This moss is commoner further east in California but is known from near Highway 20 in Lake County, California. This specimen was obtained there by B. Mishler and photographed by me soon after collection. March 30th 2012, Image I12-0218
Large moss on damp rocky ground in shade in moist forest near the Thurston Lava Tube, Hawaii Island, Sept. 20th 2010. Endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. The large pale translucent-green leaves of this beautiful moss resemble a Hookeria species, and it is in the family Hookeriaceae. Individual cells are visible at maximum resolution. This is a large form of this variable species. Image I10-2412.
Photographed on rock near the entrance to Clear Lake State Park, Lake County, California on March 29th 2012. Image I12-0077.
On damp rock at Anderson Springs, Lake County, California, March 25th 2002. Scanned slide 038-007. This is very similar to scanned slide 038-004, posted on Dec. 10th 2011, but has a slightly different colour balance.
In cloud forest in upland Rarotonga, Cook Islands, 1994. Scanned Ektachrome slide 007-073.
On the trunk of a tree in Middletown Trailside County Park, Lake County, California, March 29th 2012. image I12-0046
This common moss is seen here in fruit near the entrance to Clear Lake State Park (Lake County, California), on March 29th 20102. Image I12-0084
Photographed on a rock in woodland in Boggs Mountain State Forest, Lake County, California, on March 28th 2012. Image I12-9881.
Catacol, Arran Scotland. NR915495
Catacol, Isle of Arran, Scotland
This beautiful moss is widespread in shady or damp places in Britain and is seen here from a woodland site in north Mull. Developing fruiting bodies (capsules), each on a long red stalk (seta) can be seen arising from some plants slightly right and above centre in this image. Sept. 9th 2011, Image I11-0212
This is a close view of Antitrichia californica with capsules and in direr condition that the adjacent image I12-0070). This was photographed in the wild near Maraih Meadows Resort, Lake County, California, on MArch 30th 2012. Image I12-0182.
Photographed at Middletown Trailside County Park, Lake County, California, on March 29th 2012. Image I12-0070
This moss formed mats on the trunk of an oak tree near Mariah Meadows Resort (in hills Near Cobb, Lake County, California, March 29th 2012). Photographed at home later from a collected piece, this is image I12-0497 (see adjoining image I12-0482 for capsules). The small green specks seen on the upper leaf surfaces are gemmae that enable vegetative propagation (seen best at high resolution in this image).
This moss formed mats on the trunk of an oak tree near Mariah Meadows Resort (in hills Near Cobb, Lake County, California, March 29th 2012). This photograph was taken at home later from a collected piece to show a young capsule with its calyptra and a mature capsule with its peristome. Image I12-0482.
Single plant on old wood in forest, Montgomery Redwoods State Park, Mendocino County, California, March 24th 2002. Scanned Slide 038-002
Photographed on rock in Boggs Mountain State Forest, Lake County, California, on March 28th 2012. Image I12-9940
Minnesota, United States
Mitchell Canyon, Mount Diablo, Contra Costa County, California. Feb. 14th 2010, image I10-5882
This spectacular west-coast endemic moss was common on tree trunks in the areas we visited. Photographed here in Boggs Mountain State Forest, March 28th 2012. Image I12-0006.
The red moss in this image is Bryum miniatum. On damp exposed granite in the Sierra Nevada, in Kings Canyon, Tulare County, California. June 4th 2010, image I10-2947.