
Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Pelagobia longicirrata is a pelagic marine polychaete belonging to the order Phyllodocida. It has a widespread distribution throughout the Atlantic Ocean, ranging from Greenland to the Antarctic, as well as the Mediterranean, Indian and Pacific Ocean (Dales, 1957). It can be found anywhere from the surface up to 1000m depth. Pelagobia longicirrata is characterized by a long slender body with its prostomum having four antennae, and a pair of small eyes. Its body is flattened dorso-ventrally and can be anywhere between 2-12mm in length and consists of 13-18 segments (Isaychev et al., 2013). It has two pairs of tentacular cirri present and its parapodia are uniramous, with long dorsal and ventral cirri, with the exception of the second segment in which the dorsal cirri is reduced or absent (Dales, 1957). Each parapodium bears compound chaetae in which the distal part is serrated.


  • Dales, R.P. (1957) Pelagic polychaetes of the Pacific Ocean. Bulletin of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography 7: 95-167.
  • Isaychev, A. N., Konovalova, O. P., Stupnikova, A. N., & Zhadan, A. E. (2013). On morphology and phylogeny of Pelagobia longicirrata (Polychaeta, Annelida). Зоологический журнал, 92(7), 790-801. doi:10.7868/s0044513413070076

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