
Description ( англиски )

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A small terrestrial salamander. Stocky with relatively long legs, adults range in size from 4.5 to 5.8 cm snout to vent length (9.5-10.5 cm total length). Modal number of costal grooves is 14. Males are slightly smaller than females and have a mental gland, a raised area on the chin used in courthip. There are indistinct paratoid glands on the back of the head, and the feet are broad and slightly webbed (Brodie and Storm 1970; Petranka 1998). Hatchlings are 15-18 mm snout to vent length (Nussbaum et al. 1983).Three color morphs occur and populations often have 2 or, rarely, all 3. The dark phase is dark brown to black dorsally with a yellow,orange, green, or red stripe that extends to the tip of the tail. The venter is dark and the throat is yellow. The yellow morph has a tan or yellowish ground color dorsally and ventrally, and the rosemorph is similar with a pinkish to salmon coloration over the body (Brodie 1970; Nussbaum et al. 1983).Plethodon idahoensis was formerly included within P. vandykei, sometimes treated as a subspecies, but mitochondrial data reveal deep divergence between the two (Carstens et al. 2004). Genetic work throughout the range of these forms has supported suggestions that populations in the Rocky Mountains be regarded as a separate species from populations in western Washington (Highton and Larson 1979; Collins 1991; Howard et al. 1993).


  • Blessing, B.J., Phenix, E.P., Jones, L. and Raphael, M.G. (1999). ''Nests of the Van Dyke's salamander (Plethodon vandykei) from the Olympic Peninsula, Washington.'' Northwestern Naturalist, 80, 77-81.
  • Brodie, E. D., Jr., and Storm, R. M. (1970). ''Plethodon vandykei Van Denburgh. Van Dyke's Salamander.'' Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles. American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, 91.1-91.2.
  • Carstens, B. C., Stevenson, A. L., Degenhardt, J. D., and Sullivan, J. (2004). ''Testing nested phylogenetic and phylogeographic hypotheses in the Plethodon vandykei species group.'' Systematic Biology, 53, 781-792.
  • Hammerson, G. 2004. Plethodon vandykei. In: IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010.4. www.iucnredlist.org. Downloaded on 13 March 2011.
  • Jones, L. L. C. (1989). ''Plethodon vandykei (Van Dyke's Salamander). Reproduction.'' Herpetological Review, 20, 48.
  • Lynch, J. E., Jr., and Wallace, R. L. (1987). ''Field observations of courtship behavior in Rocky Mountain populations of Van Dyke's Salamander, Plethodon vandykei, with a description of its spermatophore.'' Journal of Herpetology, 21, 337-340.
  • McIntyre, A. P., Schmitz, R.A., and Crisafulli, C.M. (2006). ''Associations of the Van Dyke’s Salamander (Plethodon vandykei) with geomorphic conditions in Headwall Seeps of the Cascade Range, Washington State.'' Journal of Herpetology, 40, 309-322.
  • Welch, H. H., Jr. (1990). "Relictual amphibians and old-growth forests." Conservation Biology, 4, 309-319.

Meredith J. Mahoney
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AmphibiaWeb articles

Distribution and Habitat ( англиски )

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This species has a patchy distribution in western Washington with populations in the Willapa Hills, the Olympic peninsula and Mt. St. Helens/Mt. Rainier in the Cascade range. Preferred habitats are conifer forests with average annual rainfall >150 cm. The most aquatic species of Plethodon, animals are frequently found in seepages and splash zones of waterfalls and in rocky areas along streams (Brodie 1970). Populations may also be associated with talus, and away from streams individuals can be found under an assortment of cover objects (Nussbaum et al. 1983; Petranka 1998).
Meredith J. Mahoney
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Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors ( англиски )

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Like other members of the genus Plethodon, P. vandykei is completely terrestrial through all stages of its life history; courtship, mating, and egg deposition occur on land. There is no free living larval stage, and juveniles hatch completely metamorphosed (Stebbins 1985; Petranka 1998). Courtship behavior has not been described in detail for this species, butis probably similar to the closely related species P. idahoensis. Fertilization occurs by means of a spermatophore deposited on the substrate by the male and picked up in the cloaca by the female (Lynch and Wallace 1987). Courtship occurs in spring and perhaps fall. Oviposition takes place in the spring. Females attend the eggs until hatching in the fall (Nussbaum et al. 1983; Jones 1989). Clutch size ranges from 7-14 (Stebbins 1951; Jones 1989). Eggs are cream-colored and measure about 4-5 mm in diameter (Blessing et al. 1999). Each clutch is suspended by one or two gelatinous threads attached to the walls of the cavity (Blessing et al. 1999).Only six nests of Van Dyke's salamanders have been discovered. The first was described as a "grape-like cluster" attached by a common pedicel to a moss-covered stone in a damp location (Noble 1925) and the second was located inside a partially rotted log (85 cm in diameter and 5 m in length) in an old-growth forest on a north-northeast facing slope, near a small headwater stream (Jones 1989). Four additional nests were found in logs near undisturbed or protected streams during the summer of 1997, in the Olympic Peninsula (Blessing et al. 1999). Three of those four nests were located in old-growth forest (western hemlock and Pacific silver fir), while one was located inside a buffer of old trees in a clear-cut area. The four clutches were all found in cavities in sapwood, 6.5-7.0 cm below the surface of large decaying moss-covered conifer logs, and were each attended by an adult salamander (likely female). Clutches were left in the logs and took 144 days of observation to hatch, a much longer period than reported for other species of Plethodon (generally about 45-90 days, according to Petranka 1998).Not much is known about the natural history of this species. Adults are most active in the spring and fall months, but individuals are not commonly encountered (Petranka 1998).
Meredith J. Mahoney
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AmphibiaWeb articles

Life History, Abundance, Activity, and Special Behaviors ( англиски )

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Patchy distribution and apparently low population densities suggest that this species should receive conservation attention. Populations are at risk from logging and intense management of forests (Welsh 1990; Petranka 1998). This species has limited ability to survive in disturbed habitat (Hammerson 2004). It occurs in two protected areas, Mt. St. Helens National Monument and Olympic National Park (Hammerson 2004).
Meredith J. Mahoney
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AmphibiaWeb articles

Van Dyke's salamander ( англиски )

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Van Dyke's salamander (Plethodon vandykei) is a small woodland salamander in the family Plethodontidae, the lungless salamanders. These animals breathe through their skin and are largely terrestrial. Compared to other salamanders in Plethodon it is relatively stocky with long legs. Usually associated with streams, seepages, and rock outcrops, it is endemic to Washington where it is found in a limited number of small, isolated populations.


Van Dyke's salamander was first described by John Van Denburgh in 1906 from a specimen found in Mount Rainier National Park. The species was named in honor of its collector, Edwin Cooper Van Dyke. The Coeur d'Alene salamander (Plethodon idahoensis) and the Larch Mountain salamander (Plethodon larselli) are its two closest relatives in the region. At one time, all three were thought to be members of the same species until genetic studies concluded that they were distinct species.[2][3]


Van Dyke's salamander has a relatively stocky body and grows up to 10 cm long. There are parotoid glands behind the eyes, and the feet are broad and slightly webbed. Different color phases are described based on body color, which can be black, yellow, or pink. The "dark phase" has a black ground color and yellow or red dorsal stripe. The stripe appears to have drops of color extending down the sides. The "light phase" is tan, yellow or rose with an indistinct stripe.[2] Dark phase individuals have white speckling on the sides and a yellow throat. Multiple color phases can occur within the same population.

They are completely terrestrial but require high soil moisture and cool temperatures. They are most active in the spring after snow-melt and in the fall after the onset of the rainy season. They avoid the summer heat and the freezing temperatures of winter, seeking shelter beneath stones or within rotting logs. Courtship and egg laying occurs in the spring. Clutch size ranges from 7-14 eggs which measure about 4–5 mm in diameter. Females attend the eggs until hatching in the fall. There is no larval stage; hatchlings emerge as juvenile salamanders.[4]

Distribution and habitat

Van Dyke's salamander is endemic to the western portion of Washington. It occurs in three disjunct areas: on the Olympic Peninsula, in the Willapa Hills, and in the southern Cascade Range. They generally occur in small isolated populations that are usually associated with streams, seepages, and rock outcrops. Van Dyke's Salamander is absent from the eastern slopes of the Cascade Range and Olympic Range, suggesting this salamander's association with high rainfall regions. In coastal areas, it is mostly found in old forest stands that have moderate to high levels of woody debris and fractured rock present. Large decaying conifer logs along streams appear to be important habitat for nesting.[4]


Threats to the Van Dyke's salamander are not well studied, but patchy distribution and low population densities would indicate that this species should receive conservation attention. Populations are at risk from logging, road construction, and other activities that could impact or degrade their specific habitat requirements. Surveys suggest that this species has limited ability to survive in disturbed habitat.[5] It occurs in two protected areas, Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument and Olympic National Park.[2][4]


  1. ^ IUCN SSC Amphibian Specialist Group (2014). "Plethodon vandykei". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2014: e.T59357A56293043. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2014-1.RLTS.T59357A56293043.en. Retrieved 20 November 2021.
  2. ^ a b c Olson (2014)
  3. ^ Frost (2016)
  4. ^ a b c "Washington (2015)
  5. ^ AmphibiaWeb


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Van Dyke's salamander: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Van Dyke's salamander (Plethodon vandykei) is a small woodland salamander in the family Plethodontidae, the lungless salamanders. These animals breathe through their skin and are largely terrestrial. Compared to other salamanders in Plethodon it is relatively stocky with long legs. Usually associated with streams, seepages, and rock outcrops, it is endemic to Washington where it is found in a limited number of small, isolated populations.

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Plethodon vandykei ( баскиски )

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Plethodon vandykei Plethodon generoko animalia da. Anfibioen barruko Plethodontidae familian sailkatuta dago, Caudata ordenan.


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Plethodon vandykei: Brief Summary ( баскиски )

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Plethodon vandykei Plethodon generoko animalia da. Anfibioen barruko Plethodontidae familian sailkatuta dago, Caudata ordenan.

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Plethodon vandykei ( француски )

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Plethodon vandykei est une espèce d'urodèles de la famille des Plethodontidae[1].


Cette espèce est endémique de l'État de Washington aux États-Unis. Elle se rencontre du niveau de la mer jusqu'à 1 550 m d'altitude dans la chaîne des Cascades et dans les montagnes Olympiques dans la péninsule Olympique notamment dans le parc national Olympique[2].


Plethodon vandykei apprécie les zones humides à proximité des lacs et des rivières aussi bien en plaine qu'en zones montagneuses couvertes de forêts. Il se cache sous des rochers ou des troncs d'arbres[3].


Plethodon vandykei peut atteindre 10 cm de longueur totale[4],[5]. Il dispose de larges glandes parotoïdes sur chaque côté de sa tête. Il a en général un ventre de couleur sombre et peut avoir des points blancs éparpillés. Il peut également présenter des colorations jaune/orange, rose/saumon et jaune avec des bandes noires. Ces variations de couleurs proviendraient de variations dans le climat où se trouve l'animal. Le mâle à une gorge jaune lorsqu'il est en période de reproduction.

Plethodon vandykei est surtout actif de nuit lorsque le climat est humide et lorsqu'il ne gèle pas. Il est particulièrement actif au printemps durant la période humide causée par la fonte des neiges mais aussi durant la période humide de l'automne. La période estivale est en général plus sèche tandis qu'en hiver il doit se cacher pour se préserver du froid.

La femelle pond ses œufs en petits groupes généralement à l'intérieur de troncs d'arbres en décomposition. La femelle protège les œufs de la ponte (au printemps) jusqu'à l'éclosion (en été).


Cette espèce est nommée en l'honneur d'Edwin Cooper Van Dyke[6].

Publication originale

  • Van Denburgh, 1906 : Description of a new species of the genus Plethodon (Plethodon vandykei) from Mount Rainier, Washington. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences, Zoology, sér. 3, vol. 4, p. 61-63 (texte intégral).

Notes et références

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Plethodon vandykei: Brief Summary ( француски )

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Plethodon vandykei est une espèce d'urodèles de la famille des Plethodontidae.

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Plethodon vandykei ( украински )

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Plethodon vandykei: Brief Summary ( украински )

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Plethodon vandykei — вид хвостатих амфібій родини Безлегеневі саламандри (Plethodontidae).

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