Figure 8.A comparison of dorsal scale morphology at mid- body near the dorsal crest. Anterior is to the left in all images. The scale bar shown in each image is one millimeter. Only large adult specimens were used for scale comparisons. A Plica plica, FMNH 128950B Plica caribeana, FMNH 49838 C Plica kathleenae, FMNH 30931 D Plica medemi FMNH 165207 E Plica rayi, FMNH 177925, and F is a Plica cf. plica from Amazonas, Venezuela, MCZ 101841.
Figure 9.A comparison of head scalation for five species in the Plica plica Group found in northern South America. A Plica caribeana FMNH 49838 B Plica kathleenae FMNH 30931 C Plica medemi FMNH 165207 D Plica plica FMNH 128950 E Plica rayi FMNH 177926.
Figure 8.A comparison of dorsal scale morphology at mid- body near the dorsal crest. Anterior is to the left in all images. The scale bar shown in each image is one millimeter. Only large adult specimens were used for scale comparisons. A Plica plica, FMNH 128950B Plica caribeana, FMNH 49838 C Plica kathleenae, FMNH 30931 D Plica medemi FMNH 165207 E Plica rayi, FMNH 177925, and F is a Plica cf. plica from Amazonas, Venezuela, MCZ 101841.
Figure 9.A comparison of head scalation for five species in the Plica plica Group found in northern South America. A Plica caribeana FMNH 49838 B Plica kathleenae FMNH 30931 C Plica medemi FMNH 165207 D Plica plica FMNH 128950 E Plica rayi FMNH 177926.
Figure 8.A comparison of dorsal scale morphology at mid- body near the dorsal crest. Anterior is to the left in all images. The scale bar shown in each image is one millimeter. Only large adult specimens were used for scale comparisons. A Plica plica, FMNH 128950B Plica caribeana, FMNH 49838 C Plica kathleenae, FMNH 30931 D Plica medemi FMNH 165207 E Plica rayi, FMNH 177925, and F is a Plica cf. plica from Amazonas, Venezuela, MCZ 101841.
Figure 9.A comparison of head scalation for five species in the Plica plica Group found in northern South America. A Plica caribeana FMNH 49838 B Plica kathleenae FMNH 30931 C Plica medemi FMNH 165207 D Plica plica FMNH 128950 E Plica rayi FMNH 177926.
Figure 8.A comparison of dorsal scale morphology at mid- body near the dorsal crest. Anterior is to the left in all images. The scale bar shown in each image is one millimeter. Only large adult specimens were used for scale comparisons. A Plica plica, FMNH 128950B Plica caribeana, FMNH 49838 C Plica kathleenae, FMNH 30931 D Plica medemi FMNH 165207 E Plica rayi, FMNH 177925, and F is a Plica cf. plica from Amazonas, Venezuela, MCZ 101841.
Figure 9.A comparison of head scalation for five species in the Plica plica Group found in northern South America. A Plica caribeana FMNH 49838 B Plica kathleenae FMNH 30931 C Plica medemi FMNH 165207 D Plica plica FMNH 128950 E Plica rayi FMNH 177926.