
Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

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Octopus hongkongensis Hoyle, 1885

DIAGNOSIS.—Animal large (to 200 mm ML). Mantle broad (MWI 100); head relatively narrow (HWI 72). Funnel organ W-shaped, outer limbs shorter than inner limbs. Arms long (ALI 82), arm formula I > II > III > IV. Suckers large (SIn 12); especially enlarged suckers absent in males and females. Right arm III of male hectocotylized (HALI 322), shorter than fellow (FAI 66); ligula long (LLI 11–14); calamus minute. Gill lamellae 8–11. Eggs moderate in length, capsule ∼8 mm long. Penis small to moderate in length (PLI < 25). Spermatophores with maximum length of 200 mm. Radula with A4 seriation of pentacuspid rachidian. Skin with sparse granular papillae, especially near head.


TYPE LOCALITY.—Western North Pacific Ocean, Japan, off Sagami Bay, Enoshima Island, 345 fms (624 m).

TYPE.—Holotype: BMNH 1889.4.24.45, male, 90 mm ML.
библиографски навод
Voss, N. A. and Sweeney, M. J. 1998. "Systematics and Biogeography of cephalopods. Volume II." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 277-599. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.586.277
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Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology

Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

добавил Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Octopus tenuicirrus (Sasaki, 1929)

DIAGNOSIS.—Animal medium-sized to large (to 160 mm ML). Mantle rounded posteriorly (MWI 60–78.1); neck weakly constricted; head large (HWI 50.0–52.3); eyes moderately prominent. Funnel small, funnel organ large, W-shaped, broader than long, medial limbs longer than lateral limbs. Arms moderate in length (ALI 74.2–79.3), arm formula typically I > II > III > IV. Suckers large (SIn 13.1 in largest syntype), sucker size varies with arm length, largest suckers on longest arms; ∼220 suckers per arm; especially enlarged suckers absent in male syntypes. Right arm III of males hectocotylized (HALI 207.1–250.0), shorter than fellow (FAI 61.5–80.6), HASC 66. Web depth shallow (WDI 15.7–20.9), web formula C > B = D > A > E in largest syntype. Gill lamellae 10–12. Penis small (PLI 14.4), with curved diverticulum. Spermatophores long (SpLI 78.1), slender (SpWI 1.3), with 85 coils of sperm cord. Radula with A3 seriation of rachidian. Ventral and lateral aspects of mantle, head, and bases of arms I and II with sparse, poorly defined papillae, remainder of surface smooth. Two supraocular cirri on each side of head, posterior one larger. Color reddish ochre, paler ventrally.

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION.—Sasaki, 1929:78, figs. 36, 37, pl. 11: figs. 14–16, as Polypus tenuicirrus.

TYPE LOCALITIES.—Western North Pacific Ocean, Japan, Boso Peninsula, Chiba Prefecture, Kujukurihama.

TYPES.—Syntypes: TNSM?, 5 males, largest 160 mm ML, presumed no longer extant (I. Gleadall, pers. comm.).

DISTRIBUTION.—Known only from type localities.
библиографски навод
Voss, N. A. and Sweeney, M. J. 1998. "Systematics and Biogeography of cephalopods. Volume II." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 277-599. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.586.277
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Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology

Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

добавил Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Octopus megalops (Taki, 1964)

DIAGNOSIS.—Animal medium-sized to large (75–78 mm ML). Mantle bursiform (MWI 64–73); neck region distinct; head moderate in width (HWI 49–60); eyes large, prominent. Funnel organ W-shaped, inner limbs longer than outer ones. Arms moderate in length (ALI 74–80), arm order I > II > III > IV. Suckers small (SIn 5–6); especially enlarged suckers absent. Right arm III of males hectocotylized (HALI 202.7), shorter than fellow (FAI 60); ligula length short (LLI 5.2), slenderly conical with narrow groove; calamus small (CLI 12.5). Web depth moderate (WDI 19–25), web formula D > C > B > E > AorC > B > D > E > A. Gill lamellae 8 to 9. Penis small (PLI 13.3), with hook-shaped diverticulum. Radula with B5 seriation of rachidian. Surface of body smooth; single large supraocular papillae present on each side of head. Color uniformly hermosa pink to cameo pink dorsally, lighter ventrally.

ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION.—Taki, 1964:310, figs. 55–57, pl. 6: figs. 1, 2, as Paroctopus megalops.

TYPE LOCALITY.—Western North Pacific Ocean, Japan, Kōchi Prefecture, Tosa Bay, from fish market.

TYPE.—Holotype: Not deposited, male, 75 mm ML, presumed to be held in private collection.

DISTRIBUTION.—Japan, Shikoku, Tosa Bay and Enshu Sea (Okutani et al., 1987:173).
библиографски навод
Voss, N. A. and Sweeney, M. J. 1998. "Systematics and Biogeography of cephalopods. Volume II." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 277-599. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.586.277
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Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology

Octopus hongkongensis ( холандски; фламански )

добавил wikipedia NL

Octopus hongkongensis is een soort in de taxonomische indeling van de inktvissen, een klasse dieren die tot de stam der weekdieren (Mollusca) behoort. De inktvis komt enkel in zout water voor en is in staat om van kleur te veranderen. Hij beweegt zich voort door water in zijn mantel te pompen en het er via de sifon weer krachtig uit te persen. De inktvis is een carnivoor en zijn voedsel bestaat voornamelijk uit vis, krabben, kreeften en weekdieren die ze met de zuignappen op hun grijparmen vangen.

De inktvis komt uit het geslacht Octopus en behoort tot de familie Octopodidae. Octopus hongkongensis werd in 1885 beschreven door Hoyle.[1]

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. World Register of Marine Species, Octopus hongkongensis. Marinespecies.org. Geraadpleegd op 3 oktober 2011.
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