Magnified 6,740x, this scanning electron micrograph (SEM) depicted a grouping of Ralstonia mannitolilytica bacteria, which was harvested from a pure culture.Created: 2006
Scanning Electron Micrograph of Burkholderia cepacia. See PHIL 10608 for a colorized version of this image.Created:
This scanning electron micrograph (SEM) depicted a number of Gram-negative Bordetella bronchiseptica coccobacilli bacteria. This organism is commonly found to be the cause of respiratory tract infections in dogs, as well as human beings whose immune system had been compromised including those who are infected by the HIV virus.Created:
Magnified 26,959x, this scanning electron micrograph (SEM) depicted a highly enlarged view of a Ralstonia mannitolilytica bacterium, which was harvested from a pure culture.Created: 2006
Scanning Electron Micrograph of Burkholderia cepacia. See PHIL 10608 for a colorized version of this image.Created:
Magnified 26,959x, this scanning electron micrograph (SEM) depicted a highly enlarged view of a Ralstonia mannitolilytica bacterium, which was harvested from a pure culture.Created: 2006
Magnified 6,740x, this scanning electron micrograph (SEM) depicted three Ralstonia mannitolilytica bacteria, which were harvested from a pure culture.Created: 2006
Magnified 23,493x, this scanning electron micrograph (SEM) depicted a highly enlarged view of a Ralstonia mannitolilytica bacterium, which was harvested from a pure culture.Created: 2006
Magnified 23,502x, this scanning electron micrograph (SEM) depicted a highly enlarged view of a Ralstonia mannitolilytica bacterium, which was harvested from a pure culture. Note that in this particular instance, the bacterium is in the process of undergoing replication, which when completed, will give rise to three separate bacteria.Created: 2006