
Dofí comú ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Els dofins comuns (Delphinus) són un gènere de cetacis que conté dues espècies de dofí. Abans de mitjans de la dècada del 1990, la majoria de taxonomistes només en reconeixien una espècie, el dofí comú (Delphins delphis). Els cetòlegs actuals solen reconèixer dues espècies: el dofí comú de musell curt, que conserva el nom sistemàtic Delphinus delphis i el dofí comú de musell llarg, Delphinus capensis. Malgrat el seu nom, el dofí comú no és el dofí de la imaginació popular; aquesta distinció pertany al dofí mular, gràcies principalment al seu ús estès en parcs marins, així com la seva aparició a la sèrie de televisió Flipper.


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Dofí comú: Brief Summary ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Els dofins comuns (Delphinus) són un gènere de cetacis que conté dues espècies de dofí. Abans de mitjans de la dècada del 1990, la majoria de taxonomistes només en reconeixien una espècie, el dofí comú (Delphins delphis). Els cetòlegs actuals solen reconèixer dues espècies: el dofí comú de musell curt, que conserva el nom sistemàtic Delphinus delphis i el dofí comú de musell llarg, Delphinus capensis. Malgrat el seu nom, el dofí comú no és el dofí de la imaginació popular; aquesta distinció pertany al dofí mular, gràcies principalment al seu ús estès en parcs marins, així com la seva aparició a la sèrie de televisió Flipper.

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Almindelige delfiner ( дански )

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De almindelige delfiner (Delphinus) er en slægt i familien delfiner med to arter, almindelig delfin og langnæbbet almindelig delfin.


Før midten af 1990'erne accepterede de fleste taksonomer kun en art i slægten, almindelig delfin (Delphinus delphis), men man regner nu med to arter – almindelig delfin (også kaldet kortnæbbet almindelig delfin), der beholder det systematiske navn Delphinus delphis og langnæbbet almindelig delfin (D. capensis). På trods af sit navn er det ikke den almindelige delfin, der er den mest velkendte delfin. Det er derimod øresvinet, primært på grund af tv-serien Flipper og dens optræden i delfinarier.

Variation i slægten

På trods af den historiske praksis med at samle hele Delphinus-slægten i en enkelt art, udviser disse enormt vidtudbredte delfiner en stor variation i størrelse, form og farve. I de sidste par årtier er over 20 forskellige arter i slægten blevet foreslået. Forskere i 1960'erne konkluderede, at der var to arter – den kortnæbbede og den langnæbbede. Deres konklusion blev senere bekræftet af dybdegående genetiske undersøgelser i 1990'erne. Dette studie kom også frem til, at en tredje art (D. tropicalis, ofte kaldet arabisk almindelig delfin) muligvis eksisterede. Den karakteriseres ved et endnu tyndere og længere næb end den langnæbbede art. De nuværende taksonomiske værker betragter den dog som en regional variation.


De almindelige delfiner er vidt udbredt i tempererede, subtropiske og tropiske vande i hele verden, i et bånd, der strækker sig fra 40 grader syd, til 50 grader nord. Variationen i udseendet i de forskellige grupper antyder, at grupperne ikke blandes. Arten foretrækker typisk lukkede vandområder, som Rødehavet eller Middelhavet. Dybt vand foretrækkes dog frem for lavt vand. Nogle flokke er lokale for ét område, mens andre bevæger sig mellem flere områder. Den foretrukne vandoverfladetemperatur er 10-28° Celsius. Den totale bestandsstørrelse er ukendt, men skal tælles i millioner.


Almindelige delfiner lever i grupper af 10-50, og samles ofte i supergrupper på mellem 100 og 2000 individer. Disse grupper er meget aktive – gruppen stiger ofte op til overfladen, hopper og splasker sammen.

Delfiner er set i blandede flokke med andre delfiner, eller flokke af store hvaler. En interessant teori går på, at delfinernes 'bov-ridning' på store hvaler var grundlaget for, at de nu ofte rider på skibes bovbølger.

Drægtighedsperioden er på ca. 11 måneder, og kalven bliver hos moderen i et til tre år. Kønsmodenhed sker efter fem år, og varer i tyve til femogtyve år. Disse tal varierer dog betydeligt blandt de enkelte bestande.


Almindelige delfiner står over for en række trusler fra mennesker. Bestande er blevet jaget ud for Perus kyst, for mad og til hajmadding. I de fleste andre områder er delfinerne ikke blevet jaget direkte. Mange tusinde individer er dog blevet fanget af industrielle trawlere. Almindelige delfiner var vidt udbredt i det vestlige Middelhav indtil 1960'erne, men ses sjældent i dag. Grunden til det er ikke identificeret, men menes at være den store menneskelige aktivitet i området.


  • Rice, Dale W. (1998). Marine mammals of the world: systematics and distribution. Society of Marine Mammalogy Special Publication Number 4. 231 pp.
  • National Audubon Society Guide to Marine Mammals of the World ISBN 0-375-41141-0
  • Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals ISBN 0-12-551340-2
  • Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises, Mark Carwardine, ISBN 0-7513-2781-6
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Almindelige delfiner: Brief Summary ( дански )

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De almindelige delfiner (Delphinus) er en slægt i familien delfiner med to arter, almindelig delfin og langnæbbet almindelig delfin.

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Delphinus (Gattung) ( германски )

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Delphinus ist eine Gattung der Delfine (Delphinidae). Zu der Gattung gehören zwei sehr ähnliche Arten, der Gemeine Delfin (Delphinus delphis) und der Langschnäuzige Gemeine Delfin (Delphinus capensis). Der Gemeine Delfin bewohnt vor allem die küstenferne Hochsee und kommt auch in der Nordsee und im Mittelmeer vor, nicht jedoch im Indischen Ozean. Der Langschnäuzige Gemeine Delfin ist dagegen vor allem in tropischen Küstengewässern über dem Kontinentalschelf anzutreffen.

Der Gemeine Delfin ist eine hochvariable Art und der schon 1828 beschriebene Langschnäuzige Gemeine Delfin wurde ursprünglich dem Gemeinen Delfin zugerechnet. Erst in den 1990er Jahren wurde die Art anerkannt.


Delphinus-Arten werden maximal 2,5 bis 2,70 Meter lang, Weibchen bleiben in der Regel etwas kleiner. Im Unterschied zu den vielen anderen Delfinen sind die Delphinus-Arten sehr auffällig gezeichnet. Sie besitzen an den Körperseiten ein charakteristisches „Stundenglasmuster“ mit einem ockerfarbenen großen Brust- und Seitenfleck auf dem Rumpf, der durch eine V-förmige Ausbuchtung der dunklen Rückenfarbe unterhalb der Finne von der hellgrauen Färbung der hinteren Seiten abgeschnürt wird. Ein weiteres für die Gattung typisches Merkmal ist ein dunkler Streifen, der sich auf jeder Unterkieferseite von deren Spitze bis zum Ansatz der dunklen Flipper erstreckt. Die Melone ist bei beiden Arten gut ausgeprägt und führt zum typischen Kopfprofil.


Während der Gemeine Delfin die Hochsee bevorzugt, lebt der Langschnäuzige Gemeine Delfin küstennah in den Tropen. Beide Arten leben in großen Schulen, sind sehr lebhaft, schnelle Schwimmer und zeigen oft Sprünge, manchmal Salti und „reiten“ in den Bugwellen von Schiffen. Sie ernähren sich von Schwarmfischen, Kalmaren und Krill. Das einzelne Junge wird nach einer Tragzeit von 10 bis 11 Monaten geboren.



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Delphinus (Gattung): Brief Summary ( германски )

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Delphinus ist eine Gattung der Delfine (Delphinidae). Zu der Gattung gehören zwei sehr ähnliche Arten, der Gemeine Delfin (Delphinus delphis) und der Langschnäuzige Gemeine Delfin (Delphinus capensis). Der Gemeine Delfin bewohnt vor allem die küstenferne Hochsee und kommt auch in der Nordsee und im Mittelmeer vor, nicht jedoch im Indischen Ozean. Der Langschnäuzige Gemeine Delfin ist dagegen vor allem in tropischen Küstengewässern über dem Kontinentalschelf anzutreffen.

Der Gemeine Delfin ist eine hochvariable Art und der schon 1828 beschriebene Langschnäuzige Gemeine Delfin wurde ursprünglich dem Gemeinen Delfin zugerechnet. Erst in den 1990er Jahren wurde die Art anerkannt.

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Delphinus (genus) ( англиски )

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The common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) is the most abundant cetacean in the world, with a global population of about six million.[3] Despite this fact and its vernacular name, the common dolphin is not thought of as the archetypal dolphin, with that distinction belonging to the bottlenose dolphin due to its popular appearances in aquaria and the media. However, the common dolphin is often depicted in Ancient Greek and Roman art and culture, most notably in a mural painted by the Greek Minoan civilization.[4]

It is presently the only member of the genus Delphinus. The common dolphin belongs to the subfamily Delphininae, making this dolphin closely related to the three different species of bottlenose dolphins, humpback dolphins, striped dolphins, spinner dolphins, clymene dolphin, spotted dolphins, fraser's dolphin and the tucuxi and guiana dolphin.[5] The common dolphin was originally categorized into two different species (now thought to be ecotypes), the short-beaked common dolphin and the long-beaked common dolphin. However, recent evidence has shown that many populations of long-beaked common dolphins around the world are not closely related to one another and are often derived from a short-beaked ancestor and do not always share common derived characteristics. For this reason, they are no longer considered different species.[6]

Physical characteristics

Common dolphin are medium-sized dolphins; adults range between 1.9 and 2.5 m (6.2 and 8.2 ft) long, and can weigh between 80–235 kg (176–518 lb), although the range between 80–150 kg (180–330 lb) is more common.[7] Males are generally longer and heavier.[7] The color pattern on the body is unusual. The back is dark and the belly is white, while on each side is an hourglass pattern colored light grey, yellow, or gold in front and dirty grey in back.[8] They have long, thin rostra with up to 50–60 small, sharp, interlocking teeth on each side of each jaw.[9]


"Short-beaked" common dolphin, Ireland

Despite the historic practice of lumping the entire genus Delphinus into a single species, these widely distributed dolphins exhibit a wide variety of sizes, shapes and colors. Indeed, over the past few decades, over 20 distinct species in the genus have been proposed. Scientists in California in the 1960s concluded there were two species — the long-beaked and short-beaked. The long-beaked common dolphin was thought to have a disjointed range in coastal areas in tropical and warmer temperate oceans. The range included parts of western and southern Africa, much of western South America, central California to central Mexico, coastal Peru, areas around Japan, Korea and Taiwan, and possibly near Oman.[10] Vagrants have been recorded as far north as Vancouver Island.

"Long-beaked" common dolphin, California

This analysis was seemingly confirmed by a more in-depth genetic study in the 1990s. This study also suggested a third species (D. tropicalis, common name usually Arabian common dolphin or Indo-Pacific common dolphin), characterized by an extremely long and thin beak and found in the Red Sea and Indian Ocean, might be distinguished from the long-beaked species. The current standard taxonomic works recognize this as a subspecies of D. delphis rather than a separate species.

Recent evidence has demonstrated that different populations of long-beaked common dolphins around the world are not closely related to one another and are often derived from a short-beaked ancestor (as well as not sharing common derived characters). Therefore, long-beaked and short-beaked common dolphins are now listed as the same species under the scientific name of Delphinus delphis.[11][12][13] Currently, the common dolphin is divided into four subspecies:[11][14]

  • D. d. delphis, the nominate subspecies
  • D. d. bairdii, the Eastern North Pacific long-beaked common dolphin
  • D. d. ponticus, the Black Sea common dolphin
  • D. d. tropicalis, the Indo-Pacific common dolphin

Fossil record

Many extinct cetacean species were once lumped into Delphinus, but have since been placed in other genera. In the late 19th century several fossil species were described, including taxa: Delphinus baltringii, Delphinus delannoy and Delphinus domeykoi. However, these species are no longer considered valid.[15] Another species known as Delphinus brevidens was reassigned to the genus Stereodelphis which is now generally considered synonymous with Squalodon.[16]

Natural history

Common dolphin, Ireland

Common dolphins live in both warm-temperate and tropical waters ranging from 4060°N to 50°S. Long-beaked common dolphins mostly inhabit shallow, warm coastal water.[10] Short-beaked common dolphins are common "along shelf edges and in areas with sharp bottom relief such as seamounts and escarpments".[8] Common dolphins have a varied diet consisting of many species of fish and squid. This includes both mesopelagic species and epipelagic schooling species. They have been recorded to make dives up to 200 metres (660 ft) deep.

Common dolphins are a widely distributed species. They can be found around the world in both offshore and coastal waters. In the Northwest Atlantic, they can be found from Cape Hatteras North Carolina, to Newfoundland and are strongly associated with the Gulf Stream. Dolphins in this region can often be found in areas that have certain geological factors like underwater canyons and ridges because this is where up-welling occurs which result in greater nutrients. In the Eastern Pacific, common dolphins are found along the coast of California and are associated with the California current. Short-beaked Common dolphins can also be found in Europe, particularly the Scotian shelf, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. In the Southern Hemisphere, they are abundant in the southwestern Pacific, around New Zealand and southern Australia. They are generally a pelagic species that are often found in waters 650–6,500 feet deep, with the short-beaked type preferring deeper waters than the long-beaked type[17] Temperature also plays a large role in the congregation of dolphins. For example, in the Western North Atlantic, almost all sightings of Common dolphins took place in waters from 16 to 20 °C. However, there were common dolphin sightings in waters as low as 5 °C.[17]

Common dolphins can live in aggregations of hundreds or even thousands of dolphins.[10] Common dolphins are often seen in groups numbering several hundred individuals (with subgroups consisting of 20-30 individuals). Occasionally, different groups will come together to form mega-pods which can consist of over 10,000 dolphins. Genetic studies in the Northeast Atlantic suggest that common dolphin pods generally do not consist of close kin, but rather of members that are not closely related. Unlike many delphinids, common dolphins do not live in a matriarchal society. That being said, closely related individuals are usually found in similar geographical locations fairly consistently, providing evidence that this species displays site fidelity (at least in the Northeastern Atlantic). Male common dolphins display greater site fidelity in relation to their kin than females.[18] Common dolphin pod structure often consists of nursery pods (which includes females and calves), bachelor pods (consisting of all males) and mixed groups of males and females, including sub-adults and calves. Genetic evidence seems to indicate that common dolphins live in fission-fusion societies, where dolphins form pods that are not necessarily stable and do not necessarily consist of related individuals. It is not known if common dolphins form lifelong bonds with other individuals like the long-term male alliances seen in bottlenose dolphins.[19]

There is some evidence that common dolphins use signature whistles, similar to that of the bottlenose dolphin. These whistles are believed to serve as an acoustic label, and provide identification information similar to that of a name. It takes approximately 1 year for a calf to learn its signature whistle after which it remains stable for the rest of a dolphin's life. In South Africa, as many as 29 common dolphin signature whistle types were detected. However, it was difficult to determine if each dolphin had its own signature whistle due to the vast number of dolphins present (over 1,000) and anthropogenic background noise. Additionally, considering the vast number of dolphins present and taking into account their feeding and diving behavior, it appears that common dolphin signature whistles are also used for group cohesion. Another hypothesis for the function of signature whistles, is that they serve as a beacon for lost individuals.[20]

Common dolphins sometimes associate with other dolphin species, such as pilot whales.[10] In the Gulf of Corinth, common dolphins frequently display mixed species association, especially with striped and Rissos’ dolphins.[21] Over one third of all dolphin sightings in the gulf consisted of mixed species associations that partially consisted of common dolphins. In mixed species associations, the ratio of striped to common dolphins ranged from 6-11:1. When Rissos’ dolphins were present (there would usually be only one or two individuals), it appeared that much of their scars were the result of interactions between striped and spinner dolphins. In much of the interactions, the Rissos’ dolphins would chase and herd the common dolphins toward the boat, while the common dolphins would try and swim under the Rissos’ dolphin. When groups of common and striped dolphins would charge at each other, the Rissos’ dolphin would chase the striped dolphins. Sometimes these interactions appeared to be playful, and at other times aggressive. Synchronized swimming and surfacing was commonly observed. These interactions take place in the deepest part of the Gulf, furthest from shore and usually consist of a total of 60 dolphins from all three species.

There have been confirmed cases of hybridization between striped and common dolphins in this region. There have been 15 cases of common dolphin and striped dolphin hybrids. Genetic and observational evidence has demonstrated that the hybrids are fertile and are capable of not only reproducing with other hybrids, but are capable of reproducing with each of the parent species.[22] Striped dolphins have been known to mate with other dolphins, as the Clymene dolphin is the result of hybrid speciation between striped and spinner dolphins. However, this is unlikely to happen with common dolphins, as their population in the Gulf of Corinth is too low.[23] Common dolphins and bottlenose dolphins have been known to interbreed in captivity. There is one confirmed case of a hybrid between a bottlenose and common dolphin in Southern Spain, an important feeding ground for both species. The mother was a female bottlenose dolphin (dubbed as Billie) who has spent 10 years within a common dolphin pod. Billie was observed assisting common calves reach the surface at three different intervals and would babysit the calves after the mother went through labor. The length of the calf was similar to a bottlenose dolphin calf, with the lateral stripes and coloration of a common dolphin. The calf was spotted with its mother, almost daily on dolphin watching tours among a nursery pod of common dolphins which also contained some immature striped dolphins. Sightings of the calf took place when temperatures were between 14 and 26 °C. The calf was mainly observed swimming in the echelon position (swimming alongside the mother). The calf was found rubbing its head on its mother, jumping backwards over its mother and flipper-to flipper, belly-to flipper and belly-to belly contact was observed.[24] They have also been observed bow riding on baleen whales, and they also bow ride on boats.[10] They are fast swimmers and breaching behavior and aerial acrobatics are common with this species.[7] They are also known to display altruistic behaviors to support injured members.[25][26]

The short-beaked common dolphin has a gestation period of 10 to 11 months.[10] The newborn calf has a length of 70 to 100 centimetres (2.3 to 3.3 ft) and weighs about 10 kilograms (22 lb).[7] For the Black Sea population, weaning occurs at between five and six months, but occurs later (up to about 19 months) in other areas.[7][10] Typical interbirth interval ranges from one year for the Black Sea population to three years for eastern Pacific Ocean populations.[10] Age of sexual maturity also varies by location, but can range between two and seven years for females and three and 12 years for males.[7][10] No evidence exists of any major reproductive differences between the two species.[8] In captivity, the long-beaked common dolphin has hybridized with the common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus).[10] One of the hybrids has been bred back to a bottlenose dolphin, demonstrating such hybrids are fertile.[27]

Human interactions


adult and juvenile off Sagres, Portugal
A common dolphin jumping off Morro Bay Nature Reserve

The common dolphin is probably the most abundant cetacean species on the planet, and the overall species is listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List,[28] indicating that it is in no danger of extinction. Abundance has been estimated for most major portions of the species range in the Northern Hemisphere, but only for a few places in the Southern Hemisphere. In the Pacific Ocean, there are an estimated 1,428,000 off Japan and in the temperate central Pacific Ocean,[29] 969,000 off the U.S. west coast (Carretta et al. 2019); and 2,963,000 in the eastern tropical Pacific.[30] In the Atlantic Ocean, 70,000 are estimated for the western Atlantic Ocean (Waring et al. 2019); 467,000 for European waters;[31] more than 19,400 for the Mediterranean Sea; and several tens of thousands for the Black Sea.[32] In the southern part of the Indo-Pacific Ocean, there are an estimated 20,000-22,000 common dolphins in a small portion of southern Australia (Bilgmann et al. 2017), and 15,000-20,000 off southern Africa.[33] There are no estimates for the population of dolphins in the northern Indian Ocean. Taken together, these estimates suggest that well over six million common dolphins inhabit the World's oceans.

Common dolphins face a mixture of threats due to human influence. Moderate levels of metal pollutants, which are thought to negatively impact dolphin health,[34] have been measured in some populations.[35] Populations have been hunted off the coast of Peru for use as food and shark bait. In most other areas, the dolphins have not been hunted directly. Several thousand individuals have been caught in industrial trawler nets throughout their range.

Bycatch is the main threat that common dolphins face today. Short-beaked common dolphins are taken as cetacean bycatch the most in all of Europe, given that they are the most abundant dolphin in the Eastern Atlantic. About 1000 short-beaked common dolphins are bycaught in the North Atlantic each year by either tuna drift, trawling and gillnetting. The regulation is that only cetacean bycatch can not be longer than 15 meters [36] and this can lead to be a problem because short-beaked common dolphins are only about 2.7 meters. Common dolphin bycatch is a particularly important issue in Galicia Spain, via trawler fishing.[37] The bycatch of short beaked dolphins in Galicia from May to September from 2001 to 2002, consisted of 394 individuals annually. Depth was an important factor in bycatch, as incidental capture mostly took place along the continental shelf in water less than 300 m deep. Very few entrapments took place when the depth exceeded 300 m. Time of day was also important as most dolphins became trapped in trawling nets at night (most active feeding takes place at night). Most of the dolphins captured were males and had a mean age of 13+- 4.4 years. It is believed that the reason why the vast majority of bycatch consisted of males is because bachelor pods appear to be particularly abundant in Galicia from the May–October season. This fact reinforces the hypothesis that common dolphins may be sexually segregated in the Northeast Atlantic. If there was a ban on fishing in Galicia in waters than less than 250 m deep, and if there were seasonal closures, it is estimated that 78% of the dolphins would not have been caught.[37] In the Western North Atlantic, dolphins are vulnerable to swordfish driftnet fishing, with the number of males being caught as bycatch, doubling the number of females. It was also found from stranding samples that males tend to strand more. This provides evidence of sex-based habitat partitioning or pod congregation. [37]

Common dolphins were abundant in the western Mediterranean Sea until the 1960s but occurrences there have tailed off rapidly. The reasons are not well understood, but are believed to be due to extensive human activity in the area. In the US, they are a protected species and sometimes are caught by accident in some trawler nets as by-catch, though despite this they are still quite common throughout their range. Despite these potential threats, the short-beaked common dolphin is considered to be Least Concern by the IUCN Red List, and the long-beaked common dolphin is listed as Data Deficient.[1]

The short-beaked common dolphin Delphinus delphis is listed globally on Appendix II[38] of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS).[39] As amended by the Conference of the Parties in 1985, 1988, 1991, 1994, 1997, 1999, 2002, 2005 and 2008. Effective: 5 March 2009 of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) as it has an unfavourable conservation status or would benefit significantly from international co-operation organised by tailored agreements. The Mediterranean population of the short-beaked common dolphin is also listed on Appendix I,[38] as this population has been categorized as being in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant proportion of their range and CMS Parties strive towards strictly protecting these animals, conserving or restoring the places where they live, mitigating obstacles to migration and controlling other factors that might endanger them. In addition, the species is also covered by the Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic, North East Atlantic, Irish and North Seas (ASCOBANS)[40] and the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area (ACCOBAMS).[41]

Mass stranding events

On June 8, 2009, a mass-stranding event (MSE) occurred in Falmouth Bay, Cornwall, United Kingdom. It is believed the MSE was likely caused by naval involvement, as all other factors which cause MSEs in cetaceans currently appear unlikely to have influenced the event. During the event, twenty-six common dolphins washed ashore, and about the same amount floated back out to sea. There were three other MSEs in the UK before this event, all of unknown cause, from the years 1915 to 1938, but with arguably lower counts of stranded dolphins.[42]


Common dolphins are not common in captivity. But on at least three occasions, a beached common dolphin in California was nursed back to health at SeaWorld San Diego, but deemed unfit to release back to the ocean. These common dolphins remained at SeaWorld with the bottlenose dolphin exhibit. On one occasion, a male common dolphin managed to impregnate one of the female bottlenose dolphins in the exhibit, leading to four hybrid births.[27] One of the resulting common dolphin/bottlenose dolphin hybrids remained at SeaWorld, San Diego (alternately under the name Cindy or Bullet) while the other (named CJ) was kept at Discovery Cove, and was moved to SeaWorld Orlando in 2016.

Other than at SeaWorld, at least 90 common dolphins are known to have been captured from the wild and kept in captivity. Captured common dolphins are said to be difficult to keep in captivity.[9]

The behavior of captive common dolphins is not very well studied. However, a study was conducted in New Zealand of common dolphin reacting to swimmers at Marineland.[43] Unlike bottlenose dolphins (which demonstrated antagonistic or sexual behaviors), the common dolphins retreated to the refuge center of the pool, where swimmers were not allowed. They did not leave the refuge section until the swimmers left. The dolphins also surfaced much more frequently, which is a possible indicator of stress. Aggressive and playful behavior among the dolphins decreased when swimmers were present. This behavior is consistent with wild common dolphins off of New Zealand, as they actively avoid swimmers.[44]

See also


  1. ^ a b Braulik, G.; Jefferson, T.A.; Bearzi, G. (2021). "Delphinus delphis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2021: e.T134817215A199893039. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2021-2.RLTS.T134817215A199893039.en. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  2. ^ "Appendices | CITES". cites.org. Retrieved 2022-01-14.
  3. ^ Hammond, P.S., Bearzi, G., Bjørge, A., Forney, K., Karczmarski, L., Kasuya, T., Perrin, W.F., Scott, M.D., Wang, J.Y., Wells, R.S. & Wilson, B. 2008. Delphinus delphis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2008: e.T6336A12649851. https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2008.RLTS.T6336A12649851.en. Downloaded on 10 July 2020.
  4. ^ "Archived copy" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-01-31. Retrieved 2020-07-10.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  5. ^ Amaral, Ana R.; Jackson, Jennifer A.; Möller, Luciana M.; Beheregaray, Luciano B.; Manuela Coelho, M. (2012-07-01). "Species tree of a recent radiation: The subfamily Delphininae (Cetacea, Mammalia)". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 64 (1): 243–253. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2012.04.004. ISSN 1055-7903. PMID 22503758.
  6. ^ "Long-beaked common dolphin".
  7. ^ a b c d e f Shirihai, H.; Jarrett, B. (2006). Whales, Dolphins and Other Marine Mammals of the World. pp. 171–176. ISBN 0-691-12757-3.
  8. ^ a b c Reeves, Stewart; Clapham, Powell (2002). Guide to Marine Mammals of the World. p. 388. ISBN 0-375-41141-0.
  9. ^ a b "The Common Dolphin". Archived from the original on 2008-06-19. Retrieved 2008-07-03.
  10. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Perrin, W. (2002). "Common Dolphins". In Perrin, W.; Wursig, B.; Thewissen, J. (eds.). Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. Academic Press. pp. 245–248. ISBN 978-0-12-551340-1.
  11. ^ a b Handbook, Whale Watching (2020-07-10). "Common Dolphin". Whale Watching Handbook. Retrieved 2020-07-10.
  12. ^ Cunha, Haydée A.; Castro, Rocio Loizaga de; Secchi, Eduardo R.; Crespo, Enrique A.; Lailson-Brito, José; Azevedo, Alexandre F.; Lazoski, Cristiano; Solé-Cava, Antonio M. (2015-11-11). "Molecular and Morphological Differentiation of Common Dolphins (Delphinus sp.) in the Southwestern Atlantic: Testing the Two Species Hypothesis in Sympatry". PLOS ONE. 10 (11): e0140251. Bibcode:2015PLoSO..1040251C. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0140251. ISSN 1932-6203. PMC 4641715. PMID 26559411.
  13. ^ McGowen, Michael R; Tsagkogeorga, Georgia; Álvarez-Carretero, Sandra; dos Reis, Mario; Struebig, Monika; Deaville, Robert; Jepson, Paul D; Jarman, Simon; Polanowski, Andrea; Morin, Phillip A; Rossiter, Stephen J (2019-10-21). "Phylogenomic Resolution of the Cetacean Tree of Life Using Target Sequence Capture". Systematic Biology. 69 (3): 479–501. doi:10.1093/sysbio/syz068. ISSN 1063-5157. PMC 7164366. PMID 31633766.
  14. ^ "List of Marine Mammal Species and Subspecies|May 2022". Society for Marine Mammalogy. Retrieved 1 May 2022.
  15. ^ Gutstein, Carolina (2015). "Cetáceos fósiles de Chile: Contexto evolutivo y paleobiogeográfico". Publicación Ocasional del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Chile. 63: 339–383.
  16. ^ Proceedings of the United States National Museum: Volume 62. Smithsonian Institution Press. 1923. p. 10.
  17. ^ a b Chavez-Rosales, Samuel; Palka, Debra L.; Garrison, Lance P.; Josephson, Elizabeth A. (December 2019). "Environmental predictors of habitat suitability and occurrence of cetaceans in the western North Atlantic Ocean". Scientific Reports. 9 (1): 5833. Bibcode:2019NatSR...9.5833C. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-42288-6. ISSN 2045-2322. PMC 6456503. PMID 30967576.
  18. ^ Ball, Laura; Shreves, Kypher; Pilot, Małgorzata; Moura, André E. (2017-07-21). "Temporal and geographic patterns of kinship structure in common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) suggest site fidelity and female-biased long-distance dispersal". Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 71 (8): 123. doi:10.1007/s00265-017-2351-z. ISSN 1432-0762. PMC 5522516. PMID 28794579.
  19. ^ Viricel, Amélia; Strand, Allan E.; Rosel, Patricia E.; Ridoux, Vincent; Garcia, Pascale (December 2008). "Insights on common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) social organization from genetic analysis of a mass-stranded pod". Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. 63 (2): 173–185. doi:10.1007/s00265-008-0648-7. ISSN 0340-5443. S2CID 25991354.
  20. ^ Fearey, J.; Elwen, S. H.; James, B. S.; Gridley, T. (September 2019). "Identification of potential signature whistles from free-ranging common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in South Africa". Animal Cognition. 22 (5): 777–789. doi:10.1007/s10071-019-01274-1. ISSN 1435-9448. PMID 31177344. S2CID 176078258.
  21. ^ Neumann, Dirk R.; Orams, Mark B. (2003-01-01). "Feeding behaviours of short-beaked common dolphins, Delphinus delphis, in New Zealand". Aquatic Mammals. 29 (1): 137–149. doi:10.1578/016754203101023997. ISSN 0167-5427.
  22. ^ Antoniou, Aglaia; Frantzis (2018). "Evidence of introgressive hybridization between Stenella coeruleoabla and Delphinus delphis in the Greek Seas". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 129: 325–337. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2018.09.007. PMID 30218775. S2CID 52279448.
  23. ^ Aglaia, Antoniou (2018). "Evidence of introgressive hybridization between Stenella coeruleoabla and Delphinus delphis in the Greek Seas". Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 129: 325–337. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2018.09.007. PMID 30218775. S2CID 52279448.
  24. ^ Espada, Rocío; Olaya-Ponzone, Liliana; Haasova, Luisa; Martín, Estefanía; García-Gómez, José C. (2019-04-16). "Hybridization in the wild between Tursiops truncatus (Montagu 1821) and Delphinus delphis (Linnaeus 1758)". PLOS ONE. 14 (4): e0215020. Bibcode:2019PLoSO..1415020E. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0215020. ISSN 1932-6203. PMC 6467441. PMID 30990845.
  25. ^ Walker M. (2013-01-28). Dolphins try to save dying companion. BBC Nature News. retrieved on 24-05-2014
  26. ^ Park, Kyum J.; Sohn, Hawsun; An, Yong R.; Moon, Dae Y.; Choi, Seok G.; An, Doo H. (2012). "An unusual case of care-giving behavior in wild long-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus capensis) in the East Sea". Marine Mammal Science. 29 (4): E508–E514. doi:10.1111/mms.12012.
  27. ^ a b Zornetzer H.R.; Duffield D.A. (October 1, 2003). "Captive-born bottlenose dolphin × common dolphin (Tursiops truncatus × Delphinus capensis) intergeneric hybrids". Canadian Journal of Zoology. 81 (10): 1755–1762. doi:10.1139/z03-150.
  28. ^ Hammond, P.S. (2008). "Delphinus delphis, Short-beaked Common Dolphin".
  29. ^ Kanaji, Yu; Yoshida, Hideyoshi; Okazaki, Makoto (2017-03-04). "Spatiotemporal variations in habitat utilization patterns of four Delphinidae species in the western North Pacific, inferred from carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios". Marine Biology. 164 (4): 65. doi:10.1007/s00227-017-3107-z. ISSN 1432-1793. S2CID 90520472.
  30. ^ http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/messages/downloadsexceeded.html. Retrieved 2020-07-22. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  31. ^ Hammond, P.S. (2017). "Estimates of cetacean abundance in European Atlantic waters in summer 2016 from the SCANS-III aerial and shipboard surveys". {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  32. ^ Birkun (2006). "Short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis ponticus): Black Sea subspecies". UCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation: 16–22.
  33. ^ Cockcroft, Vic (1990). "Seasonal distribution and density of common dolphins Delphinus delphis of the south-east coast of southern Africa". South African Journal of Marine Science. 9: 371–377. doi:10.2989/025776190784378853.
  34. ^ Lavery, T. J.; Kemper, C.; Sanderson, K.; Schultz, C. G.; Coyle, P.; Mitchell, J. G.; Seuront, L. (2009). "Heavy metal toxicity of kidney and bone tissues in South Australian bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus)" (PDF). Marine Environmental Research. 67 (1): 1–7. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2008.09.005. PMID 19012959.
  35. ^ Lavery, T.J.; Butterfield, N.; Kemper, C.M.; Reid, R.J. & Sanderson, K. (1991). "Induction of labor using intracervical prostaglandin E2 gel: The outcome". Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand = Chotmaihet Thangphaet. 74 (11): 491–7. PMID 1800604.
  36. ^ Mannocci, L; Dabin, W; Augeraud-Véron, E; Dupuy, JF; Barbraud, C; Ridoux, V (2012). Reina, Richard (ed.). "Assessing the Impact of Bycatch on Dolphin Populations: The Case of the Common Dolphin in the Eastern North Atlantic". PLOS ONE. 7 (2): e32615. Bibcode:2012PLoSO...732615M. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0032615. PMC 3290591. PMID 22393423.
  37. ^ a b c Fernández-Contreras, M. M.; Cardona, L.; Lockyer, C. H.; Aguilar, A. (2010-11-01). "Incidental bycatch of short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) by pairtrawlers off northwestern Spain". ICES Journal of Marine Science. 67 (8): 1732–1738. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsq077. ISSN 1095-9289.
  38. ^ a b Appendices I and II of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS). effective 5 March 2009
  39. ^ Convention on Migratory Species page on the Short-beaked common dolphin. Cms.int. Retrieved on 2014-01-04.
  40. ^ Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic, North East Atlantic, Irish and North Seas. Ascobans.org. Retrieved on 2014-01-04.
  41. ^ Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area. Accobams.org. Retrieved on 2014-01-04.
  42. ^ Jepson, P. D.; Deaville, R.; Acevedo-Whitehouse, K.; Barnett, J.; Brownlow, A.; Brownell Jr, R. L.; Clare, F. C.; Davison, N.; Law, R. J.; Loveridge, J.; MacGregor, S. K.; Morris, S.; Murphy, S. A.; Penrose, R.; Perkins, M. W.; Pinn, E.; Seibel, H.; Siebert, U.; Sierra, E.; Simpson, V.; Tasker, M. L.; Tregenza, N.; Cunningham, A. A.; Fernández, A. (2013). Fahlman, Andreas (ed.). "What Caused the UK's Largest Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis) Mass Stranding Event?". PLOS ONE. 8 (4): e60953. Bibcode:2013PLoSO...860953J. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0060953. PMC 3640001. PMID 23646103.
  43. ^ "Behavioural responses of captive common dolphins Delphinus delphis to a 'Swim-with-Dolphin' programme". Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 2003.
  44. ^ Kyngdon, D. (2003). "Behavioural responses of captive common dolphins Delphinus delphis to a 'Swim-with-Dolphin' programme". Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 81 (2): 163–170. doi:10.1016/S0168-1591(02)00255-1.
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Delphinus (genus): Brief Summary ( англиски )

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The common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) is the most abundant cetacean in the world, with a global population of about six million. Despite this fact and its vernacular name, the common dolphin is not thought of as the archetypal dolphin, with that distinction belonging to the bottlenose dolphin due to its popular appearances in aquaria and the media. However, the common dolphin is often depicted in Ancient Greek and Roman art and culture, most notably in a mural painted by the Greek Minoan civilization.

It is presently the only member of the genus Delphinus. The common dolphin belongs to the subfamily Delphininae, making this dolphin closely related to the three different species of bottlenose dolphins, humpback dolphins, striped dolphins, spinner dolphins, clymene dolphin, spotted dolphins, fraser's dolphin and the tucuxi and guiana dolphin. The common dolphin was originally categorized into two different species (now thought to be ecotypes), the short-beaked common dolphin and the long-beaked common dolphin. However, recent evidence has shown that many populations of long-beaked common dolphins around the world are not closely related to one another and are often derived from a short-beaked ancestor and do not always share common derived characteristics. For this reason, they are no longer considered different species.

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Delfeno (genro) ( есперанто )

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La komuna delfeno estas la nomo donita al du specioj de delfenoj kiuj formas la genron Delphinus. Taksonomiistoj kaj cetologoj kutime agnoskas du speciojn — nome Ordinara delfeno, kio retenas la sistematikan nomon Delphinus delphis, kaj la Longbeka ordinara delfeno, nome D. capensis.

Spite sian nomon, la komuna delfeno ne estas la delfeno de populara imago; tiu honoro korespondas al la Botelnaza delfeno (genro Tursiops) pro sia disvastigita uzado en marparkoj kaj sia apero en la televida serio Flipper.[1] Tamen, tiu delfeno estis la plej ofte reprezentata en arto kaj literaturo de antikva Grekio kaj Romia Imperio.[2]

Fizikaj trajtoj

Komuna delfeno, Irlando.

Ambaŭ specioj de komunaj delfenoj estas mezgrandaj; plenkreskuloj gamas inter 1.9 kaj 2.5 longe, kaj povas pezi inter 80 kaj 235 kg, kvankam la gamo inter 80 kaj 150 kg estas plej ofta.[3] Maskloj estas ĝenerale pli longaj kaj fortikaj.[3] La kolormodelo de la korpo estas malkutima. La dorso estas malhela kaj la ventro estas blankaj, dum ambaŭflanke estas bildo kiel akvohorloĝo helgriza, flava aŭ orkolora antaŭ malhelgriza dorse.[4] Ili havas longajn, fajnajn bekojn kun ĝis 50–60 malgrandaj, akraj, interfermeblaj dentoj ambaŭflanke de ĉiu makzelo.[5]



  1. "American Cetacean Society — Bottlenose Dolphin". Arkivita el la originalo en 2008-07-25. Alirita la 18an de Novembro 2018.
  2. Watson, L. (1981). Sea Guide to Whales of the World. p 270. ISBN 0-17-601535-3.
  3. 3,0 3,1 (2006) Whales, Dolphins and Other Marine Mammals of the World, p. 171–176. ISBN 0-691-12757-3.
  4. (2002) Guide to Marine Mammals of the World. ISBN 0-375-41141-0.
  5. The Common Dolphin. Arkivita el la originalo je 2008-06-19. Alirita 2008-07-03.


  • Rice, Dale W. (1998). Marine mammals of the world: systematics and distribution. Society of Marine Mammalogy Special Publication Number 4. 231 pp.
  • Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals ISBN 0-12-551340-2
  • Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises, Mark Carwardine, ISBN 0-7513-2781-6
  • Heptner, V. G.; Nasimovich, A. A; Bannikov, Andrei Grigorevich; Hoffmann, Robert S, Mammals of the Soviet Union, Volume II, part 3 (1996). Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian Institution Libraries and National Science Foundation
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Delfeno (genro): Brief Summary ( есперанто )

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La komuna delfeno estas la nomo donita al du specioj de delfenoj kiuj formas la genron Delphinus. Taksonomiistoj kaj cetologoj kutime agnoskas du speciojn — nome Ordinara delfeno, kio retenas la sistematikan nomon Delphinus delphis, kaj la Longbeka ordinara delfeno, nome D. capensis.

Spite sian nomon, la komuna delfeno ne estas la delfeno de populara imago; tiu honoro korespondas al la Botelnaza delfeno (genro Tursiops) pro sia disvastigita uzado en marparkoj kaj sia apero en la televida serio Flipper. Tamen, tiu delfeno estis la plej ofte reprezentata en arto kaj literaturo de antikva Grekio kaj Romia Imperio.

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Delphinus (animal) ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Delphinus es un género de cetáceos odontocetos de la familia de los delfínidos.[1]​ Hasta mediados de la década de 1990, la mayoría de los taxónomos solo reconocían una especie en el género, el delfín común. Actualmente se reconocen dos especies.


El género fue descrito en 1758 por Carlos Linneo en su obra Systema naturæ, quien designó como especie tipo al delfín común oceánico (Delphinus delphis).[2]​ Se conocen dos especies:[2][3]


Los delfines pertenecientes a este género, huevil viajan en grupos de 10 a 50 individuos, que frecuentemente pueden reunirse en grandes bancos de entre 100 hasta 2000 animales. estos grandes bancos son generalmente muy activos en la superficie del mar, jugando y saltando juntos. El comportamiento típico incluye burlas, golpes con la aleta caudal y golpes de mandíbula.

Se ve frecuentemente a estos delfines mezclarse con otros cetáceos, por ejemplo con otras especies de delfín en los bancos de atún del Pacífico oriental, y también con bancos de calderones. Una interesante teoría sostiene que los delfines hacen sus piruetas jugando con los barcos porque siempre lo hicieron con las grandes ballenas.

El período de gestación es de aproximadamente 11 meses, y el período entre partos es de uno a tres años. La maduración sexual ocurre a los cinco años de edad, y la máxima longevidad es de 25 años. Estos datos están sujetos a variación entre poblaciones según su ubicación geográfica.


  1. Perrin, W. F. (2008). «Delphinus Linnaeus, 1758». Registro Mundial de Especies Marinas (en inglés). Consultado el 4 de marzo de 2016.
  2. a b Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn M., eds. (2005). «Delphinus». Mammal Species of the World (en inglés) (3ª edición). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2 vols. (2142 pp.). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0.
  3. Sistema Integrado de Información Taxonómica. «Delphinus (TSN 180437)» (en inglés).

no entiendo ustedes si


  • Rice, Dale W. (1998). Marine mammals of the world: systematics and distribution. Society of Marine Mammalogy Special Publication Number 4. 231 pp.
  • National Audubon Society Guide to Marine Mammals of the World ISBN 0-375-41141-0
  • Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals ISBN 0-12-551340-2
  • Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises, Mark Carwardine, ISBN 0-7513-2781-6

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Delphinus (animal): Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Delphinus es un género de cetáceos odontocetos de la familia de los delfínidos.​ Hasta mediados de la década de 1990, la mayoría de los taxónomos solo reconocían una especie en el género, el delfín común. Actualmente se reconocen dos especies.

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Delfiin ( естонски )

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Disambig gray.svg See artikkel räägib loomade perekonnast; tähtkuju kohta vaata artiklit Delfiin (tähtkuju); sugukonna kohta vaata artiklit Delfiinlased; liigi kohta vaata artiklit Tavadelfiin; Eesti endise ansambli kohta vaata Delfiinid (ansambel)

Delfiin (Delphinus) on mereimetajate perekond delfiinlaste sugukonnast.


Delfiin võib vee all viibida 3-4 minutit. Magades hõljub ta umbes 50 cm sügavusel ja tõuseb iga 30 sekundi järel veepinnale hingama, ise sealjuures ärkamata.

Elab kümnetest või sadadest isenditest koosnevas karjas, millel pole kindlat juhti.


Delfiini perekonda kuulub kuni kolm liiki.

Enne 1990. aastate keskpaika lugesid süstemaatikud perekonda vaid ühe liigi – tavadelfiini (Delphinus delphis). Tänapäeval loetakse delfiinide perekonda kaks liiki: tavadelfiin ja Delphinus capensis. Tavainimene mõistab "hariliku delfiini" all aga hoopis afaliini ehk laiksilm-delfiini, keda on kujutatud mitmetes filmides ja seriaalides.

The Cove

Kampaania The Cove paljastas rohkem kui 20 000 delfiini tapmise ja selle, kuidas nende liha, mis sisaldab mürgiseid ained, müüdi Jaapanis ja teistes Aasia riikides toiduna, sageli eksponeerides seda kui vaala liha. Suur osa maailmast ei ole selle probleemiga kursis. Sellest on tehtud ka dokumentaalfilm, mis kannab samuti nime The Cove.

Vaata ka

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Delfiin: Brief Summary ( естонски )

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Delfiin (Delphinus) on mereimetajate perekond delfiinlaste sugukonnast.

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Delphinus ( баскиски )

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Delphinus generoko Delphinidae familiako animalia da. Artiodaktiloen barruko sailkatuta dago.


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Delphinus: Brief Summary ( баскиски )

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Delphinus generoko Delphinidae familiako animalia da. Artiodaktiloen barruko sailkatuta dago.

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Delfiinit (suku) ( фински )

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Hakusana ”Delphinus” ohjaa tänne. Sana voi tarkoittaa myös delfiinin tähdistöä.

Delfiinit (Delphinus) on delfiinien (Delphinidae) heimoon kuuluva valassuku. Suvun edustajat laskettiin pitkään yhdeksi ja samaksi lajiksi, mutta 1960-luvulta alkaen on katsottu, että kyseessä on kaksi eri lajia: pitempinokkainen "nimilaji" Delphinus delphis eli delfiini ja harvinaisempana pidetty eteläiselle pallonpuoliskolle painottuva Delphinus capensis. On myös esitetty, että Punaisenmeren ja Intian valtameren hyvin pitkänokkainen delfiini olisi oma lajinsa Delphinus tropicalis, mutta kyse voi olla alueellisesta vaihtelusta.

Varsinaiset delfiinit eivät ole maailmanlaajuisesti uhanalaisia.

Suomessa havaittiin syksyllä 2006 kaksi delfiiniä, emo ja poikanen, jotka liikkuivat marraskuun alussa Turun saaristossa ja hukkuivat sitten vapaa-ajankalastajan lohiverkkoon Kemiön saaren tuntumassa.


D. delphis
D. capensis


  1. a b Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn M. (toim.): Delphinus Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed). 2005. Johns Hopkins University Press. Viitattu 16.7.2013. (englanniksi)
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Delfiinit (suku): Brief Summary ( фински )

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Hakusana ”Delphinus” ohjaa tänne. Sana voi tarkoittaa myös delfiinin tähdistöä.

Delfiinit (Delphinus) on delfiinien (Delphinidae) heimoon kuuluva valassuku. Suvun edustajat laskettiin pitkään yhdeksi ja samaksi lajiksi, mutta 1960-luvulta alkaen on katsottu, että kyseessä on kaksi eri lajia: pitempinokkainen "nimilaji" Delphinus delphis eli delfiini ja harvinaisempana pidetty eteläiselle pallonpuoliskolle painottuva Delphinus capensis. On myös esitetty, että Punaisenmeren ja Intian valtameren hyvin pitkänokkainen delfiini olisi oma lajinsa Delphinus tropicalis, mutta kyse voi olla alueellisesta vaihtelusta.

Varsinaiset delfiinit eivät ole maailmanlaajuisesti uhanalaisia.

Suomessa havaittiin syksyllä 2006 kaksi delfiiniä, emo ja poikanen, jotka liikkuivat marraskuun alussa Turun saaristossa ja hukkuivat sitten vapaa-ajankalastajan lohiverkkoon Kemiön saaren tuntumassa.

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Delphinus ( француски )

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Delphinus est un genre de cétacés comprenant trois espèces de dauphins.

Liste des espèces

Références taxinomiques

Notes et références

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Delphinus: Brief Summary ( француски )

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Delphinus est un genre de cétacés comprenant trois espèces de dauphins.

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Deilf choiteann ( ирски )

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Ainmhí mara is ea an deilf choiteann.

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Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh.

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Delphinus (xénero) ( галициски )

добавил wikipedia gl Galician

Delphinus é un xénero de cetáceos odontocetos da familia dos delfínidos que comprende dúas especies coñecidas como golfiños comúns ou delfíns comúms.

Son golfiños oceánicos propios das augas tropicais e subtropicais próximasa ás costas de ambas as beiras do Atlántico norte, do Índico e do Pacífico.[2]


O xénero Delphinus tomouno Linneo do nome latino do golfiño (ou delfín) común, delphīnus, -i,[3] nome que, á súa vez, deriva do grego δελφίς (delphís), "delfín",[4] ou δελφύς (delphýs).[4]


Ata 1994, cando se recoñeceu como especie diferente a Delphinus capensis, que definira Gray en 1828,[2][5] críase que era a única especie do xénero Delphinus. Posteriormente, en 1971, Van Bree definiu unha terceira especie, Delphinus tropicalis, pero na actualidade non é admitida pola comunidade científica, e os ictiólogos considérana como unha subespecie de Delphinus capensis, clasificada hoxe como Delphinus capensis tropicalis Jefferson & Van Waerebeek, 2002.[5]

Especies e subespecies

Distribución xeográfica


Teñen unha lonxitude corporal nos adultos que pode oscilar entre os 2 e os 2,6 m, e un peso de entre os 70 e os 135 kg. Os machos son lixeiramente máis grandes que as femias.

O corpo é esvelto, hidrodinámico, delgado, e un fociño longo, máis longo en Delphinus capensis, e de cor gris escura ou negra, aínda que pode ter a punta branca; hai unha pregadura ben marcada entre o bico e a fronte, que descende desde o alto da cabeza en suave declive.[6] Na boca teñen entre 80 e 120 dentes cónicos, pequenos, simliares (homodonte), en cada maxilar.

Presentan unha aleta dorsal alta, situada no centro do lombo, e de forma que pode variar entre a falciforme á case triangular, e a súa cor pode oscilar entre a negra a practicamente a branca agrisada, cos bordos máis escuros, grises ou negros. As aletas pectorais son relativamente pequenas, anchas, de cor negra ou gris, e cos extremos lixeiramente acabados en punta; os bordos da punta son convexos. O pedúnculo caudal é fino, de cor gris clara, e a aleta caudal é de cor gris escura ou negra, cunha lixeira fendedura separando os dous lobos, que teñen os extremos dirixidos cara a atrás e están rematados en punta.[6]

A coloración é moi vistosa, máis apagada en Delphiunus capensis, co lombo gris, negro, negro purpúreo ou apardazado, que forma unha "V" ou unha "X" debaixo da aleta dorsal, como debuxando a súa sombra (deseño denominado "en reloxo de area"), que se vai aclarando no pedúnculo caudal. O ventre é branco ou de cor crema, que se ve interrompida por unha ou dúas liñas amarelas ou grises, descontinuas; na rexión torácica dos flancos presenta unha mancha (o chamado parche torácico) de cor amarelada ou crema torrada. Ao redor dos ollos levan un anteface negro, que se prolonga ata o bico. Presentan, tamén, unha estreita banda escura desde a aleta pectoral ata o centro do maxilar inferior.[6]


Artigo principal: Golfiño común#Bioloxía.

Diferenzas entre as dúas especies

Véxase tamén: Golfiño común.
Grupo de Delphinus capensis.

A diferenza máis evidente entre o Delphinus delphis e Delphinus capensis é a lonxitude e a anchura do peteiro. Porén, hai tamén outros trazos distintivos.

D. delphis ten o corpo algo máis repoludo, a cabeza máis arredondada, un debuxo máis complexo no seu bico, o anteface máis chamativo, unha banda máis estreita entre a mandíbula interior e as aletas pectorais e unhas cores máis brillantes, e adoita vivir máis lonxe das costas.

D. capensis ten un perfil máis fino, pouco ou nada de branco entre o ollo e a aleta pectoral, a fronte máis suave, o debuxo do bico moito máis simple e unhas cores máis apagadas, e normalmente vive máis preto da costa. Tamén hai diferenzas de comportamento entre ambas as especies.[6]


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 Delphinus Linnaeus, 1758[Ligazón morta] en SIIT.
  2. 2,0 2,1 Hammond, P. S., Bearzi, G., Bjørge, A., Forney, K., Karczmarski, L., Kasuya, T., Perrin, W. F., Scott, M. D., Wang, J. Y., Wells, R. S. & Wilson, B (asesores) (2008): Lista vermella de especies ameazadas da UICN.
  3. Delphinus. En: Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary[Ligazón morta].
  4. 4,0 4,1 Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, A Greek-English Lexicon
  5. 5,0 5,1 WoRMS
  6. 6,0 6,1 6,2 6,3 Carwardine, M. (1995), pp. 164-167.

Véxase tamén


  • Carwardine, Mark (1995): Ballenas, delfines y marsopas. Guía visual de todos los cetáceos del mundo. Barcelona: Ediciones Omega. ISBN 84-282-1037-3.
  • Kowalski, Kazimerierz (1981): Mamíferos. Manual de teriología. Madrid: H. Blume Ediciones. ISBN 84-7214-229-9.
  • Mead, J. G. and Brownell, R. L., Jr. (2005): "Order Cetacea en: Wilson, D. E. and Reeder, D. M. Mammal Species of the World (3rd ed.) Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 723–743. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0.
  • Perrin, William F.; Bernd Wursig and J. G.M. Thewissen (Eds.) (2008): Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, Second Edition. Academic Press. ISBN 978-0-12-373553-9.
  • Rice, Dale W. (1998): Marine mammals of the world: systematics and distribution. Society of Marine Mammalogy / Special Publication Number 4. ISBN 978-1-891276-03-3.
  • Stewart, Brent S.; Phillip J. Clapham, James A. Powell and Randall R. Reeves (2002): National Audubon Society Guide to Marine Mammals of the World. ISBN 0-375-41141-0.

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Delphinus (xénero): Brief Summary ( галициски )

добавил wikipedia gl Galician

Delphinus é un xénero de cetáceos odontocetos da familia dos delfínidos que comprende dúas especies coñecidas como golfiños comúns ou delfíns comúms.

Son golfiños oceánicos propios das augas tropicais e subtropicais próximasa ás costas de ambas as beiras do Atlántico norte, do Índico e do Pacífico.

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Léttir ( исландски )

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Hvalategundin hrefna (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) hefur einnig verið nefnd léttir á íslensku

Léttir (fræðiheiti Delphinus delphis) einnig nefndur höfrungur eða eiginlegur höfrungur[2] er fremur lítill tannhvalur af höfrungaætt og minnsta höfrungategundin við Ísland.


Léttir er grannvaxinn og straumlínulaga, bolurinn sívalur fremst en þynnist aftur. Trýnið er svart, langt og mjótt og afmarkað frá háu enninu. Þeir eru svartir eða dökkgráir að ofan með hvítan kvið. Litamynstur er allbreytilegt milli svæða, bakið er þó svart og ljósar hliðarnar ýmist gulleitar, brúnar eða hvítar. Frá dökkri augnumgjörð er svart strik fram á trýni. Hornið er fremur stórt, á miðju baki og aftursveigt. Bægslin eru meðalstór, breiðust við búkinn og mjókka þaðan fram í endana.

Útbreiðsla og hegðun

Létti er helst að finna á hitabeltis- og heittempruðum hafsvæðum frá 40.-60.°N að 50.°S og er hann algengastur á landgrunnssvæðum en finnst einnig á úthafi.

Fæðan er breytileg eftir svæðum og árstíma en er aðallega ýmsar tegundir uppsjávarfiska og smokkfiska. Léttir kafar allt niður á 200 metra dýpi í leit að fæðu. Þeir eru afar hraðsyndir og hafa þeir mælst á hraða yfir 64 kílómetra á klukkustund.

Léttir sést oftast í stórum hópum, hundruð eða þúsundir einstaklinga. Þó virðist vaðan vera samsett úr fjölmörgum einingum sem hver um sig inniheldur fáeina tugi einstaklinga. Léttir er oft í slagtogi við aðrar höfrungategundir og fylgir einnig stundum stórhvölum, til dæmis langreyði og steypireyði. Þeir fylgja einnig oft skipum og bátum.[3]

Veiðar og fjöldi

Stofnstærð léttis í heiminum er óþekkt en rannsóknir á afmörkuðum svæðum benda til að tegundin geti verið algengasta hvalategundin í heiminum. Reglulegir hvalatalningarleiðangrar Hafrannsóknastofnunar við Ísland sýna að þéttleikinn er mestur sunnan við 57°N en tegundin hefur nokkrum sinnum sést vestan við landið.

Veiðar á létti hafa verið stundaðar í Svartahafi, Miðjarðarhafi og við Perú. Léttir er meðal þeirra hvalategunda sem drepast í hvað mestum mæli í veiðarfærum, sérstaklega í hringnót og reknetum á úthafi.


  1. Hammond o.fl. 2008
  2. Jón Már Halldórsson. „Lifa höfrungar við Ísland?“. Vísindavefurinn 19.2.2008. http://visindavefur.is/?id=7077. (Skoðað 13.4.2009).
  3. Perrin (2002): 245–248.


  • Ásbjörn Björgvinsson og Helmut Lugmayr, Hvalaskoðun við Ísland (Reykjavík: JPV Útgáfan, 2002).
  • Hammond, P.S., G. Bearzi, A. Bjørge, K. Forney, L. Karczmarski, T. Kasuya, W.F. Perrin, M.D. Scott, J.Y. Wang, R.S. Wells og B. Wilson, „Delphinus delphis“, 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (IUCN 2008).
  • Jón Már Halldórsson. „Lifa höfrungar við Ísland?“. Vísindavefurinn 19.2.2008. http://visindavefur.is/?id=7077. (Skoðað 13.4.2009).
  • Leatherwood og Reeves, The bottlenose dolphin (Academic Press, 1990). ISBN 0-12-440280-1
  • Páll Hersteinsson (ritsj.), Íslensk spendýr (Reykjavík: Vaka-Helgafell, 2005). ISBN 9979-2-1721-9
  • Perrin, J., „Common Dolphins“ hjá W. Perrin, B. Wursig og J. Thewissen (ritstj.), Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals (Academic Press, 2002): 245–248. ISBN 0-12-551340-2.
  • Reeves, R., B. Stewart, P. Clapham og J. Powell, National Audubon Society Guide to Marine Mammals of the World (New York: A.A. Knopf, 2002). ISBN 0-375-41141-0.
  • Sigurður Ægisson, Jón Ásgeir í Aðaldal, Jón Baldur Hlíðberg, Íslenskir hvalir fyrr og nú (Forlagið, 1997).
  • Stefán Aðalsteinsson, Villtu spendýrin okkar (Reykjavík: Bjallan, 1987).
  • Wells, R. og M. Scott, „Bottlenose Dolphins“ hjá W. Perrin, B. Wursig og J. Thewissen (ritstj.), Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals (Academic Press, 2002): 122–127. ISBN 0-12-551340-2.

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Léttir: Brief Summary ( исландски )

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Hvalategundin hrefna (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) hefur einnig verið nefnd léttir á íslensku

Léttir (fræðiheiti Delphinus delphis) einnig nefndur höfrungur eða eiginlegur höfrungur er fremur lítill tannhvalur af höfrungaætt og minnsta höfrungategundin við Ísland.

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Parastie delfīni ( латвиски )

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Parastie delfīni (Delphinus) ir viena no delfīnu dzimtas (Delphinidae) ģintīm, kas saskaņā ar jaunākajiem ģenētiskajiem pētījumiem apvieno 2 mūsdienās dzīvojošas delfīnu sugas. Neskatoties uz ģints nosaukumu, šīs delfīnu sugas ir mazpazīstamas. Populārāki un pazīstamāki ir pudeļdeguna delfīni,[1] toties parastie delfīni ir attēloti Senās Grieķijas un Senās Romas mākslā un literatūrā.[2]


Arābijas parastais delfīns (Delphinus capensis tropicalis) Omānas līcī

Parastie delfīni mājo siltos mērenās joslas un tropu ūdeņos, starp 40—60° ziemeļu paralēli un 50° dienvidu paralēli. Garpurna parastais delfīns galvenokārt uzturas siltās piekrastes jūrās,[3] bet parastais delfīns uzturas dziļāk atklātā jūrā, vēsākos ūdeņos,[4] gar sēkļiem vai areālos, kuros ir klinšaina gultne, zemūdens kalni vai kāda krauja.[5] Uz muguras ir liela, trīsstūrveida spura, kas atrodas apmēram muguras vidusdaļā.[6]


Parastie delfīni ir vidēji lieli, pieaugušam īpatnim sasniedzot 1,7—2,6 m garumu un 70—235 kg svaru,[4][6][7] lai gan šīs sugas delfīna masa biežāk ir 80—150 kg.[7] Tēviņi ir nedaudz lielāki nekā mātītes.[7] Ķermeņa krāsa ir neparasta, salīdzinot ar citiem delfīniem. Mugura ir tumši pelēka, bet vēders balts, uz sāniem ir smilšu pulksteni atgādinošs laukums, kas var būt gaiši pelēks, dzeltenpelēks vai zeltains priekšpusē un tumši pelēks aizmugurē. Purns ir slaids un salīdzinoši tievs, katrā žokļa pusē (gan augšā, gan apakšā) ir 50—60 nelieli, asi zobi.[8] Parastajiem delfīniem ļoti bieži ir balts purna gals, un tiem ir viena vai divas tumši pelēkas joslas, kas savieno apakšžokli un krūšu spuras.[6]

Atšķirības starp sugām

Garpurna parastais delfīns (Delphinus capensis)

Galvenā ārējā atšķirība ir šo delfīnu purna garumā. Garpurna parastajam delfīnam purns ir slaidāks un garāks kā parastajam delfīnam, bet diskutablajai pasugai Arābijas parastajam delfīnam purns ir vēl garāks un vēl slaidāks.

Kopīgās īpašības

Parastie delfīni ir ļoti sabiedriski, tie veido barus, kuros ir simtiem vai pat tūkstošiem īpatņu.[3] Reizēm tie apvienojas ar grindām vai joslvaļiem, kā arī mēdz pavadīt motorlaivas.[3] Parastie delfīni ir ātri peldētāji, spējot sasniegt ātrumu 60 km/h, tiem patīk arī lēkāt no jūras viļniem, izpildot dažādas akrobātiskas virāžas.[6][7] Šīm sugām var novērot altruistisku rīcību, veselajiem bara locekļiem aizsargājot slimos vai ievainotos delfīnus.[9] Parasto delfīnu diēta ir ļoti daudzveidīgi, tie barojas ar dažādām zivīm, kas uzturas baros, un kalmāriem. Parasto delfīnu maksimālais ieniršanas dziļums ir 200 m.

Grūsnības periods ilgst 10—11 mēneši. Jaundzimušais mazulis ir 70—100 cm garš un sver apmēram 10 kg.[7] Mazuļi dzimšanas intervāls ir atšķirīgs, atkarībā no izplatības areāla, piemēram, Melnajā jūrā mazuļi dzimst katru gadu, bet Klusā okeāna austrumos ik pēc trīs gadiem.[3]

Sistemātikas diskusijas

Līdz 1990. gadiem ģintī tika izdalīta tikai viena suga — parastais delfīns (Delphinus delphis). Mūsdienās daži sistemātiķi Indijas okeānā dzīvojošo garpurna parastā delfīna pasugu Delphinus capensis tropicalis izdala kā atsevišķu sugu — Arābijas parasto delfīnu (Delphinus tropicalis),[10] tomēr lielākā daļa zinātnieku to uzskata par pasugu.[11]



  1. American Cetacean Society: Bottlenose Dolphin
  2. Watson, L. (1981). Sea Guide to Whales of the World. p270. ISBN 0-17-601535-3.
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 Perrin, W. (2002). "Common Dolphins". In Perrin, W.; Wursig, B.; Thewissen, J. Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. Academic Press. pp. 245–248. ISBN 0-12-551340-2
  4. 4,0 4,1 Long-Beaked Common Dolphin (Delphinus capensis)
  5. Reeves, Stewart; Clapham, Powell (2002). Guide to Marine Mammals of the World. p. 388. ISBN 0-375-41141-0
  6. 6,0 6,1 6,2 6,3 «Common Dolphins, Delphinus delphis». Arhivēts no oriģināla, laiks: 2017. gada 4. februārī. Skatīts: 2017. gada 7. janvārī.
  7. 7,0 7,1 7,2 7,3 7,4 Shirihai, H.; Jarrett, B. (2006). Whales, Dolphins and Other Marine Mammals of the World. pp. 171–176. ISBN 0-691-12757-3.
  8. «The Common Dolphin». Arhivēts no oriģināla, laiks: 2008. gada 19. jūnijā. Skatīts: 2008. gada 19. jūnijā.
  9. Dolphins try to save dying companion
  10. NCBI: Delphinus tropicalis
  11. ITIS: Delphinus tropicalis van Bree, 1971

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Parastie delfīni: Brief Summary ( латвиски )

добавил wikipedia LV

Parastie delfīni (Delphinus) ir viena no delfīnu dzimtas (Delphinidae) ģintīm, kas saskaņā ar jaunākajiem ģenētiskajiem pētījumiem apvieno 2 mūsdienās dzīvojošas delfīnu sugas. Neskatoties uz ģints nosaukumu, šīs delfīnu sugas ir mazpazīstamas. Populārāki un pazīstamāki ir pudeļdeguna delfīni, toties parastie delfīni ir attēloti Senās Grieķijas un Senās Romas mākslā un literatūrā.

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Delphinus (geslacht) ( холандски; фламански )

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Delphinus is een geslacht van walvisachtigen, en het typegeslacht van de familie der dolfijnen (Delphinidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van het geslacht werd in 1758 gepubliceerd door Carl Linnaeus.[1] Er worden twee soorten in het geslacht geplaatst, de gewone dolfijn (Delphinus delphis) en de Kaapse dolfijn (Delphinus capensis).


Tot 1994 werd maar één soort in dit geslacht ondergebracht: de gewone dolfijn (Delphinus delphis). Genetisch en anatomisch onderzoek wees echter uit dat er binnen die oude soort twee echte soorten onderscheiden konden worden. De ene behield de naam Delphinus delphis, de andere kreeg de naam Delphinus capensis, naar Kaap de Goede Hoop, een van de plaatsen waar de soort voorkomt.

Soms wordt nog een derde soort in dit geslacht geplaatst: Delphinus tropicalis. Die wordt echter door sommige auteurs beschouwd als een regionale ondersoort van de Kaapse dolfijn, door andere auteurs zelfs niet eens onderscheiden maar beschouwd als een synoniem.

Soorten en ondersoorten

  • Delphinus delphis Linnaeus, 1758Gewone dolfijn
    • Delphinus delphis delphis
    • Delphinus delphis ponticus Barabash, 1935 (Zwarte Zee)
  • Delphinus capensis Gray, 1828Kaapse dolfijn
    • Delphinus capensis capensis
    • Delphinus capensis tropicalis Van Bree, 1971


Beide soorten hebben een gelijkaardige levenswijze. Za zwemmen in groepen van 10 tot 50 exemplaren, maar soms komen ze samen in scholen van honderden tot 2000 exemplaren. Deze scholen zijn vaak erg actief. Ze kunnen tijdens het zwemmen snelheden van meer dan 40 km/u halen, waarmee ze tot de snelste walvissen behoren. Soms mengen ze zich met andere walvissen, zoals grienden en andere dolfijnen. Ze zwemmen soms ook mee op boeggolven veroorzaakt door schepen of grote walvissen.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Linnaeus, C. (1758). Systema naturae ed. 10: 77
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Delphinus (geslacht): Brief Summary ( холандски; фламански )

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Delphinus is een geslacht van walvisachtigen, en het typegeslacht van de familie der dolfijnen (Delphinidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van het geslacht werd in 1758 gepubliceerd door Carl Linnaeus. Er worden twee soorten in het geslacht geplaatst, de gewone dolfijn (Delphinus delphis) en de Kaapse dolfijn (Delphinus capensis).

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Vanlige delfiner ( норвешки )

добавил wikipedia NO
For stjernebildet, se Delfinen.

Gulflankedelfin eller delfin (Delphinus delphis) er et sjøpattedyr i slekten Delphinus, som er monotypisk. Den kan bli drøyt 2 meter lang og veier om lag 80 kg.

Delfiner lever i flokker. Hovedflokken består av en større grupper hanner og hunner som lever i ulike flokker i kortere tidsrom. Mødre og døtre lever i samme flokk hele livet, mens moren støter fra seg sønnene etter om lag ett år.


  1. ^ Artsdatabanken: Artsnavnebasen Artsnavn ble forandret fra «delfin» til «gulflankedelfin» september 2009

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Vanlige delfiner: Brief Summary ( норвешки )

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For stjernebildet, se Delfinen.

Gulflankedelfin eller delfin (Delphinus delphis) er et sjøpattedyr i slekten Delphinus, som er monotypisk. Den kan bli drøyt 2 meter lang og veier om lag 80 kg.

Delfiner lever i flokker. Hovedflokken består av en større grupper hanner og hunner som lever i ulike flokker i kortere tidsrom. Mødre og døtre lever i samme flokk hele livet, mens moren støter fra seg sønnene etter om lag ett år.

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Delfin (rodzaj ssaka) ( полски )

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Delfin[5] (Delphinus) – rodzaj ssaka z rodziny delfinowatych (Delphinidae).


Rodzaj obejmuje gatunki występujące we wszystkich oceanach świata[6].



Nazwa rodzajowa pochodzi od greckiego słowa δελφίς delphís, δελφίνος delphínos – „delfin”[7].

Gatunek typowy

Delphinus delphis Linnaeus, 1758

Podział systematyczny

Do rodzaju należą następujące gatunki[5][6]:


  1. Greckie ῥις rhis, ῥινος rhinos – „nos”; δελφίς delphís, δελφίνος delphínos – „delfin”.
  2. Greckie ευ eu – „typowy”; δελφίς delphís, δελφίνος delphínos – „delfin”.


  1. Delphinus, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. C. Linneaus: Systema naturae per regna tria naturae: secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Wyd. 10. T. 1. Sztokholm: Impensis Direct. Laurentii Salvii, 1758, s. 77. (łac.)
  3. J. A. Wagner: Der Delphin. W: J. C. D. Schreber: Die Säugthiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur, mit Beschreibungen. T. 7. Erlangen: In der Expedition des Schreber'schen Säugthier, 1846, s. 316. (niem.)
  4. P. J. Van Beneden, P. Gervais: Ostéographie des cétacés vivants et fossiles, comprenant la description et l'iconographie du squelette et du système dentaire de ces animaux, ainsi que des documents relatifs à leur histoire naturelle. Paryż: A. Bertrand, 1880, s. 600. (fr.)
  5. a b Systematyka i nazwy polskie za: Włodzimierz Cichocki, Agnieszka Ważna, Jan Cichocki, Ewa Rajska, Artur Jasiński, Wiesław Bogdanowicz: Polskie nazewnictwo ssaków świata. Warszawa: Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN, 2015, s. 187-188. ISBN 978-83-88147-15-9.
  6. a b Wilson Don E. & Reeder DeeAnn M. (red.) Delphinus. w: Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (Wyd. 3.) [on-line]. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. (ang.) [dostęp 2015-09-10]
  7. T. S. Palmer: Index Generum Mammalium: a List of the Genera and Families of Mammals. Waszyngton: Government Printing Office, 1904, s. 221, seria: North American Fauna. (ang.)
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Delfin (rodzaj ssaka): Brief Summary ( полски )

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Delfin (Delphinus) – rodzaj ssaka z rodziny delfinowatych (Delphinidae).

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Delphinus (gênero) ( португалски )

добавил wikipedia PT

Delphinus é um gênero de golfinhos cosmopolita. Duas espécies são reconhecidas por Mead e Brownell (2005), três são possíveis, entretanto, por se tratar de um gênero polimórfico, novos estudos deverão definir a quantidade de espécies.


  • MEAD, J. G.; BROWNELL, R. L. (2005). Order Cetacea. In: WILSON, D. E.; REEDER, D. M. (Eds.) Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 3ª edição. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. p. 723-743.
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Delphinus (gênero): Brief Summary ( португалски )

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Delphinus é um gênero de golfinhos cosmopolita. Duas espécies são reconhecidas por Mead e Brownell (2005), três são possíveis, entretanto, por se tratar de um gênero polimórfico, novos estudos deverão definir a quantidade de espécies.

Delphinus capensis Gray, 1828 - Golfinho-comum-de-bico-longo Delphinus delphis Linnaeus, 1758 - Golfinho-comum-de-bico-curto
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Vanliga delfiner ( шведски )

добавил wikipedia SV
Denna artikel handlar om släktet vanliga delfiner, Delphinus. Generell information om familjen delfiner finns på Delfiner.
Utbredningsområde för kortnosad vanlig delfin
Utbredningsområde för långnosad vanlig delfin

Vanliga delfiner (Delphinus) är ett släkte däggdjur av familjen delfiner som lever i haven. Trots namnet är vanliga delfiner inte de delfiner som människan mest förknippar med delfiner. Den rollen har istället flasknosdelfin eller öresvin som brukar hållas på delfinarier och som blev världskänd genom TV-serien Flipper[1].


Individerna är på ryggen mörkgrå till svart eller brun och på buken vitaktig. På sidorna finns timglasformiga markeringar i ljusgul till ljusgrå. Vid stjärtfenan är kroppen svartaktig. Färgsättningen skiljer sig mellan olika populationer, i vissa regioner saknas markeringarna på sidan helt. De kan bli mellan 1,70 och 2,40 meter långa och väger omkring 80 kg.

Utbredning och habitat

Vanliga delfiner förekommer i flera från varandra avskilda havsregioner i tropiska och tempererade områden. En större sammanhängande population lever i Svarta havet, Medelhavet och nordöstra Atlanten. En annan större population finns i östra Stilla havet vid Amerikas västra kustlinje. Dessutom förekommer arten vid Nord- och Sydamerikas östra kustlinje (men saknas i Karibien), söder om Afrika samt kring Madagaskar, vid Omans, Tasmaniens och Nya Zeelands kustlinje samt i hav kring Japan, Koreahalvön och Taiwan (se kartor).

Vanliga delfiner visas främst i det öppna havet och de syns sällan vid kusten. De föredrar vattentemperaturen mellan 10 och 20 °C.


Liksom andra delfiner livnär sig vanliga delfiner främst av fiskar och ibland av bläckfiskar.[2] De har snabba rörelser och simmar eller hoppar ofta omkring fartyg. Liksom andra medlemmar av familjen bildar de ofta stora flockar med upp till flera tusen individer som uppvisar ett komplext socialt beteende.[2] Under sommaren är flockarna vanligen mindre. Ibland bildar de grupper med andra tandvalar som grindvalar. Medlemmar i en grupp hjälper varandra. Till exempel iakttogs vanliga delfiner som hjälpte skadade individer att når vattenytan för att andas.

Dräktigheten varar i ungefär 11 månader.[2] Födelsen av ungarna kan vara i två timmar. Ungdjuren föds med stjärtfenan framåt så att den inte drunknar vid födelsen. Modern hjälper sedan ungdjuret att komma till vattenytan. Andra delfiner i gruppen skyddar honan och ungdjuret för möjliga hajattacker. Tvillingar föds mycket sällan och i dessa fall dör vanligen ett av ungdjuren då modersmjölken inte räcker till. Ungdjuret dias ungefär ett år och sedan stannar ungen cirka två år till vid modern.


I vissa delar av utbredningsområdet jagas vanliga delfiner. Till exempel fångas de av peruanska fiskare. Även i Svarta havet var tidigare jakt på vanliga delfiner vanlig. Det största hotet är numera kollisioner med fartyg och deras propeller samt vattenföroreningar[3]. Sedan 1960-talet minskar populationen i Medelhavet och Svarta havet oroväckande snabb men orsaken är inte helt utredd. Troligen beror beståndets minskning på överfiskning så att delfinerna har brist på föda, eller de fick ett svagare immunsystem på grund av vattenföroreningar. IUCN listar populationen kring Medelhavet sedan 2003 som stark hotad (endangered).[4]


Fram till mitten av 1990-talet betraktades Delphinus delphis som en enda art men idag delas släktet Delphinus av några zoologer upp i sadeldelfin eller kortnosad vanlig delfin (som fortfarande bär det vetenskapliga namnet Delphinus delphis) och i kapspringare eller långnosad vanlig delfin (Delphinus capensis).[5]

Tidigare fanns upp till 20 förslag för isolerade populationer som skulle få artstatus, bland annat Delphinus bairdii i östra Stilla havet och Delphinus tropicalis i Indiska oceanen.


Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från tyskspråkiga Wikipedia, Gemeiner Delfin, 3 juni 2010.


  1. ^ ”American Cetacean Society - Bottlenose Dolphin”. Arkiverad från originalet den 25 juli 2008. https://web.archive.org/web/20080725121057/http://acsonline.org/factpack/btlnose.htm. Läst 31 augusti 2008.
  2. ^ [a b c] Delphinus delphis på Animal Diversity Web (engelska), besökt 18 september 2010.
  3. ^ Lavery, T.J., Butterfield, N., Kemper, C.M., Reid, R.J., and Sanderson, K. 2008. Metals and selenium in the liver and bone of three dolphin species from South Australia, 1988 - 2004. Science of the Total Environment, 390: 77 - 85.
  4. ^ Delphinus delphis (Mediterranean subpopulation)IUCN:s rödlista, auktor: Bearzi, G. 2003, besökt 18 september 2010.
  5. ^ Wilson & Reeder, red (2005). Delphinus (på engelska). Mammal Species of the World. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN 0-8018-8221-4

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Vanliga delfiner: Brief Summary ( шведски )

добавил wikipedia SV
Denna artikel handlar om släktet vanliga delfiner, Delphinus. Generell information om familjen delfiner finns på Delfiner.  src= Utbredningsområde för kortnosad vanlig delfin  src= Utbredningsområde för långnosad vanlig delfin

Vanliga delfiner (Delphinus) är ett släkte däggdjur av familjen delfiner som lever i haven. Trots namnet är vanliga delfiner inte de delfiner som människan mest förknippar med delfiner. Den rollen har istället flasknosdelfin eller öresvin som brukar hållas på delfinarier och som blev världskänd genom TV-serien Flipper.

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Bayağı yunus ( турски )

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? Bayağı yunus Common dolphin.jpg Bayağı yunus (Delphinus) cinsinin bir üyesi ve yunusgiller (Delphinidae) familyasının tipik türü olan kısa burunlu bayağı yunus ya da tırtak (Delphinus delphis). Bilimsel sınıflandırma Âlem: Animalia - Hayvanlar Şube: Chordata - Kordalılar Sınıf: Mammalia - Memeliler Takım: Cetacea - Balinalar Alt takım: Odontoceti - Dişli balinalar Familya: Delphinidae - Yunusgiller
Cins: Delphinus
Linnaeus, 1758 Türler

'Bayağı yunus, yunusgiller (Delphinidae) familyasının tipik cinsi Delphinusu oluşturan iki yunus türünün ortak adıdır.

1990'lardan önce, taksonomi bilimcilerinin çoğunluğu tarafından, Delphinus cinsi içinde yalnıca Delphinus delphis türünün varlığı tanınmış ve "bayağı yunus" genel adı ile anılmıştır. Daha sonra yürütülen genetik araştırmalara bağlı olaraksa, günümüz balina bilimcileri bu cins içinde iki ayrı tür olduğunu genellikle kabul etmektedir. Bahsi geçen türler şunlardır:

Yunusgiller familyasının tipik türü kısa burunlu bayağı yunus olsa da hem en sık rastlanan yunus türü olma hem de özellikle 1970'li yıllarda Türkiye'de de yayınlanan ABD televizyon dizisi Flipper'ın popülerleştirmesi nedeniyle "yunus" denildiğinde ilk akla gelen canlı olma unvanları, Türkçede "şişe burunlu yunus" ya da "afalina" olarak anılan Tursiops truncatus'a aittir. Kısa burunlu bayağı yunus, Türkçede esasen "tırtak" adı ile anılır.

Farklı türlerin tanınması

Tüm Delphinus cinsini tek bir türe indirgeme yaklaşımının tarihsel bir geçmişi olsa da oldukça geniş bir dağılım alanına sahip bu yunusların geniş aralıkta bir büyüklük, biçim ve renk çeşitliliği gösterdiği izlenir. Öyle ki, son birkaç on yıllık dönemde, bu cins içinde sınıflanmak üzere yirmiden fazla tür önerilmiştir. Ancak 1960'larda Kaliforniya'dan bilim insanları, daha sonra 1990'larda yürütülen ayrıntılı bir genetik çalışma ile de doğrulanacağı üzere, uzun burunlu (D. capensis) ve kısa burunlu (D. delphinus) olmak üzere iki farklı bayağı yunus türünün olduğu sonucuna varmıştır.

Bu süreç sonunda, önerilen diğer türlerin bir kısmı Stenella cinsi içine kaydırılmıştır ama bahsi geçen genetik çalışmaya dayanarak, Delphinus cinsi içinde Delphinus tropicalis bilimsel adı ve sıklıkla da Arap ya da Malabar bayağı yunusu genel adları ile anılan üçüncü bir türün olduğu da ileri sürülmüştür.[1] D. capensis'e göre daha da uzun bir burnu olan bu canlı, Kızıldeniz ve Hint Okyanusu'nda bulunur. Bun karşın, yakın tarihli morfolojik incelemelerde D. capensis ve D. tropicalis arasındaki farkların tür seviyesinde olmadığı gösterilmiştir[2] ve D. tropicalis, güncel standart taksonomik çalışmalarda D. capensis'in bölgesel bir varyasyonu olarak değerlendirilmektedir.

Fiziksel özellikler


Bayağı yunuslar oldukça renkli canlılardır ve derileri, balinalar (Cetacea) takımının tüm üyeleri içindeki en ayrıntılı renk desenlerini içerir. Yanlarında, boğum yeri sırt yüzgecinin hizasına denk gelecek şekilde yan yatmış bir kum saati deseni vardır ve bu desenin sırt yüzgecinden önde olan kısmı sarımsı kahverengi, arkada olan kısmı ise açık gridir. Sırtları, başlarının üstünden kuyruğa kadar ve sırt yüzgeci hizasında da yanlardaki kum sati deseninin boğumuna doğru V şeklinde uzanmak üzere, koyu gri-siyah renktedir. Karınları beyaz olan bayağı yunusların gözlerini koyu renkli halkalar çevreler ve bu halkalar, burunlarının arkasından geçen koyu renkli bir çizgi ile birbirine bağlanır. Ayrıca, siyah bir bant da çeneden göğüs yüzgeçlerine uzanır. İki bayağı yunus türünden uzun burunlu olan (D. capensis) daha soluk, kısa burunlu olan (D.delphinus) ise daha koyu renklidir.[3]

Cinsel organ bölgesindeki renk biçemine bakılarak, bir bayağı yunusun cinsiyetini ayırmak olasıdır:[4]

  • Erkek bireyde, cinsel bölgenin hemen üzerinde siyah ve alev benzeri bir leke bulunur.
  • Dişi bireydeyse, aynı bölgede, çevresi gri tonla çevrili ve dar bir siyah bant izlenir.


Genel adlarının burunları ile ilgili olarak ifade ettiğinden başka, uzun ve kısa burunlu bayağı yunusların birbirinden ayrılabilmesini sağlayan başa ait bir başka nitelik de bu türlere özellikle yandan bakıldığında izlenebilir: kısa burunlu bayağı yunusun melon yapısı daha yuvarlak ve hayvanın alnı burnuna daha dik bir açı ile birleşiyorken, uzun burunlu yunusta daha yassı bir melon vardır ve alnı da burnuna daha dar bir açı ile birleşir.[3]

Bayağı yunusların her iki çenesinde de 40-55 çift küçük ve sivri diş bulunur.[5]

  • Erkekler dişilerden biraz daha büyüktür ve en küçük formlar Karadeniz'de (erkekler 1,7-1,8 m, dişilerse 1,5-1,7 m arasında), en büyük formlar ise Hint Okyanusu'nda (erkekler 2,42 metreye, dişilerse 2,12 metreye kadar) yaşar.[4]
  • Kısa burunlu bayağı yunus görece daha ağır olan türdür.[3]

Yaşam döngüsü ve davranış

Bir kısa burunlu yunus (Delphinus delphis) ve yavrusu.

Üreme ve ömür

3-4 yaşında ya da 1,8-2,1 m uzunluğa ulaştıklarında cinsel olgunluğa erişen bayağı yunuslarda gebelik süresi yaklaşık 10-11 aydır ve 76–86 cm uzunluğa sahip bir yavru doğururlar.[3] Yavrunun anne ile olan birlikteliği 1-3 yıl gibi bir süreyi kapsar. 20-25 yıllık bir ömre sahip olan bayağı yunuslar için burada ifade edilen rakamların farklı topluluklar arasında büyük çeşitlilik gösterdiği göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır.

Toplumsal yapı

Bayağı yunuslar 10-50 üyelik gruplar halinde seyrederler ve sıklıkla da 100-2000 üyelik sürüler halinde toplanırlar. Bu sürüler genellikle çok hareketlidir: sürüyü oluşturan gruplar birlikte yüzeye çıkar, sıçrar ve su sıçratırlar. Su üstüne sıçramak, yüzeye kuyruk ya da çene çarpmak tipik davranışlardır.

Bayağı yunusların, balinalar (Cetacea) takımının pilot balinası gibi türlerinin sürüleriyle karıştıkları gözlenmiştir. Benzeri bir karışmanın, Büyük Okyanus'un doğusundaki sarı yüzgeçli ton balığı bölgelerinde, başka yunus türü sürüleri ile de gerçekleştiği izlenmiştir. İlginç bir teoriye göre, yunuslarda sık gözlenen "pruva yüzüşü" davranışının kökeninde balinaların önünden pruva yüzüşü yapmaları yatmaktadır.


Bayağı yunusların temel gıdası mürekkep balıkları ve sürüler halinde bulunan küçük balıklardır. Bu yunusların, ekip olarak çalışıp, balıkları yoğun sürüler haline sıkıştırdıkları gözlenmiştir. Dünyanın bazı bölgelerinde, geceleri yüzeye doğru hareketlenen derin yansıtıcı tabaka canlılarıyla da beslenirler. Ayrıca, çoğu diğer yunus türü gibi bayağı yunuslar da fırsat buldukça insanların trolle avlanma benzeri balıkçılık etkinliklerinden faydalanır ve ağlardan kaçan ya da balıkçıların denize attığı balıklar ile beslenirler.[3]

Nüfus ve dağılım

Toplam nüfuslarının kesin olarak bilinmediği ve yüzbinlerce olduğu tahmin edilen bayağı yunuslar, 10-28 °C'lık yüzey suyu sıcaklıklarını tercih ederler. Bununla paralel olarak da tüm dünya denizlerinde, kabaca 50° kuzey ile 40° güney enlemleri arasında kalan ılıman, tropik altı ve tropik sularda bulunurlar. Türler, tipik olarak, Kızıldeniz ve Akdeniz gibi ara denizler ile kıyıdan açıktaki ve daha az olarak da kıta sahanlıkları üzerindeki derin suları tercih ederler. Bazı topluluklar tüm yıl boyunca yerleşimlerini korurken, diğerleri göçer bir davranış gösterir.

Uzun ve kısa burunlu yunusların dünya denizlerindeki kabaca dağılımları aşağıdaki şekillerde mavi renk ile sunulmuştur.

Uzun burunlu bayağı yunus (Delphinus capensis)
Kısa burunlu bayağı yunus (Delphinus delphis)

Şekillerden de yorumlanabileceği üzere, uzun burunlu bayağı yunus iç denizlerde bulunmaz ve kıyıya daha yakın suları tercih ederken, kısa burunlu bayağı yunus Karadeniz ve Akdeniz gibi iç denizlerde bulunur ve kıyılardan görece uzak suları tercih eder.[3] Basra Körfezi'nde de bulunan bayağı yunusların Atlas Okyanusu'ndaki kuzey sınırı Yeni İskoçya ve İzlanda iken, Büyük Okyanus'ta ise Kaliforniya'nın kuzeyi ile Japonya'dır; bazen, Arktik Okyanus'ta da görülebilirler. Güney sınırları ise Arjantin'in Valdéz Yarımadası, Afrika'nın güney ucu, Avustralya'nın güneyi ve Yeni Zelanda'dır.[6]


  1. ^ Jaap's Marine Mammal Pages. Common dolphin - Taxonomy. Erişim: 31 Ocak 2007
  2. ^ Reeves, Randall R. ve ark. - IUCN/SSC Cetacean Specialist Group (2003). Dolphins, Whales and Porpoises: 2002-2010 Conservation Action Plan for the World's Cetaceans. Bölüm 4.5, sayfa 39.
  3. ^ a b c d e f American Cetacean Society. Cetacean Fact Sheet. Common Dolphin. (Erişim: 20 Ocak 2007)
  4. ^ a b Common dolphin (Appearance). Jaap's Marine Mammal Pages. Erişim: 31 Ocak 2007.
  5. ^ Delphinus delphis, Common Dolphin. MarineBio.org. Erişim: 31 Ocak 2007.
  6. ^ Common dolphin - Distribution. Jaap's Marine Mammal Pages. Erişim: 31 Ocak 2007.
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Bayağı yunus: Brief Summary ( турски )

добавил wikipedia TR

'Bayağı yunus, yunusgiller (Delphinidae) familyasının tipik cinsi Delphinusu oluşturan iki yunus türünün ortak adıdır.

1990'lardan önce, taksonomi bilimcilerinin çoğunluğu tarafından, Delphinus cinsi içinde yalnıca Delphinus delphis türünün varlığı tanınmış ve "bayağı yunus" genel adı ile anılmıştır. Daha sonra yürütülen genetik araştırmalara bağlı olaraksa, günümüz balina bilimcileri bu cins içinde iki ayrı tür olduğunu genellikle kabul etmektedir. Bahsi geçen türler şunlardır:

Delphinus capensis - Uzun burunlu bayağı yunus Delphinus delphis - Kısa burunlu bayağı yunus

Yunusgiller familyasının tipik türü kısa burunlu bayağı yunus olsa da hem en sık rastlanan yunus türü olma hem de özellikle 1970'li yıllarda Türkiye'de de yayınlanan ABD televizyon dizisi Flipper'ın popülerleştirmesi nedeniyle "yunus" denildiğinde ilk akla gelen canlı olma unvanları, Türkçede "şişe burunlu yunus" ya da "afalina" olarak anılan Tursiops truncatus'a aittir. Kısa burunlu bayağı yunus, Türkçede esasen "tırtak" adı ile anılır.

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Дельфін ( украински )

добавил wikipedia UK
У Вікіпедії є статті про інші значення цього терміна: Дельфін (значення).

Дельфі́н (Delphinus) — рід морських ссавців з родини дельфінових (Delphinidae).


У перекладі з давньогрецької δελφίς, δελφύς дослівно означає «утроб», «матка», тобто «риба з маткою».

Нерідко словом «дельфін» позначають всіх зубатих представників ряду китоподібних (підряд дельфіноподібні, або «зубаті кити»). Зокрема, це стосується трьох різних родів родини дельфінових, поширених у морських акваторіях України: фоцени, афаліни і власне дельфіна.


Дельфін (Delphinus) — типовий рід родини Дельфінові (Delphinidae).

Див. також


Рід Дельфін (Delphunus) // Види ссавців світу, 2005 (англ.).

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Дельфін: Brief Summary ( украински )

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У Вікіпедії є статті про інші значення цього терміна: Дельфін (значення).

Дельфі́н (Delphinus) — рід морських ссавців з родини дельфінових (Delphinidae).

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Chi Cá heo mỏ ( виетнамски )

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Chi Cá heo mỏ, tên khoa học Delphinus, là một chi động vật có vú trong họ Delphinidae, bộ Cetacea. Chi này được Linnaeus miêu tả năm 1758.[1] Loài điển hình của chi này là Delphinus delphis Linnaeus, 1758.

Các loài

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Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ a ă Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. biên tập (2005). “Delphinus”. Mammal Species of the World . Baltimore: Nhà in Đại học Johns Hopkins, 2 tập (2.142 trang). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.

Tham khảo

 src= Phương tiện liên quan tới Delphinus tại Wikimedia Commons

Hình tượng sơ khai Bài viết liên quan đến Bộ Cá voi (Cetacea) này vẫn còn sơ khai. Bạn có thể giúp Wikipedia bằng cách mở rộng nội dung để bài được hoàn chỉnh hơn.
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Chi Cá heo mỏ: Brief Summary ( виетнамски )

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Chi Cá heo mỏ, tên khoa học Delphinus, là một chi động vật có vú trong họ Delphinidae, bộ Cetacea. Chi này được Linnaeus miêu tả năm 1758. Loài điển hình của chi này là Delphinus delphis Linnaeus, 1758.

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Дельфины-белобочки ( руски )

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Латинское название Delphinus Linnaeus, 1758

на Викивидах

на Викискладе

ITIS 180437 NCBI 9727

Дельфины-белобочки[1] (лат. Delphinus) — род морских млекопитающих из семейства дельфиновых.

В переводе с древнегреческого δελφίς, δελφύς дословно означает «утроба», «матка», то есть «рыба с маткой». Нередко словом «дельфин» обозначают всех некрупных зубатых представителей отряда китообразных.



  1. Полная иллюстрированная энциклопедия. «Млекопитающие» Кн. 1 = The New Encyclopedia of Mammals / под ред. Д. Макдональда. — М.: Омега, 2007. — С. 220, 226—228. — 3000 экз.ISBN 978-5-465-01346-8.
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Дельфины-белобочки: Brief Summary ( руски )

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Дельфины-белобочки (лат. Delphinus) — род морских млекопитающих из семейства дельфиновых.

В переводе с древнегреческого δελφίς, δελφύς дословно означает «утроба», «матка», то есть «рыба с маткой». Нередко словом «дельфин» обозначают всех некрупных зубатых представителей отряда китообразных.

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海豚属 ( кинески )

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模式種 短吻真海豚
Delphinus delphis
Linnaeus, 1758 長吻真海豚的分布














关于海豚属内部种的分类目前有争议。大多数动物学家仅承认一个种,即短吻真海豚。有些动物学家认为生活在东太平洋的海豚和生活在印度洋的海豚,各自属于独立的种,分別稱作Delphinus bairdiiDelphinus tropicalis。但是大多数动物学家不承认这些种。在历史上海豚属内曾经有过20多个种的建议,但是他们全部都被否认了。

从1990年代开始越来越多的动物学家将海豚属中的动物分为两个不同的种:短吻真海豚(Delphinus delphis)和长吻真海豚Delphinus capensis)。目前,动物学家们对於这两个种是否的确是不同的种,还是同一种的亚种仍有争议。


 src= 维基物种中的分类信息:海豚属  src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:海豚属
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海豚属: Brief Summary ( кинески )

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マイルカ属 ( јапонски )

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マイルカ属 マイルカ 分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 脊索動物門 Chordata 亜門 : 脊椎動物亜門 Vertebrata : 哺乳綱 Mammalia : 鯨偶蹄目 Cetartiodactyla 亜目 : ハクジラ亜目 Odontoceti : マイルカ科 Delphinidae : マイルカ属 Delphinus 学名 Delphinus
  • マイルカ D. delphis
    Gray, 1828
  • ハセイルカ D. capensis
    Gray, 1828
    • ネッタイマイルカ D. tropicalis

マイルカ属(真海豚属、Delphinus)はクジラ目ハクジラ亜目マイルカ科に属するの一つ。マイルカ属はマイルカ(真海豚、Delphinus delphis)とハセイルカDelphinus capensis)の2種で構成される。ネッタイマイルカ(熱帯真海豚、Delphinus tropicalis)を種とする分類もある。詳細は本項の「分類学」を参照。

和名ではマイルカすなわち「真のイルカ」、英名でもCommon Dolphin(普通のイルカ)であるが、多くの人が「イルカ」と聞いた時に初めに思い浮かべるイルカはこのマイルカではなく、ハンドウイルカ(バンドウイルカ)であろう。これはテレビシリーズの『わんぱくフリッパー』(原題 Flipper)で活躍したイルカがハンドウイルカであることや、世界中の水族館で最も多く飼育されているイルカがハンドウイルカであることが主な原因であろう。好奇心旺盛で人懐っこいハンドウイルカに比べて、やや神経質な性格とされ飼育例は少ない。


マイルカ属 Delphinus


マイルカ属に属するイルカは、生息域によるサイズ、体型、体色の差異が大きく、過去数十年の間に、20以上ものが提案されていたが、1990年代半ばまでは、マイルカ属に属するのは通常はマイルカ (Delphinus delphis) のみとされていた。しかし1960年代カリフォルニア州の生物学者は、マイルカ属に属するのは2種(口吻の短い種と口吻の長い種)であると結論付けた。1990年代になり、遺伝子解析により裏付けられ、現在ではマイルカ(Delphinus delphis、英名 Short-beaked Common Dolphin(口吻の短いマイルカの意))とハセイルカ(Delphinus capensis、英名 Long-beaked Common Dolphin(口吻の長いマイルカの意))との2種に分類されることが多い。

同じく遺伝子解析により、第三の種となる可能性のあるイルカが存在することがわかっている。 このイルカはネッタイマイルカ(Delphinus tropicalis、英名 Arabian Common Dolphin(アラビアのマイルカの意))とも呼ばれ、紅海インド洋に棲息し、特に細長い口吻が特徴である。 現時点では独立した種ではなくハセイルカの一亜種であって、一部の地域のみに棲息し固有の特徴を有しているものとされることが多い。





定住する群も、回遊パターンを有する群も、どちらも知られている。 水温は10℃から28℃を好む。



マイルカ属のイルカは、10頭から50頭程度の群を成して行動することが多いが、100頭から2000頭の群 (School) を成すこともしばしばある。行動は非常に活動的であり、群で浮上したり、ジャンプして水をはねたり、といった行動を行う。またブリーチング(ジャンプしたあと、体の側面を水面にぶつけて水をはね飛ばす行動)、尾びれや下顎で水面を叩いたり、水面をかすめるように跳んだりということも良く行う。




人間による影響は種々ある。 ペルー沖では、食用あるいはサメ漁用の餌として捕獲されている。 他の多くの海域では、直接にはイルカ漁の対象とはなっていないことが多いが、数千頭がトロール船の魚網による混獲が原因で死んでいる。

西地中海においては、1960年代までは多数が棲息していたが、その後、生息数が急速に減少している。 原因は不明であるが、その海域における人間の何らかの活動が原因となっているのだろうと考えられている。




  1. Dale W. Rice, Marine mammals of the world: systematics and distribution, Society of Marine Mammalogy Special Publication Number 4, pp. 231 (1998).
  2. National Audobon Society Guide to Marine Mammals of the World ISBN 0375411410
  3. Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals ISBN 0125513402
  4. Mark Carwardine, Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises ISBN 0751327816
  5. 海棲哺乳類図鑑「マイルカ」 国立科学博物館 動物研究部
  6. AQUAHEART AQUAHEARTさんによるハセイルカの説明。イラストと写真付き


  1. ^ “世界最古のマイルカ化石と判明 北海道・新十津川で発見の頭骨”. 北海道新聞 (北海道新聞社). (http://www.hokkaido-np.co.jp/news/donai/548940.html
執筆の途中です この項目は、動物に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますPortal:生き物と自然プロジェクト:生物)。
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マイルカ属: Brief Summary ( јапонски )

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マイルカ属(真海豚属、Delphinus)はクジラ目ハクジラ亜目マイルカ科に属するの一つ。マイルカ属はマイルカ(真海豚、Delphinus delphis)とハセイルカ(Delphinus capensis)の2種で構成される。ネッタイマイルカ(熱帯真海豚、Delphinus tropicalis)を種とする分類もある。詳細は本項の「分類学」を参照。

和名ではマイルカすなわち「真のイルカ」、英名でもCommon Dolphin(普通のイルカ)であるが、多くの人が「イルカ」と聞いた時に初めに思い浮かべるイルカはこのマイルカではなく、ハンドウイルカ(バンドウイルカ)であろう。これはテレビシリーズの『わんぱくフリッパー』(原題 Flipper)で活躍したイルカがハンドウイルカであることや、世界中の水族館で最も多く飼育されているイルカがハンドウイルカであることが主な原因であろう。好奇心旺盛で人懐っこいハンドウイルカに比べて、やや神経質な性格とされ飼育例は少ない。

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참돌고래 ( корејски )

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참돌고래(영어: common dolphin)는 참돌고랫과 참돌고래속에 속하는 세 가지 종의 해양 포유류를 일컫는 말이다. 몸의 길이는 2.5미터이며, 몸무게는 235kg까지 나간다. 등은 검은색 또는 어두운 갈색이고 배는 희다. 등지느러미가 크고 주둥이는 뾰족하다. 턱에는 많은 이가 있고 콧구멍은 하나다. 1990년대 중반까지는 참돌고래속에 포함되는 종은 하나로 여겼지만, 현재는 짧은부리참돌고래(Delphinus delphis)와 긴부리참돌고래(Delphinus capensis)로 나뉜다.


  1. 국제자연보호연맹. “Cetacean Update of the 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species” (PDF). 2013년 5월 16일에 원본 문서 (PDF)에서 보존된 문서. 2008년 8월 21일에 확인함.
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참돌고래: Brief Summary ( корејски )

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참돌고래(영어: common dolphin)는 참돌고랫과 참돌고래속에 속하는 세 가지 종의 해양 포유류를 일컫는 말이다. 몸의 길이는 2.5미터이며, 몸무게는 235kg까지 나간다. 등은 검은색 또는 어두운 갈색이고 배는 희다. 등지느러미가 크고 주둥이는 뾰족하다. 턱에는 많은 이가 있고 콧구멍은 하나다. 1990년대 중반까지는 참돌고래속에 포함되는 종은 하나로 여겼지만, 현재는 짧은부리참돌고래(Delphinus delphis)와 긴부리참돌고래(Delphinus capensis)로 나뉜다.

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