
Description ( англиски )

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Holotype male (Fig. 28): Length to apex of hemelytron 2.88 mm, length to base of cuneus 2.21 mm, width across hemelytra 0.88 mm. Head: Length 0.35 mm, width across eyes 0.61 mm, interocular width 0.29 mm. Labium: Length 1.31 mm. Antenna: Segment I length 0.35 mm, II 1.22 mm, III and IV missing. Pronotum: Length 0.35 mm, basal width 0.75 mm. Coloration: Head: Uniformly dark brown; pale interocular spot found in all other species apparently absent; fuscous to dark reddish brown. Labium: Pale brownish yellow. Antenna: Segment I uniformly pale yellow, with a dark brown or fuscous ring at base; segments II–IV dark brown. Pronotum: Uniformly dark brown. Mesoscutum: Uniformly dark brown. Scutellum: Uniformly dark brown. Hemelyton: Uniformly pale translucent brown. Ostiolar evaporative area: Dark brown to fuscous. Ventral surface: Thorax dark brown to dark reddish brown; abdomen dark reddish brown on segment II, III, and genital capsule, slightly paler in between. Legs: Coxa pale yellow, reddish brown at bases; femora, tibiae, tarsi, and claws uniformly pale yellow. Structure, texture, and vestiture: Antenna: Segment I set with a few, scattered, recumbent setae and two erect, subapical, bristlelike setae. Labium: Extending beyond metacoxae to abdominal segment II or III. Pronotum: Shiny, impunctate; anterior angles rounded; lateral margins weakly concave, flaring at posterior angles; posterior margin distinctly sinuate; calli weakly swollen; set with relatively long, semierect setae. Mesoscutum: Impunctate, broadly exposed; with a few scattered semierect setae. Scutellum: Weakly shining, impunctate; equilateral; set with scattered, semierect setae. Hemelytra: Macropterous, cuneus and membrane fully developed, extending well beyond apex of abdomen. Male genitalia: Left paramere (Fig. 160): Mitt-shaped; right arm long, broad, apically blunt; left arm short, apically acute. Right paramere (Fig. 161): Round. Endosoma: Teneral and damaged; not drawn. Phallotheca (Fig. 162): slender, apically acute. Female (n = 4) (Fig. 29): Length to apex of hemelytron 2.69–3.33 mm, length to base of cuneus 2.05–2.40 mm, width across hemelytra 0.82–1.02 mm. Head: Length 0.32–0.38 mm, width across eyes 0.56–0.64 mm, interocular width 0.29–0.30 mm. Labium: Length 1.12–1.44 mm. Antenna: Segment I length 0.26–0.34 mm, II 0.85–1.23 mm, III 0.61–0.78 mm, IV 0.51–0.56 mm. Pronotum: Length 0.29–0.37 mm, basal width 0.69–0.85 mm.
авторски права
Thomas J. Henry
библиографски навод
Henry T (2012) Revision of the Plant Bug Genus Tytthus (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae, Phylinae) ZooKeys 220: 1–114
Thomas J. Henry
посети извор
соработничко мреж. место

Distribution ( англиски )

добавил Zookeys
Known from Brazil and Panama.
авторски права
Thomas J. Henry
библиографски навод
Henry T (2012) Revision of the Plant Bug Genus Tytthus (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae, Phylinae) ZooKeys 220: 1–114
Thomas J. Henry
посети извор
соработничко мреж. место