"The black colouring on the front of this species varies in breadth from an almost imperceptible line, through bands of greater breadth, to a suffusion of the whole carapace and limbs with dark coloration, and no purpose would be served by keeping Dana's name nigrifrons. But the colouring of the legs will, I think, be found to fall into definite varieties. The walking legs, in short, may be either: Uniformly yellow. Uniformly dark brown. Yellow banded with dark brown across the middle of each joint. Yellow with a sharp black spot at the end of the meropodites and propodites. Yellow with narrow brown longitudinal stripes. An examination of a long sei-ies of specimens would probably give interesting results."
(Borrodaile 1903)
Tetralia glaberrima is een krabbensoort uit de familie van de Tetraliidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1790 door Herbst.
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties光洁拟梯形蟹(学名:Tetralia glaberrima)为扇蟹科拟梯形蟹属的动物。分布于越南、琉球群岛、塔希提、土阿莫土群岛、汤加群岛以及中国大陆的西沙群岛等地,生活环境为海水,一般生活于杯形珊瑚的枝丛间。[1]
光洁拟梯形蟹(学名:Tetralia glaberrima)为扇蟹科拟梯形蟹属的动物。分布于越南、琉球群岛、塔希提、土阿莫土群岛、汤加群岛以及中国大陆的西沙群岛等地,生活环境为海水,一般生活于杯形珊瑚的枝丛间。