
Brief Summary ( португалски )

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Diagnosis Forma robusta. Comprimento total dos machos de 55 a 75.8 mm. Em exeplares fixados as partes ocultas da coxa apresentam manchas arredondadas de cor esbranquiçada sobre fundo azulado, noa animais vivos essas manchas são amarelas. O número e posição das manchas é variável. A especie é diplooide com 2n= 26.
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Distribution ( португалски )

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Presente nos estados de Espirito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo, Brasil.
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Morphology ( португалски )

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Life Cycle ( португалски )

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Molecular Biology ( португалски )

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lignanas, cumarinas
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Reproduction ( португалски )

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não produziu sementes
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Diagnostic Description ( португалски )

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Morfologia do adulto Fórma angulosa, offerecendo quatro arestas longitudinaes, a largura da cabeça sendo contida 3 vezes e 1/6 no comprimento rostro-coccygeano. O focinho é attenuado em cunha para a frente, de módo que a do labio superior occupa a orla anterior e as narinas ficam a Å? distancia entre a ponta do focinho e o angulo anterior dos olhos. Lóros concavos, palpebras salientes. Tympano 1 e 4/5 dos olhos, tendo o centro verticalmente sobre o angulo do hiato. Cotovêlo náo attingindo o mento. Mão dobrada em angulo para dentro, primeiro dedo menor que o segundo e o terceiro mui pouco maior que o 4º. Tuberculos palmares evidentes em toda a superficie da mão e dos dedos, o interno do primeiro dedo grande, subconico. Articulaqáo tibio-tarsal attingindo o tympano. Pés curvos para dentro, o primeiro artelho maior que o segundo. Tuberculos plantares evidentes, tarsos grandes 1/5, menores que as tibias. Pelle subgranulosa na região dorsal, do sacro para o focinho ; granulosa no mento e na superficie thoraco-abdominal; lisa no resto. Paratoides nascendo sobre as palpebras, no angulo posterior dos olhos e attenuando-se para traz, em ponta até o sacro. Côr no alcool azul de cobalto, purpurea; verde azulada em vida; uma pinta branca em cada angulo ocular, uma estria branca na orla mandibular, uma série de manchas que partem do angulo da bocca e se estendem pela superficie inferior do braço, dos lados anterior e posterior do membro posterior, até o tarso e sobre o lado anterior deste até o primeiro artelho, de cor branca; discos, no lado de cima, uma fimbria externa do antebraço e outra externa do pé acompanhando a orla externa do ultimo dedo, tambem de cor branca (no alcool, em vida esse branco assume os matizes violaceos ou miniaceos com relativa facilidade). Lado inferior pardo cárneo sepiaceo, limitado das manchas brancas por uma fimbria denegrida. Lado inferior dos tarsos purpureo. Morfologia da larva Girino em estágio 35 de Gosner (1960): comprimento total, 42.0 maximo do corpo com 16.0 mm de comprimento, 9.5 mm de largura e 9.5 mm de altura; distância entre as narinas, 4.0 mm; distância entre as órbitas, 8.0 mm; distância do olho até narina, 3.5 mm; distância do olho até à extremidade anterior, 4.5 mm; diâmetro do olho, 2.0 mm. Espiráculo saliente e com abertura protegida por uma pequena projeção da pele; tubo anal curto e preso em toda a sua extensão à nadadeira ventral; cauda abrangendo aproximadamente 2/3 do comprimento total, com sua maior altura na primeira metade do terço anterior e ultrapassando em cerca de Imm a altura do corpo; nadadeira dorsal com origem no início do terço posterior do corpo, com contorno curvo até à extremidade da cauda, que é curvada para baixo; nadadeira ventral com origem ao nível do meio do terço posterior do corpo, com contorno curvo, tendo na primeira metade do terço anterior uma altura de mais de quatro vezes a da dorsal, dirninuindo acentuadamente na segunda metade e em seguida gradativamente até h extremídade distal; musculatura caudal robusta. Boca anterior, circundada por uma franja dérmica amplamente interrompida na porção superior, apresentando papilas marginais distribuídas em duas séries nos lados da porção superior e na inferior, e em quatro ou mais séries lateralmente; algumas pregas dérrnicas presentes internamente; maxila e mandíbula serilhadas; formula de denticulos córneos 2(1)/3(1).
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Behavior ( португалски )

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Conservation Status ( португалски )

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LC. Least Concern.
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Cyclicity ( португалски )

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maio a setembro, flor lilás
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Phyllomedusa burmeisteri ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Phyllomedusa burmeisteri és una espècie de granota que viu a l'est del Brasil, des de Sergipe fins a São Paulo.[1]

És un animal parsimoniós, de moviments lents, tant de dia com de nit, tot i tenir els ulls ben adaptats a la visió nocturna.[2]

Habita la vegetació prop de masses d'aigua en bones condicions, sobretot a la vora del bosc atlàntic brasiler. Pon els ous en un niu de fulles sobre l'aigua i quan surten els capgrossos cauen a l'aigua on es desenvolupen.[1] Es reprodueix de desembre a febrer.[1]


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  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 Rogério Bastos, Dante Pavan, Débora Silvano 2010. Phyllomedusa burmeisteri. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.2. . Consultat el 29 d'agost de 2014.
  2. Cochran, Doris M. Los anfibios. Barcelona: Seix Barral, 1961, pag. 132.
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Phyllomedusa burmeisteri: Brief Summary ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Phyllomedusa burmeisteri és una espècie de granota que viu a l'est del Brasil, des de Sergipe fins a São Paulo.

És un animal parsimoniós, de moviments lents, tant de dia com de nit, tot i tenir els ulls ben adaptats a la visió nocturna.

Habita la vegetació prop de masses d'aigua en bones condicions, sobretot a la vora del bosc atlàntic brasiler. Pon els ous en un niu de fulles sobre l'aigua i quan surten els capgrossos cauen a l'aigua on es desenvolupen. Es reprodueix de desembre a febrer.

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Phyllomedusa burmeisteri ( англиски )

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Phyllomedusa burmeisteri, also known as Burmeister's leaf frog and common walking leaf frog, is a species of frog native to the Atlantic Forest biome in Brazil.[1][2]



Individuals show sexual dimorphism in size. Males have a mean body length (snout vent length) of (63.4 ± 4.5 mm), and females have a mean body length of (76.7 ± 3.2 mm)[3]


Males use calls to communicate their location to others. They also act as warning signals to potential opponents. P. burmeisteri males communicate through acoustical calls, which are either short or long calls. Short calls last from 330 to 450 ms, whereas long calls last from 560 to 600 ms. The calls are usually projected in arrangements of 2 to 5 at a time and are regularly spaced.[4] BUR-RJ males, however, do not produce long calls. Males also use calls to attract and find females to mate with. The sound that they emit changes based on which of these behaviors they are trying to accomplish. However, the call that signals where the frogs are in relation to one another is also used by females when they are choosing a mate.

Warning calls act as a threat display and will transition from a short call to a long call, which is based on the number of pulses per call. If the opponent gets closer or begins to act in an aggressive manner towards a male, the male's calls will increase in length and number of pulses, and will become more rapid. The male will try to ward off competitors by using calls, as this method is less risky compared to engaging in physical combat. Males will become more violent if a potential intruder or competitor, which is usually another male, does not retreat. In the case that the calls are ignored and the male chooses to engage in physical fight, the male will either chase or wrestle their opponent.[3]

Distribution and habitat

There are two branches or evolutionary units of the P. burmeisteri species. These two branches are represented as BUR and BUR-RJ. Individuals of the BUR-RJ unit are typically found near the Serra do Mar mountain range in Rio de Janeiro, while the BUR unit can be found around in different locations in South America. The BUR unit of P. burmeisteri are usually found around still fresh water and near clearings and forest borders. They are prominent in South America and specifically Brazil. Within Brazil, they are more highly concentrated in Bahia, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo, which are all states in Brazil. The BUR unit of P. burmeisteri is more commonly found in Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo. The reason the BUR-RJ unit is so limited is because its range is cut off by the Paraíba do Sul River. Geographical element such as rivers or mountain ranges are known to limit the range and expansion of species to a particular area.[4]


Calling sites

P. burmeisteri also communicate through visual behaviors.[3][4] The males will use a calling site when they perform mating or threat calls. They typically choose to utilize tree branches high in the air that have very few leaves or vegetation. One theory for why they make their calls on high barren branches is that it allows for a clear visual field making communication with other frogs easier. If they can see each other more easily, they will more efficiently be able to communicate and understand one another. Another possible explanation is that it encourages territory defense and also makes searching for a mate easier. Another benefit is that they are better able to defend their territory if they can see potential competitors and threats early on. Being able to see others is crucial to P. burmeisteri because they rely heavily on visual communication. One reason a visual form of communication is important is because they live in noisy environments, and therefore can not always rely on sound. The frogs also have contrasting color patterns on their legs that allow for them to be easily spotted by others.[3]

Mating and reproduction

Visual communication is utilized when it comes to mating. Males and females will slowly stretch and unstretch their patterned legs as part of a visual mating display. This can be described as a kind of peddling movement. Males then increase their call rate (in pulses per call) in response to this leg stretching, allowing the females to more rapidly locate a mate. The male and female leaf frogs mate along a leaf and leave clusters of eggs wrapped up in leaves.


Tadpoles usually have a width of 46.80 mm. Tadpoles have a narrow body and a trapezoidal shape. The width of their body is about one third of their body length. Phyllomedusa tadpoles are usually a dull green color with dark spots around the dorsal region in the shape of stripes.[5] They are also active during both the day and the night, usually staying stationary in their pond for the majority of the time. However, when they are startled, they will flee to a deeper part of the body of water and hide in any available crevices or rocks.[6]

Parental Care

Eggless capsules surround the eggs and protect the eggs from all sides. The female P. burmeisteri usually remains with the eggs in her created nest to protect them, and the male frog leaves. The eggless capsules and leaves that surround the egg clusters prevent desiccation and drying of the eggs. At this time, the eggs need moisture while they develop. Rain is common in this tropical environment and it keeps the eggs' environment humid while they grow.[3]

Hunting strategies

P. burmeisteri engage in a behavior known as pedal luring. Pedal luring is a strategy used by many frog species to capture prey. They typically start their hunt by latching onto something and waiting still and patiently for prey to come by. Once prey is near the frog, the frog will face towards the insect and start to move its fourth and fifth toes in a pedaling back and forth manner.[7] The pedaling typically lasts for about 5 seconds, and becomes faster as the prey gets closer to the frog.[7] The underside of the toes have white colored disks, which are bright and easily seen against the green contrasts of its surroundings. The white dots catch and help attract the attention of the prey, luring them in.[7] After the prey is lured in close enough, the frog lunges out quickly and captures it using tongue protraction. These white dots are hidden on the under side of the frog during the day when they are not hunting. This is typical of many organisms, as they hide their coloration during the day when not in use.


P. burmeisteri feed mostly on orthropterans, cockroaches, spiders, and crickets.[8][4] Since these organisms live on the ground, their diet suggests that they do most of their feeding and hunting on the ground, or near the rainforest floor.[8]


Many frog species struggle with deforestation, as they rely on the humid environment of the rainforest. Oftentimes after the land is cleared, the species will disappear from the area. Deforestation in Brazil has led to a rapid decrease in species richness; however, P. burmeisteri appear to be somewhat resistant to deforestation, due to their ability to easily adapt to new environments.[9]

Contributions towards science

Insulin is a hormone that is responsible for regulating energy metabolism and maintaining proper levels of glucose and lipid homeostasis in the body. The lack or inability of insulin secretion leads to hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, and diabetes. Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has become a major health threat across the planet. Peptides from frog skin, specifically Phylloseptin peptides, have been found to induce insulinotropic activities. The peptide Phylloseptin-PBu can be isolated from P. burmeisteri and showed dose-dependent insulinotropic properties in rat pancreatic beta BRIN BD11 cells. It is able to catalyze insulin release by deactivating Potassium ATP channels, leading Phylloseptin-PBu peptide is able to act as a potent antidiabetic with a low cytotoxicity risk, proving valuable to potentially treating T2DM. Phylloseptin-like peptides have also been to have antimicrobial, antibacterial, and anti-fungal activities. These peptides achieve such activity by disruption of the cell membrane.[10]

There is also some investigation into other Phyllomedusa species for biosynthesis of anti-microbial natural products.[11] Their venomous secretions are made up of complex peptide combinations unique to each species and environmental threats, and can yield a high diversity and potentially wide range of new therapeutics that can be applied to other organisms or even human health.[11]


  1. ^ a b Rogério Bastos, Dante Pavan, Débora Silvano (2010). "Phyllomedusa burmeisteri". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2010: e.T55844A11379667. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2010-2.RLTS.T55844A11379667.en. Retrieved 19 November 2021.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  2. ^ Frost, Darrel R. (2013). "Phyllomedusa burmeisteri Boulenger, 1882". Amphibian Species of the World 5.6, an Online Reference. American Museum of Natural History. Retrieved 20 November 2013.
  3. ^ a b c d e Abrunhosa, Patrícia; Wogel, Henrique (2004). "Breeding behavior of the leaf-frog Phyllomedusa burmeisteri (Anura: Hylidae)". Amphibia-Reptilia. Brill. 25 (2): 125–135. doi:10.1163/1568538041231157.
  4. ^ a b c d Andrade, Felipe Silva, et al. “An Acoustic and Morphometric Evaluation of the Geographic Distribution of Phyllomedusa Burmeisteri (Anura: Phyllomedusidae), with Comments on P. Bahiana.” Phyllomedusa: Journal of Herpetology, vol. 17, no. 1, 2018, p. 39.
  5. ^ Barth, Adriane, et al. “Chromosome Polymorphism in Phyllomedusa Rohdei Populations (Anura: Hylidae).” Journal of Herpetology, vol. 43, no. 4, 2009, pp. 676–679., https://doi.org/10.1670/08-210.1.
  6. ^ Brandão, Reuber Albuquerque. “A New Species of Phyllomedusa Wagler, 1830 (Anura: Hylidae) from Central Brazil.” Journal of Herpetology, vol. 36, no. 4, 2002, pp. 571–578., https://doi.org/10.1670/0022-1511(2002)036[0571:ansopw]2.0.co;2.
  7. ^ a b c Bertoluci, Jaime (2002-12-01). "Pedal luring in the leaf-frog Phyllomedusa burmeisteri (Anura, Hylidae, Phyllomedusinae)". Phyllomedusa: Journal of Herpetology. 1 (2): 93. doi:10.11606/issn.2316-9079.v1i2p93-95. ISSN 2316-9079.
  8. ^ a b Bertoluci, Jaime. “Pedal Luring in the Leaf-Frog Phyllomedusa Burmeisteri (Anura, Hylidae, Phyllomedusinae).” Phyllomedusa: Journal of Herpetology, vol. 1, no. 2, 2002, p. 93., https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-9079.v1i2p93-95.
  9. ^ HADDAD, CÉLIO F., and CYNTHIA P. PRADO. “Reproductive Modes in Frogs and Their Unexpected Diversity in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil.” BioScience, vol. 55, no. 3, 2005, p. 207., https://doi.org/10.1641/0006-3568(2005)055[0207:rmifat]2.0.co;2.
  10. ^ Long Q, Wang L, Zhou M, Wu Y, Chen T. A novel peptide Phylloseptin-PBu from Phyllomedusa burmeisteri possesses insulinotropic activity via potassium channel and GLP-1 receptor signaling. J Cell Mol Med.
  11. ^ a b Azevedo Calderon, Leonardo de; Silva, Alexandre de Almeida E.; Ciancaglini, Pietro; Stábeli, Rodrigo Guerino (2010-06-05). "Antimicrobial peptides from Phyllomedusa frogs: from biomolecular diversity to potential nanotechnologic medical applications". Amino Acids. 40 (1): 29–49. doi:10.1007/s00726-010-0622-3. ISSN 0939-4451. PMID 20526637. S2CID 17680175.
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Phyllomedusa burmeisteri: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Phyllomedusa burmeisteri, also known as Burmeister's leaf frog and common walking leaf frog, is a species of frog native to the Atlantic Forest biome in Brazil.

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Phyllomedusa burmeisteri ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Phyllomedusa burmeisteri es una especie de anfibios de la familia Hylidae. Habita en Ouro Preto, Brasil. Es objeto de biopiratería porque produce una secreción cerosa con uso medicinal.[cita requerida]


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Phyllomedusa burmeisteri: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Phyllomedusa burmeisteri es una especie de anfibios de la familia Hylidae. Habita en Ouro Preto, Brasil. Es objeto de biopiratería porque produce una secreción cerosa con uso medicinal.[cita requerida]

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Phyllomedusa burmeisteri ( баскиски )

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Phyllomedusa burmeisteri Phyllomedusa generoko animalia da. Anfibioen barruko Hylidae familian sailkatuta dago, Anura ordenan.


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Phyllomedusa burmeisteri: Brief Summary ( баскиски )

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Phyllomedusa burmeisteri Phyllomedusa generoko animalia da. Anfibioen barruko Hylidae familian sailkatuta dago, Anura ordenan.

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Phyllomedusa burmeisteri ( француски )

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Phyllomedusa burmeisteri est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Phyllomedusidae[1].



Cette espèce est endémique du Brésil[1]. Elle se rencontre dans les États de Sergipe, de Bahia, d'Espírito Santo, du Minas Gerais, de Rio de Janeiro et de São Paulo du niveau de la mer jusqu'à 1 000 m d'altitude[2].


Phyllomedusa burmeisteri
Phyllomedusa burmeisteri

Cette espèce est nommée en l'honneur de Hermann Burmeister[3].

Publication originale

  • Boulenger, 1882 : Catalogue of the Batrachia Salientia s. Ecaudata in the collection of the British Museum, ed. 2, p. 1-503 (texte intégral).

Notes et références

  1. a et b Amphibian Species of the World, consulté lors d'une mise à jour du lien externe
  2. UICN, consulté lors d'une mise à jour du lien externe
  3. Beolens, Watkins & Grayson, 2013 : The Eponym Dictionary of Amphibians. Pelagic Publishing Ltd, p. 1-262
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Phyllomedusa burmeisteri: Brief Summary ( француски )

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Phyllomedusa burmeisteri est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Phyllomedusidae.

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Phyllomedusa burmeisteri ( португалски )

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Phyllomedusa burmeisteri é uma espécie de anfíbio da família Phyllomedusidae nativa do bioma Mata Atlântica no Brasil, especialmente em Minas Gerais, Ouro Preto. Esta espécie está agora ameaçada por conta da biopirataria, porque essa perereca produz uma secreção de cera que tem usos medicinais.[2][3]

Ver também


  1. «Phyllomedusa burmeisteri» (em inglês). IUCN Red List. Consultado em 7 de setembro de 2018
  2. Revista Brasileira De Biologia (1992) Volume: 52, Issue: 2, Pages: 217-229
  3. Boletim Do Museu Nacional Nova Serie Zoologia Rio De Janeiro (2006) Volume: 524, Issue: 524, Pages: 1-8
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Phyllomedusa burmeisteri: Brief Summary ( португалски )

добавил wikipedia PT

Phyllomedusa burmeisteri é uma espécie de anfíbio da família Phyllomedusidae nativa do bioma Mata Atlântica no Brasil, especialmente em Minas Gerais, Ouro Preto. Esta espécie está agora ameaçada por conta da biopirataria, porque essa perereca produz uma secreção de cera que tem usos medicinais.

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걷는잎개구리 ( корејски )

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걷는잎개구리(영어: common walking leaf frog)는 브라질대서양림 바이옴에 서식하는 잎개구리의 일종이다. 학명은 필로메두사 부르메이스테리(학명: Phyllomedusa burmeisteri).[1][2]

몸집에 성적 이형이 있다. 수컷의 평균 신장은 63.4 ± 4.5 밀리미터이고, 암컷의 평균 신장은 76.7 ± 3.2 밀리미터로 암컷이 훨씬 더 크다.[3]


  1. Bastos, Rogério; Pavan, Dante; Silvano, Débora (2010). Phyllomedusa burmeisteri. 《IUCN 적색 목록》 (IUCN) 2010: e.T55844A11379667. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2010-2.RLTS.T55844A11379667.en.
  2. Frost, Darrel R. (2013). Phyllomedusa burmeisteri Boulenger, 1882”. 《Amphibian Species of the World 5.6, an Online Reference》. American Museum of Natural History. 2013년 11월 20일에 확인함.
  3. Abrunhosa, Patrícia; Wogel, Henrique (2004). “Breeding behavior of the leaf-frog Phyllomedusa burmeisteri (Anura: Hylidae)” (PDF). Amphibia-Reptilia (Brill) 25: 125–135. doi:10.1163/1568538041231157.
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걷는잎개구리: Brief Summary ( корејски )

добавил wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

걷는잎개구리(영어: common walking leaf frog)는 브라질대서양림 바이옴에 서식하는 잎개구리의 일종이다. 학명은 필로메두사 부르메이스테리(학명: Phyllomedusa burmeisteri).

몸집에 성적 이형이 있다. 수컷의 평균 신장은 63.4 ± 4.5 밀리미터이고, 암컷의 평균 신장은 76.7 ± 3.2 밀리미터로 암컷이 훨씬 더 크다.

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