Dactylaria constricta var. gallopava - (dack-till-air-ee-a) an ascomycete fungus the elongate spores of which are commonly seen in samples from Nymph Creek and other sites, and which has been isolated and grown in culture and is a thermophile. The constricta refers to the shape of the spores. Differential interference contrast. Material from Nymph Creek, a thermal site within Yellowstone National Park, -photograph by Kathy Sheehan and David Patterson.
Dactylaria constricta var. gallopava - (dack-till-air-ee-a) an ascomycete fungus the elongate spores of which are commonly seen in samples from Nymph Creek and other sites, and which has been isolated and grown in culture and is a thermophile. The constricta refers to the shape of the spores. Phase contrast. Material from Nymph Creek, a thermal site within Yellowstone Park, photograph by Kathy Sheehan and David Patterson.
Dactylaria constricta var. gallopava- (dack-till-air-ee-a) an ascomycete fungus the elongate spores of which are commonly seen in samples from Nymph Creek and other sites, and which has been isolated and grown in culture and is a thermophile. Hyphae. Phase contrast. Material from Nymph Creek, a thermal site within Yellowstone National Park, photograph by Kathy Sheehan and David Patterson.