
Albanerpetòntids ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Els albanerpetòntids (Albanerpetontidae) són una família extinta de lissamfibis, l'única de l'ordre dels al·locaudats. És representada pels gèneres Albanerpeton, Anoualerpeton i Celtedens, i existí des del Juràssic mitjà fins al Pliocè.[2] S'han trobat restes fòssils d'aquesta família a Europa, Àfrica i Nord-amèrica.[3][4] Les relacions filogenètiques dels albanerpetòntids respecte a la resta de lissamfibis és incerta. Mentre que algunes anàlisis cladístiques situen aquesta família com un simple tàxon germà dels lissamfibis, d'altres l'acosten als anurs i caudats.


  1. Entrada «Albanerpetontidae» de la Paleobiology Database (en anglès).
  2. Márton Venczel, James D. Gerdner. (2004) The Geologically Youngest Alabnerpetontid Amphibian, from the Lower Pliocene of Hungary. Palaeontology.
  3. Gardner, J.D., Evans, S.E., and Sigogneau−Russell, D. (2003) New albanerpetontid amphibians from the Early Cretaceous of Morocco and Middle Jurassic of England. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 48 (2): 301–319.
  4. Delfino, M. and Sala, B. (2007) Late Pliocene Albanerpetontidae (Lissamphibia) from Italy. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 27(3):716–719


  • Gardner, J. D. (1999) The amphibian Albanerpeton arthridion and the Aptian-Albian biogeography of albanerpetonids. Palaeontology 42(3):529-544.
  • Gardner, J. D. (2002) Monophyly and intra-generic relationships of Albanerpeton (Lissamphibia: Albanerpetontidae). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology: Vol. 22, #1, pp. 12-22.
  • McGowan, G. & Evans, S. E. (1995) Albanerpetonid amphibians from the Cretaceous of Spain. Nature: Vol. 373, 12 January, pp. 143-145
  • Peng, J. Russell, A. P. & Brinkman, D. B. (2001) Vertebrate microsite assemblages (exclusive of mammals) from the Foremost and Oldman Formations of the Judith River Group (Campanian) of southeastern Alberta: an illustrated guide. Provincial Museum of Alberta, Natural History Occasional Paper 25:1-546

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Albanerpetòntids: Brief Summary ( каталонски; валенсиски )

добавил wikipedia CA

Els albanerpetòntids (Albanerpetontidae) són una família extinta de lissamfibis, l'única de l'ordre dels al·locaudats. És representada pels gèneres Albanerpeton, Anoualerpeton i Celtedens, i existí des del Juràssic mitjà fins al Pliocè. S'han trobat restes fòssils d'aquesta família a Europa, Àfrica i Nord-amèrica. Les relacions filogenètiques dels albanerpetòntids respecte a la resta de lissamfibis és incerta. Mentre que algunes anàlisis cladístiques situen aquesta família com un simple tàxon germà dels lissamfibis, d'altres l'acosten als anurs i caudats.

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Albanerpetontidae ( германски )

добавил wikipedia DE

Die Albanerpetontidae sind eine ausgestorbene Familie der modernen Amphibien (Lissamphibia). Fossilien dieser eher kleinwüchsigen Tiere sind vom Mitteljura bis zum Pliozän bekannt. Sie wurden in Nordamerika, Europa, Marokko und Usbekistan gefunden. Die Typusgattung ist Albanerpeton.


Formenvielfalt bei den Frontalia der Albanerpetontidae (jeweils in Ventralansicht; rostrales Ende ist oben; nicht maßstäblich): A) Anoualerpeton, B) Celtedens, C) Wesserpeton, D) Albanerpeton.

Die Vertreter der Albanerpetontidae besaßen einen lang gestreckten und biegsamen Körper und sahen wahrscheinlich den heutigen Salamandern recht ähnlich. Der Rumpf hat sehr kurze Rippen. Der Schwanz verjüngt sich nach hinten stark und die Gliedmaßen sind kräftig gebaut.[1] Als speziell diagnostisch für Albanerpetontiden gilt die Kombination aus den folgenden vier Merkmalen:

  • Die normalerweise paarigen Frontalia sind zu einem einzelnen, mehr oder weniger dreieckigen Element im interorbitalen Bereich des Schädeldaches verschmolzen (sogenanntes azygisches Frontale[2]), das einen mehr oder weniger deutlich abgesetzten rostralen Fortsatz, den Processus internasalis, aufweist.
  • Die beiden Unterkieferäste sind im Bereich der Symphyse (Intermandibulargelenk) fest miteinander verzahnt.
  • Die Zähne sind dreispitzig (tricuspid) und, im Gegensatz zum typischen Zustand bei modernen Amphibien, nicht pedicellat. Die Zahnbefestigung ist pleurodont.
  • Die ersten beiden Halswirbel bilden eine Art Atlas-Axis-Komplex, der oberflächlich dem der Säugetiere ähnelt.


Äußere Systematik und taxonomische Geschichte

Aufgrund seiner Ähnlichkeit mit einem Salamander wurde der erste Albanerpetontide im Jahr 1864 unter dem Namen Triton megacephalus (= Celtedens megacephalus) beschrieben.* Erst in den 1960er Jahren wurden die nächsten Exemplare von Albanerpetontiden bei Grabungen gefunden. Es handelte sich um isolierte Schädel- und Langknochen, die zusammen mit isolierten Wirbelknochen von „echten“ Salamandern eingebettet waren. Folglich wurde das gesamte Material als Überreste von Vertretern einer ausgestorbenen Linie der Salamander gedeutet und in eine eigene Familie der Schwanzlurche (Urodela bzw. Caudata), die Prosirenidae gestellt, so zunächst auch die 1976 aufgestellte Gattung Albanerpeton. Teile des Albanerpeton-Materials lagen allerdings artikuliert (im anatomischen Zusammenhang) vor, unter anderem auch Wirbel- und Schädelknochen. Infolgedessen konnte Anfang der 1980er Jahre zum einen die irrige Zuordnung der in den 60er Jahren gefundenen Schädel- und Langknochen korrigiert werden, die nunmehr als der Gattung Albanerpeton zugehörig erkannt wurden, und zum anderen wurde klar, dass es sich bei all diesen Knochen überhaupt nicht um Reste von Salamandern handelt, sondern um eine bis dahin unbekannte Entwicklungslinie der Lissamphibia, der nunmehr zudem auch „Tritonmegacephalus zugeordnet wurde. In der Konsequenz ist die Familie Albanerpetontidae errichtet worden, die man in eine eigene Ordnung, die Allocaudata, stellte, um sie von den Schwanzlurchen abzugrenzen. Der Einsatz kladistischer Methoden zu Ermittlung der Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse innerhalb der modernen Amphibien (Lissamphibia) ab dem Jahr 2000 ergab, dass die Albanerpetontidae entweder die Schwestergruppe der Batrachia, d. h. der gemeinsamen Klade aus Schwanzlurchen und Froschlurchen, sind oder aber die Schwestergruppe aller modernen Amphibien, einschließlich der Schleichenlurche:[3]


? Albanerpetontidae


? Albanerpetontidae




In jedem Fall werden Albanerpetontiden weiterhin als Vertreter der Lissamphibia betrachtet.

Innere Systematik

Lebendrekonstruktion von Albanerpeton

Aktuell (Stand 2015) werden bei den Albanerpetontiden vier Gattungen unterschieden:

Ferner als Albanerpetontiden beschrieben wurden 1981 Nukusurus und Bishara aus der Oberkreide von Usbekistan. Das Material, auf dem die Gattung Nukusurus errichtet wurde (Unterkieferäste), weist jedoch keine diagnostischen Merkmale auf, die es auf Gattungsebene von anderen Albanerpetontiden unterscheidbar machen, weshalb Nukusuurus sowie deren Arten N. insuetus und N. sodalis zu Nomina dubia erklärt wurden. Die Gattung Bishara hingegen wurde als Vertreter der modernen Salamander identifiziert.[4] Bislang nicht eindeutig geklärt ist die Stellung der 1969 beschriebenen Gattung Ramonellus aus der oberen Unterkreide von Israel. Sie ist einerseits mehrfach als enger Verwandter von Albanerpeton eingestuft worden, wird andererseits aber auch als „primitiver“ Vertreter der Urodela betrachtet.[5]


* Triton ist der alte Name der Salamandergattung Triturus, der traditionell u. a. die mitteleuropäischen Arten Kammmolch und Teichmolch angehören.


  • James D. Gardner, Madelaine Böhme: Review of the Albanerpetontidae (Lissamphibia), with Comments on the Paleoecological Preferences of European Tertiary Albanerpetontids. S. 178–218 in: Julia T. Sankey, Sven Baszio (Hrsg.): Vertebrate Microfossil Assemblages – Their Role in Paleoecology and Paleobiogeography. University of Indiana Press, Bloomington (IN) 2008, ISBN 978-0-253-34927-9


  1. Michael J. Benton: Paläontologie der Wirbeltiere. Übersetzung der 3. englischsprachigen Auflage (Übersetzer: Hans-Ulrich Pfretzschner). Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München 2007, ISBN 978-3-89937-072-0, S. 114
  2. Steven C. Sweetman, James D. Gardner: A new albanerpetontid amphibian from the Barremian (Early Cretaceous) Wessex Formation of the Isle of Wight, southern England. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. Bd. 58, Nr. 2, 2013, S. 295–324, doi:10.4202/app.2011.0109
  3. siehe diesbezüglich zitierte Literatur in Márton Venczel, James D. Gardner: The Geologically Youngest Albanerpetontid Amphibian, from the Lower Pliocene of Hungary. Palaeontology. Bd. 48, Nr. 6, 2005, S. 1273–1300, doi:10.1111/j.1475-4983.2005.00512.x (Open Access).
  4. James D. Gardner, Alexander O. Averianov: Albanerpetontid amphibians from the Upper Cretaceous of Middle Asia. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. Bd. 43, Nr. 3, 1998, S. 453–467 (online)
  5. James D. Gardner, Susan E. Evans, Denise Sigogneau-Russell: New albanerpetontid amphibians from the Early Cretaceous of Morocco and Middle Jurassic of England. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. Bd. 48, Nr. 2, 2003, S. 301–319 (online)
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Albanerpetontidae: Brief Summary ( германски )

добавил wikipedia DE

Die Albanerpetontidae sind eine ausgestorbene Familie der modernen Amphibien (Lissamphibia). Fossilien dieser eher kleinwüchsigen Tiere sind vom Mitteljura bis zum Pliozän bekannt. Sie wurden in Nordamerika, Europa, Marokko und Usbekistan gefunden. Die Typusgattung ist Albanerpeton.

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Albanerpetontidae ( англиски )

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The Albanerpetontidae are an extinct family of small amphibians, native to the Northern Hemisphere during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The only members of the order Allocaudata, they are thought to be allied with living amphibians belonging to Lissamphibia. Despite a superficially salamander-like bodyform, their anatomy is strongly divergent from modern amphibians in numerous aspects. The fossil record of albanerpetontids spans over 160 million years from the Middle Jurassic to the beginning of the Pleistocene, about 2.13–2 million years ago.

History of research

Holotype fossil of Celtedens megacephalus from Italy

The earliest specimen of an albanerpetontid to be discovered was that of Celtedens megacephalus from the Early Cretaceous (Albian) Pietraroja Plattenkalk of Italy, described by Oronzio Gabriele Costa in 1864, and originally placed in the genus Triton, a junior synonym of the salamander genus Triturus.[1] Jaw elements of albanerpetontids from the Cretaceous of North America were assigned to the salamander genus Prosiren by Richard Estes in 1969, erecting the family Prosirenidae to accommodate the genus.[2] Prosiren was originally described by Coleman J. Goin and Walter Auffenberg in 1958, based on vertebrae found in Cretaceous aged deposits in Texas.[3] Albanerpeton, the type genus of the family was first named by Estes and Robert Hoffstetter in 1976 for the species of A. inexpectatum described from a large number of jaws and frontal bones from a Miocene aged fissure fill deposit near Saint-Alban-de-Roche in France, and was initially classified as a salamander, and placed in the family Prosirenidae alongside Prosiren due to the morphological similarity with the jaw fragments attributed to Prosiren by Estes (1969).[4] Richard Fox and Bruce Naylor in 1982 realised that Albanerpeton was not a salamander, noting that the holotype vertebra of Prosiren was different to those of albanerpetontids, concluding that Albanerpeton was "well isolated from salamanders" and that it "seems no nearer phyletically to any other known amphibians, from Devonian to Recent" erecting the family Albanerpetontidae and the order Allocaudata to accommodate it.[5]


Bones of the only articulated Alberpetontid skull, Yaksha peretti, vomer not shown

Albanerpetontids were small (several cm to several tens of centimetres in length) and superficially lizard-like. The skin of albanerpetontids was embedded with bony, fish like scales. The morphology of the complete 3 dimensionally preserved skull of Yaksha peretti suggests that albanerpetontids had ballistic tongues akin to those of chameleons and plethodontid salamanders, as evidenced by the presence of an elongated rod shaped bone in the jaw cavity, dubbed the hyoid entoglossal process, which in life was embedded within the tongue. Analogous bones exists in chameleons and plethodontids, which allow rapid propulsion of the tongue.[6] A hyoid entoglossal process is also known from Celtedens megacephalus, suggesting that the presence of a ballistic tongue is characteristic for the group.[7][6] Distinguishing apomorphic traits characteristic of albanerpetontids include a complex mortise and tenon like joint connecting the dentary bones at the front of the jaw, teeth which are non-pedicellate and slightly tricuspid (bearing three cusps), the frontal bones of the skull display raised polygonal sculpturing, and three anterior cervical components form an 'atlasaxis' complex, similar to that of amniotes.[8]


The morphology of albanerpetontids suggests that they were sit-and-wait terrestrial predators and fed on invertebrates, similar to living plethodontids. The fact that the skull of the juvenile paratype of Yaksha was around 1/4 of the size of the adult suggests that albanerpetontids grew by direct development and did not have a metamorphic larval stage.[6] It has been suggested that albanerpetontids absorbed oxygen entirely through the skin via cutaneous respiration and lacked lungs like plethodontid salamanders, due to the length of the hyoid entoglossal process.[6] This proposal is supported by the internal vascularisation and lack of Sharpey's fibres in the frontal bones.[9]


The distribution of albanerpetontids is largely confined to Eurasia and North America, with remains also known from Morocco in North Africa.[10][11] The first albanerpetontids are known from the western Palearctic (Europe and North Africa) in the Middle Jurassic (Bathonian ~168–166 million years ago), with the first known remains from North America occurring in the latter half of the Early Cretaceous. The last known remains of albanerpetontids in North America are from the Paskapoo Formation in Canada, dating to the Paleocene. All other Cenozoic members of the family, belonging to the genus Albanerpeton, are known from Europe and Western Asia, from the Oligocene onwards, after an unexplained hiatus in the Eocene, until their final appearance in Italy during the Early Pleistocene, around 2 million years ago.[11]


Albanerpetontids were long thought to be salamanders because of their small size and generalized body plans.[12] However, these features are now thought to be ancestral for lissamphibians and not indicative of close relationships between the two groups.[13] Albanerpetontids share with living lissamphibians an atlanto-occipital joint with two cotyles, a four fingered forelimb (manus), ectochordal (spoon shaped with open centra) vertebrae with cylindrical centra, ribs that do not encircle the body, and a salamander-like quadratesquamosal articulation, but are distinguished from the three living groups of lissamphibians by their possession of keratinized claw sheaths and their retention of skull bones lost in other lissamphibians, including epipterygoids, supraoccipitals and large palatines, as well as the absence of pedicellate teeth or a wide parasphenoid cultriform process.[6] Albanerpetontids are now recognized as a distinct clade of lissamphibians separate from the three living orders of amphibians – Anura (frogs), Caudata (salamanders), and Gymnophiona (caecilians). Most studies show them as more closely related to frogs and salamanders than to caecilians,[14] but bootstrap and Bayesian analyses show that this result is not robust and that they could also be sister-group of the Lissamphibia.[15] The presence of epipterygoids and a separate supraoccipital at least argues against a position within Batrachia.[8] A phylogenetic analysis in 2020 among lissamphibian relationships using multiple methods found no consensus for the position of Albanerpetontidae in relation to other lissamphibians, but they were always placed closer to lissamphibians than to other extinct groups of amphibians, such as lepospondyls and temnospondyls.[6]


  • Genus Shirerpeton Matsumoto & Evans, 2018[8]
  • Genus Wesserpeton Sweetman & Gardner 2013
    • Wesserpeton evansae Sweetman & Gardner 2013 Early Cretaceous, United Kingdom
  • Genus Anoualerpeton Gardner, Evans & Sigogneau-Russell 2003
    • Anoualerpeton priscus Gardner, Evans & Sigogneau-Russell 2003 Middle Jurassic, United Kingdom
    • Anoualerpeton unicus Gardner, Evans & Sigogneau-Russell 2003 Late Jurassic, Morocco
  • Genus Celtedens McGowan & Evans 1995 Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, Europe
    • Celtedens megacephalus (Costa 1864) Early Cretaceous, Italy, United Kingdom
    • Celtedens ibericus McGowan & Evans 1995 Early Cretaceous, Spain
  • Genus Albanerpeton Estes & Hoffstetter 1976
    • Albanerpeton arthridion Fox & Naylor 1982 Early Cretaceous, United States
    • Clade "Gracile-snouted"
      • Albanerpeton gracilis Gardner 2000 Late Cretaceous, North America
      • Albanerpeton cifellii Gardner 1999 Late Cretaceous, United States
      • Albanerpeton galaktion Fox & Naylor 1982 Late Cretaceous, North America
    • Clade "Robust-snouted"
      • Albanerpeton nexuosus Estes 1981 Late Cretaceous, North America
      • Albanerpeton pannonicus Venczel & Gardner 2005 latest Miocene-Early Pleistocene Hungary, Italy
      • Albanerpeton inexpectatum Estes & Hoffstetter 1976 Early Oligocene- Late Miocene, Europe
  • Genus Yaksha Daza et al, 2020
    • Yaksha perettii Daza et al, 2020 Late Cretaceous, Myanmar
  • Fragmentary remains of albanerpetontids are also known from the Bathonian aged Anoual Formation of Morocco,[16] The Bathonian aged Aveyron locality of France,[8][17] the Tithonian aged Chassiron locality of France,[18] the Berriasian aged Cherves-de-Cognac locality and Angeac-Charente bonebed of France,[19] Cenomanian-Turonian Khodzhakul and Bissekty Formations of Uzbekistan, originally assigned to the dubious genus Nukusaurus[20] and the Santonian aged Csehbánya Formation of Hungary.[21]


From Daza et al 2020.[6]



Uña taxon


Albanerpeton arthridion

Albanerpeton gracilis + Albanerpeton galaktion

Albanerpeton cifellii



Albanerpeton nexuosum

Albanerpeton pannonicum

Paskapoo sp

Albanerpeton inexpectatum


  1. ^ O. G. Costa. 1864. Paleontologia del Regno di Napoli. Parte III [Paleontology of the Kingdom of Naples. Part III]. Atti dell'Accademia Pontaniana 8:1–192
  2. ^ Estes, R. (October 1969). "Prosirenidae, a New Family of Fossil Salamanders". Nature. 224 (5214): 87–88. Bibcode:1969Natur.224...87E. doi:10.1038/224087a0. ISSN 0028-0836. S2CID 4165755.
  3. ^ Goin, Coleman J. (1958). New salamanders of the family Sirenidae from the Cretaceous of North America. Chicago Natural History Museum. OCLC 670082421.
  4. ^ R. Estes and R. Hoffstetter. 1976. Les urodèles du Miocène de La Grive-Saint-Alban (Isère, France) [The urodeles from the Miocene of La Grive-Saint-Alban (Isère, France)]. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Sciences de la Terre 57:297–343
  5. ^ Fox, Richard C.; Naylor, Bruce G. (1982-01-01). "A reconsideration of the relationships of the fossil amphibian Albanerpeton". Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 19 (1): 118–128. Bibcode:1982CaJES..19..118F. doi:10.1139/e82-009. ISSN 0008-4077.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g Daza, Juan D.; Stanley, Edward L.; Bolet, Arnau; Bauer, Aaron M.; Arias, J. Salvador; Čerňanský, Andrej; Bevitt, Joseph J.; Wagner, Philipp; Evans, Susan E. (2020-11-06). "Enigmatic amphibians in mid-Cretaceous amber were chameleon-like ballistic feeders". Science. 370 (6517): 687–691. Bibcode:2020Sci...370..687D. doi:10.1126/science.abb6005. ISSN 0036-8075. PMID 33154135. S2CID 226254862.
  7. ^ McGowan, Gerard J. (May 2002). "Albanerpetontid amphibians from the Lower Cretaceous of Spain and Italy: a description and reconsideration of their systematics". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 135 (1): 1–32. doi:10.1046/j.1096-3642.2002.00013.x. ISSN 1096-3642.
  8. ^ a b c d Matsumoto, Ryoko; Evans, Susan E. (2018). "The first record of albanerpetontid amphibians (Amphibia: Albanerpetontidae) from East Asia". PLOS ONE. 13 (1): e0189767. Bibcode:2018PLoSO..1389767M. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0189767. PMC 5752013. PMID 29298317.
  9. ^ Skutschas, Pavel P.; Kolchanov, Veniamin V.; Gardner, James D. (2021-02-02). "Microanatomy and histology of frontal bones in two species of Albanerpeton sensu lato (Lissamphibia: Albanerpetontidae) from the Upper Cretaceous Oldman Formation in southeastern Alberta, Canada". Historical Biology: 1–13. doi:10.1080/08912963.2021.1881084. ISSN 0891-2963.
  10. ^ Gardner, J.D.; Böhme, M. (2008). Sankey, J.T.; Baszio, S. (eds.). Vertebrate Microfossil Assemblages: Their Role in Paleoecology and Paleobiogeography (PDF). Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. pp. 178–218. Retrieved 9 January 2012.
  11. ^ a b Villa, Andrea; Blain, Hugues-Alexandre; Delfino, Massimo (2018). "The Early Pleistocene herpetofauna of Rivoli Veronese (Northern Italy) as evidence for humid and forested glacial phases in the Gelasian of Southern Alps". Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 490: 393–403. Bibcode:2018PPP...490..393V. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2017.11.016. hdl:2318/1652046. ISSN 0031-0182.
  12. ^ Duellman, W.E. & Trueb, L. (1994): Biology of amphibians. The Johns Hopkins University Press
  13. ^ Wesserpeton evansae: making 'albanerpetontid' a household name
  14. ^ Gardner, J. D. (2001). "Monophyly and affinities of albanerpetontid amphibians (Temnospondyli; Lissamphibia)". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 131 (3): 309–352. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2001.tb02240.x.
  15. ^ Marjanović, David; Laurin, Michel (2019). "Phylogeny of Paleozoic limbed vertebrates reassessed through revision and expansion of the largest published relevant data matrix". PeerJ. 6 (e5565): e5565. doi:10.7717/peerj.5565. PMC 6322490. PMID 30631641.
  16. ^ Haddoumi, Hamid; Allain, Ronan; Meslouh, Said; Metais, Grégoire; Monbaron, Michel; Pons, Denise; Rage, Jean-Claude; Vullo, Romain; Zouhri, Samir (January 2016). "Guelb el Ahmar (Bathonian, Anoual Syncline, eastern Morocco): First continental flora and fauna including mammals from the Middle Jurassic of Africa" (PDF). Gondwana Research. 29 (1): 290–319. Bibcode:2016GondR..29..290H. doi:10.1016/j.gr.2014.12.004. ISSN 1342-937X.
  17. ^ Seiffert J. Urodelan atlas aus dem obersten Bajocien von S.E. Aveyron (Südfrankreich). Palaontol Z. 1969;43:32–6.
  18. ^ Vullo, Romain; Abit, Dominique; Ballèvre, Michel; Billon-Bruyat, Jean-Paul; Bourgeais, Renaud; Buffetaut, Éric; Daviero-Gomez, Véronique; Garcia, Géraldine; Gomez, Bernard; Mazin, Jean-Michel; Morel, Séverin (July 2014). "Palaeontology of the Purbeck-type (Tithonian, Late Jurassic) bonebeds of Chassiron (Oléron Island, western France)". Comptes Rendus Palevol. 13 (5): 421–441. doi:10.1016/j.crpv.2014.03.003.
  19. ^ Ronan Allain, Romain Vullo, Lee Rozada, Jérémy Anquetin, Renaud Bourgeais, et al.. Vertebrate paleobiodiversity of the Early Cretaceous (Berriasian) Angeac-Charente Lagerstätte (southwestern France): implications for continental faunal turnover at the J/K boundary. Geodiversitas, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle Paris, In press. ffhal-03264773f
  20. ^ Skutschas, Pavel P. (2013). "Mesozoic salamanders and albanerpetontids of Middle Asia, Kazakhstan, and Siberia". Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments. 93 (4): 441–457. doi:10.1007/s12549-013-0126-8. S2CID 140159226.
  21. ^ Szentesi, Zoltán; Gardner, James D.; Venczel, Márton (March 2013). Sues, Hans (ed.). "Albanerpetontid amphibians from the Late Cretaceous (Santonian) of Iharkút, Hungary, with remarks on regional differences in Late Cretaceous Laurasian amphibian assemblages". Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 50 (3): 268–281. Bibcode:2013CaJES..50..268S. doi:10.1139/e2012-024. ISSN 0008-4077.

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Albanerpetontidae: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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The Albanerpetontidae are an extinct family of small amphibians, native to the Northern Hemisphere during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The only members of the order Allocaudata, they are thought to be allied with living amphibians belonging to Lissamphibia. Despite a superficially salamander-like bodyform, their anatomy is strongly divergent from modern amphibians in numerous aspects. The fossil record of albanerpetontids spans over 160 million years from the Middle Jurassic to the beginning of the Pleistocene, about 2.13–2 million years ago.

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Albanerpetontedoj ( есперанто )

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Supozita rekonstruaĵo de Albanerpeton

Albanerpetontedoj, aŭ laŭ la latina scienca nomo, Albanerpetontidae estas formortinta familio de supraĵe salamandrecaj lisamfibioj. Albanerpetontedoj inkludas kvar genrojn – nome Albanerpeton, Anoualerpeton, Celtedens, kaj Wesserpeton – kaj inter 10 kaj 20 konataj specioj, vivintaj antaŭ ĉirkaŭ 160 milionoj da jaroj el periodo Batonia de la meza Ĵurasio al la fino de la Plioceno, antaŭ ĉirkaŭ 2.5 milionoj da jaroj.[1] Albanerpetontedoj estis dumlonge konsiderataj salamandroj pro sia malgrando kaj ĝeneralaj korpoplanoj.[2] Tamen, tiuj trajtoj nun estas konsiderataj praaj por lisamfibioj kaj ne indikaj de proksimaj rilatoj inter ambaŭ grupoj. Unu el la trajtoj kiuj faras ilin diferencaj el salamandroj estas ke ties haŭto estis kovrita per ostecaj skvamoj.[3] Albanerpetontedoj estas nuntempe agnoskitaj kiel distinga klado de lisamfibioj separata el la tri vivantaj ordoj de amfibioj – nome Anura (ranoj), Caudata (salamandroj), kaj Gymnophiona (senkruruloj). Oni pensas ke ili estas pli proksime rilataj al ranoj kaj al salamandroj ol al senkruruloj.[4]


  1. Gardner, J.D.. (2008) Sankey, J.T.: Vertebrate Microfossil Assemblages: Their Role in Paleoecology and Paleobiogeography.. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, p. 178–218.
  2. Duellman, W.E. & Trueb, L. (1994): Biology of amphibians. The Johns Hopkins University Press
  3. Wesserpeton evansae: making 'albanerpetontid' a household name
  4. (2001) “Monophyly and affinities of albanerpetontid amphibians (Temnospondyli; Lissamphibia)”, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 131 (3), p. 309–352. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2001.tb02240.x.

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Albanerpetontedoj: Brief Summary ( есперанто )

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 src= Supozita rekonstruaĵo de Albanerpeton

Albanerpetontedoj, aŭ laŭ la latina scienca nomo, Albanerpetontidae estas formortinta familio de supraĵe salamandrecaj lisamfibioj. Albanerpetontedoj inkludas kvar genrojn – nome Albanerpeton, Anoualerpeton, Celtedens, kaj Wesserpeton – kaj inter 10 kaj 20 konataj specioj, vivintaj antaŭ ĉirkaŭ 160 milionoj da jaroj el periodo Batonia de la meza Ĵurasio al la fino de la Plioceno, antaŭ ĉirkaŭ 2.5 milionoj da jaroj. Albanerpetontedoj estis dumlonge konsiderataj salamandroj pro sia malgrando kaj ĝeneralaj korpoplanoj. Tamen, tiuj trajtoj nun estas konsiderataj praaj por lisamfibioj kaj ne indikaj de proksimaj rilatoj inter ambaŭ grupoj. Unu el la trajtoj kiuj faras ilin diferencaj el salamandroj estas ke ties haŭto estis kovrita per ostecaj skvamoj. Albanerpetontedoj estas nuntempe agnoskitaj kiel distinga klado de lisamfibioj separata el la tri vivantaj ordoj de amfibioj – nome Anura (ranoj), Caudata (salamandroj), kaj Gymnophiona (senkruruloj). Oni pensas ke ili estas pli proksime rilataj al ranoj kaj al salamandroj ol al senkruruloj.

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Albanerpetontidae ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Albanerpetontidae es un clado extinto de lisanfibios representado por los géneros Albanerpeton, Anoualerpeton, Celtedens y Wesserpeton, los cuales vivieron desde el Jurásico Medio hasta el Plioceno.[2]​ Los restos fósiles de esta familia han sido descubiertos en Europa, África y Norteamérica.[3][4]​ Durante el Cretácico tardío en Norteamérica, además de los registros de la familia Albanerpetontidae, existen diversos registros de familias de salamandras, teniendo representados los siguientes grupos: sirénidos (Habrosaurus); anfiúmidos (Proamphiuma); proteidos (Paranecturus); batrachosauroideos (Opisthotriton, Parrisia y Prodesmodon) y scapherpetóntidos (Scapherpeton, Lisserpeton y Piceoerpeton).[5]​ Las relaciones filogenéticas de Albanerpetontidae con respecto al resto de los lisanfibios es incierta. Mientras unos análisis cladísticos ubican a esta familia como un taxón hermano de Lissamphibia, otros la agrupan más cercana a los anuros y caudados.


  1. Steven C. Sweetman y James D. Gardner (2011). «A new albanerpetontid amphibian from the Early Cretaceous (Barremian) Wessex Formation of the Isle of Wight, southern England». Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. in press. doi:10.4202/app.2011.0109. Archivado desde el original el 5 de abril de 2012.
  2. Venczel, M. & Gardner, J. D. (2004) The Geologically Youngest Alabnerpetontid Amphibian, from the Lower Pliocene of Hungary. Palaeontology 48(6):1273-1300.
  3. Gardner, J. D. et al. (2003) New albanerpetontid amphibians from the Early Cretaceous of Morocco and Middle Jurassic of England. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 48 (2): 301–319.
  4. Delfino, M. & Sala, B. (2007) Late Pliocene Albanerpetontidae (Lissamphibia) from Italy. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 27(3):716–719
  5. Romo de Vivar Martínez, P. R., Montellano Ballesteros, M, García Alcántara, D., (2016). «Primer registro de la Familia Albanerpetontidae (Lissamphibia) en la formación El Gallo (Campaniano, Cretácico Superior), Baja California, México». Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, V. 68, No. 3, 571-580. Consultado el 15-01,2017.


  • Gardner, J. D. & Averiano, A. O. (1998) Albanerpetontid amphibians from Middle Asia. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 43:453–467.
  • Gardner, J. D. (1999a) Redescription of the geologically youngest albanerpetontid (?Lissamphibia): Albanerpeton inexpectatum Estes and Hoffstetter, 1976, from the middle Miocene of France. Annales de Paléontologie 85:57–84.
  • Gardner, J. D. (1999b) The amphibian Albanerpeton arthridion and the Aptian–Albian biogeography of albanerpetontids. Palaeontology 42:529–544.
  • Gardner, J. D. (1999c) New albanerpetontid amphibians from the Albian to Coniacian of Utah, USA—bridging the gap. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 19:632–638.
  • Gardner, J. D. (2000a) Revised taxonomy of albanerpetontid amphibians. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 45:55–70.
  • Gardner, J. D. (2000b) Albanerpetontid amphibians from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian and Maastrichtian) of North America. Geodiversitas 22:349–388.
  • Gardner, J. D. (2000c) Comments on the anterior region of the skull in the Albanerpetontidae (Temnospondyli; Lissamphibia). Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte 1–14.
  • Gardner, J. D. (2001) Monophyly and affinities of albanerpetontid amphibians (Temnospondyli; Lissamphibia) . Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 131:309–352.
  • Gardner, J. D. (2002) Monophyly and intra-generic relationships of Albanerpeton (Lissamphibia: Albanerpetontidae). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology: Vol. 22, #1, pp. 12-22.
  • McGowan, G. & Evans, S. E. (1995) Albanerpetonid amphibians from the Cretaceous of Spain. Nature 373:143-145.
  • McGowan, G. J. (1996) Albanerpetontid amphibians from the Jurassic (Bathonian) of southern England; pp. 227–234 in M. Morales (ed.), The Continental Jurassic. Bulletin of the Museum of Northern Arizona 60:1–588. McGowan, G. J. 1998. Frontals as diagnostic indicators in fossil albanerpetontid amphibians. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Series C (Geology and Paleontology) 24:185–194.
  • McGowan, G. J. & Ensom, P. C. (1997) Albanerpetontid amphibians from the Lower Cretaceous of the Isle of Purbeck, Dorset. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society 118:113–117.
  • McGowan, G. J. (2002) Albanerpetontid amphibians from the Lower Cretaceous of Spain and Italy: a description and reconsideration of their systematics . Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 135:1–32.
  • Peng, J. et al. (2001) Vertebrate microsite assemblages (exclusive of mammals) from the Foremost and Oldman Formations of the Judith River Group (Campanian) of southeastern Alberta: an illustrated guide. Provincial Museum of Alberta, Natural History Occasional Paper 25:1-546

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Albanerpetontidae: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Albanerpetontidae es un clado extinto de lisanfibios representado por los géneros Albanerpeton, Anoualerpeton, Celtedens y Wesserpeton, los cuales vivieron desde el Jurásico Medio hasta el Plioceno.​ Los restos fósiles de esta familia han sido descubiertos en Europa, África y Norteamérica.​​ Durante el Cretácico tardío en Norteamérica, además de los registros de la familia Albanerpetontidae, existen diversos registros de familias de salamandras, teniendo representados los siguientes grupos: sirénidos (Habrosaurus); anfiúmidos (Proamphiuma); proteidos (Paranecturus); batrachosauroideos (Opisthotriton, Parrisia y Prodesmodon) y scapherpetóntidos (Scapherpeton, Lisserpeton y Piceoerpeton).​ Las relaciones filogenéticas de Albanerpetontidae con respecto al resto de los lisanfibios es incierta. Mientras unos análisis cladísticos ubican a esta familia como un taxón hermano de Lissamphibia, otros la agrupan más cercana a los anuros y caudados.

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Albanerpetontidae ( француски )

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Les Albanerpétontidés (Albanerpetontidae) sont une famille éteinte d'amphibiens préhistoriques ressemblant superficiellement aux salamandres (Caudata). Ils ont vécu environ 160 millions d'années depuis le Jurassique moyen (étage Bathonien) jusqu'au début du Pléistocène, il y a environ 2,13 à 2 millions d'années[2],[3], en Amérique du Nord, en Europe, en Asie, et plus rarement en Afrique du Nord.

Distribution géographique

Il a longtemps été admis que les Albanerpetontidae étaient apparus en Amérique du Nord à la fin du Crétacé inférieur, puis qu'ils avaient migré en Asie de l'Est en empruntant le pont terrestre de Béringie, existant à la fin de l'Albien - début du Cénomanien[4]. Cependant en 2018 une étude de Matsumoto décrit des spécimens d'Albanerpétontidés du Crétacé inférieur au Japon antérieurs aux premiers enregistrements fossiles en Amérique du Nord[4].

Les Albanerpetontidae sont principalement laurasiens, toutefois des spécimens ont été trouvés au Maroc datant du Jurassique moyen (Bathonien) et du Crétacé inférieur (Berriasien)[4]. C'est en Europe que l'on trouve les fossiles d'Albanerpétontidés sur la période la plus longue : en France et en Angleterre à l'époque du Jurassique moyen (Bathonien), en Hongrie et en Italie au Pliocène[4]. En Amérique du Nord, les enregistrements fossiles datent de l'Aptien supérieur ou de l'Albien inférieur jusqu'au Paléocène supérieur[4].


Relations avec d'autres groupes

Les scientifiques se sont demandé par le passé si les Albanerpetontidae devaient être assimilés aux salamandres, et répondent aujourd'hui par la négative. Une autre question, toujours non résolue, est celle de leur appartenance ou non aux Batrachia, clade d'amphibiens qui comprend des grenouilles et des salamandres, mais qui n'inclut ni les céciliens ni les allocaudates récemment disparus.

Les Albanerpétontidés ont longtemps été considérés comme des salamandres en raison de leur petite taille (un peu moins de 100 mm) et de leur plan anatomique (incluant une queue et deux paires de membres similaires)[5] . Cependant, ces caractéristiques sont maintenant considérées comme ancestrales chez les Lissamphibiens et comme insuffisantes pour indiquer des relations étroites entre les deux groupes. Un des traits qui les différencie des salamandres est leur peau incrustée d'écailles semblables à celles des poissons (les salamandres n'ont pas d'écailles)[6].

Selon les analyses phylogénétiques les plus récentes (Matsumuto 2018) les Albanerpétontidés sont liés au groupe-couronne des Lissamphibiens[4].

Les Albanerpétontidés sont maintenant reconnus comme un clade distinct de Lissamphibiens, séparé des trois ordres actuels des amphibiens - Anura (grenouilles), Caudata (salamandres) et Gymnophiona (céciliens). Certaines études montrent qu'ils sont plus étroitement liés aux grenouilles et aux salamandres qu'aux céciliens [7] tandis que d'autres les montrent comme étant en dehors du groupe des Lissamphibiens[8]. La présence d'épipterygoides et d'un os supraoccipital séparé plaiderait contre une position à l'intérieur des Batrachia[4] (clade d'amphibiens qui comprend des grenouilles et des salamandres , mais ni les céciliens ni les allocaudates récemment disparus).

Genres et espèces

Les Albanerpétontidés comprennent six genres connus — Albanerpeton, Anoualerpeton, Celtedens, Shirerpeton, Wesserpeton et Yaksha — et une quinzaine d'espèces. Pour les cinq premiers genres, la liste ci-dessous est établie à partir du site Paleofile.com et de celui de Mikko Haramo[9].

  • Shirerpeton (en) Matsumoto & Evans, 2018 [10]
    • S. isajii Matsumoto & Evans, 2018
  • Wesserpeton (en) Sweetman & Gardner 2013
    • W. evansae Sweetman & Gardner 2013
  • Anoualerpeton (en) Gardner, Evans et Sigogneau-Russell 2003
    • A. priscus Gardner, Evans & Sigogneau-Russell 2003
    • A. unicus Gardner, Evans & Sigogneau-Russell 2003
  • Celtedens (en) McGowan & Evans 1995
    • C. megacephalus (Costa 1864)
    • C. ibericus McGowan & Evans 1995
  • Albanerpeton (en) Estes & Hoffstetter 1976
    • A. arthridion Fox & Naylor 1982
    • Clade à museau gracile
      • A. gracilis Gardner 2000
      • A. cifellii Gardner 1999
      • A. galaktion Fox & Naylor 1982
    • Clade à museau robuste
      • A. nexuosus Estes 1981
      • A. pannonicus Venczel & Gardner 2005
      • A. inexpectatum Estes & Hoffstetter 1976
  • Yaksha


  1. J. Alan, Holman, Fossil Salamanders of North America, p.181
  2. Gardner, J.D. et Böhme, M., Vertebrate Microfossil Assemblages: Their Role in Paleoecology and Paleobiogeography., Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 2008, 178–218 p. (lire en ligne)
  3. Villa, Blain et Delfino, « The Early Pleistocene herpetofauna of Rivoli Veronese (Northern Italy) as evidence for humid and forested glacial phases in the Gelasian of Southern Alps », Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, vol. 490,‎ 2018, p. 393–403 (ISSN , DOI )
  4. a b c d e f et g Ryoko Matsumoto; Susan E. Evans (2018). "The first record of albanerpetontid amphibians (Amphibia: Albanerpetontidae) from East Asia". PLoS ONE. 13 (1): e0189767. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0189767. PMC 5752013. PMID 29298317.
  5. Duellman, W.E. & Trueb, L. (1994): Biology of amphibians. The Johns Hopkins University Press
  6. Wesserpeton evansae: making 'albanerpetontid' a household name
  7. Gardner, « Monophyly and affinities of albanerpetontid amphibians (Temnospondyli; Lissamphibia) », Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, vol. 131, no 3,‎ 2001, p. 309–352 (DOI )
  8. David Marjanović and Michel Laurin, Reevaluation of the largest published morphological data matrix for phylogenetic analysis of Paleozoic limbed vertebrates, Article · December 2015 DOI: 10.7287/peerj.preprints.1596v1
  9. Mikko's Phylogeny Archive Haaramo, « †Allocaudata – albanerpentonids », 2007 (consulté le 30 décembre 2015)
  10. Ryoko Matsumoto et Susan E. Evans, « The first record of albanerpetontid amphibians (Amphibia: Albanerpetontidae) from East Asia », PLoS ONE, vol. 13, no 1,‎ 2018, e0189767 (PMID , PMCID , DOI )

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Albanerpetontidae: Brief Summary ( француски )

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Les Albanerpétontidés (Albanerpetontidae) sont une famille éteinte d'amphibiens préhistoriques ressemblant superficiellement aux salamandres (Caudata). Ils ont vécu environ 160 millions d'années depuis le Jurassique moyen (étage Bathonien) jusqu'au début du Pléistocène, il y a environ 2,13 à 2 millions d'années,, en Amérique du Nord, en Europe, en Asie, et plus rarement en Afrique du Nord.

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Albanerpetontidae ( италијански )

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Gli albanerpetontidi (Albanerpetontidae Fox and Naylor, 1982) sono una famiglia di anfibi estinti, forse imparentati con gli anfibi attuali (Lissamphibia). Vissero tra il Giurassico medio (Bathoniano, circa 167,7 milioni di anni fa) e il Pliocene superiore (Piacenziano, circa 2,6 milioni di anni fa) e i loro resti fossili si rinvengono in Laurasia e in Nordafrica.[1]


Di aspetto simile a quello delle salamandre, gli albanerpetontidi non possono essere però considerati stretti parenti di queste ultime a causa di numerose caratteristiche scheletriche che hanno portato i paleontologi a considerare questa famiglia come un taxon ben distinto. La classificazione degli albanerpetontidi non è chiara: alcuni li considerano il sister group di tutti i restanti lissanfibi (apodi, urodeli e anuri), mentre altri li ritengono vicini all'antenato comune di urodeli e anuri.


Si conoscono quattro generi di albanerpetontidi: Albanerpeton (Cretaceo inferiore – Pliocene superiore) di Europa e Nordamerica, con sette specie; Celtedens (Giurassico superiore – Cretaceo inferiore) dell'Europa, con due specie; Anoualerpeton (Giurassico medio – Cretaceo inferiore), di Europa e Nordafrica, con due specie; Wesserpeton (Cretaceo inferiore), dell'Inghilterra, con una sola specie.


Albanerpetontidae Fox & Naylor, 1982 |--o †Anoualerpeton Gardner, Evans & Sigogneau-Russell, 2003; M. Jur. WEu. E. Cret. NWAf. | |-- †A. priscus Gardner, Evans & Sigogneau-Russell, 2003; M. Jur. WEu. | `-- †A. unicus Gardner, Evans & Sigogneau-Russell, 2003; E. Cret. NWAf. `--+--o †Celtedens McGowan & Evans, 1995 U. Jur. L. Cret. WEu. | |-- †C. megacephalus (Costa, 1864) | `-- †C. ibericus McGowan & Evans, 1995 `--+--o †Wesserpeton evansae Sweetman & Gardner, 2011; L. Cret. WEu. `--o †Albanerpeton Estes & Hoffstetter, 1976 |?- †A. sp. [Hateg Basin, Romania] [Folie & Codrea, 2005] |-- †A. arthridion Fox & Naylor, 1982; U.Cret. NAm. `--+--+-- †A. gracilis Gardner, 2000; U.Cret. NAm. | |-- †A. cifellii Gardner, 1999; U.Cret. NAm. | `-- †A. galaktion Fox & Naylor, 1982; U.Cret. NAm. `--+-- †A. nexuosus Estes, 1981; U.Cret. NAm. `--+-- †A. pannonicus Venczel & Gardner, 2005; L.Plioc. CEu. `--+-- †A. sp. [U. Palaoc. Alberta, Paskapoo fr.] `-- †A. inexpectatum Estes & Hoffstetter, 1976; L.-M.Mio. WEu. 
Fossile di Celtedens megacephalus proveniente dal giacimento di Pietraroja


  1. ^ (EN) †family Albanerpetontidae Fox and Naylor 1982 (tetrapod), in Fossilworks. URL consultato il 26 giugno 2014.


  • (EN) Delfino, M. and Sala, B., Late Pliocene Albanerpetontidae (Lissamphibia) from Italy, in Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, vol. 27, n. 3, 2007, pp. 716–719.
  • (EN) Fox, R. C. and Naylor, B. G., A reconsideration of the relationships of the fossil amphibian Albanerpeton , in Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 19, 1982, pp. 118-128.

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Albanerpetontidae: Brief Summary ( италијански )

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Gli albanerpetontidi (Albanerpetontidae Fox and Naylor, 1982) sono una famiglia di anfibi estinti, forse imparentati con gli anfibi attuali (Lissamphibia). Vissero tra il Giurassico medio (Bathoniano, circa 167,7 milioni di anni fa) e il Pliocene superiore (Piacenziano, circa 2,6 milioni di anni fa) e i loro resti fossili si rinvengono in Laurasia e in Nordafrica.

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Albanerpetontidae ( полски )

добавил wikipedia POL
Albanerpetontidae Fox & Naylor, 1982 Okres istnienia: batonpliocen
Albanerpeton Systematyka Domena eukarionty Królestwo zwierzęta Typ strunowce Podtyp kręgowce Gromada płazy Rodzina Albanerpetontidae Rodzaje

Albanerpetontidaewymarła rodzina przypominających z wyglądu ogoniaste płazów z grupy Lissamphibia. Zaliczają się doń 4 rodzaje: Albanerpeton, Anoualerpeton, Celtedens i Wesserpeton, do których należy od 10 do 20 znanych gatunków, żyjących od batonu (jura środkowa) 160 milionów lat temu do końca pliocenu[1]. Albanerpetontidae długo uważano za ogoniaste, które przypominały niewielkimi rozmiarami i generalnym planem budowy ciała[2]. Jednakże te cechy uważa się obecnie za pierwotne, należące do przodków grupy Lissamphibia, nie świadczą wobec tego o pokrewieństwie pomiędzy dwoma grupami wśród Lissamphibia. Obecnie uważa się je za odrębny klad wśród Lissamphibia, niezależny od 3 żyjących obecnie linii: bezogonowych, ogoniastych i beznogich. Sądzi się, że są bliżej spokrewnione z ogoniastymi i bezogonowymi, niż z beznogimi[3].


  1. Gardner, J.D.: Review of the Albanerpetontidae (Lissamphibia), with comments on the paleoecological preferences of European Tertiary albanerpetontids. W: Sankey, J.T. & Baszio, S., Böhme, M.: Vertebrate Microfossil Assemblages: Their Role in Paleoecology and Paleobiogeography.. Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2008, s. 178–218. (ang.)
  2. Duellman, W.E. & Trueb, L. (1994): Biology of amphibians. The Johns Hopkins University Press
  3. J. D. Gardner. Monophyly and affinities of albanerpetontid amphibians (Temnospondyli; Lissamphibia). „Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society”. 131 (3), s. 309–352, 2001. DOI: 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2001.tb02240.x (ang.).
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Albanerpetontidae: Brief Summary ( полски )

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Albanerpetontidae – wymarła rodzina przypominających z wyglądu ogoniaste płazów z grupy Lissamphibia. Zaliczają się doń 4 rodzaje: Albanerpeton, Anoualerpeton, Celtedens i Wesserpeton, do których należy od 10 do 20 znanych gatunków, żyjących od batonu (jura środkowa) 160 milionów lat temu do końca pliocenu. Albanerpetontidae długo uważano za ogoniaste, które przypominały niewielkimi rozmiarami i generalnym planem budowy ciała. Jednakże te cechy uważa się obecnie za pierwotne, należące do przodków grupy Lissamphibia, nie świadczą wobec tego o pokrewieństwie pomiędzy dwoma grupami wśród Lissamphibia. Obecnie uważa się je za odrębny klad wśród Lissamphibia, niezależny od 3 żyjących obecnie linii: bezogonowych, ogoniastych i beznogich. Sądzi się, że są bliżej spokrewnione z ogoniastymi i bezogonowymi, niż z beznogimi.

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Albanerpetontidae ( португалски )

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Albanerpetontidae é uma família extinta de lissanfíbios superficialmente semelhantes a salamandras. Inclui quatro géneros – Albanerpeton, Anoualerpeton, Celtedens, and Wesserpeton – e entre 10 a 20 espécies conhecidas, abarcando um período de cerca de 160 milhões de anos desde o Bathoniano do Jurássico Médio até ao fim do Pliocénico, cerca de 2,5 milhões de anos atrás.[1] Durante muito tempo, pensava-se que os Albanerpetontídeos eram salamandras devido ao seu pequeno tamanho e plano corporal generalizado.[2] Contudo, pensa-se agora que estas características são ancestrais nos lissanfíbios e não é indicativo de uma relação próxima entre os dois grupos. Uma das coisas que as fez diferentes das salamandras era a sua pele que estava coberta de escamas ósseas.[3] Albanerpetontídeos são agora reconhecidos como um clado distinto de lissanfíbios separados das três ordens de anfíbios - Anura (rãs), Caudata (salamandras) e Gymnophiona (cecílias). Pensa-se que sejam mais próximas de rãs e salamandras do que de cecílias.[4]


  1. Gardner, J.D.; Böhme, M. (2008). Sankey, J.T. & Baszio, S., ed. Vertebrate Microfossil Assemblages: Their Role in Paleoecology and Paleobiogeography. (PDF). Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. pp. 178–218. Consultado em 9 de janeiro de 2012
  2. Duellman, W.
  3. Wesserpeton evansae: making 'albanerpetontid' a household name
  4. Gardner, James D. (1 de março de 2001). «Monophyly and affinities of albanerpetontid amphibians (Temnospondyli; Lissamphibia)». Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (em inglês). 131 (3): 309-352. ISSN 1096-3642. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2001.tb02240.x

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Albanerpetontidae: Brief Summary ( португалски )

добавил wikipedia PT

Albanerpetontidae é uma família extinta de lissanfíbios superficialmente semelhantes a salamandras. Inclui quatro géneros – Albanerpeton, Anoualerpeton, Celtedens, and Wesserpeton – e entre 10 a 20 espécies conhecidas, abarcando um período de cerca de 160 milhões de anos desde o Bathoniano do Jurássico Médio até ao fim do Pliocénico, cerca de 2,5 milhões de anos atrás. Durante muito tempo, pensava-se que os Albanerpetontídeos eram salamandras devido ao seu pequeno tamanho e plano corporal generalizado. Contudo, pensa-se agora que estas características são ancestrais nos lissanfíbios e não é indicativo de uma relação próxima entre os dois grupos. Uma das coisas que as fez diferentes das salamandras era a sua pele que estava coberta de escamas ósseas. Albanerpetontídeos são agora reconhecidos como um clado distinto de lissanfíbios separados das três ordens de anfíbios - Anura (rãs), Caudata (salamandras) e Gymnophiona (cecílias). Pensa-se que sejam mais próximas de rãs e salamandras do que de cecílias.

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Albanerpetontidae ( виетнамски )

добавил wikipedia VI

Albanerpetontidae là một họ động vật lưỡng cư tuyệt chủng có hình dáng giống bộ Có đuôi. Họ Albanerpetontidae bao gồm bốn chi – Albanerpeton, Anoualerpeton, Celtedens, và Wesserpeton – với khoảng 10 đến 20 loài được biết đến, chúng sống cách nay khoảng 160 triệu năm từ tầng Bathonian của trung Jura tới cuối Pliocene, khoảng 2.5 triệu năm trước.[1] Albanerpetontidae từng bị cho là thuộc bộ không đuôi vì cấu tạo cơ thể và kích thước nhỏ của chúng.[2] Tuy nhiên,những đặc điểm này được cho là do tổ tiên truyền cho Lissamphibia và không thể hiện quan hệ họ hàng gần giữa hai nhóm. Một trong những đặc điểm khiến chúng khác biệt là cơ thể phủ những vảy giống xương.[3] Albanerpetontidae hiện được phân loài trong một nhánh riêng biệt so với phân còn lại của lissamphibia được chi thành ba bộ – Anura (bộ Không đuôi), Caudata (bộ Có đuôi), và Gymnophiona (bộ Không chân). Chúng được cho là có họ hàng gần với bộ Anura và Caudata hơn là Gymnophiona.[4]

Tham khảo

  1. ^ Gardner, J.D.; Böhme, M. (2008). Sankey, J.T. & Baszio, S., biên tập. Vertebrate Microfossil Assemblages: Their Role in Paleoecology and Paleobiogeography. (PDF). Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. tr. 178–218. Truy cập ngày 9 tháng 1 năm 2012.
  2. ^ Duellman, W.E. & Trueb, L. (1994): Biology of amphibians. The Johns Hopkins University Press
  3. ^ Wesserpeton evansae: making 'albanerpetontid' a household name
  4. ^ doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2001.tb02240.x
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Albanerpetontidae: Brief Summary ( виетнамски )

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Albanerpetontidae là một họ động vật lưỡng cư tuyệt chủng có hình dáng giống bộ Có đuôi. Họ Albanerpetontidae bao gồm bốn chi – Albanerpeton, Anoualerpeton, Celtedens, và Wesserpeton – với khoảng 10 đến 20 loài được biết đến, chúng sống cách nay khoảng 160 triệu năm từ tầng Bathonian của trung Jura tới cuối Pliocene, khoảng 2.5 triệu năm trước. Albanerpetontidae từng bị cho là thuộc bộ không đuôi vì cấu tạo cơ thể và kích thước nhỏ của chúng. Tuy nhiên,những đặc điểm này được cho là do tổ tiên truyền cho Lissamphibia và không thể hiện quan hệ họ hàng gần giữa hai nhóm. Một trong những đặc điểm khiến chúng khác biệt là cơ thể phủ những vảy giống xương. Albanerpetontidae hiện được phân loài trong một nhánh riêng biệt so với phân còn lại của lissamphibia được chi thành ba bộ – Anura (bộ Không đuôi), Caudata (bộ Có đuôi), và Gymnophiona (bộ Không chân). Chúng được cho là có họ hàng gần với bộ Anura và Caudata hơn là Gymnophiona.

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