryptantha excavata Brandegee
Cryptantha fendleri (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha filaginea (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha filiformifolia J. F. Macbr.
Cryptantha filiformis (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha flaccida (Douglas) Greene
Cryptantha foliosa (Greene) Greene
Cryptantha ganderi I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha gayi I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha globulifera (Clos) Reiche
Cryptantha glomerata Lehm. ex Fisch. & C. A. Mey.
Cryptantha glomeriflora Greene
Cryptantha glomerulifera (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha gnaphalioides (A. DC.) Reiche
Cryptantha gracilis Osterh.
Cryptantha granulosa (Ruiz & Pav.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha haplostachya (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha hispida (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha hispidula Greene ex Brand
Cryptantha hooveri I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha incana Greene
Cryptantha intermedia (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha involucrata (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha juniperensis R. B. Kelley & M. G. Simpson
Cryptantha kelseyana Greene
Cryptantha kingii (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha kinkiensis Rebman & M. G. Simpson
Cryptantha latefissa R. L. Pérez-Mor.
Cryptantha leiocarpa (Fisch. & C. A. Mey.) Greene
Cryptantha linearis (Colla) Greene
Cryptantha longifolia (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha marioricardiana Teillier
Cryptantha mariposae I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha maritima (Greene) Greene
Cryptantha marticorenae Grau
Cryptantha martirensis M. G. Simpson & Rebman
Cryptantha mendocina I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha microstachys (Greene ex A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha milobakeri I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha minima Rydb.
Cryptantha mirabunda Brand
Cryptantha mohavensis (Greene) Greene
Cryptantha muricata (Hook. & Arn.) A. Nelson & J. F. Macbr.
Cryptantha nemaclada Greene
Cryptantha nevadensis A. Nelson & Kenn.
Cryptantha nubigena (Greene) Payson
Cryptantha oxygona (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha papillosa R. L. Pérez-Mor.
Cryptantha patagonica I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha patula Greene
Cryptantha peruviana I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha phacelioides (Clos) Reiche
Cryptantha pondii Greene
Cryptantha pterocarya (Torr.) Greene
Cryptantha rattanii Greene
Cryptantha recurvata Coville
Cryptantha romanii I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha scoparia A. Nelson
Cryptantha simulans Greene
Cryptantha sparsiflora (Greene) Greene
Cryptantha spathulata (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha subamplexicaulis (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha taltalensis I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha texana (A. DC.) Greene
Cryptantha torreyana (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha traskiae I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha volckmannii (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Скратени се уште 5 варијанти заради уредност
Полн список ќе најдете во
ресурсната податотека
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Cryptantha limensis (A. DC.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha abata I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha affinis (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha alfalfalis (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha alyssoides (A. DC.) Reiche
Cryptantha ambigua (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha angustifolia (Torr.) Greene
Cryptantha aprica (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha argentea I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha aspera (Phil.) J. Grau
Cryptantha barbigera (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha calycina (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha calycotricha I. M. Johnston
Cryptantha capituliflora (Clos) Reiche
Cryptantha chaetocalyx (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha chispae J. Grau
Cryptantha clandestina (Trev.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha clevelandii Greene
Cryptantha clokeyi I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha corollata (I. M. Johnst.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha crassisepala (Torr. & Gray) Greene
Cryptantha crinita Greene
Cryptantha cynoglossoides (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha decipiens (M. E. Jones) Heller
Cryptantha dichita (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha diffusa (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha dimorpha (Phil.) Greene
Cryptantha dolichophylla (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha dumetorum (Greene ex Gray) Greene
Cryptantha echinella Greene
Cryptantha excavata Brandegee
Cryptantha fendleri (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha filaginea (Philippi) Reiche
Cryptantha filiformifolia Macbr.
Cryptantha filiformis (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha flaccida (Dougl.) Greene
Cryptantha foliosa (Greene) Greene
Cryptantha ganderi I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha gayi I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha globulifera (Clos) Reiche
Cryptantha glomerata Lehm. ex Fisch. & C. A. Mey.
Cryptantha glomeriflora Greene
Cryptantha glomerulifera (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha gnaphalioides (A. DC.) Reiche
Cryptantha gracilis Osterh.
Cryptantha granulosa (Ruiz & Pav.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha haplostachya (Phil.) I. M. Johnston
Cryptantha hispida (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha hispidula Greene ex Brand
Cryptantha hooveri I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha incana Greene
Cryptantha intermedia (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha involucrata (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha juniperensis R. B. Kelley & M. G. Simpson
Cryptantha kelseyana Greene
Cryptantha kingii (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha latefissa R. L. Perez-Moreau
Cryptantha leiocarpa (Fisch. & C. A. Mey.) Greene
Cryptantha linearis (Colla) Greene
Cryptantha longifolia (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha marioricardiana Teillier
Cryptantha mariposae I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha maritima (Greene) Greene
Cryptantha marticorenae J. Grau
Cryptantha martirensis M. G. Simpson & Rebman
Cryptantha mendocina I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha microstachys (Greene ex Gray) Greene
Cryptantha milobakeri I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha minima Rydb.
Cryptantha mirabunda A. Brand
Cryptantha mohavensis (Greene) Greene
Cryptantha muricata (Hook. & Arn.) A. Nels. & Macbr.
Cryptantha nemaclada Greene
Cryptantha nevadensis Nels. & Kennedy
Cryptantha nubigena (Greene) Payson
Cryptantha oxygona (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha papillosa R. L. Perez-Moreau
Cryptantha patagonica I. M. Johnsion
Cryptantha patula Greene
Cryptantha peruviana I. M. Johnston
Cryptantha phacelioides (Clos) Reiche
Cryptantha pondii Greene
Cryptantha pterocarya (Torr.) Greene
Cryptantha rattanii Greene
Cryptantha recurvata Coville
Cryptantha romanii I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha scoparia A. Nels.
Cryptantha simulans Greene
Cryptantha sparsiflora (Greene) Greene
Cryptantha spathulata (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha subamplexicaulis (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha taltalensis I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha texana (A. DC.) Greene
Cryptantha torreyana (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha traskiae I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha utahensis (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha varians A. Brand
Cryptantha volckmannii (Phil.) I. M. Johnston
Cryptantha watsonii (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha werdermanniana I. M. Johnston
Cryptantha wigginsii I. M. Johnst.
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Cryptantha limensis (A. DC.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha abata I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha affinis (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha albida (Kunth) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha alfalfalis (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha alyssoides (A. DC.) Reiche
Cryptantha ambigua (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha angustifolia (Torr.) Greene
Cryptantha aprica (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha argentea I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha aspera (Phil.) J. Grau
Cryptantha barbigera (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha calycina (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha calycotricha I. M. Johnston
Cryptantha chaetocalyx (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha chispae J. Grau
Cryptantha clandestina (Trev.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha clevelandii Greene
Cryptantha clokeyi I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha corollata (I. M. Johnst.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha crassisepala (Torr. & Gray) Greene
Cryptantha crinita Greene
Cryptantha cynoglossoides (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha decipiens (M. E. Jones) Heller
Cryptantha dichita (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha diffusa (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha dimorpha (Phil.) Greene
Cryptantha dolichophylla (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha dumetorum (Greene ex Gray) Greene
Cryptantha echinella Greene
Cryptantha excavata Brandegee
Cryptantha fendleri (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha filaginea (Philippi) Reiche
Cryptantha filiformifolia Macbr.
Cryptantha filiformis (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha flaccida (Dougl.) Greene
Cryptantha foliosa (Greene) Greene
Cryptantha ganderi I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha gayi I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha geohintonii B. L. Turner
Cryptantha globulifera (Clos) Reiche
Cryptantha glomerata Lehm. ex Fisch. & C. A. Mey.
Cryptantha glomeriflora Greene
Cryptantha glomerulifera (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha gnaphalioides (A. DC.) Reiche
Cryptantha gracilis Osterh.
Cryptantha granulosa (Ruiz & Pav.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha gypsites I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha hispida (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha hispidula Greene ex Brand
Cryptantha hooveri I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha incana Greene
Cryptantha intermedia (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha involucrata (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha juniperensis R. B. Kelley & M. G. Simpson
Cryptantha kelseyana Greene
Cryptantha kingii (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha latefissa R. L. Perez-Moreau
Cryptantha leiocarpa (Fisch. & C. A. Mey.) Greene
Cryptantha linearis (Colla) Greene
Cryptantha longifolia (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha marioricardiana Teillier
Cryptantha mariposae I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha maritima (Greene) Greene
Cryptantha marticorenae J. Grau
Cryptantha martirensis M. G. Simpson & Rebman
Cryptantha mendocina I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha mexicana (T. S. Brandegee) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha microstachys (Greene ex Gray) Greene
Cryptantha milobakeri I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha minima Rydb.
Cryptantha mirabunda A. Brand
Cryptantha mohavensis (Greene) Greene
Cryptantha muricata (Hook. & Arn.) A. Nels. & Macbr.
Cryptantha nemaclada Greene
Cryptantha nevadensis Nels. & Kennedy
Cryptantha oxygona (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha papillosa R. L. Perez-Moreau
Cryptantha patagonica I. M. Johnsion
Cryptantha patula Greene
Cryptantha peruviana I. M. Johnston
Cryptantha phacelioides (Clos) Reiche
Cryptantha pondii Greene
Cryptantha pterocarya (Torr.) Greene
Cryptantha recurvata Coville
Cryptantha romanii I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha scoparia A. Nels.
Cryptantha simulans Greene
Cryptantha sparsiflora (Greene) Greene
Cryptantha spathulata (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha subamplexicaulis (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha taltalensis I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha texana (A. DC.) Greene
Cryptantha torreyana (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha traskiae I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha utahensis (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha varians A. Brand
Cryptantha volckmannii (Phil.) I. M. Johnston
Cryptantha watsonii (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha werdermanniana I. M. Johnston
Cryptantha wigginsii I. M. Johnst.
Скратени се уште 4 варијанти заради уредност
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ресурсната податотека
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Cryptantha limensis (A. DC.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha abata I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha affinis (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha alfalfalis (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha alyssoides (A. DC.) Reiche
Cryptantha ambigua (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha angustifolia (Torr.) Greene
Cryptantha aprica (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha argentea I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha aspera (Phil.) J. Grau
Cryptantha barbigera (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha calycina (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha calycotricha I. M. Johnston
Cryptantha capituliflora (Clos) Reiche
Cryptantha chaetocalyx (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha chispae J. Grau
Cryptantha clandestina (Trev.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha clevelandii Greene
Cryptantha clokeyi I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha corollata (I. M. Johnst.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha crassisepala (Torr. & Gray) Greene
Cryptantha crinita Greene
Cryptantha cynoglossoides (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha decipiens (M. E. Jones) Heller
Cryptantha dichita (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha diffusa (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha dimorpha (Phil.) Greene
Cryptantha dolichophylla (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha dumetorum (Greene ex Gray) Greene
Cryptantha echinella Greene
Cryptantha excavata Brandegee
Cryptantha fendleri (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha filaginea (Philippi) Reiche
Cryptantha filiformifolia Macbr.
Cryptantha filiformis (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha flaccida (Dougl.) Greene
Cryptantha foliosa (Greene) Greene
Cryptantha ganderi I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha gayi I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha globulifera (Clos) Reiche
Cryptantha glomerata Lehm. ex Fisch. & C. A. Mey.
Cryptantha glomeriflora Greene
Cryptantha glomerulifera (Phil.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha gnaphalioides (A. DC.) Reiche
Cryptantha gracilis Osterh.
Cryptantha granulosa (Ruiz & Pav.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha haplostachya (Phil.) I. M. Johnston
Cryptantha hispida (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha hispidula Greene ex Brand
Cryptantha hooveri I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha incana Greene
Cryptantha intermedia (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha involucrata (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha juniperensis R. B. Kelley & M. G. Simpson
Cryptantha kelseyana Greene
Cryptantha kingii (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha latefissa R. L. Perez-Moreau
Cryptantha leiocarpa (Fisch. & C. A. Mey.) Greene
Cryptantha linearis (Colla) Greene
Cryptantha longifolia (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha marioricardiana Teillier
Cryptantha mariposae I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha maritima (Greene) Greene
Cryptantha marticorenae J. Grau
Cryptantha martirensis M. G. Simpson & Rebman
Cryptantha mendocina I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha microstachys (Greene ex Gray) Greene
Cryptantha milobakeri I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha minima Rydb.
Cryptantha mirabunda A. Brand
Cryptantha mohavensis (Greene) Greene
Cryptantha muricata (Hook. & Arn.) A. Nels. & Macbr.
Cryptantha nemaclada Greene
Cryptantha nevadensis Nels. & Kennedy
Cryptantha nubigena (Greene) Payson
Cryptantha oxygona (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha papillosa R. L. Perez-Moreau
Cryptantha patagonica I. M. Johnsion
Cryptantha patula Greene
Cryptantha peruviana I. M. Johnston
Cryptantha phacelioides (Clos) Reiche
Cryptantha pondii Greene
Cryptantha pterocarya (Torr.) Greene
Cryptantha rattanii Greene
Cryptantha recurvata Coville
Cryptantha romanii I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha scoparia A. Nels.
Cryptantha simulans Greene
Cryptantha sparsiflora (Greene) Greene
Cryptantha spathulata (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha subamplexicaulis (Phil.) Reiche
Cryptantha taltalensis I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha texana (A. DC.) Greene
Cryptantha torreyana (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha traskiae I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha utahensis (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha varians A. Brand
Cryptantha volckmannii (Phil.) I. M. Johnston
Cryptantha watsonii (A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha werdermanniana I. M. Johnston
Cryptantha wigginsii I. M. Johnst.
GBIF classification
Cryptantha Lehm. ex G. Don
Cryptantha limensis I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha abata I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha abramsii I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha affinis Greene
Cryptantha albida I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha alfalfalis I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha alyssoides Reiche
Cryptantha ambigua Greene
Cryptantha angustifolia Greene
Cryptantha aprica Reiche
Cryptantha argentea I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha aspera (Phil.) Grau
Cryptantha barbigera Greene
Cryptantha bridgesii Brand
Cryptantha buchtienii Brand
Cryptantha calycina Reiche
Cryptantha calycotricha I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha carrizalensis Reiche
Cryptantha chaetocalyx I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha chispae Grau
Cryptantha clandestina I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha clemensae Payson
Cryptantha clevelandii Greene
Cryptantha clokeyi I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha congesta Greene
Cryptantha corollata (I. M. Johnst.) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha crassisepala (Torr. & A. Gray) Greene
Cryptantha crinita Greene
Cryptantha cynoglossoides I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha decipiens (M. E. Jones) A. Heller
Cryptantha dichita I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha diffusa I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha dimorpha Greene
Cryptantha dolichophylla Reiche
Cryptantha dumetorum Greene
Cryptantha echinella Greene
Cryptantha excavata Brandegee
Cryptantha exigua Osterh.
Cryptantha fendleri Greene
Cryptantha filaginea Reiche
Cryptantha filiformifolia J. F. Macbr.
Cryptantha filiformis Reiche
Cryptantha flaccida Greene
Cryptantha ganderi I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha gayi I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha geohintonii B. L. Turner
Cryptantha globulifera Reiche
Cryptantha glomeriflora Greene
Cryptantha gracilis Osterh.
Cryptantha hispida Reiche
Cryptantha hispidula Greene ex Brand
Cryptantha hooveri I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha incana Greene
Cryptantha intermedia Greene
Cryptantha involucrata Reiche
Cryptantha kelseyana Greene
Cryptantha latefissa R. L. Perez-Mor.
Cryptantha leiocarpa (Fisch. & C. A. Mey.) Greene
Cryptantha longifolia Reiche
Cryptantha longiseta Brand
Cryptantha mariposae I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha maritima Greene
Cryptantha marticorenae Grau
Cryptantha mendocina I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha mexicana (Brandegee) I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha microstachys Greene
Cryptantha milobakeri I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha minima Rydb.
Cryptantha mirabunda Brand
Cryptantha mohavensis Greene
Cryptantha multicaulis A. Nelson
Cryptantha muricata A. Nelson & J. F. Macbr.
Cryptantha nemaclada Greene
Cryptantha nevadensis Nelson & Kennedy
Cryptantha nubigena Payson
Cryptantha oxygona Greene
Cryptantha papillosa R. L. Perez-Mor.
Cryptantha patagonica I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha patula Greene
Cryptantha peruviana I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha phaceloides Reiche
Cryptantha pondii Greene
Cryptantha pterocarya Greene
Cryptantha rattanii Greene
Cryptantha recurvata Coville
Cryptantha romanii I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha scoparia A. Nelson
Cryptantha simulans Greene
Cryptantha sparsiflora Greene
Cryptantha spathulata Reiche
Cryptantha subamplexicaulis Reiche
Cryptantha taltalensis I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha texana Greene
Cryptantha torreyana Greene
Cryptantha traskae I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha traskiae I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha utahensis Greene
Cryptantha varians Brand
Cryptantha watsonii Greene
Cryptantha werdermanniana I. M. Johnst.
Cryptantha wigginsii I. M. Johnst.
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ресурсната податотека
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Cryptantha macbridei
Cryptantha abata
Cryptantha abramsii
Cryptantha albida
Cryptantha alfalfalis
Cryptantha alyssoides
Cryptantha aperta
Cryptantha aprica
Cryptantha arenicola
Cryptantha argentea
Cryptantha aspera
Cryptantha atwoodii
Cryptantha bakeri
Cryptantha barbigera
Cryptantha barnebyi
Cryptantha borchersii
Cryptantha brandegeei
Cryptantha breviflora
Cryptantha bridgesii
Cryptantha buchtienii
Cryptantha calycosa
Cryptantha capitata
Cryptantha capituliflora
Cryptantha carrizalensis
Cryptantha cedrosensis
Cryptantha celosioides
Cryptantha chaetocalyx
Cryptantha chispae
Cryptantha cinerea
Cryptantha clandestina
Cryptantha clemensae
Cryptantha coryi
Cryptantha corymbosa
Cryptantha crassisepala
Cryptantha creutzfeldtii
Cryptantha crymophila
Cryptantha cynoglossoides
Cryptantha decipiens
Cryptantha densiflora
Cryptantha denticulata
Cryptantha dicarpa
Cryptantha dichita
Cryptantha dichotoma
Cryptantha diffusa
Cryptantha dimorpha
Cryptantha diplotricha
Cryptantha dolichophylla
Cryptantha dumetorum
Cryptantha eastwoodiae
Cryptantha echinella
Cryptantha echinoides
Cryptantha echinosepala
Cryptantha falcata
Cryptantha fergusoniae
Cryptantha flaccida
Cryptantha flava
Cryptantha flexuosa
Cryptantha foliosa
Cryptantha fragilis
Cryptantha fulvocanescens
Cryptantha ganderi
Cryptantha geminata
Cryptantha grisea
Cryptantha gypsophila
Cryptantha haplostachya
Cryptantha heliotropoides
Cryptantha hillmanii
Cryptantha hispida
Cryptantha holoptera
Cryptantha hooveri
Cryptantha horridula
Cryptantha interrupta
Cryptantha involucrata
Cryptantha johnstonii
Cryptantha jonesii
Cryptantha lappula
Cryptantha latifolia
Cryptantha macounii
Cryptantha maritima
Cryptantha micromeres
Cryptantha minutiflora
Cryptantha monosperma
Cryptantha multicaule
Cryptantha muriculata
Cryptantha nana
Cryptantha parvula
Cryptantha pattersonii
Cryptantha polycarpa
Cryptantha pumila
Cryptantha pustulosa
Cryptantha ramosissima
Cryptantha ramulosissima
Cryptantha saxorum
Cryptantha seorsa
Cryptantha submollis
Cryptantha suffruticosa
Cryptantha suksdorfii
Cryptantha talquina
Cryptantha torreyi
Cryptantha trifurca
Cryptantha vitrea
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ресурсната податотека
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Cryptantha limensis
Cryptantha abata
Cryptantha abramsii
Cryptantha albida
Cryptantha alfalfalis
Cryptantha alyssoides
Cryptantha aperta
Cryptantha aprica
Cryptantha arenicola
Cryptantha argentea
Cryptantha aspera
Cryptantha atwoodii
Cryptantha bakeri
Cryptantha barbigera
Cryptantha barnebyi
Cryptantha borchersii
Cryptantha brandegeei
Cryptantha breviflora
Cryptantha bridgesii
Cryptantha buchtienii
Cryptantha calycosa
Cryptantha capitata
Cryptantha capituliflora
Cryptantha carrizalensis
Cryptantha cedrosensis
Cryptantha celosioides
Cryptantha chaetocalyx
Cryptantha chispae
Cryptantha cinerea
Cryptantha clandestina
Cryptantha clemensae
Cryptantha coryi
Cryptantha corymbosa
Cryptantha crassisepala
Cryptantha creutzfeldtii
Cryptantha crymophila
Cryptantha cynoglossoides
Cryptantha decipiens
Cryptantha densiflora
Cryptantha denticulata
Cryptantha dicarpa
Cryptantha dichita
Cryptantha dichotoma
Cryptantha diffusa
Cryptantha dimorpha
Cryptantha diplotricha
Cryptantha dolichophylla
Cryptantha dumetorum
Cryptantha eastwoodiae
Cryptantha echinella
Cryptantha echinoides
Cryptantha echinosepala
Cryptantha falcata
Cryptantha fergusoniae
Cryptantha flaccida
Cryptantha flava
Cryptantha flexuosa
Cryptantha foliosa
Cryptantha fragilis
Cryptantha fulvocanescens
Cryptantha ganderi
Cryptantha geminata
Cryptantha grisea
Cryptantha gypsophila
Cryptantha haplostachya
Cryptantha heliotropoides
Cryptantha hillmanii
Cryptantha hispida
Cryptantha holoptera
Cryptantha hooveri
Cryptantha horridula
Cryptantha interrupta
Cryptantha involucrata
Cryptantha johnstonii
Cryptantha jonesii
Cryptantha lappula
Cryptantha latifolia
Cryptantha macbridei
Cryptantha macounii
Cryptantha micromeres
Cryptantha minutiflora
Cryptantha monosperma
Cryptantha multicaule
Cryptantha muriculata
Cryptantha nana
Cryptantha parvula
Cryptantha pattersonii
Cryptantha polycarpa
Cryptantha pumila
Cryptantha pustulosa
Cryptantha ramosissima
Cryptantha ramulosissima
Cryptantha saxorum
Cryptantha seorsa
Cryptantha submollis
Cryptantha suffruticosa
Cryptantha suksdorfii
Cryptantha talquina
Cryptantha torreyi
Cryptantha trifurca
Cryptantha vitrea
Скратени се уште 176 варијанти заради уредност
Полн список ќе најдете во
ресурсната податотека
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Cryptantha woitschachii
Cryptantha abata
Cryptantha abramsii
Cryptantha albida
Cryptantha alfalfalis
Cryptantha alyssoides
Cryptantha aperta
Cryptantha aprica
Cryptantha arenicola
Cryptantha argentea
Cryptantha aspera
Cryptantha atwoodii
Cryptantha bakeri
Cryptantha barbigera
Cryptantha barnebyi
Cryptantha borchersii
Cryptantha brandegeei
Cryptantha breviflora
Cryptantha bridgesii
Cryptantha buchtienii
Cryptantha calycosa
Cryptantha capitata
Cryptantha capituliflora
Cryptantha carrizalensis
Cryptantha cedrosensis
Cryptantha celosioides
Cryptantha chaetocalyx
Cryptantha chispae
Cryptantha cinerea
Cryptantha clandestina
Cryptantha clemensae
Cryptantha coryi
Cryptantha corymbosa
Cryptantha crassisepala
Cryptantha creutzfeldtii
Cryptantha crymophila
Cryptantha cynoglossoides
Cryptantha decipiens
Cryptantha densiflora
Cryptantha denticulata
Cryptantha dicarpa
Cryptantha dichita
Cryptantha dichotoma
Cryptantha diffusa
Cryptantha dimorpha
Cryptantha diplotricha
Cryptantha dolichophylla
Cryptantha dumetorum
Cryptantha eastwoodiae
Cryptantha echinella
Cryptantha echinoides
Cryptantha echinosepala
Cryptantha falcata
Cryptantha fergusoniae
Cryptantha flaccida
Cryptantha flava
Cryptantha flexuosa
Cryptantha foliosa
Cryptantha fragilis
Cryptantha fulvocanescens
Cryptantha ganderi
Cryptantha geminata
Cryptantha grisea
Cryptantha gypsophila
Cryptantha haplostachya
Cryptantha heliotropoides
Cryptantha hillmanii
Cryptantha hispida
Cryptantha holoptera
Cryptantha hooveri
Cryptantha horridula
Cryptantha interrupta
Cryptantha involucrata
Cryptantha johnstonii
Cryptantha jonesii
Cryptantha lappula
Cryptantha latifolia
Cryptantha macbridei
Cryptantha macounii
Cryptantha micromeres
Cryptantha minutiflora
Cryptantha monosperma
Cryptantha multicaule
Cryptantha muriculata
Cryptantha nana
Cryptantha parvula
Cryptantha pattersonii
Cryptantha polycarpa
Cryptantha pumila
Cryptantha pustulosa
Cryptantha ramosissima
Cryptantha ramulosissima
Cryptantha saxorum
Cryptantha seorsa
Cryptantha submollis
Cryptantha suffruticosa
Cryptantha suksdorfii
Cryptantha talquina
Cryptantha torreyi
Cryptantha trifurca
Cryptantha vitrea
Скратени се уште 176 варијанти заради уредност
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