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Parmelinella cinerascens (Lynge) Benatti & Marcelli

Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

добавил Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Pseudoparmelia cinerascens

Pseudoparmelia cinerascens (Lynge) Hale, 1974:189.

Parmelia cinerascens Lynge, 1914:104 [type collection: Paraguari, Paraguay, Malme 1498 (S, lectotype)].

DESCRIPTION.—Thallus adnate, fragile, ashy mineral gray, 4–5 cm broad; lobes short, becoming imbricate, 1–3 mm wide; upper surface plane, irregularly cracked with age, densely isidiate, isidia cylindrical, simple or branched; lower surface black, rhizines moderate to sparse. Apothecia abundant, adnate; spores 8, 6 × 12 μm.

CHEMISTRY.—Cortex K+ yellow, medulla K+ yellow turning red, C−, KC−, P+ orange; atranorin and salazinic acid.

DISTRIBUTION.—Brazil and Paraguay.

HABITAT.—On trees in open forest.
библиографски навод
Hale, Mason E., Jr. 1976. "A Monograph of the Lichen Genus Pseudoparmelia Lynge (Parmeliaceae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-62. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.31
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Smithsonian Contributions to Botany