
Ilariidae ( германски )

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Die Ilariidae sind eine Familie von Vertretern der Vombatimorphia aus dem späten Oligozän.


Mitglieder der Familie Ilariidae weisen vor allem Gemeinsamkeiten bei der Bezahnung auf, wie W-förmige Schneidflächensysteme auf den Molaren und knollige dritte Prämolaren sowie die Zahnformel I1-3/1, C1/0, P3/3, M1-4/1-4.


Mögliche Stellung der Ilariidae innerhalb der Vombatomorphia nach Myers u. a. 1999. aus: Long, Archer, Flannery, Hand: Prehistoric Mammals of Australia and New Guinea, one hundred million years of evolution.






Die Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse der Familie Ilariidae zu anderen Familien der Vombatimorphia sind noch weitgehend ungeklärt. Die Familie Ilariidae beinhaltet nur drei Arten in zwei Gattungen, sämtlich aus dem späten Oligozän. Diese sind Ilaria illumidens TEDFORD, WOODBURNE, 1987, Ilaria lawsoni TEDFORD, WOODBURNE, 1987 und Kuterintja ngama PLEDGE, 1987a.


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Ilariidae: Brief Summary ( германски )

добавил wikipedia DE

Die Ilariidae sind eine Familie von Vertretern der Vombatimorphia aus dem späten Oligozän.

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Ilariidae ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

The Ilariidae is a family of fossil mammals. Most ilariids are found in the middle Tertiary faunal assemblages of South Australia. Ilaria illumidens is the best-preserved representative of this extinct clade of vombatiforms.

The species is found in the Namba Formation of Late Oligocene age, at Lake Pinpa, South Australia. The material consists of a partial cranium and mandibular fragments with most of the dentition, together with parts of the postcranial skeleton.[1] The other species in this family are known from a few jaw fragments and intact molars attached; they are categorised in a separate family because their teeth structure is unique among Diprotodontia, in having a complicated folding pattern. Ilariids are thought to be the largest marsupials of their time in the Lake Eyre and Tarkarooloo basin.


  • Patricia Vickers-Rich and Thomas Hewett Rich 1993 Wildlife of Gondwana Reed Books, Chatswood, New South Wales ISBN 0-7301-0315-3 Reed.
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wikipedia EN

Ilariidae: Brief Summary ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

The Ilariidae is a family of fossil mammals. Most ilariids are found in the middle Tertiary faunal assemblages of South Australia. Ilaria illumidens is the best-preserved representative of this extinct clade of vombatiforms.

The species is found in the Namba Formation of Late Oligocene age, at Lake Pinpa, South Australia. The material consists of a partial cranium and mandibular fragments with most of the dentition, together with parts of the postcranial skeleton. The other species in this family are known from a few jaw fragments and intact molars attached; they are categorised in a separate family because their teeth structure is unique among Diprotodontia, in having a complicated folding pattern. Ilariids are thought to be the largest marsupials of their time in the Lake Eyre and Tarkarooloo basin.

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wikipedia EN

Ilariidae ( фински )

добавил wikipedia FI

Ilariidae on sukupuuttoon kuollut pussieläinten heimo, joka sisältää kaksi sukua, molemmat myöhäiseltä oligoseenilta. Parhaiten tunnettu suku on Ilaria, joka tunnetaan osittaisesta kallosta sekä postkraniaalisesta aineistosta. Suhteet muihin heimoihin ovat epävarmat.[1] Lajit olivat keskisuurista suurikokoisiin kasvinsyöjiä.[2]


  1. Long, John & Archer, Michael & Flannery, Timothy & Hand, Suzanne: Prehistoric Mammals of Australia and New Guinea: One Hundred Million Years of Evolution, s. 102. Sydney: UNSW Press, 2002. ISBN 9780801872235. Kirja Googlen teoshaussa (viitattu 30.9.2017). (englanniksi)
  2. Kemp, T. S.: The Origin and Evolution of Mammals, s. 215. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. ISBN 9780198507611. Teoksen verkkoversio (pdf) (viitattu 30.9.2017). (englanniksi)
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Ilariidae: Brief Summary ( фински )

добавил wikipedia FI

Ilariidae on sukupuuttoon kuollut pussieläinten heimo, joka sisältää kaksi sukua, molemmat myöhäiseltä oligoseenilta. Parhaiten tunnettu suku on Ilaria, joka tunnetaan osittaisesta kallosta sekä postkraniaalisesta aineistosta. Suhteet muihin heimoihin ovat epävarmat. Lajit olivat keskisuurista suurikokoisiin kasvinsyöjiä.

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Іларієві ( украински )

добавил wikipedia UK
  1. John A. Long, Michael Archer Prehistoric mammals of Australia and New Guinea: one hundred million years of evolution — UNSW Press, 2002, p.102
  2. Thomas Stainforth Kemp The origin and evolution of mammals — Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 215
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Автори та редактори Вікіпедії
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wikipedia UK

Іларієві: Brief Summary ( украински )

добавил wikipedia UK
John A. Long, Michael Archer Prehistoric mammals of Australia and New Guinea: one hundred million years of evolution — UNSW Press, 2002, p.102 Thomas Stainforth Kemp The origin and evolution of mammals — Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 215
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Автори та редактори Вікіпедії
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wikipedia UK