Elysia is a genus of sea slugs, marine gastropod molluscs in the family Plakobranchidae. These animals are colorful sea slugs, and they can superficially resemble nudibranchs, but are not very closely related to them. Instead they are sacoglossans, commonly known as sap-sucking slugs.[1]
Elysia sea slugs graze on algae and some species such as E. viridis and E. chlorotica hijack the chloroplasts for themselves. The chloroplasts end up lining the slug’s digestive tract, enabling the slugs to survive solely by photosynthesis for several months at a time. This association is crucial for the development and maturing of the slug. Exactly how the slugs use the chloroplasts is unclear, as many of the proteins used by chloroplasts are encoded in the genome of the host cell. These proteins, numbering in the hundreds, are manufactured in the cell’s nucleus, and then moved into the chloroplast, enabling it to survive.[2]
Young specimens of E. atroviridis and E. marginata became known for their ability to regenerate the whole body from a severed head. This autotomy expels internal parasites.[3]
This genus was previously sometimes considered to be in the family Stiligeridae, and was also previously placed in the family Elysiidae.
The following species are recognised in the genus Elysia:[1]
Elysia is a genus of sea slugs, marine gastropod molluscs in the family Plakobranchidae. These animals are colorful sea slugs, and they can superficially resemble nudibranchs, but are not very closely related to them. Instead they are sacoglossans, commonly known as sap-sucking slugs.
Elysia sea slugs graze on algae and some species such as E. viridis and E. chlorotica hijack the chloroplasts for themselves. The chloroplasts end up lining the slug’s digestive tract, enabling the slugs to survive solely by photosynthesis for several months at a time. This association is crucial for the development and maturing of the slug. Exactly how the slugs use the chloroplasts is unclear, as many of the proteins used by chloroplasts are encoded in the genome of the host cell. These proteins, numbering in the hundreds, are manufactured in the cell’s nucleus, and then moved into the chloroplast, enabling it to survive.
Young specimens of E. atroviridis and E. marginata became known for their ability to regenerate the whole body from a severed head. This autotomy expels internal parasites.
This genus was previously sometimes considered to be in the family Stiligeridae, and was also previously placed in the family Elysiidae.
Elysia es un género de molusco opistobranquio de la familia Plakobranchidae.[1]
Este género estaba anteriormente incluido en la familia Stiligeridae, y también en Elysiidae.
Estas pequeñas babosas de mar se distribuyen en aguas tropicales y templadas de los océanos Atlántico, Índico y Pacífico.[2]
El Registro Mundial de Especies Marinas reconoce como válidas las siguientes especies en el género:[1]
Elysia es un género de molusco opistobranquio de la familia Plakobranchidae.
Este género estaba anteriormente incluido en la familia Stiligeridae, y también en Elysiidae.
Estas pequeñas babosas de mar se distribuyen en aguas tropicales y templadas de los océanos Atlántico, Índico y Pacífico.
Elysia est un genre de limaces de mer, des mollusques gastéropodes marins opisthobranches de la famille des plakobranchidés (syn. élysiidés).
Certaines espèces de ce genre ont la particularité étonnante d'être capables d'intégrer les chloroplastes des algues qu'elles consomment dans des cellules spécialisées de leurs tissus digestifs (kleptoplastie), et ainsi de produire leur propre photosynthèse, ce qui leur permet de se nourrir partiellement grâce au soleil.
Selon World Register of Marine Species (12 mars 2012)[1] :
Actaeon Rang, 1829 ; Elysiella Verrill, 1872 ; Elysiella Bergh, 1871 ; Pterogasteron Pease, 1860 ; Thridachia P. Fischer, 1883 ; Tridachia Deshayes, 1857 ; Tridachiella MacFarland, 1924.
Elysia est un genre de limaces de mer, des mollusques gastéropodes marins opisthobranches de la famille des plakobranchidés (syn. élysiidés).
Elysia Risso, 1818 è un genere di molluschi sacoglossi della famiglia Plakobranchidae.[1]
Comprende le seguenti specie:[1]
Elysia Risso, 1818 è un genere di molluschi sacoglossi della famiglia Plakobranchidae.
Fluweelslakken (Elysia) vormen een geslacht van slakken uit de familie van de Plakobranchidae.
Fluweelslakken zijn enkele centimeters grote zeenaaktslakken zonder huisjes, die grazen op algen, waarvan ze de celinhoud opnemen. Hun groene lichaamskleur ontlenen ze aan het chlorofyl van de algen, de bladkleurstof, die planten nodig hebben om zonne-energie vast te leggen.
Fluweelslakken (Elysia) vormen een geslacht van slakken uit de familie van de Plakobranchidae.
Elysia (Risso, 1818)
СинонимыElysia — род морских слизней семейства Elysiidae. Некоторые виды известны по их способности осуществлять фотосинтез за счёт хлоропластов, интегрированных в клетки моллюска в процессе питания водорослями.
Гермафродиты. Оплодотворение перекрёстное.
Elysia — род морских слизней семейства Elysiidae. Некоторые виды известны по их способности осуществлять фотосинтез за счёт хлоропластов, интегрированных в клетки моллюска в процессе питания водорослями.