Kerona pediculus (O. F. Muller, 1773) Blochmann, 1886) , a hypotrich ciliate that lives on the surface of freshwater Hydra, and can consume epithelial and other cells from its host. Phase contrast optics.
Kerona pediculus (O. F. Muller, 1773) Blochmann, 1886), a hypotrich ciliate that lives on the surface of freshwater Hydra, and can consume epithelial and other cells from its host. Side view. Differential interference contrast optics.
Kerona pediculus (O. F. Muller, 1773) Blochmann, 1886) , a hypotrich ciliate that lives on the surface of freshwater Hydra, and can consume epithelial and other cells from its host. Portrait of cell from ventral side showing Adoral Zone of Membranelles (AZM) and somatic ciliature. Differential interference contrast optics.
Kerona pediculus (O. F. Muller, 1773) Blochmann, 1886), a hypotrich ciliate that lives on the surface of freshwater Hydra, and can consume epithelial and other cells from its host. Cell from ventral side showing rows of vental cirri. Differential interference contrast optics.
Kerona pediculus (O. F. Muller, 1773) Blochmann, 1886, a hypotrich ciliKerona pediculus ate that lives on the surface of freshwater Hydra, and can consume epithelial and other cells from its host. Cell from ventral side showing rows of vental cirri. Differential interference contrast optics.
Originally describe by Ehrenberg under the name Kerona polyporum.