
Benefits ( англиски )

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Interest to fisheries limited, fished as bycatch of commercial shark fisheries off Western Australia and taken by dropline off New South Wales. Flesh marketed but of little commercial value at present. Skin very tough and attractively patterned, and occasionally used for making a good leather.This species is kept in public aquaria in the United States and probably Australia. Conservation Status : Conservation status uncertain, but of concern in places outside Australian territorial waters where it is found in places subjected to habitat degradation and uncontrolled fisheries.
библиографски навод
Sharks of the world An annotated and illustrated catalogue of shark species known to date. Volume 2 Bullhead, mackerel and carpet sharks (Heterodontiformes, Lamniformes and Orectolobiformes). Leonard J.V. Compagno 2001.  FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 1, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 2001. p.269.
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Brief Summary ( англиски )

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A common inshore bottom shark of continental waters, found in bays, on alga-covered rocky areas and coral reefs on the coast and around offshore islands, in lagoons, on reef flats and faces, and in reef channels. Favours clearer water than does the spotted wobbegong.Occurs from the intertidal to at least 100 m depth. This is a nocturnal shark, that rests on the bottom during the day in caves, under ledges on reefs, and in trenches, and prowls on its reef habitat at night. It is observed singly and often in aggregations during the day, sometimes with several animals piled on top of one another. Ovoviviparous, with litter of at least 12 young. Feeds on bony fishes, sharks, rays, cephalopods, and crustaceans.
библиографски навод
Sharks of the world An annotated and illustrated catalogue of shark species known to date. Volume 2 Bullhead, mackerel and carpet sharks (Heterodontiformes, Lamniformes and Orectolobiformes). Leonard J.V. Compagno 2001.  FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 1, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 2001. p.269.
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Size ( англиски )

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Maximum about 288 cm. Size at birth about 20 cm. Normally maturing at about 175 cm but a Queensland male was mature at 63 cm (suggesting the possibility of more than one species included under this taxon).
библиографски навод
Sharks of the world An annotated and illustrated catalogue of shark species known to date. Volume 2 Bullhead, mackerel and carpet sharks (Heterodontiformes, Lamniformes and Orectolobiformes). Leonard J.V. Compagno 2001.  FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 1, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 2001. p.269.
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Distribution ( англиски )

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Western Pacific: ?Japan, Indonesia, New Guinea, and tropical and warm-temperate Australia (Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, south coast of Western Australia; absent from Tasmania, northern Western Australia and Northern Territory).
библиографски навод
Sharks of the world An annotated and illustrated catalogue of shark species known to date. Volume 2 Bullhead, mackerel and carpet sharks (Heterodontiformes, Lamniformes and Orectolobiformes). Leonard J.V. Compagno 2001.  FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 1, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 2001. p.269.
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FAO species catalogs

Diagnostic Description ( англиски )

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fieldmarks: Flattened benthic sharks with dermal lobes on sides of head, symphysial groove on chin; a strongly contrasting, variegated colour pattern of conspicuous broad dark, dorsal saddles with light spots and conspicuous black, corrugated edges, interspaced with lighter areas and conspicuous dark, light-centred spots; also, mouth in front of eyes, long, basally branched nasal barbels, nasoral grooves and circumnarial grooves, two rows of enlarged fang-like teeth in upper jaw and three in lower jaw; first dorsal-fin origin over pelvic-fin bases. Nasal barbels with a few branches. Five dermal lobes below and in front of eye on each side of head; dermal lobes behind spiracles unbranched or weakly branched and broad. No dermal tubercles or ridges on back. Interspace between dorsal fins longer than inner margin of first dorsal fin, about half first dorsal-fin base. Origin of first dorsal fin over about last third of pelvic-fin base. First dorsal-fin height about equal to base length. Colour pattern very conspicuous and highly variegated, dorsal surface of body with conspicuous broad, dark rectangular saddles with deeply corrugated, prominent black-edged margins, dotted with light spots and not ocellate in appearance; interspaces between saddles light, with numerous broad light-centred dark blotches.


  • Masuda et al., 1975.
  • Ogilby & McCulloch , 1908

библиографски навод
Sharks of the world An annotated and illustrated catalogue of shark species known to date. Volume 2 Bullhead, mackerel and carpet sharks (Heterodontiformes, Lamniformes and Orectolobiformes). Leonard J.V. Compagno 2001.  FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 1, Vol. 2. Rome, FAO. 2001. p.269.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN
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FAO species catalogs

Trophic Strategy ( англиски )

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A common bottom shark of inshore continental waters, on algal-covered rocky areas and coral reefs. Nocturnal, resting on the bottom during the day and prowling on its reef habitat at night. Presumably feeding on bottom invertebrates and fishes but diet unrecorded.
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Morphology ( англиски )

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Dorsal spines (total): 0; Dorsal soft rays (total): 0; Analspines: 0; Analsoft rays: 0
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Cristina V. Garilao
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Life Cycle ( англиски )

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Ovoviviparous, embryos feed solely on yolk (Ref. 50449).
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Cristina V. Garilao
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Diagnostic Description ( англиски )

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Back with light areas between dark saddles marked with dark, light-centered blotches and spots, not reticulated lines (Ref. 13577). Caudal fin with its upper lobe hardly elevated above the body axis, with a strong terminal lobe and subterminal notch but no ventral lobe (Ref. 13577).
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Biology ( англиски )

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A common bottom shark of inshore continental waters, on algal-covered rocky areas and coral reefs (Ref. 247). Nocturnal, resting on the bottom during the day and prowling on its reef habitat at night (Ref. 247). Presumably feeding on bottom invertebrates and fishes but diet unrecorded (Ref. 13577). Ovoviviparous (Ref. 50449). Attacks waders and fishers in tide pools (Ref. 247). Interest to fisheries limited; its skin very tough and attractively patterned and utilized for leather (Ref. 13577).
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Kent E. Carpenter
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Wobegong queenslandský ( чешки )

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Wobegong queenslandský (Orectolobus ornatus) je druh žraloka z čeledi wobegongovitých (Orectolobidae).


Wobegong se vyskytuje u pobřeží Austrálie a Nové Guiney.


Wobegong je dlouhý až 3 m a patří tak k větším druhům žraloků. Jeho tělo je ploché.[2]

Způsob života

Wobegong většinu dne polehává na korálovém útesu. Díky důmyslným mimikrám je téměř k nerozeznání od podkladu. Takto ukrytý číhá žralok na hlavonožce a krevety, jež tvoří nejdůležitější část potravy. K lidem se nechovají agresivně, pokud však na ně šlápne potápěč, mohou se ohradit.[3]

Chov doma

Wobegonga queenslandského lze i chovat, potřebuje však mít obrovské akvárium o objemu až 2 000 hl vody.



  1. Červený seznam IUCN 2018.1. 5. července 2018. Dostupné online. [cit. 2018-08-10]
  2. Dostupné online.
  3. TRAINITO, Egidio. Podmořské divy světa: [s.n.] 299 s.


  • Podmořské divy světa

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Wobegong queenslandský: Brief Summary ( чешки )

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Wobegong queenslandský (Orectolobus ornatus) je druh žraloka z čeledi wobegongovitých (Orectolobidae).

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Ornament-Teppichhai ( германски )

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Der Ornament-Teppichhai (Orectolobus ornatus, ursprünglich Crossorhinus ornatus, zeitweise auch Orectolobus devisi) ist ein Echter Hai aus der Familie der Teppichhaie (Orectolobidae). Er lebt im West-Pazifik um das östliche Indonesien, vor Papua-Neuguinea sowie vor der australischen Ost- und Südküste. Südlicher gesichtete, meist größere Exemplare werden zum Teil einer eigenen Art, Orectolobus halei, zugeordnet.


Die Art ist flach mit breitem Kopf und Körper, und erreicht eine Länge von maximal knapp 2,90 m. Rund um den Oberkiefer trägt sie, zum Teil verzweigte, Barteln. Die Färbung ist von rötlichem Hellbraun, auf Kopf, Rücken und Schwanz trägt die Art Sättel von auffälligen, schwarz gepunkteten Zeichnungen, die ihr den Namen geben.


Der Ornament-Teppichhai lebt auf dem Kontinentalschelf in Buchten, über algenbedeckten Felsen und vor Korallen-Riffen in Tiefen von bis zu 100 m. Er jagt nachts kleinere Haie und Rochen, Kopffüßer und Krebstiere, tagsüber hält er sich versteckt. Die Art ist ovovivipar.


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Ornament-Teppichhai: Brief Summary ( германски )

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Der Ornament-Teppichhai (Orectolobus ornatus, ursprünglich Crossorhinus ornatus, zeitweise auch Orectolobus devisi) ist ein Echter Hai aus der Familie der Teppichhaie (Orectolobidae). Er lebt im West-Pazifik um das östliche Indonesien, vor Papua-Neuguinea sowie vor der australischen Ost- und Südküste. Südlicher gesichtete, meist größere Exemplare werden zum Teil einer eigenen Art, Orectolobus halei, zugeordnet.

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Ornate wobbegong ( англиски )

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The ornate wobbegong (Orectolobus ornatus) is a species of carpet shark that lives in Australia and possibly other countries in the Western Pacific Ocean. It is coloured golden brown, yellow-green and blueish-grey, and it grows to maximum 120 centimetres (3.9 ft). Described by Charles Walter De Vis in 1883, it is similar in appearance to other Australian wobbegongs and has previously been classified as the same species as the Gulf wobbegong. It is a nocturnal species, hunting at night, and it can bite humans when disturbed. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has listed it as a least-concern species.


The ornate wobbegong was described by Charles Walter De Vis in 1883. It was previously assumed to be the juvenile form of the Gulf wobbegong (Orectolobus halei), due to similarities between the two species. However, there are multiple differences: for example, the ornate wobbegong is smaller, has a smaller head relative to its body, and is less freckled.[1]

"Banded wobbegong" is an alternative common name for the ornate wobbegong;[2] however, it is also used for the Gulf wobbegong.[3]


The ornate wobbegong's upperside is golden brown in colour with blueish-grey areas, and it is yellow-green on its underside. It has two dorsal fins, a large flat head, and small eyes.[2] Its mouth and lower head are covered with flaps of skin.[4] Juveniles are 20 centimetres (7.9 in) in total length and sexual maturity is reached at 79 centimetres (2.6 ft). For adults, the maximum reported size is 120 centimetres (3.9 ft).[5]

The ornate wobbegong is similar in appearance to the gulf wobbegong and the spotted wobbegong (Orectolobus maculatus). However, it is smaller than the former and it does not have the distinctive O-shaped spots of the latter.[2] The ornate wobbegong also has markings with black edges, further differentiating it from the spotted wobbegong. Its distinct colour pattern provides good camouflage: it is barely discernible when amidst plants on the sea floor. As specimens grow older, however, this pattern becomes less prominent.[6]


The ornate wobbegong is a nocturnal species, with most activity and feeding taking place in the nighttime. In the daytime, it has occasionally been known to hunt for food, but generally it is in a "somewhat sleepy state", resting out in the open or under caves and ledges,[6] often on sand or weed bottoms.[4] Habitats include algae-covered sea floors, coral reefs, or bays. The species usually lives in clearer waters than the spotted wobbegong.[5] Its prey consists of crustaceans, fish, and octopuses.[6] A study of the diet of specimens in Port Jackson showed that fish, primarily luderick, moray eels, and snappers, composed 86.5% of the species' diet, and cephalopods composed 13.5% of it.[7]

Reproduction is ovoviviparous and over 12 pups are born at a time.[5] Gestation takes almost a year, with young hatching in September or October.[8] A one-day-old specimen was observed by Neville Coleman to have a full set of teeth and be able to defend itself.[6]

The ornate wobbegong is usually not hostile towards humans,[2] but it can bite when disturbed.[6] It uses its sharp anterior teeth to inflict "shallow but painful wounds".[5] Because it camouflages so well, divers often fail to see it even when they are close, and some are bitten.[6] It has bitten people who go into tide pools, including fishers and waders. It sometimes swims towards nearby divers, possibly with hostile intent. The International Shark Attack File has recorded 32 attacks by wobbegongs species in general because it is difficult to do an accurate identification of wobbegongs.[5]


The ornate wobbegong lives in tropical and warm temperate waters no deeper than 100 metres (330 ft).[9] It is native to eastern Australia, in the western Pacific Ocean. Reports have been confirmed at Port Stephens and Sydney. Although it has also been reported to live in Indonesia, Japan, and Papua New Guinea, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) states that these reports probably misidentified other fish for this species, which would make the ornate wobbegong endemic to Australia.[1] However, according to the Florida Museum of Natural History, it does live in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. This report has to be verified.[5]

The ornate wobbegong's population is not known, nor whether it is increasing or decreasing. Its main threat in eastern Australia is commercial fishing. A survey from May 2000 to April 2001 concluded that 5,174 total wobbegongs (including other species) were fished and kept in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, and Western Australia. Its flesh is edible, which makes it a target for human consumption, and its skin has previously been utilised for decoration. It is not threatened currently, as it is only caught in parts of its range and not often. As of 20 February 2015, it is listed as a least-concern species on the IUCN Red List, after two assessments as near threatened in 2003 and 2009.[1]


  1. ^ a b c d Huveneers, C.; Pollard, D. A.; Gordon, I.; Flaherty, A. A.; Pogonoski, J. (2015). "Orectolobus ornatus (Ornate Wobbegong)". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2015-4.RLTS.T41838A68638906.en.
  2. ^ a b c d McGrouther, Mark. "Banded Wobbegong, Orectolobus ornatus (De Vis, 1883)". Australian Museum. Retrieved 4 February 2019.
  3. ^ Huveneers, C.; Pollard, D. A.; Gordon, I.; Flaherty, A. A.; Pogonoski, J. (2015). "Orectolobus halei (Banded Wobbegong)". The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2015-4.RLTS.T161709A68638176.en.
  4. ^ a b Allen, Gerry (10 June 1999). Marine Fishes of South-East Asia: A Field Guide for Anglers and Divers (illustrated ed.). Tuttle Publishing. p. 40. ISBN 1462917070.
  5. ^ a b c d e f Bester, Cathleen. "Orectolobus ornatus". Florida Museum of Natural History. Retrieved 7 February 2019.
  6. ^ a b c d e f Coleman, Neville (1996). Australia's Sharks & Rays (illustrated, reprint ed.). National Book Distributors and Publishers. pp. 25–27. ISBN 1864362537. Retrieved 7 February 2019.
  7. ^ Shepherd, Scoresby; Edgar, Graham (23 October 2013). Ecology of Australian Temperate Reefs: The Unique South. CSIRO Publishing. p. 405. ISBN 1486300103. Retrieved 7 February 2019.
  8. ^ Last, Peter Robert; Stephens, John Donald (2009). Sharks and Rays of Australia (2 ed.). CSIRO Publishing. p. 664. ISBN 0643094571. Retrieved 4 February 2019.
  9. ^ Carrier, Jeffrey C.; Musick, John A.; Heithaus, Michael R. (9 March 2010). Sharks and Their Relatives II: Biodiversity, Adaptive Physiology, and Conservation (illustrated ed.). CRC Press. p. 205. ISBN 1420080482. Retrieved 7 February 2019.

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Ornate wobbegong: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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The ornate wobbegong (Orectolobus ornatus) is a species of carpet shark that lives in Australia and possibly other countries in the Western Pacific Ocean. It is coloured golden brown, yellow-green and blueish-grey, and it grows to maximum 120 centimetres (3.9 ft). Described by Charles Walter De Vis in 1883, it is similar in appearance to other Australian wobbegongs and has previously been classified as the same species as the Gulf wobbegong. It is a nocturnal species, hunting at night, and it can bite humans when disturbed. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has listed it as a least-concern species.

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Orectolobus ornatus ( шпански; кастиљски )

добавил wikipedia ES

El tiburón alfombra jaspeado (Orectolobus ornatus) es una especie de elasmobranquio orectolobiforme de la familia Orectolobidae.[1]

Véase también


  1. FishBase (en inglés)

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Orectolobus ornatus: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

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El tiburón alfombra jaspeado (Orectolobus ornatus) es una especie de elasmobranquio orectolobiforme de la familia Orectolobidae.​

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Orectolobus ornatus ( баскиски )

добавил wikipedia EU

Orectolobus ornatus Orectolobus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Orectolobidae familian sailkatzen da.


  1. Froese, Rainer & Pauly, Daniel ed. (2006), Orectolobus ornatus FishBase webgunean. 2006ko apirilaren bertsioa.

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Orectolobus ornatus: Brief Summary ( баскиски )

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Orectolobus ornatus Orectolobus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Orectolobidae familian sailkatzen da.

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Korupartahai ( фински )

добавил wikipedia FI

Korupartahai (Orectolobus ornatus) on partahaiden heimon tyypillinen edustaja. Se on hitaasti uiva pohjan asukki, joka viettää paljon aikaa pohjalla maaten. Korupartahai luottaa siihen, että sen väritys hämää saaliseläimiä. Se kasvaa enintään kolmimetriseksi. Muiden pohjalla elävien haiden tavoin sillä on pään päällä kaksi ruiskureikää hengitysveden ottamista varten.


Korupartahaita tavataan läntisellä Tyynellämerellä Indonesian, Australian ja Papua-Uuden-Guinean rannikkovesissä aina sadan metrin syvyyteen asti. Se suosii varsinkin kivikkoisia pohjia, joilla on runsaasti kasvillisuutta, koska silloin sen väritys ja suuta ympäröivät ihokasvannaiset sulautuvat parhaiten ympäristöön.


Korupartahait saalistavat pääasiassa pieniä luukaloja ja rapuja. Laji saalistaa pääasiassa väijyksistä, mutta saattaa myös etsiä öisin nukkuvia kaloja. Se on yleensä ihmiselle harmiton, mutta voi puraista jos sitä ärsytetään.


Korupartahait ovat ovovipaarisia, eli munat kuoriutuvat emon sisällä. Poikaset ovat syntyessään noin 20 senttimetrin pituisia.


  1. Huveneers, C., Pollard, D.A., Gordon, I., Flaherty, A.A. & Pogonoski, J.: Orectolobus ornatus IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2015.4. 2015. International Union for Conservation of Nature, IUCN, Iucnredlist.org. Viitattu 1.1.2016. (englanniksi)

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Korupartahai: Brief Summary ( фински )

добавил wikipedia FI

Korupartahai (Orectolobus ornatus) on partahaiden heimon tyypillinen edustaja. Se on hitaasti uiva pohjan asukki, joka viettää paljon aikaa pohjalla maaten. Korupartahai luottaa siihen, että sen väritys hämää saaliseläimiä. Se kasvaa enintään kolmimetriseksi. Muiden pohjalla elävien haiden tavoin sillä on pään päällä kaksi ruiskureikää hengitysveden ottamista varten.

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Orectolobus ornatus ( индонезиски )

добавил wikipedia ID

Orectolobus ornatus adalah spesies hiu karpet yang tergolong ke dalam famili Orectolobidae. Hiu ini dapat ditemui di Samudra Pasifik barat di sekitaran Indonesia timur, Papua Nugini, dan Australia, tepatnya di antara lintang 1° N dan 34° S (di dekat Sydney). Sejauh ini, hanya populasi di Australia yang telah dipastikan sebagai bagian dari spesies ini, dan terdapat kemungkinan bahwa populasi di negara lain merupakan spesies terpisah yang belum dideskripsikan. Panjang maksimal hiu ini dilaporkan mencapai 1,17 m. Laporan mengenai ukuran yang lebih besar sendiri tidak akurat karena yang dilaporkan sebenarnya adalah spesies wobbegong teluk, O. halei, yang terletak lebih jauh di selatan daripada Orectolobus ornatus.


  • "Orectolobus ornatus". FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. may 2006 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2006.
  • Huveneers, C. (2006). Redescription of two species of wobbegongs (Chondrichthyes: Orectolobidae) with elevation of Orectolobus halei Whitley 1940 to species level. Zootaxa 1284: 29-51.
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Orectolobus ornatus: Brief Summary ( индонезиски )

добавил wikipedia ID

Orectolobus ornatus adalah spesies hiu karpet yang tergolong ke dalam famili Orectolobidae. Hiu ini dapat ditemui di Samudra Pasifik barat di sekitaran Indonesia timur, Papua Nugini, dan Australia, tepatnya di antara lintang 1° N dan 34° S (di dekat Sydney). Sejauh ini, hanya populasi di Australia yang telah dipastikan sebagai bagian dari spesies ini, dan terdapat kemungkinan bahwa populasi di negara lain merupakan spesies terpisah yang belum dideskripsikan. Panjang maksimal hiu ini dilaporkan mencapai 1,17 m. Laporan mengenai ukuran yang lebih besar sendiri tidak akurat karena yang dilaporkan sebenarnya adalah spesies wobbegong teluk, O. halei, yang terletak lebih jauh di selatan daripada Orectolobus ornatus.

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Sierlijke bakerhaai ( холандски; фламански )

добавил wikipedia NL

De sierlijke bakerhaai (Orectolobus ornatus) is een vis uit de familie van de wobbegongs (Orectolobidae) en behoort derhalve tot de orde van bakerhaaien (Orectolobiformes). De vis kan een lengte bereiken van 290 centimeter.


De sierlijke bakerhaai is een zoutwatervis. De vis prefereert een tropisch klimaat en komt voor in de Grote en Indische Oceaan op dieptes tussen 0 en 100 meter.

Relatie tot de mens

In de hengelsport wordt er weinig op de vis gejaagd.

Voor de mens kan de sierlijke bakerhaai gevaarlijk zijn, de sierlijke bakerhaai kan een mens flink verwonden.

Externe link

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  • Froese, R., D. Pauly. en redactie. 2005. FishBase. Elektronische publicatie. www.fishbase.org, versie 06/2005.
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Sierlijke bakerhaai: Brief Summary ( холандски; фламански )

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De sierlijke bakerhaai (Orectolobus ornatus) is een vis uit de familie van de wobbegongs (Orectolobidae) en behoort derhalve tot de orde van bakerhaaien (Orectolobiformes). De vis kan een lengte bereiken van 290 centimeter.

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Килимова акула витончена ( украински )

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Загальна довжина досягає 1,17 м. Голова широка, округла. Очі маленькі, розташовані на верхній частині голови. За ними присутні бризкальца. Ніздрі з'єднані з кутами рота глибокою канавкою. Ніздрьові вусики разгалужені. Бородовки-горбики на тілі та голові відсутні. 3-4 шкіряні вирости з кожного боку голови утворюють своєрідну «бороду». Рот широкий. Зуби дрібні, з багатьма верхівками. У неї 5 пар зябрових щілин. Тулуб масивний, сплощено зверху. Грудні плавці великі, широкі. Має 2 спинних плавця, що зміщені до хвостового плавця. Анальний плавець розташовано поруч із хвостовим плавцем, що здається частиною нижньої лопаті. Хвостовий плавець гетероцеркальний.

Забарвлення представляє собою своєрідний візерунок, що складається з 8 темних сідлоподібних плям, облямованих неравномірними чорними або сіро-блакитними лініями та блакитно-сірими плямами на спині. Загальний фон світло-коричневий або сірий. По всьому тілу та грудних плавцях присутні світло-коричневі або сірі цяточки.

Спосіб життя

Воліє до піщаних та піщано-мулистих ґрунтів, скелястих, кам'янистих, рифових ділянок дна з численною водною рослиністю. Зустрічається біля прибережних островів, рифів на материковому схилі, іноді у гирлах річок з прозорою водою. Вдень ховається у природних укриттях. Активна у присмерку або вночі. Полює біля дна, є бентофагом. Живиться костистою рибою, ракоподібними, головоногими молюсками, морськими черв'ями. Полює на здобич із засідки.

Статева зрілість у самців настає при розмірах 79-83 см, самиць — 79-86 см. Це яйцеживородна акула.

Є потенційно безпечною для людини.


Мешкає біля південно-східного та східного узбережжя Австралії (до акваторії м. Сідней), берегів о. Нова Гвінея.


  • Huveneers, C. (2006). Redescription of two species of wobbegongs (Chondrichthyes: Orectolobidae) with elevation of Orectolobus halei Whitley 1940 to species level. Zootaxa 1284: 29-51
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Украшенный воббегонг ( руски )

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Молодой украшенный воббегонг.

Украшенные воббегонги размножаются яйцеживорождением. В помёте до 12 новорожденных длиной около 20 см. Цикл размножения трёхгодичный. Фолликулы развиваются в течение двух лет, а на третий год в ноябре происходит овуляция. Беременность длится 10—11 месяцев. Роды случаются в сентябре и октябре[9]. Максимальная зарегистрированная длина 288 см. Украшенные воббегонги достигают половой зрелости при длине 175, однако у берегов Квинсленда был пойман взрослый самец длиной 65 см[2]. В неволе украшенные воббегонги вырастают за год приблизительно на 20 см[10].

Взаимодействие с человеком

Вид представляет умеренный интерес для коммерческого рыбного промысла. Мясо употребляют в пищу, но ценится оно невысоко. Из шкуры выделывают кожу хорошего качества с красивым узором. В качестве прилова эти акулы попадаются при коммерческой добыче. В водах Западной Австралии все акулы и скаты находятся под защитой закона. Их вылов лимитирован. Международный союз охраны природы присвоил этому виду статус сохранности «Близкий к уязвимому положению»[6].



  1. Решетников Ю. С., Котляр А. Н., Расс Т. С., Шатуновский М. И. Пятиязычный словарь названий животных. Рыбы. Латинский, русский, английский, немецкий, французский. / под общей редакцией акад. В. Е. Соколова. — М.: Рус. яз., 1989. — С. 19. — 12 500 экз.ISBN 5-200-00237-0.
  2. 1 2 3 4 Compagno, Leonard J.V. Volume 2. Bullhead, mackerel and carpet sharks (Heterodontiformes, Lamniformes and Orectolobiformes) // FAO species catalogue. Sharks of the World: An Annotated and Illustrated Catalogue of Shark Species Known to Date. — Rome: Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, 2002. — P. 158–159. — ISBN 92-5-104543-7.
  3. De Vis, C.W. (1883) Descriptions of new genera and species of Australian fishes. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, ser. 1, 8 (2): 283—289
  4. Huveneers, C. 2006.. Redescription of two species of wobbegongs (Chondrichthyes: Orectolobidae) with elevation of Orectolobus halei Whitley 1940 to species level. Zootaxa 1284:: 29—51.
  5. Christopher Scharpf and Kenneth J. Lazara. Fish Name Etymology Database (неопр.). The ETYFish Project. Проверено 4 января 2014.
  6. 1 2 3 4 Huveneers, C., Pollard, D., Gordon, I., Flaherty, A. & Pogonoski, J. 2009. Orectolobus ornatus. In: IUCN 2013. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2013.2. . Downloaded on 13 January 2014.
  7. Compagno, L.J.V. and V.H. Niem,. Orectolobidae. Wobbegongs = In K.E. Carpenter and V.H. Niem (eds.) FAO identification guide for fishery purposes.. — The Living Marine Resources of the Western Central Pacific. — Rome: FAO, 1998. — С. 1245—1248.
  8. Carraro, R. and Gladstone, W. 2006. Habitat preference and site fidelity of the ornate wobbegong shark (Orectolobus ornatus) on rocky reefs of New South Wales. Pacific Science 60: 207-224.
  9. Huveneers, C., Otway, N.M., Gibbs, S.E. and R.G. Harcourt. 2007a. Quantitative diet assessment of wobbegong sharks (genus Orectolobus) in New South Wales, Australia. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 64.
  10. Huveneers, C. 2007. The Ecology and Biology of Wobbegong Sharks (Genus Orectolobus) in Relation to the Commercial Fishery in New South Wales, Australia. PhD Thesis, Macquarie University.
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Украшенный воббегонг: Brief Summary ( руски )

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 src= Молодой украшенный воббегонг.

Украшенные воббегонги размножаются яйцеживорождением. В помёте до 12 новорожденных длиной около 20 см. Цикл размножения трёхгодичный. Фолликулы развиваются в течение двух лет, а на третий год в ноябре происходит овуляция. Беременность длится 10—11 месяцев. Роды случаются в сентябре и октябре. Максимальная зарегистрированная длина 288 см. Украшенные воббегонги достигают половой зрелости при длине 175, однако у берегов Квинсленда был пойман взрослый самец длиной 65 см. В неволе украшенные воббегонги вырастают за год приблизительно на 20 см.

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妆饰鬚鯊 ( кинески )

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二名法 Orectolobus ornatus
De Vis, 1883 Orectolobus ornatus rangemap.png














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妆饰鬚鯊: Brief Summary ( кинески )

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