
Conservation Status ( англиски )

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California spiny lobsters have not been evaluated by the IUCN or the US Fish and Wildlife Service. However, fishing removes considerable numbers of this species which may not be sustainable.

US Federal List: no special status

CITES: no special status

IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: no special status

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
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Craig, N.; H. Fabares; T. Kukula and G. Shipley 2011. "Panulirus interruptus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Panulirus_interruptus.html
Natalie Craig, San Diego Mesa College
Hannah Fabares, San Diego Mesa College
Thomas Kukula, San Diego Mesa College
Gabe Shipley, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web

Morphology ( англиски )

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California spiny lobsters average 908 g in mass and range from 454 to 2270 g. On average, they are 30 cm long, though they can measure as large as 90 cm in length. Males are generally larger than females. The body of California spiny lobsters consists of a cephalothorax, which includes the head and legs, and an abdomen and tail, which has paddle-like swimming structures. The exoskeleton is generally red to orange in color with black markings. Spiny projections are located on the carapace (upper shell) and sides of the abdomen. Their two primary antennae may equal the length of their body. Their compound eyes rest on short stalks protected by curved spines. Unlike Maine lobsters in which the first pair of thoracic appendages are specially modified as chelipds (claws), all five pairs of appendages of California spiny lobsters are used for walking.

Range mass: 454 to 2270 g.

Average mass: 908 g.

Range length: 90 (high) cm.

Average length: 30 cm.

Other Physical Features: ectothermic ; heterothermic ; bilateral symmetry

Sexual Dimorphism: male larger

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
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Craig, N.; H. Fabares; T. Kukula and G. Shipley 2011. "Panulirus interruptus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Panulirus_interruptus.html
Natalie Craig, San Diego Mesa College
Hannah Fabares, San Diego Mesa College
Thomas Kukula, San Diego Mesa College
Gabe Shipley, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Life Expectancy ( англиски )

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Lifespan of California spiny lobsters is difficult to determine because their exoskeleton is periodically molted. Individuals in the wild have been known to live between 11 and 30 years, while in captivity they have survived 8 to 25 years.

Range lifespan
Status: wild:
11 to 30 years.

Range lifespan
Status: captivity:
8 to 25 years.

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
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Craig, N.; H. Fabares; T. Kukula and G. Shipley 2011. "Panulirus interruptus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Panulirus_interruptus.html
Natalie Craig, San Diego Mesa College
Hannah Fabares, San Diego Mesa College
Thomas Kukula, San Diego Mesa College
Gabe Shipley, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Habitat ( англиски )

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California spiny lobsters prefer rocky reef habitats, where they den in crevices. They occasionally are found in tide pools, but are more frequently found in deeper water up to 65 m in depth. California spiny lobsters seek the cover of kelp forests and surf grass.

Range depth: 65 (high) m.

Habitat Regions: temperate ; saltwater or marine

Aquatic Biomes: benthic ; coastal

Other Habitat Features: intertidal or littoral

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
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Craig, N.; H. Fabares; T. Kukula and G. Shipley 2011. "Panulirus interruptus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Panulirus_interruptus.html
Natalie Craig, San Diego Mesa College
Hannah Fabares, San Diego Mesa College
Thomas Kukula, San Diego Mesa College
Gabe Shipley, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Distribution ( англиски )

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California spiny lobsters are found on the Pacific coast of North America from Monterey Bay, California (though rarely found north of Point Conception) to Baja California, Mexico. They are occasionally found within the Gulf of California.

Biogeographic Regions: nearctic (Native ); pacific ocean (Native )

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
библиографски навод
Craig, N.; H. Fabares; T. Kukula and G. Shipley 2011. "Panulirus interruptus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Panulirus_interruptus.html
Natalie Craig, San Diego Mesa College
Hannah Fabares, San Diego Mesa College
Thomas Kukula, San Diego Mesa College
Gabe Shipley, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Trophic Strategy ( англиски )

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California spiny lobsters are omnivorous bottom feeders that scavenge dead animals, algae, and detritus. They also consume invertebrates such as the species of mussel Mytilus californianus and urchins Strongylocentrotus franciscanus and S. purpuratus. California spiny lobsters use their mandibles to chip away at the shells of M. californianus In the winter, California spiny lobsters occasionally eat coralline algae. Their diet varies seasonally, and males generally consume a wider variety of prey than females.

Animal Foods: fish; carrion ; mollusks; aquatic or marine worms; aquatic crustaceans; echinoderms; other marine invertebrates

Plant Foods: algae; macroalgae

Other Foods: detritus

Primary Diet: carnivore (Eats non-insect arthropods, Scavenger ); detritivore

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
библиографски навод
Craig, N.; H. Fabares; T. Kukula and G. Shipley 2011. "Panulirus interruptus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Panulirus_interruptus.html
Natalie Craig, San Diego Mesa College
Hannah Fabares, San Diego Mesa College
Thomas Kukula, San Diego Mesa College
Gabe Shipley, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Associations ( англиски )

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California spiny lobsters are important coastal nearshore predators that have been shown to regulate the population of several key invertebrate species such as purple urchins and the mussel species Mytilus californianus. They also act as hosts to sponges, hydroids, barnacles, serpulida, krill-like amphipods and nemertean (Carcinonemertes wickhami).

Commensal/Parasitic Species:

  • sponges Porifera
  • hydroids Hydrozoa
  • barnacles Cirripedia
  • serpulida Serpulidae
  • krill-like amphipods
  • nemertean Carcinonemertes wickhami
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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
библиографски навод
Craig, N.; H. Fabares; T. Kukula and G. Shipley 2011. "Panulirus interruptus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Panulirus_interruptus.html
Natalie Craig, San Diego Mesa College
Hannah Fabares, San Diego Mesa College
Thomas Kukula, San Diego Mesa College
Gabe Shipley, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Benefits ( англиски )

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California spiny lobsters have supported recreational and commercial fishing in Southern California since the late 1800s. From 1916 until 1942, annual commercial landings ranged between 90 to 180 metric tons, and in 2003 over 270 metric tons were harvested. The magnitude and impact of the recreational fishing for this species is unknown.

Positive Impacts: food

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
библиографски навод
Craig, N.; H. Fabares; T. Kukula and G. Shipley 2011. "Panulirus interruptus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Panulirus_interruptus.html
Natalie Craig, San Diego Mesa College
Hannah Fabares, San Diego Mesa College
Thomas Kukula, San Diego Mesa College
Gabe Shipley, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web

Benefits ( англиски )

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There are no known adverse effects of California spiny lobsters, although their spiny carapace can cut an unprotected hand of sport fishermen.

Negative Impacts: injures humans

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
библиографски навод
Craig, N.; H. Fabares; T. Kukula and G. Shipley 2011. "Panulirus interruptus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Panulirus_interruptus.html
Natalie Craig, San Diego Mesa College
Hannah Fabares, San Diego Mesa College
Thomas Kukula, San Diego Mesa College
Gabe Shipley, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web

Life Cycle ( англиски )

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Female California spiny lobsters produce between 50,000 and 800,000 eggs per brood, which are carried underneath the abdomen by pleopods until they hatch. After hatching, young are released into the water column as phyllosoma larvae. California spiny lobsters undergo 11 distinct phyllosoma stages. They range in size from 1.2 to 1.5 mm in Stage I and from 26 to 31.2 mm in Stage XI. During these stages, they are completely planktonic, drifting with water currents. This is the most hazardous part of the life cycle. After growth and development in the water column, larvae metamorphose into puerulus, assuming the body characteristics of the adult. Puerulus settle to the seafloor and grow into juvenile lobsters.

Development - Life Cycle: metamorphosis ; indeterminate growth

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
библиографски навод
Craig, N.; H. Fabares; T. Kukula and G. Shipley 2011. "Panulirus interruptus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Panulirus_interruptus.html
Natalie Craig, San Diego Mesa College
Hannah Fabares, San Diego Mesa College
Thomas Kukula, San Diego Mesa College
Gabe Shipley, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web

Behavior ( англиски )

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California spiny lobsters use visual sensing to detect predators, and chemical stimuli are perceived through the small antennae. Sensory hairs cover their appendages, including the long antennae, which are used for tactile perception. They also rub the base of their antennae against a file-like surface under each eye to generate strident warning noises to scare off potential predators.

Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical

Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; vibrations ; chemical

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
библиографски навод
Craig, N.; H. Fabares; T. Kukula and G. Shipley 2011. "Panulirus interruptus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Panulirus_interruptus.html
Natalie Craig, San Diego Mesa College
Hannah Fabares, San Diego Mesa College
Thomas Kukula, San Diego Mesa College
Gabe Shipley, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web

Associations ( англиски )

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To ward off predators, California spiny lobsters produce rasping noises by stridulating the base of the antennae against a file-like eyespot. They also attempt to flee, swimming backwards by repeatedly and rapidly flexing their abdomen. If caught by a predator, decopods self-autotomize (purposely cast off an appendage) to escape. California spiny lobsters are preyed upon by octopuses, California sheephead, cabezon, kelp bass, California moray eels, horn sharks, leopard sharks, giant sea bass, and various rockfish. Humans also fish for California spiny lobsters.

Known Predators:

  • octopuses Octopoda
  • California sheephead Semicossyphus pulcher
  • cabezon Scorpaenichthys marmoratus
  • kelp bass Paralabrax clathratus
  • California moray eels Gymnothorax mordax
  • horn sharks Heterodontus francisci
  • leopard sharks Triakis semifasciata
  • various rockfish
  • giant sea bass Stereolepis gigas
  • humans Homo sapiens

Anti-predator Adaptations: aposematic ; cryptic

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
библиографски навод
Craig, N.; H. Fabares; T. Kukula and G. Shipley 2011. "Panulirus interruptus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Panulirus_interruptus.html
Natalie Craig, San Diego Mesa College
Hannah Fabares, San Diego Mesa College
Thomas Kukula, San Diego Mesa College
Gabe Shipley, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web

Reproduction ( англиски )

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Mating of California spiny lobsters generally begins under moderate sea surface temperatures, usually during upwelling conditions. Mating takes place in water 15 to 30 m deep from December through March. During copulation, male California spiny lobsters deposit spermatophores on the sternum of a female. Females then move inshore to shallow water (usually less than 15 m in depth) and extrude 50,000 to 800,000 eggs. These eggs are fertilized by sperm released from the spermatophores, and they attach in masses to feathery pleopods beneath the abdomen of females.

Mature California spiny lobsters mate between December and March and spawn between March and August. Spawning occurs once a year and reproduction peaks in June. Females produce 50,000 to 800,000 eggs with each brood. Females reach sexual maturity at 5 to 9 years of age, while males reach sexual maturity at 3 to 6 years of age.

Breeding interval: California spiny lobsters breed once a year during warmer months.

Breeding season: California spiny lobsters spawn between March and August.

Range number of offspring: 50,000 to 800,000.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 5 to 9 years.

Range age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 3 to 6 years.

Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization (External ); oviparous

After spawning in late spring, female California spiny lobsters hold their fertilized eggs in their abdomen until they hatch. Females have feathery appendages that carefully hold the eggs as well as small pincers on the fifth pair of walking legs used to groom and maintain the egg mass.

Parental Investment: female parental care ; pre-hatching/birth (Protecting: Female)

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The Regents of the University of Michigan and its licensors
библиографски навод
Craig, N.; H. Fabares; T. Kukula and G. Shipley 2011. "Panulirus interruptus" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 27, 2013 at http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/accounts/information/Panulirus_interruptus.html
Natalie Craig, San Diego Mesa College
Hannah Fabares, San Diego Mesa College
Thomas Kukula, San Diego Mesa College
Gabe Shipley, San Diego Mesa College
Paul Detwiler, San Diego Mesa College
Gail McCormick, Special Projects
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Animal Diversity Web

Economics ( англиски )

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From the years 2010 to 2013, total landings of lobsters brought in over 50 million dollars to the California economy, and in 2013 spiny lobsters were ranked the fourth most lucrative fishery in California.

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Daniel Conley
Daniel Conley
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EOL authors

Key Species Interactions ( англиски )

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P. interuptus are able to eat urchins whole (including the test itself) until a certain size that depends on the size of the individual lobster in question.If they are unable to eat them whole they physically manipulate the urchin by flipping them upside down and piercing the peristomial membrane to access the internal organs.Usually when this strategy is employed the test is not consumed.

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Daniel Conley
Daniel Conley
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EOL authors

description ( англиски )

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it is reddish-black in colour with long legs,broad tail ,small pincers and long moustaches. can grow to gigantic size andthey eat almost everything from carrion to live fish.they are found inthe salty water of monterey bay,california and the gulf of Mexico.

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EOL authors

Kalifornische Languste ( германски )

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Die Kalifornische Languste (Panulirus interruptus) ist eine Art aus der Familie der Langusten.

Die maximale Körperlänge dieser Langustenart beträgt 60 Zentimeter, sie zählt damit gemeinsam mit der Schmuck-Languste zu den größten Vertretern der Gattung Panulirus. Die meisten Vertreter dieser Art haben jedoch eine Körperlänge von durchschnittlich 30 Zentimeter.

Die Kalifornische Languste ist im Ostpazifik verbreitet und kommt dort von der Küste Kaliforniens bis zur gesamten Westküste der mexikanischen Baja California vor. Innerhalb dieser Region zählt die Kalifornische Languste zu den kommerziell bedeutsamen Langusten.


  • Helmut Debelius: Krebs-Führer. Garnelen, Krabben, Langusten, Hummer, Fangschreckenkrebse. Verlag Jahr Top, Januar 2000, ISBN 3 86132 504 7


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Kalifornische Languste: Brief Summary ( германски )

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Die Kalifornische Languste (Panulirus interruptus) ist eine Art aus der Familie der Langusten.

Die maximale Körperlänge dieser Langustenart beträgt 60 Zentimeter, sie zählt damit gemeinsam mit der Schmuck-Languste zu den größten Vertretern der Gattung Panulirus. Die meisten Vertreter dieser Art haben jedoch eine Körperlänge von durchschnittlich 30 Zentimeter.

Die Kalifornische Languste ist im Ostpazifik verbreitet und kommt dort von der Küste Kaliforniens bis zur gesamten Westküste der mexikanischen Baja California vor. Innerhalb dieser Region zählt die Kalifornische Languste zu den kommerziell bedeutsamen Langusten.

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California spiny lobster ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

The California spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus) is a species of spiny lobster found in the eastern Pacific Ocean from Monterey Bay, California, to the Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico. It typically grows to a length of 30 cm (12 in) and is a reddish-brown color with stripes along the legs, and has a pair of enlarged antennae but no claws. The interrupted grooves across the tail are characteristic for the species.

Females can carry up to 680,000 eggs, which hatch after 10 weeks into flat phyllosoma larvae. These feed on plankton before the metamorphosis into the juvenile state. Adults are nocturnal and migratory, living among rocks at depths of up to 65 m (213 ft), and feeding on sea urchins, clams, mussels and worms. The spiny lobster is eaten by various fish, octopuses and sea otters, but can defend itself with a loud noise produced by its antennae. The California spiny lobster is the subject of both commercial and recreational fishery in both Mexico and the United States, with sport fishermen using hoop nets and commercial fishermen using lobster traps.


In common with all spiny lobsters, the California spiny lobster has two large, spiny antennae, but no large claws on its legs. The California spiny lobster is one of the largest spiny lobster species,[4] and grows up to 60 centimeters (24 in) long, but does not usually exceed 30 cm (12 in).[3] Males can weigh up to 7.4 kilograms (16 lb).,[4] with the record being a 16 lbs., 1 oz. male caught off Catalina island in 1968. The upper side of the animal is brownish red, without the paler bands or spots seen in some other spiny lobsters. The legs are a similar color, but with one or more lighter streaks running along their length.[3]

Males and females of all ages can be distinguished by the position of the two round genital openings or gonopores. In females, they are at the bases of the third pair of pereiopods, while in males they are at the base of the fifth (last) pereiopods, furthest from the head and the closest to the abdomen. Mature females have a small claw on the fifth pereiopod, and enlarged pleopods.[5]


The California spiny lobster is found in parts of the Gulf of California, and along the Pacific coast of the length of the Baja California peninsula, extending as far north as San Luis Obispo Bay, California.[3] There are occasional records from Monterey Bay, but the water there is too cold for the California spiny lobster to breed, and it is thought that any adult found in Central California arrived as a larva during El Niño years.[6]

California spiny lobsters live on rocky substrates, at depths of up to 65 meters (213 ft). Although adults can be found in shallow water, including tide pools, they are more frequent in deeper waters.[3] Juveniles generally inhabit rocky habitats at a depth of 0–4 m (0–13 ft) with dense plant cover, especially the surf grass Phyllospadix torreyi.[7]

Ecology and behavior

A large fish with a gray head, tail and fins but pink flanks: the eyes are prominent and the chin is white.
The California sheephead is a major predator of the California spiny lobster.

California spiny lobsters are nocturnal,[3] hiding in crevices during the day, with only the tips of their long antennae showing, as a means of avoiding predators. Towards dawn, the spiny lobsters form aggregations, which they maintain until dusk.[8] At night, they emerge and feed on sea urchins, clams, mussels and worms.[9] This activity is important in limiting sea urchin populations, and so maintaining healthy seabed communities.[6]

Natural predators of the California spiny lobster include bony fish such as the California sheephead, giant sea bass and cabezone, sharks including the horn shark and leopard shark, octopuses and sea otters.[4] In response to an approaching predator, spiny lobsters including the California spiny lobster can produce a loud noise using the stick-slip phenomenon, akin to a bowed instrument. The bases of the antennae act as a plectrum, which is rubbed over a file on the edge of the antennular plate.[10] If a predator is very close, spiny lobsters will flex their muscular tail in order to escape the predator, backwards.[9]

There is an annual migration, in which spiny lobsters enter shallower water in spring and summer, and head out to deeper water in fall and winter, reaching depths as great as 240 ft (73 m), perhaps to avoid the effects of winter storms.[4]

Life cycle

Two California Spiny Lobsters offshore of Anacapa Island

Female California spiny lobsters reach sexual maturity at a length of 65–69 millimeters (2.6–2.7 in), which is typically at an age of 5–9 years; males are sexually mature after 3–6 years.[5] Because all the hard parts are lost at each molt, the life span of mature spiny lobsters is uncertain;[5] they are thought to live for 50 years or more.[4]

Spiny lobsters do not have the gonopods (first pleopods modified for reproduction) that occur in clawed lobsters and crabs, and females do not have a deep pocket on the sternum in which to store sperm.[11] Instead, a spermatophore is transferred directly from one of the male's gonopores to the sternum of the female. The male gonopore is, however, adorned with a "penile process", which is straight and serrated, with a small "hairbrush". The sternum of mature females has three "windows" on the last three segments, which uniquely among Panulirus species, span both halves of the sternum.[11] These windows are softer than the rest of the exoskeleton, and are thought to help the male locate the correct location to place the tar-like spermatophore.[11]

After mating, the fertilized eggs are carried on the female's pleopods until they hatch, with between 120,000 and 680,000 carried by a single female.[6] The eggs begin coral red, but darken as they develop to a deep maroon.[5] When she is carrying the eggs, the female is said to be "berried". The eggs are ready to hatch after 10 weeks,[6] and spawning takes place from May to August,[3] The larvae that hatch (called phyllosoma larvae) do not resemble the adults. Instead, they are flat, transparent animals around 14 mm (0.55 in) long, but as thin as a sheet of paper.[12] The larvae feed on plankton,[5] and grow through ten molts into ten further larval stages, the last of which is around 30–32 mm (1.2–1.3 in) long.[12] The full series of larval molts takes around 7 months, and when the last stage molts, it metamorphoses into the puerulus state, the final larval stage, still transparent.[12] The puerulus larvae settle to the sea floor when the water is near its maximum temperature, which in Baja California is in the fall.[13]

The diet of the juveniles is varied, but comprises mostly amphipods and isopods, together with coralline algae and the plant Phyllospadix. When available, the juveniles prefer to eat crabs.[14]


In his original description, John Witt Randall noted that the California spiny lobster is "used as food by the natives" of Upper California.[15] The California spiny lobster is now the most economically important lobster on the American West Coast.[3] Sport fishing may account for up to half the entire catch, while most of the commercial catch comes from lobster traps, with smaller amounts coming from the use of trammel nets or by trawling. The major fishing area is west of Baja California, and imports from Mexico to the United States are twice the amount produced in California.[3]

Sport fishing in California

California spiny lobster

Recreational fishermen are allowed to catch lobsters with hoop nets or by SCUBA diving or free-diving; almost all come from California, with only small numbers from other U.S. states. The California Department of Fish and Game estimates that recreational fishers caught more than 200,000 spiny lobsters in the first half of the 2008/2009 season, amounting to around 280,000 pounds (130,000 kg), compared to commercial fishermen, who caught a total of 580,000 lb (260,000 kg) in the same time.[16]

The California Department of Fish and Game sets and enforces a number of regulations pertaining to recreational fishing of spiny lobsters:[4]

  1. Open season for California spiny lobster runs from the Saturday before the first Wednesday in October until the first Wednesday after March 15.
  2. No implements other than hoop nets may be used; no one person may have more than 5 nets and no vessel may use more than 10 hoop nets. When fishing from land, each fisherman is limited to two hoop nets.
  3. Lobster fishers may not land more than seven California spiny lobsters on any given day, and may not have more than seven in their possession at any time.
  4. Fishers must carry a lobster gauge, and any lobster smaller than the minimum landing size must be returned to the sea immediately. The minimum size is a carapace length of 3+14 inches (82.6 mm), measured along the midline from the rear of the eye socket between the horns, to the end of the carapace. This is equivalent to a total body length of 20 centimeters or 7.9 inches.[3]
  5. To fish for spiny lobster south of Point Arguello, a sport fishing license with ocean enhancement stamp must be displayed or kept nearby.
  6. A report card for the season must be bought, filled in and returned before April 30 after the season ends.
  7. Commercial and recreational traps must not be interfered with.

Commercial fishing in California

The open season for commercial fishing begins on the first Wednesday in October and runs until the first Wednesday after the 15th of March. Commercial fishermen may use individually buoyed traps, but may not dive for lobsters.[17]

For those using lobster traps, the fishing effort is greatest at the beginning of the permitted season in California, and peters out towards the end of the season, 24 weeks later. Although the fishing effort becomes better concentrated on areas with more spiny lobsters during the season, the fishing efficiency (catch per unit effort) nonetheless decreases throughout the season.[18]

Fishing in Mexico

In Mexico, spiny lobsters are an important commercial resource, representing the fifth most valuable fishery, worth US$18 million. Three species are exploited along the Pacific coast of the Baja California peninsula, but the catch of 744 t of the California spiny lobster makes up 95%–97% of the total, with only small quantities of Panulirus inflatus and Panulirus gracilis.[14] The fishing rights are held by 26 local co-operatives.[7]

The main legal restrictions on fishing for California spiny lobster in Mexico are a minimum landing size of 82.5 mm (3.25 in), the prohibition of catching berried females, and a closed season:[7] from February 16 to September 14, fishing for spiny lobsters is prohibited in a region which moves south along Mexico's Pacific coast during the season.[19]

The Mexican fishery for the California spiny lobster was the first Latin American fishery to be awarded the Marine Stewardship Council's sustainable fishery ecolabel,[20] and the species is classed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List.[1]


Drawing of a spiny lobster from above; the front half appears unsegmented, is covered with many short spines and bears several pairs of legs and antennae; the rear half comprises six apparent segments, each of which has a transverse groove on either side, but not meeting in the center. The tail ends with a flattened tail fan.
Drawing of a female Panulirus interruptus, showing the interrupted grooves across the tail which give the species its scientific name

Panulirus interruptus is called the California spiny lobster by the Food and Agriculture Organization, but a number of other local, vernacular names exist, including California lobster, California marine crayfish, and red lobster in the United States, and langosta colorada and langosta roja in Mexico.[3] The preferred common name of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service is simply spiny lobster.[5]

John Witt Randall described the species in the Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia in 1840, based on material given to him by Thomas Nuttall.[15] The exact locality is not known, being given only as "Upper California", but the most likely sources are the places where Nuttall was most active, namely Santa Barbara and San Diego.[3] The specific epithet interruptus refers to the grooves on the abdominal tergites, which are interrupted in this species.[21] Although originally placed in the genus Palinurus, the California spiny lobster was later transferred to Adam White's new genus Panulirus, together with other spiny lobsters that have long flagella on their first antennae.[3]

Related species

The closest relatives are not the other species that occur in the East Pacific, but rather Panulirus argus from the Caribbean Sea and West Pacific species such as Panulirus japonicus, Panulirus marginatus, Panulirus pascuensis, Panulirus cygnus and Panulirus longipes; this relationship has been recovered from comparative studies of adult and larval morphology,[21] as well as from molecular phylogenetics, using the sequences from cytochrome c oxidase and 16S ribosomal RNA genes.[22]

The California spiny lobster can be differentiated from the other species in the genus by the interrupted grooves across the abdomen; other species either lack grooves, or have grooves which span the entire body segment.[3]


  1. ^ a b Butler, M.; MacDiarmid, A.; Cockcroft, A. (2011). "Panulirus interruptus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2011: e.T169966A6694575. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2011-1.RLTS.T169966A6694575.en. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  2. ^ "Panulirus interruptus (J. W. Randall, 1840)". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved August 22, 2011.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Lipke B. Holthuis (1991). "Panulirus interruptus". FAO Species Catalogue, Volume 13. Marine Lobsters of the World. FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. 125. Food and Agriculture Organization. pp. 142–143. ISBN 92-5-103027-8. Archived from the original on 2011-06-07. Retrieved 2010-04-12.
  4. ^ a b c d e f "California Spiny Lobster: fishing and life history information" (PDF). California Department of Fish and Game. Retrieved April 12, 2010.
  5. ^ a b c d e f William N. Shaw (1986), "Species profiles: life histories and environmental requirements of coastal fishes and invertebrates (Pacific Southwest) – spiny lobster" (PDF), U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Reports, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 82 (11.47): TR EL-82–4. 10 pp
  6. ^ a b c d Alice Cascorbi (February 10, 2004). "Seafood Watch Seafood Report. Spiny Lobsters, Vol. II. California Spiny Lobster Panulirus interruptus" (PDF). Monterey Bay Aquarium. Archived from the original (PDF) on July 6, 2010. Retrieved April 12, 2010.
  7. ^ a b c Chet Chaffee (March 21, 2004). "An MSC Assessment of the Red Rock Lobster Fishery, Baja California, Mexico" (PDF). Marine Stewardship Council. Retrieved April 12, 2010.
  8. ^ Richard K. Zimmer-Faust; Jeffrey E. Tyre; James F. Case (1985). "Chemical attraction causing aggregation in the spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus (Randall), and its probable ecological significance" (PDF). The Biological Bulletin. 169 (1): 106–118. doi:10.2307/1541391. JSTOR 1541391.
  9. ^ a b "California Spiny Lobster (Panulirus interruptus)". Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. Retrieved April 9, 2010.
  10. ^ S. N. Patek; L. E. Shipp; E. R. Staaterman (2009). "The acoustics and acoustic behavior of the California spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus)". Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 125 (5): 3434–3443. Bibcode:2009ASAJ..125.3434P. doi:10.1121/1.3097760. PMID 19425682.
  11. ^ a b c R. W. George (2005). "Comparative morphology and evolution of the reproductive structures in spiny lobsters, Panulirus". New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 39 (3): 493–501. doi:10.1080/00288330.2005.9517328. S2CID 83932750. Archived from the original on 2010-05-24. Retrieved 2010-05-21.
  12. ^ a b c Martin W. Johnson (1960). "The offshore drift of larvae of the California spiny lobster Panulirus interruptus" (PDF). California Co-operative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations. 7: 147–161. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-07-20.
  13. ^ Sergio A. Guzmán-Del Próo; Jorge Carrillo-Laguna; Jorge Belmar-Pérez; Sara de la Campa J.; Alejandro Villa B. (1996). "The puerulus settlement of red spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus) in Bahía Tortugas, Baja California, Mexico". Crustaceana. 69 (8): 949–957. doi:10.1163/156854096X00394. JSTOR 20105816.
  14. ^ a b Verónica Castañeda-Fernández-de-Lara; Elisa Serviere-Zaragoza; Sergio Hernández-Vázquez; Mark J. Butler IV (2005). "Feeding ecology of juvenile spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus, on the Pacific coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico" (PDF). New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 39 (2): 425–435. doi:10.1080/00288330.2005.9517322. S2CID 40610965. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-07-20.
  15. ^ a b J. W. Randall (1840). "Catalogue of the Crustacea brought by Thomas Nuttall and J. K. Townsend, from the West Coast of North America and the Sandwich Islands, with descriptions of such species as are apparently new, among which are included several species of different localities, previously existing in the collection of the Academy". Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 8 (1): 106–147.
  16. ^ Travis Buck; Douglas J. Neilson; Pete Kalvass; Kristine Barsky; Deborah A. Aseltine-Neilson (March 2010). "A Summary of Preliminary California Spiny Lobster Report Card Data from the First Half of the 2008/2009 Recreational Lobster Season" (PDF). Administrative Report No. 2010-1. California Department of Fish and Game.
  17. ^ "Lobster". Commercial Fishing Digest for 2009-2010 (PDF). California Department of Fish and Game. pp. 53–55. Retrieved April 12, 2010.
  18. ^ P. Ed Parnell; Paul K. Dayton & Francesca Margiotta (2007). "Spatial and temporal patterns of lobster trap fishing: a survey of fishing effort and habitat structure" (PDF). Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences. 106 (1): 27–37. doi:10.3160/0038-3872(2007)106[27:SATPOL]2.0.CO;2. S2CID 84438714.
  19. ^ "Inicia veda de langosta en ambos litorales" (in Spanish). Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food. February 16, 2010.
  20. ^ "Certification of Mexican lobster fishery is win for environment and fishermen". World Wide Fund for Nature. April 28, 2004.
  21. ^ a b Paulette S. McWilliam (1995). "Evolution in the phyllosoma and puerulus phases of the spiny lobster genus Panulirus White". Journal of Crustacean Biology. 15 (3): 542–557. doi:10.2307/1548775. JSTOR 1548775.
  22. ^ Margaret B. Ptacek; Shane K. Sarver; Michael J. Childress; William F. Herrnkind (2001). "Molecular phylogeny of the spiny lobster genus Panulirus (Decapoda: Palinuridae)" (PDF). Marine and Freshwater Research. 52 (8): 1037–1047. doi:10.1071/MF01070.

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California spiny lobster: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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The California spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus) is a species of spiny lobster found in the eastern Pacific Ocean from Monterey Bay, California, to the Gulf of Tehuantepec, Mexico. It typically grows to a length of 30 cm (12 in) and is a reddish-brown color with stripes along the legs, and has a pair of enlarged antennae but no claws. The interrupted grooves across the tail are characteristic for the species.

Females can carry up to 680,000 eggs, which hatch after 10 weeks into flat phyllosoma larvae. These feed on plankton before the metamorphosis into the juvenile state. Adults are nocturnal and migratory, living among rocks at depths of up to 65 m (213 ft), and feeding on sea urchins, clams, mussels and worms. The spiny lobster is eaten by various fish, octopuses and sea otters, but can defend itself with a loud noise produced by its antennae. The California spiny lobster is the subject of both commercial and recreational fishery in both Mexico and the United States, with sport fishermen using hoop nets and commercial fishermen using lobster traps.

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Panulirus interruptus ( шпански; кастиљски )

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La langosta roja de California (Panulirus interruptus) es una especie de crustáceo de la familia Palinuridae.


Generalmente mide unos 30 cm de longitud,[3]​ pero puede alcanzar hasta 60 cm. Los machos pueden llegar a pesar hasta 12 kilogramos.[4]​ Por encima es de color rojo pardusco, sin las bandas más pálidas o manchas vistas en algunas otros langostas. Las patas son de un color similar, pero con una o más rayas delgadas a lo largo.[3]​ En él destacan dos ojos protuberantes protegidos por sendas proyecciones espinosas. Tiene 10 patas.


Los adultos son nocturnos y migratorios, que viven entre las rocas a profundidades de hasta 65 m y se alimentan de erizos de mar, almejas, mejillones y gusanos. La dieta de los juveniles es muy variada, pero comprende principalmente anfípodos e isópodos, junto con las algas coralinas y plantas Phyllospadix. Cuando los encuentran, prefieren comer cangrejos.[5]


Las hembras alcanzan la madurez sexual entre los 5 y 7 años de edad y los machos entre los 3 y 6 años.[6]​ Después del apareamiento, los huevos fertilizados se desarrollan en los pleópodos. Las hembras pueden transportar hasta 680 mil huevos,[7]​ que eclosionan después de 10 semanas en larvas planctónicas filosomas.[7]​ Estas se alimentan de plancton,[6]​ antes de la metamorfosis en el estado juvenil. La serie completa de once mudas larvarias lleva aproximadamente 7.5 meses, cuando completa su desarrollo larval, ocurre una metamorfosis transformándose en puerulo, que es una etapa transicional entre el estadio planctónico y el bentónico. El puerulo es un estadio de vida específico de las especies que pertenecen a la familia Palinuridae.[8]


  1. Butler, M., MacDiarmid, A. & Cockcroft, A. (2011) Panulirus interruptus; IUCN (2013) IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Version 2013.1. Consultado el 10 agosto de 2013.
  2. Sistema Integrado de Información Taxonómica. «'Panulirus interruptus (J. W. Randall, 1840) (TSN 97650)» (en inglés).
  3. a b c Holthuis Lipke B. (1991). "Panulirus interruptus". FAO Species Catalogue, Volume 13. Marine Lobsters of the World. FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. 125. Food and Agriculture Organization. pp. 142–143. ISBN 92-5-103027-8.
  4. "California Spiny Lobster: fishing and life history information". California Department of Fish and Game.
  5. Verónica Castañeda-Fernández-de-Lara, Elisa Serviere-Zaragoza, Sergio Hernández-Vázquez & Mark J. Butler IV (2005). "Feeding ecology of juvenile spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus, on the Pacific coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico"; New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater.
  6. a b Shaw, William N: (1986) "Species profiles: life histories and environmental requirements of coastal fishes and invertebrates (Pacific Southwest) – spiny lobster"; U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Reports (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) 82 (11.47): TR EL–82–84.
  7. a b Alice Cascorbi (February 10, 2004) "Seafood Watch Seafood Report. Spiny Lobsters, Vol. II. California Spiny Lobster Panulirus interruptus". Monterey Bay Aquarium.
  8. Johnson, Martin W. (1960) "The offshore drift of larvae of the California spiny lobster Panulirus interruptus"; California Co-operative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations 7: 147–161.
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Panulirus interruptus: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

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La langosta roja de California (Panulirus interruptus) es una especie de crustáceo de la familia Palinuridae.

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Panulirus interruptus ( француски )

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Panulirus interruptus est une espèce de langoustes.

Voir aussi

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Panulirus interruptus: Brief Summary ( француски )

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Panulirus interruptus est une espèce de langoustes.

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Panulirus interruptus ( холандски; фламански )

добавил wikipedia NL

Panulirus interruptus is een tienpotigensoort uit de familie van de Palinuridae.[2] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1840 door Randall.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. (en) Panulirus interruptus op de IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
  2. Chan, T. (2012). Panulirus interruptus (Randall, 1840). Geraadpleegd via: World Register of Marine Species op http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=382898
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Panulirus interruptus ( виетнамски )

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Panulirus interruptus là một loài tôm rồng được tìm thấy ở bờ biển miền đông Thái Bình Dương. Nó thường phát triển đến chiều dài 30 cm (12 in), cơ thể màu hơi đỏ-nâu, với một cặp râu lớn, không có càng.

Con cái ôm khoảng 680,000 trứng, sau 10 tuần trứng nở ra các ấu trùng phyllosoma dẹp. Các ấu trùng ăn sinh vật phù du trước khi biến thái thành dạng tôm non. Con trưởng thành sống về đêm và di trú, sống giữa các tảng đá ở độ sâu 65 m (213 ft), ăn cầu gai, nghêu, traigiun. Nhiều loài cá, bạch tuộcrái cá biển săn P. interruptus. Panulirus interruptus bị đánh bắt thương mại và giải trí ở cả Mexico và Hoa Kỳ.

Mô tả

Panulirus interruptus có hai râu lớn nhưng không có càng. Đây là một trong các loài tôm rồng lớn nhất,[4] có thể đạt chiều dài 60 xentimét (24 in), nhưng thường không vượt quá 30 cm (12 in).[3] Con đực có thể nặng tới 12 kilôgam (26 lb).[4] Mặt trên cơ thể màu đỏ nâu, không có sọc hay đốm như các loài tôm rồng khác. Chân có màu tương tự, nhưng có sọc nhạt màu chạy dọc theo chiều dài chân.[3]

Con đực và cái có thể được phân biệt bởi vị trí của hai vòng sinh dục mở (gonopore). Ở con cái, chúng nằm ở cặp chân đi (pereiopod) thứ ba, còn con đực chúng nằm ở cặp chân đi thứ năm (và cũng là cuối cùng). Cặp chân bơi thứ năm của con cái trưởng thành có càng nhỏ, và chân bơi lớn.[5]

Phân bố

Panulirus interruptus được tìm thấy ở các phần Vịnh California, và dọc theo bờ biển Thái Bình Dương thuộc bán đảo Baja California, mở rộng xa về phía bắc đến vịnh San Luis Obispo, California.[3] Thỉnh thoảng chúng cũng xuất hiện ở vịnh Monterey, nhưng nước ở đó quá lạnh để chúng sinh sản, và các con trưởng thành ở Trung California được cho rằng đã đến đây khi còn là ấu trùng vào các năm El Niño.[6]

Panulirus interruptus sống ở nơi có chất nền là đá, ở độ sâu 65 mét (213 ft). Tuy chúng có thể có mặt ở các vùng nước nông, gồm cả hồ thủy triều, chúng luôn thích sống ở các vùng nước sâu hơn.[3] Con chưa trưởng thành nói chung sinh sống ở vùng nhiều đá có độ sâu 0–4 m (0–13 ft) với thực vật che phủ, đặc biệt là Phyllospadix torreyi.[7]

Chú thích

  1. ^ M. Butler, A. MacDiarmid & A. Cockcroft (2009). Panulirus interruptus. Sách Đỏ IUCN các loài bị đe dọa. Phiên bản 3.1. Liên minh Bảo tồn Thiên nhiên Quốc tế. Truy cập ngày 22 tháng 8 năm 2011.
  2. ^ Panulirus interruptus (J. W. Randall, 1840) (TSN 97650) tại Hệ thống Thông tin Phân loại Tích hợp (ITIS).
  3. ^ a ă â b c Lipke B. Holthuis (1991). “Panulirus interruptus”. FAO Species Catalogue, Volume 13. Marine Lobsters of the World. FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. 125. Food and Agriculture Organization. tr. 142–143. ISBN 92-5-103027-8.
  4. ^ a ă “California Spiny Lobster: fishing and life history information” (PDF). California Department of Fish and Game. Truy cập ngày 12 tháng 4 năm 2010.
  5. ^ William N. Shaw (1986), “Species profiles: life histories and environmental requirements of coastal fishes and invertebrates (Pacific Southwest) – spiny lobster” (PDF), U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Reports (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) 82 (11.47): TR EL–82–4. 10 pp
  6. ^ Alice Cascorbi (ngày 10 tháng 2 năm 2004). “Seafood Watch Seafood Report. Spiny Lobsters, Vol. II. California Spiny Lobster Panulirus interruptus (PDF). Monterey Bay Aquarium.
  7. ^ Chet Chaffee (ngày 21 tháng 3 năm 2004). “An MSC Assessment of the Red Rock Lobster Fishery, Baja California, Mexico” (PDF). Marine Stewardship Council. Truy cập ngày 12 tháng 4 năm 2010.

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Panulirus interruptus: Brief Summary ( виетнамски )

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Panulirus interruptus là một loài tôm rồng được tìm thấy ở bờ biển miền đông Thái Bình Dương. Nó thường phát triển đến chiều dài 30 cm (12 in), cơ thể màu hơi đỏ-nâu, với một cặp râu lớn, không có càng.

Con cái ôm khoảng 680,000 trứng, sau 10 tuần trứng nở ra các ấu trùng phyllosoma dẹp. Các ấu trùng ăn sinh vật phù du trước khi biến thái thành dạng tôm non. Con trưởng thành sống về đêm và di trú, sống giữa các tảng đá ở độ sâu 65 m (213 ft), ăn cầu gai, nghêu, traigiun. Nhiều loài cá, bạch tuộcrái cá biển săn P. interruptus. Panulirus interruptus bị đánh bắt thương mại và giải trí ở cả Mexico và Hoa Kỳ.

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斷溝龍蝦 ( кинески )

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二名法 Panulirus interruptus
(J. W. Randall, 1840)[1] 斷溝龍蝦的分佈地 (紅色是主要地區;淡紅色是周邊地區)

斷溝龍蝦學名Panulirus interruptus),又名加州龍蝦加州刺龍蝦,是分佈在由加利福尼亞州蒙特利灣(Monterey Bay)至墨西哥特萬特佩克灣(Gulf of Tehuantepec)的東太平洋的一種龍蝦。它們一般長30厘米,呈紅褐色,足上有刺,有一對很大的觸鬚,但沒有大鉗。它們的特徵是尾巴上有一些中斷的凹槽。






斷溝龍蝦分佈在加利福尼亞灣下加利福尼亞半島太平洋海岸,北至加利福尼亞州聖路易斯奥比斯波(San Luis Obispo)。[3]蒙特利灣(Monterey Bay)間中也有見到斷溝龍蝦的報告,不過其水溫較凍,並不適合它們繁殖。估計這些斷溝龍蝦是於幼體期在厄爾尼諾現象出現的年份來到加利福尼亞州中部,並於此成長至成體的。[5]














約翰·藍道爾(John Witt Randall)於1840年基於托馬斯·納托爾所提供的標本來描述斷溝龍蝦。[14]這個標本的來源地不詳,很有可能是來自納托爾所活躍的聖巴巴拉聖地牙哥[3]種小名取自它們腹部中斷的凹槽。[15]斷溝龍蝦最初被分類到真龍蝦屬,後來才與其他龍蝦分類到新的龍蝦屬[3]


斷溝龍蝦是龍蝦屬19個物種之一。其最近親並非東太平洋的其他物種,而是加勒比海眼斑龍蝦及西太平洋的物種,如日本龍蝦Panulirus marginatusPanulirus pascuensis天鵝龍蝦長足龍蝦;這種關係是從成體及幼體形態的對比研究[15]分子系統學中發現。[16]



約翰·藍道爾(John Witt Randall)在其描述上指斷溝龍蝦是原住民的食物。[14]它們現時是美國西岸經濟上最重要的龍蝦[3]休閒漁釣佔了差不多一半的漁獲,而大部份的商業漁獲都是以捕龍蝦器捕捉的,少量是由漁網拖網捕捉的。最主要漁獲的地區是在下加利福尼亞州西部,由墨西哥入口到美國的數量是加利福尼亞州漁獲的兩倍。[3]


  1. ^ Panulirus interruptus. Integrated Taxonomic Information System (英语).
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 California Spiny Lobster: fishing and life history information (PDF). California Department of Fish and Game. [2010-04-12]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2010-05-28).
  3. ^ 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 Lipke B. Holthuis. Panulirus interruptus. FAO Species Catalogue, Volume 13. Marine Lobsters of the World. FAO Fisheries Synopsis No. 125. Food and Agriculture Organization. 1991. ISBN 92-5-103027-8. (原始内容存档于2011-06-07).
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 William N. Shaw. Species profiles: life histories and environmental requirements of coastal fishes and invertebrates (Pacific Southwest) – spiny lobster (PDF). U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Reports (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers). 1986, 82 (11.47): TR EL–82–4. 10 pp.
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Alice Cascorbi. Seafood Watch Seafood Report. Spiny Lobsters, Vol. II. California Spiny Lobster Panulirus interruptus (PDF). Monterey Bay Aquarium. 2004-02-10. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2010-07-06).
  6. ^ Chet Chaffee. An MSC Assessment of the Red Rock Lobster Fishery, Baja California, Mexico (PDF). Marine Stewardship Council. 2004-03-21 [2010-04-12].
  7. ^ Richard K. Zimmer-Faust, Jeffrey E. Tyre & James F. Case. Chemical attraction causing aggregation in the spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus (Randall), and its probable ecological significance (PDF). Biological Bulletin. 1985, 169: 106–18.
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 California Spiny Lobster (Panulirus interruptus). Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. [2010-04-09].
  9. ^ S. N. Patek, L. E. Shipp & E. R. Staaterman. The acoustics and acoustic behavior of the California spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus). Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 2009, 125 (5): 3434–43. doi:10.1121/1.3097760.
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 R. W. George. Comparative morphology and evolution of the reproductive structures in spiny lobsters, Panulirus. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 2005, 39: 493–501. (原始内容存档于2010-05-24).
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 11.2 Martin W. Johnson. The offshore drift of larvae of the California spiny lobster Panulirus interruptus (PDF). California Co-operative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations. 1960, 7: 147–61. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2011-07-20).
  12. ^ Sergio A. Guzmán-Del Próo, Jorge Carrillo-Laguna, Jorge Belmar-Pérez, Sara de la Campa J., Alejandro Villa B. The puerulus settlement of red spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus) in Bahía Tortugas, Baja California, Mexico. Crustaceana. 1996, 69 (8): 949–57.
  13. ^ Verónica Castañeda-Fernández-de-Lara, Elisa Serviere-Zaragoza, Sergio Hernández-Vázquez & Mark J. Butler IV. Feeding ecology of juvenile spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus, on the Pacific coast of Baja California Sur, Mexico (PDF). New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 2005, 39: 425–35. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2011-07-20).
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 J. W. Randall. Catalogue of the Crustacea brought by Thomas Nuttall and J. K. Townsend, from the West Coast of North America and the Sandwich Islands, with descriptions of such species as are apparently new, among which are included several species of different localities, previously existing in the collection of the Academy. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. 1840, 8 (1): 106–47.
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 Paulette S. McWilliam. Evolution in the phyllosoma and puerulus phases of the spiny lobster genus Panulirus White. Journal of Crustacean Biology. 1995, 15 (3): 542–57.
  16. ^ Margaret B. Ptacek, Shane K. Sarver, Michael J. Childress & William F. Herrnkind. Molecular phylogeny of the spiny lobster genus Panulirus (Decapoda: Palinuridae) (PDF). Marine and Freshwater Research. 2001, 52: 1037–47. doi:10.1071/MF01070.


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斷溝龍蝦: Brief Summary ( кинески )

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斷溝龍蝦(學名Panulirus interruptus),又名加州龍蝦或加州刺龍蝦,是分佈在由加利福尼亞州蒙特利灣(Monterey Bay)至墨西哥特萬特佩克灣(Gulf of Tehuantepec)的東太平洋的一種龍蝦。它們一般長30厘米,呈紅褐色,足上有刺,有一對很大的觸鬚,但沒有大鉗。它們的特徵是尾巴上有一些中斷的凹槽。


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Depth range ( англиски )

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from the littoral zone (tide pools) to depths of about 65m, more frequent in the deeper waters


Holthuis, L. B. (1991). FAO species catalogue. Vol 13. Marine lobsters of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of species of interest to fisheries known to date. FAO fisheries Synopsis. 125(13): 1–292.

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