The horsehair crab, Erimacrus isenbeckii (Japanese: ケガニ, kegani), is a species of crab which is found mainly in the Northwest Pacific, around the Hokkaido coast in the Sea of Okhotsk and the Western Bering Sea and is an important commercial species used in Japanese cuisine.[1][2] Despite the importance of the species, biological studies are usually specialized and limited.[3] The catch for the species reached a peak in the 1950s at 27,000 tons and has decreased since, reaching 2,000 tons in 2003.[4] Due to the commercial importance of the species, many stock enhancement programs have been utilized to help maintain a successful fishery.[4] The species is commonly found on sandy benthic environments from shallow water to depths of up to 350 meters.[5][6][7]
E. isenbeckii has a hard shell and soft spines which cover the shell and appendages.[3] It can reach over 1 kg in weight. Erimacrus isenbeckii is known to feed three to four times in a ten to twelve hour time-span and cannibalism is common for E. isenbeckii in the spring.[8][2] The carapace of E. isenbeckii can reach 100 to 120 mm in length in adults.[7] Like the two other species in the same family, the gonophores of females are exposed.[9]
In the western Bering Sea, males typically live in areas of around 3.4 °C and depths of around 66 meters, while females can be found in temperatures of 2.4 °C and depths of around 64 meters.[3]
The embryonic development of the species can be divided into nine stages, each defined by cleavage and formation of distinct appendages. To incubate the eggs after spawning, females attach them to their pleopods.[10] Based on many surveys conducted during the spawning and hatching seasons, the incubation period of the species is estimated to be over a year, with the embryonic growth rate mainly being controlled by the temperature of the water.[6] Young hatch between March and May and remain as zooplankton until they reach the bottom of the sea by July.[5] The hatching process occurs during the spring phytoplankton bloom in the Sea of Okhotsk.[11][12] The zoea of this species can be mistaken for the two other species in the same family, but E. isenbeckii zoea lack carapace spines and have shorter lateral spines on the fork of the telson.[9]
The horsehair crab, Erimacrus isenbeckii (Japanese: ケガニ, kegani), is a species of crab which is found mainly in the Northwest Pacific, around the Hokkaido coast in the Sea of Okhotsk and the Western Bering Sea and is an important commercial species used in Japanese cuisine. Despite the importance of the species, biological studies are usually specialized and limited. The catch for the species reached a peak in the 1950s at 27,000 tons and has decreased since, reaching 2,000 tons in 2003. Due to the commercial importance of the species, many stock enhancement programs have been utilized to help maintain a successful fishery. The species is commonly found on sandy benthic environments from shallow water to depths of up to 350 meters.
Erimacrus isenbeckii est une espèce de crabes de la famille des Cheiragonidae.
Ce crabe se rencontre dans la mer d'Okhotsk et l'océan Pacifique.
Erimacrus isenbeckii est une espèce de crabes de la famille des Cheiragonidae.
Erimacrus isenbeckii is een krabbensoort uit de familie van de Cheiragonidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1848 door Brandt.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesErimacrus isenbeckii
(Brandt, 1848)
Четырёхугольный волосатый краб[1][2][3][4] (лат. Erimacrus isenbeckii) — вид крабов, обитающий от Авачинской губы и западного побережья Камчатки до Цусимского пролива и залива Сендай от линии отлива до глубины 350 метров.
Панцирь и все ноги краба покрыты короткими волосками. Ширина панциря почти равна его длине, достигает 10—12 см.
Питается различными мелкими моллюсками и ракообразными.
Четырёхугольный волосатый краб (лат. Erimacrus isenbeckii) — вид крабов, обитающий от Авачинской губы и западного побережья Камчатки до Цусимского пролива и залива Сендай от линии отлива до глубины 350 метров.
Панцирь и все ноги краба покрыты короткими волосками. Ширина панциря почти равна его длине, достигает 10—12 см.
Питается различными мелкими моллюсками и ракообразными.
ケガニ(毛蟹、Erimacrus isenbeckii)は、エビ目カニ下目クリガニ科に分類されるカニの1種。北西太平洋の沿岸域に広く分布する大型のカニで、食用に漁獲される。別名はオオクリガニ(大栗蟹)。
ケガニ(毛蟹、Erimacrus isenbeckii)は、エビ目カニ下目クリガニ科に分類されるカニの1種。北西太平洋の沿岸域に広く分布する大型のカニで、食用に漁獲される。別名はオオクリガニ(大栗蟹)。
털게는 십각목 털게과의 갑각류이다. 갑각의 길이는 10.2cm이고, 갑각의 너비는 10cm이다. 이 품종은 얕은 수심에서 최대 350m까지 해저에서 흔히 발견된다.
털게는 껍질과 부속물을 덮는 단단한 껍데기와 부드러운 가시가 있다. 몸무게는 1kg를 초과할 수 있다. 성체의 갑각 길이는 100~120mm에 이른다.