Comprehensive Description
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Padina durvillei Bory de Saint-Vincent
Padina durvillei Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1827a:591, as “P. durvillaei”; Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1827b: Atlas, pl. 21: fig. 1A–C; Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1828:147; Farlow, 1902:91; Howe, 1911:497; Setchell and Gardner, 1924a:729; Setchell and Gardner, 1925:661, pl. 93; Setchell and Gardner, 1930:150; Dawson, 1944:230; Taylor, 1945:101; Dawson, 1951:52; Dawson, 1952:431; Dawson, 1957b:11; Dawson, 1959a:19; Dawson et al., 1960a:38, pl. 5: fig. 3; Dawson, 1961b:389; Dawson et al., 1964:22, pl. 18: fig. A; Dawson, 1966a:11; Chávez B., 1972:268; Hommersand, 1972:70; Norris, 1973:5; Brusca and Thomson, 1975:42; Huerta-Múzquiz, 1978:337; Chávez-B., 1980:47; Pedroche and González-González, 1981:65; Littler and Littler, 1981:151; Schnetter and Bula Meyer, 1982:65, pl. 10: fig. I; Stewart and Stewart, 1984:141; Huerta-Múzquiz and Mendoza-González, 1985:46; Mendoza-González and Mateo-Cid, 1985:24; Norris, 1985:213, fig. 16.6; Mendoza-González and Mateo-Cid, 1986:421; Salcedo-Martínez et al., 1988:82; Sánchez-Rodríguez et al., 1989:41; Dreckmann et al., 1990:27; Rocha-Ramírez and Siqueiros-Beltrones, 1991:31; Martínez-Lozano et al., 1991:23; Mateo-Cid and Mendoza-González, 1991:24; Mateo-Cid et al., 1993:50; León-Tejera et al., 1993:200; González-González, 1993:443; Stout
and Dreckmann, 1993:8; León-Tejera and González-González, 1993:497; Servière-Zaragoza et al., 1993:482; Mateo-Cid and Mendoza-González, 1994a:50; Mendoza-González et al., 1994:110; González-González et al., 1996:156; Pacheco-Ruíz and Zertuche-González, 1996b:171; Anaya-Reyna and Riosmena-Rodríguez, 1996:862; Riosmena-Rodríguez et al., 1998:45; L. Aguilar-Rosas et al., 2000:132; Mateo-Cid et al., 2000a:68; Mateo-Cid et al., 2000b:208 [in part, not including P. caulescens], figs. 48–50, 80, 81, 104; L. Aguilar-Rosas et al., 2002:235; López et al., 2004:10; Ávila-Ortiz and Pedroche, 2005:152, figs. 24 [watercolored illustration of type], 25–36; Hernández-Herrera et al., 2005:146; Riosmena-Rodríguez et al., 2005:102; Mateo-Cid et al., 2006:49, 58; Servière-Zaragoza et al., 2007:8; Pacheco-Ruíz et al., 2008:203; Pedroche et al., 2008:50.
Algae of 1 to several, flabellate (fanlike) blades, up to 25(–40) cm tall and to 20 cm wide, dark-brown, coriaceous; above a short stipe, up to 1.0 cm long and 0.1–0.8 mm wide, arising from stupose rhizoidal holdfast. Blades not calcified; margins entire or divided, with divisions becoming laciniate, reniform, or flabellate; surface with conspicuous concentric hair zones. Inrolled margins of blades of 2 cell layers, below becoming 6–7 cell layers and up to 100–180(–230) µm thick; midportion of 8(–10) cell layers, (160–)230–290 µm thick; lower portion of 10–18 layers, 300–450 µm thick. Cortical cells (12–)15–30 µm tall by 15–37 µm wide. Medullary cells 21–40 µm tall by 100–180 µm wide.
Sporangia ovoid, 100–135(–150) µm long and (45–) 70–90 µm in diameter; sori with indusium (when immature) in irregular lines near margins, becoming scattered and in patches in mid to lower portions of blade on both sides. Oogonia 140 µm tall by 90 µm in diameter, with wall to 12 µm thick, in sori with or without indusium. Antheridia 50 µm tall by 17.5 µm in diameter; in sori in irregular lines and patches on both surfaces (Ávila-Ortiz and Pedroche, 2005).
HABITAT. On rocks; mid intertidal to shallow subtidal, to 7.5 m depths.
DISTRIBUTION. Gulf of California: Puerto Peñasco to Cabo San Lucas; Mazatlán, Sinaloa. Pacific coast: Isla Guadalupe; Isla Cedros; Isla Socorro (Islas Revillagigedo); Punta Rosalía, Baja California to Oaxaca; Costa Rica; Panama; Colombia; Galápagos Islands; Ecuador; Peru.
TYPE LOCALITY. Concepcíon, Chile (Bory de Saint-Vincent, 1827a) (note that Dawson et al. [1964:22] suspected this locality may be incorrect, stating that “from the present known distribution of the species it is questionable whether the alga was taken from such cool southern waters”).
- библиографски навод
- Norris, James N. 2010. "Marine algae of the northern Gulf of California : Chlorophyta and Phaeophyceae." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 276-276.