Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Life Stages And Gender: Adult/Sexually Mature | Behaviors: Self Care :: Sunning
Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Life Stages And Gender: Juvenile
Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Life Stages And Gender: Adult/Sexually Mature | Anatomy: Coloration/Patterning :: Disruptive Coloration (Spots/Stripes)
Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Life Stages And Gender: Adult/Sexually Mature
Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Life Stages And Gender: Hatchling
Subject: Live Animal | Type: Photo | Life Stages And Gender: Adult/Sexually Mature | Anatomy: Coloration/Patterning :: Cryptic
Testudo Abingdonii, Galapagos Islands.
Loggerhead turtle (Thalassochelys caretta).
Soft-Shell Turtle, Amyda Spinifera.
Snapping Turtle, Chelydra Serpentina (Linnaeus).
Malaclemmys littoralis, Female. Figs. 1-4, an individual 7 inches long, from Rockport, Tex. Fig.5, a slightly smaller individual.
Egg deposits of Trionyx covered with wire baskets.
Hawk's-Bill Turtle.
Soft-Shell Turtle, Amyda Spinifera.
Snapping Turtle, Chelydra Serpentina (Linnaeus).
Malaclemmys littoralis. The figures represent the same individual, an adult male 5 inches long, from Rockport, Tex. The tip of the tail has been injured.
Hawksbill Turtle.
Snapping Turtles in Quest of Young Birds.
Malaclemmys littoralis (Young).
Geometric tortoiseSutherland Astronomical ObservatoryAnimated gif of a Geometric TortoiseFrom
Malaclemmys littoralis (Adult).
Testudo geometrica (Linné) = Psammobates geometricus (Linnaeus, 1758)Detail of the 89th plate from
Ernst Haeckel's Kunstformen der Natur (1904)From
Wikimedia Commons