
Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

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Pisa tetraodon (Pennant, 1777)

Pisa tetraodon.—Capart, 1951:92, fig. 29, pl. 2: fig. 16 [Mauritania].—Monod, 1956:485 [references].—Forest and Gantés, 1960:356 [Morocco].—Zariquiey Alvarez, 1968: 452, figs. 6d, 151a, 152a, 154a [Spain; references].

SYNONYMS.—Cancer hircus Fabricius, 1781 (see Rathbun, 1925:195); Cancer praedo Herbst, 1796; Pisa convexa Brandt, 1880.

DISTRIBUTION.—Eastern Atlantic, from England to Cabo Blanco, Mauritania, Mediterranean; sublittoral, shallow water to about 50 m (100 m in Monod, 1956).

MIMILAMBRIDAE Williams, 1979:399.

This family, comprising one genus and species, does not occur within the study area.

PARTHENOPINA MacLeay, 1838:55, 58 [corrected to Parthenopidae by Bell, 1844:45; name 362 on Official List].

AETHRINAE Dana, 1851b:127 [originally cited as Oethrinae].

CRYPTOPODIINAE Stimpson, 1871a:137.

HEPATINAE Stimpson, 1871a: 154 [see p. 325].

EUMEDONINAE Neumann, 1878:17.

LAMBRINAE Neumann, 1878:17.

EASTERN ATLANTIC GENERA.—Five, Daldorfia, Heterocrypta, Parthenope, Sakaila, new genus, and Solenolambrus, each represented by species occurring off tropical West Africa.

EASTERN ATLANTIC SPECIES.—Eleven, of which eight occur off West Africa. Several name changes have been made since this family was studied by Monod (1956), as follows:

Name in Monod

Current Name

Osachila stimpsoni (Calappidae)

Sakaila africana, new genus, new species* (Parthenopidae)

Lambrus massena (including various forms)

Parthenope massena*

Lambrus miersi

Parthenope miersii*

Lambrus macrochelos

Parthenope notialis, new species*

Lambrus expansus

Parthenope expansa*

Heterocrypta maltzani

Heterocrypta maltzami*

Solenolambrus noordendei

Solenolambrus noordendei*

Parthenope bouvieri

Daldorfia bouvieri

Three nominal species occur to the north of the tropical region:

Heterocrypta marionis A. Milne Edwards, 1881. In deep water off the Azores, Toulon, France, and the Bay of Biscay (Bouvier, 1940).

Parthenope angulifrons Latreille, 1828. Mediterranean (Zariquiey Alvarez, 1968), with one questionable record from Senegal (Monod, 1956:587).

Parthenope macrochelos (Herbst, 1790). Mediterranean and adjacent Atlantic (Zariquiey Alvarez, 1968). See under P. notialis, new species (p. 335), for possible records along the NW African coast.

The status of Lambrus spinosissimus Osorio, 1923 (see Nobre, 1936:85) remains to be determined. One specimen originated from the latitude of Lisbon, the other from Morocco. Osorio's account is not available to us. According to Nobre's quote of the original, L. spinosissimus (cl 33 mm, cb 37 mm) is a larger species than the West African P. notialis (cl 5–21 mm, cb 11–23 m) (see p. 334). Osorio described the upper surface of the palm of the cheliped as follows (our translation): “The upper surface of the hand also shows spines, rather widely spaced one from the other, and the lower surface is covered with granules, which do not stop at the base of the fingers, but, on the contrary, are widely distributed on them.” This description applies well to P. macrochelos; in P. notialis the upper surface of the palm of the cheliped is almost smooth. We believe that L. spinosissimus Osorio, 1923 should be identified with the northern Parthenope macrochelos (Herbst, 1790) rather than the smaller tropical species, P. notialis.

Heterocrypta Stimpson, 1871b: 102 [type-species: Cryptopodia granulata Gibbes, 1850, by original designation; gender: feminine; name 1626 on Official List].

* Heterocrypta maltzami Miers, 1881

Hetaocrypta Maltzami Miers, 1881a:209, pl. 13: fig. 1.

Hetaocrypta Maltzam.—Miers, 1881a:364,374.—A. Milne Edwards and Bouvier, 1900:121, pl. 19: fig.6 [part ?].—Balss, 1921:54.—Bouvier, 1940:315 [part ?].

Hetaocrypta maltzam.—Ortmann, 1893b:417.—Rathbun, 1900a:296.—Sourie, 1954b:150.—Monod, 1956:589, figs. 862–867.—Longhurst, 1958:89.—Gauld, 1960:72.—Guinot and Ribeiro, 1962:80.—Rossignol, 1962:123.—Ribeiro, 1964:21.—Forest and Guinot, 1966:120.—Zariquiey Alvarez, 1968:442 [Spain; references],—Maurin, 1968b:486.—Türkay, 1975a:71 [listed], 74, fig. 6.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Pillsbury Mataiai. Liberia: Sta 68, 70 m, broken shell, 1, 2 (1 ov) (L).

Ivory Coast: Sta 46, 38–42 m, mud with dense Jullienella, 2 (1 ov) (L).

Ghana: Sta 23, 42 m, foliate brown to orange bryozoans, 1 (L). Sta 24, 35–37 m, dark red bryozoans, 3, 4 ov (W). Sta “22–26,” 1 (L).

Nigeria: Sta 248, 33 m, 1, 3 (1 ov) (W).

DESCRIPTION.—Miers, 1881a:209; Pesta, 1918: 374; Bouvier, 1940:315.

Figures: Monod, 1956, figs. 862–865.

Male Pleopod: Monod, 1956, figs. 866, 867 (Senegal).

MEASUREMENTS.—The specimens in the present collection have the carapace length between 4 and 8 mm; in ovigerous females this length varies between 5 and 8 mm. In the literature the following measurements have been given for ovigerous females: cl 6 to 10 mm, cb 6 to 13 mm (Monod, 1956, based on 6 specimens), cl 6 to 8 mm, cb 6.4 to 9.8 mm (Guinot and Ribeiro, 1962, based on 4 specimens). Guinot and Ribeiro (1962) also gave the following measurements: males cl 6 to 7.7 mm, cb 6.4 to 8.5 mm (7 specimens), non–ovigerous females cl 4.9 and 5 mm, cb 5.5 mm (2 specimens), juvenile cl 4.3 mm, cb 4.6 mm.

DISTRIBUTION.—Heterocrypta maltzami has been reported from the Bay of Biscay, the Mediterranean (as far as the Adriatic Sea), the Azores, N of the Cape Verde Islands (16°55′–16°51′N, 27°27′–27°29′W of Paris = 25°07′–25°09′W of Greenwich), and from tropical West Africa. Monod (1956) summarized earlier records and reported material from Senegal, Ghana, and Gabon; records not in Monod include the following:

Spanish Sahara: Off Cabo Blanco, 20°43.5′N, 17° 10.8′W, 40 m, and 20°37.3′N, 17°24.4′W, 57 m (Türkay, 1975a).

Mauritania: Banc d'Arguin, 30–40 m (Maurin, 1968b).

Cape Verde Islands: Baía de Porto Grande, Sāo Vicente (Guinot and Ribeiro, 1962; Ribeiro, 1964).

Senegal: Anse de Hann and Anse Bernard near Dakar (Sourie, 1954b).

Guinea: 09°40′N, 14°05′W, 18 m (Forest and Guinot, 1966).

Sierra Leone: No specific locality, 18–60 m (Longhurst, 1958).

Ghana: Off Accra, 18–37 m (Gauld, 1960).

Congo: Baie de Pointe–Noire, 6–8 m (Rossignol, 1962).

Angola: Baīa da Caota, 11–12, 13, and 16 m; Sombreiro, 5 m; and Baia Farta, 22 m (all Benguela) (Guinot and Ribeiro, 1962).

TYPE-SPECIES.—Sakaila africana, new species.

ETYMOLOGY.—It is with great pleasure that we dedicate this genus to Professor Tune Sakai, the eminent Japanese carcinologist, who pointed out the differences between the species assigned here to the new genus and the species of Osachila sensu stricto, here restricted to the American and central Atlantic species (Rathbun, 1937:248). The gender of the generic name is feminine.

DEFINITION.—Carapace broad, suboval in shape, narrowing anteriorly, regularly arcuate laterally, margins thin, scalloped or lobed. Front narrow, produced anteriorly, bilobed. Orbits small. Eyes scarcely or not at all visible in dorsal view. Antennules oblique. Antennae at inner angle of orbit. Buccal cavity broad anteriorly. Efferent branchial orifices separated, not meeting at midline. maxilliped shorter than ischium, anterior margin of merus divided into 2 lobes. Chelipeds symmetrical. Walking legs compressed, dorsally toothed or with large, irregular tubercles.

MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Pillsbury Material: Annobon: Sta 284, 73 m, black basaltic rocks, 1 (holotype) (L).

Geronimo Material: Gabon: Sta 235, 100 m, 1 (W).

DIAGNOSIS.—Carapace (Figure 83a) with 6 major dorsal protuberances, protogastric very inflated, rounded anteriorly, pitted and eroded dorsally. Branchial protuberances oblique, narrowing anteromesially, extending to and fusing with protogastric. Median protuberances much less prominent than protogastric or branchial. Lateral margins very thin, upturned, appearing serrated, subdivided into distinct teeth posterolaterally, sutures visible ventrally indicating presence of 8 distinct teeth. Inner surface of propodus of cheliped tuberculate, with line of enlarged tubercles near midline. Walking legs (Figure 83d) strongly sculptured with irregular, rounded tubercles, especially on carpus and propodus.

DESCRIPTION.—Monod, 1956:624–627.

Male Pleopod: Guinot, 1967b, figs. 32, 33 (Senegal).

MEASUREMENTS.—The male holotype has a carapace length of 23 mm and a carapace width of 30 mm. The carapace length of the smaller male paratype is 11.5 mm, the width is 15 mm. Monod's (1956) male measured 15 × 20 mm, his ovigerous females 12 × 14 and 12 × 16 mm. The male from southern Senegal reported by Forest and Guinot (1966) measured 22 × 30 mm (see figure legends in Guinot, 1966, 1967b).
библиографски навод
Manning, Raymond B. and Holthuis, L. B. 1981. "West African Brachyuran crabs." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-379. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.306
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Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology

Pisa tetraodon ( баскиски )

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Pisa tetraodon Brachyura azpiordenako krustazeo dekapodoa da, Epialtidae familiakoa.[1] Ipar-ekialdeko Ozeano Atlantikoko kostaldeetan eta Mediterraneokoetan bizi da.


  1. Pisa tetraodon (Pennant, 1777) World Register of Marine Species.

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Pisa tetraodon: Brief Summary ( баскиски )

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Pisa tetraodon Brachyura azpiordenako krustazeo dekapodoa da, Epialtidae familiakoa. Ipar-ekialdeko Ozeano Atlantikoko kostaldeetan eta Mediterraneokoetan bizi da.

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Pisa tetraodon ( италијански )

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Pisa tetraodon è un crostaceo decapode della famiglia dei Epialtidae.

Habitat e distribuzione

Vive su fondali ricchi di vegetazione, a bassa profondità.


Corpo di forma triangolare e colore rosso-bruno, molto spinoso sul bordo del carapace, con zampe lunghe anch'esse spinose.

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Pisa tetraodon: Brief Summary ( италијански )

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Pisa tetraodon è un crostaceo decapode della famiglia dei Epialtidae.

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Pisa tetraodon ( холандски; фламански )

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Pisa tetraodon is een krabbensoort uit de familie van de Epialtidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1777 door Pennant.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Fransen, C.; Türkay, M. (2012). Pisa tetraodon (Pennant, 1777). Geraadpleegd via: World Register of Marine Species op http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=107358
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