
Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

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Globopilumnus africanus (A. Milne Edwards, 1867)

Pilumnus africanus.—Capart, 1951:142, fig. 51, pl. 1: fig. 15, pl. 3: figs. 7, 8.—Garth, 1968:314 [discussion].

Globopilumnus africanus.—Monod, 1956:227, figs. 249–257.—Guinot-Dumortier, 1959:98, 99, 116, 118, fig. 14 [discussion; review of Indo-West Pacific Globopilumnus].—Guinot-Dumortier and Dumortier, 1960:138, fig. 21 [stridulation].—Guinot and Ribeiro, 1962:51.—Ribeiro, 1964:7.—Forest and Guinot, 1966:66.—Garth, 1968:312, 313 [discussion].—Türkay, 1976b:61 [listed], 67, fig. 4, pl. 2: figs. 3,4.

MATERIAL EXAMINED—Pillsbury Material: None. Other Material: Senegal: No other data, 2 (W).

DESCRIPTION.—Capart, 1951:142.

Figures: Capart, 1951, fig. 51, pl. 1: fig. 15, pl. 3: figs. 7, 8; Monod, 1956, figs. 249–257.

Male Pleopod: Capart, 1951, pl. 3: figs. 7, 8 (Angola); Monod, 1956, figs. 254–257 (Senegal); Türkay, 1976b, fig. 4 (Madeira).

Color: “Rougeâtre plus ou moins foncé, à maculatures brun chocolat ou violettes; épines antéro-latérales et doigts de chélipèdes noirs” (Monod, 1956:235). The black color of the fixed finger of the chela extends well onto the palm (Monod, 1956, fig. 251).

MEASUREMENTS—Our specimens have carapace widths of 20 and 22 mm.

BIOLOGY.—Globopilumnus africanus is a shallow water species, generally found intertidally or subtidally; of 22 records for which depth is given in the recent literature, seven are from shore, 11 are from depths between shore and 12 m, and four are from depths greater than 12 m (15, 20–22, 30, and 35 m). Intertidally it appears to be part of the rocky shore fauna, where it lives among rocks or in algae; some specimens have been taken with bryozoans. Subtidally it has been taken on sandy mud, rocks, rocks and coral, rocks and sand, or on sand with calcareous algae, rocks and coral.

Ovigerous females have been collected in January and September (Capart, 1951; Guinot and Ribeiro, 1962; Ribeiro, 1964).

DISTRIBUTION.—Off West Africa, from Madeira, the Cape Verde Islands, Senegal, offshore islands of the Gulf of Guinea, and Angola, intertidal to 35 m, generally in shallower water. Monod (1956:230) commented on its apparent absence on the mainland between Senegal and Angola; he summarized earlier records and reported material from the Cape Verde Islands, Senegal, São Tomé, and Angola. Subsequent records in the literature include the following:

West Africa: No specific locality (Guinot-Dumortier and Dumortier, 1960).

Madeira: Funchal, fish market (from stomach of Phycis phycis (Linnaeus)) (Türkay, 1976b).

Cape Verde Islands: Matiota, São Vicente (Guinot and Ribeiro, 1962; Ribeiro, 1964).

Principe: Ilhéu Caroço (as îlot Carioco), 2–8 m; 01°38′–35″N, 07°21′35″E, 35 m; and S of Ilhéu Santana (as île Sta. Ana), 12 m (all Forest and Guinot, 1966).

São Tomé: 00°25′N, 06°37′E, 5–6 m; Ponta Diogo Vaz, 0–6 m; Praia de Santa Catarina, 3–10 m; Baiá de São Miguel, 6–10 m; Ilhéu Macaco (as îlot dos Cocos), 3–8 m; E of the beach, Morro Peixe, 2–6 m; Ilhéu das Cabras, 0–2 m; Santana, shore; Ponta Furada, 3–8 m (all Forest and Guinot, 1966).

Annobon: Bay of Santa Cruz, 8–12 m (Forest and Guinot, 1966).

Angola: Baía da Caota, Benguela, shore; Baía das Vacas, shore; Lucira; Praia das Conchas, Moçâmedes, shore (all Guinot and Ribeiro, 1962).

*Globopilumnus stridulans Monod, 1956

Globopilumnus stridulans Monod, 1956:230, figs. 258–269.—Guinot-Dumortier, 1959:98, 99, 116, 118, fig. 14 [discussion; review of Indo-West Pacific Globopilumnus].—Guinot-Dumortier and Dumortier, 1960:138, 139, figs. 20, 21 [stridulation].—Rossignol, 1962:116.—Crosnier, 1964: 31.—Forest and Guinot, 1966:67.—Garth, 1968:312, 313, 314, 315, 316 [discussion].

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Pillsbury Material: Annobon: Sta 275, 9–69 m, rubble of coralline algae, 4, 12 (L). Sta 282, 18–37 m, nodular coralline algae, 1, 2 (W).

Other Material: Principe: 12 mi [19 km] SSW of Tinhosa Grande (as Hermano Grande) Island, 01°20′45″N, 07° 17′–37″E, 25–40 m, rocks and coral, 7 Jul 1956, Calypso Sta 110, 1, 1 (W).

Annobon: 01°28.5′S, 05°37.5′E, 35–55 m, F. Poinsard, 2, 8, 8 juv (W).

DESCRIPTION.—Monod, 1956:231.

Figures: Monod, 1956, figs. 258–269.

Male Pleopod: Monod, 1956, figs. 263–267 (Senegal, Guinea, Annobon).

Color: “Blanc sale” (Monod, 1956:235). Our specimens have a reddish body, with red and white banded legs.

MEASUREMENTS.—Our specimens have carapace widths of 2 to 20 mm.

DISTRIBUTION.—Off West Africa, from a few mainland localities between Senegal and Gabon and from the offshore islands of Principe, São Tomé, and Annobon; intertidal to a depth of 73 m. Monod (1956) described the species on material from Senegal, Guinea (the type-locality), and Annobon; the holotype from Guinea was taken in 40 m. Subsequent records in the literature include the following:

West Africa: No specific locality (Guinot-Dumortier and Dumortier, 1960).

Cameroon: No specific locality (Crosnier, 1964).

Principe: 01°36′50″N, 07°22′10″E, 19 m; S part, Baía das Agulhas, 4–8 m; 01°38′35″N, 07°21′35″E, 35 m; 01°–43′10″N, 07°28′20″E, 73 m; 01°43′N, 07°28′55″E, 37 m; and Tinhosa Grande (as Hermano Grande) Island, 12 mi [19 km] SSW of Principe, 01°20′45″N, 07°17′37″E, 25–40 m (all Forest and Guinot, 1966).

São Tomé: 00°20′N, 06°46′E, 10 m; Ponta Diogo Vaz, W coast, 0–6 m and 30 m; in front of Ponta Oquedelrei, 6 m; and off Ponta Diogo Nunes, 6 m (all Forest and Guinot, 1966).

Annobon: 01°24′04″S, 05°36′45″E, 7–10 m; 01°25′–12″S, 05°36′05″E, 20 m; and NW coast, Isla Tortuga, 15–40 m (all Forest and Guinot, 1966).

Gabon: W of Cap Santa Clara, Libreville, 45–47 m (Rossignol, 1962).

Glyptoxanthus A. Milne Edwards, 1879, in 1873–1881:253 [type-species: Actaea erosa Stimpson, 1859, by selection by Rathbun, 1930:263; gender: masculine].—Guinot, 1971: 1072 [list of species].

*Glyptoxanthus angolensis (De Brito Capello, 1866)

Actaea angolensis.—Capart, 1951:157, fig. 59.—Longhurst, 1958:88.—Gauld, 1960:70.—Rossignol, 1962:117.

Actaea (Glyptoxanthus) angolensis.—Monod, 1956:296, fig. 361.—Seréne, 1961:198 [listed].

Glyptoxanthus angolensis.—Forest and Guinot, 1966:77, fig. 6a, b.—Guinot, 1971:1073 [listed].

Glyptoxanthus anglolensis.—Guinot, 1967d:556 [listed; erroneous spelling].

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Pillsbury Material: Annobon: Sta 282, 18–37 m, nodular coralline algae, 1, 1 (L, W).

Other Material: Annobon: S coast, 01°28.5′S, 05°37.5′E, 35–55 m, 16 Jun 1967, F. Poinsard, 1 (W).

DESCRIPTION.—Capart, 1951:158.

Figures: Capart, 1951, fig. 59; Monod, 1956, fig. 361; Forest and Guinot, 1966, fig. 6a,b.

Male Pleopod: Forest and Guinot, 1966, fig. 6a,b (Annobon).

Color: “Rouge orangé avec des taches plus claires” (Capart, 1951:158).

MEASUREMENTS.—Our specimens have carapace widths of 12, 17 and 25 mm.

BIOLOGY.—Glyptoxanthus angolensis is a shallow shelf species, occurring sublittorally in depths between 4–5 m and 40 m, with one record of 35–55 m. Like the West African species of Paractaea, habitats on rough bottom are preferred. The Pillsbury specimens were collected in nodular calcareous algae off Annobon, and the material collected by the Calypso (Forest and Guinot, 1966) was found on the following types of bottom: calcareous algae, 4–5 m; calcareous algae, sand and coral, 7–10 m; rocks and calcareous algae, 20 m; and rocks and coral, 15–40 m. Longhurst (1958) found the species on shelly sand in 25 m off Sierra Leone.

Ovigerous females have been recorded in January and June (Monod, 1956; Forest and Guinot, 1966).

DISTRIBUTION.—West African coast, from scattered localities between Senegal and Angola, including Annobon and São Tomé islands in the Gulf of Guinea; sublittoral, from 4–5 m to 40 m (also 35–55m). Monod (1956) summarized earlier records and reported material from Senegal, Sierra Leone, Congo (Congo Français), and Annobon; records in the literature since 1956 include the following:

Sierra Leone: No specific locality, in 25 m (Longhurst, 1958).

Ghana: Off Accra, sublittorally; Tenkpobo (as Tenpobo), intertidal (Gauld, 1960).

São Tomé: Off Ponta Diogo Nunes, 4–5 m (Forest and Guinot, 1966).

Annobon: 02°24′04″S, 05°36′45″E, 7–10 m; 01°25′12″S, 05°36′05″E, 20 m; and Isla Tortuga, NW coast, 15–40 m (Forest and Guinot, 1966).

Congo: Pointe Indienne (Rossignol, 1962).

Angola: No specific locality (Forest and Guinot, 1966).
библиографски навод
Manning, Raymond B. and Holthuis, L. B. 1981. "West African Brachyuran crabs." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-379. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.306
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Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology

Eupilumnus africanus ( холандски; фламански )

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Eupilumnus africanus is een krabbensoort uit de familie van de Oziidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1867 door A. Milne-Edwards.

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  1. Davie, P. (2012). Eupilumnus africanus (A. Milne-Edwards, 1867). Geraadpleegd via: World Register of Marine Species op http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=440505
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