
Glomerula ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

Glomerula piloseta, longitudinal section of the tube

Glomerula is a genus of polychaete worm in the family Sabellidae. It differs from all other Sabellidae in having a calcareous tube and spinose setae. Only one living species, G. piloseta, is known from Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. [2] The oldest fossils of Glomerula are known from the Early Jurassic[1] and their tube microstructure has remained unchanged since then.[3]


  1. ^ a b Jäger, M. (2004). "Serpulidae und Spirorbidae (Polychaeta sedentaria) aus Campan und Maastricht von Norddeutschland, den Niederlanden, Belgien und angrenzenden Gebieten". Geologisches Jahrbuch. A 157: 121–249.
  2. ^ Perkins, T.H. (1991). "Calcisabella piloseta, new genus and species of Sabellinae (Polychaeta: Sabellidae)". Bulletin of Marine Science. 48 (2): 261–267.
  3. ^ Vinn, O.; ten Hove, H.A.; Mutvei, H. (2008). "On the tube ultrastructure and origin of calcification in sabellids (Annelida, Polychaeta)". Palaeontology. 51 (2): 295–301. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4983.2008.00763.x.
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Glomerula: Brief Summary ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN
Glomerula piloseta, longitudinal section of the tube

Glomerula is a genus of polychaete worm in the family Sabellidae. It differs from all other Sabellidae in having a calcareous tube and spinose setae. Only one living species, G. piloseta, is known from Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The oldest fossils of Glomerula are known from the Early Jurassic and their tube microstructure has remained unchanged since then.

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wikipedia EN

Glomerula ( холандски; фламански )

добавил wikipedia NL

Glomerula is een geslacht van wormen, dat leefde van het Vroeg-Jura tot het Paleoceen.


De dikwandige, buisvormige kokertjes van deze kokerworm hadden een vrij kleine opening. Doordat de kokers van verschillende individuen verstrengeld raakten, leek de hele groep uiteindelijk op een slordig opgerold bolletje van losse eindjes touw. Daarom was het niet nodig om als groep aan de zeebodem verankerd te zijn. Het geslacht filterde het voedsel, dat bestond uit organische partikels en plankton, uit het zeewater.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  • Cyril Walker & David Ward (1993) - Fossielen: Sesam Natuur Handboeken, Bosch & Keuning, Baarn. ISBN 90-246-4924-2
  • Glomerula in de Paleobiology Database
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wikipedia NL

Glomerula: Brief Summary ( холандски; фламански )

добавил wikipedia NL

Glomerula is een geslacht van wormen, dat leefde van het Vroeg-Jura tot het Paleoceen.

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Glomerula ( кинески )

добавил wikipedia 中文维基百科


Glomerula纓鰓蟲科下的一,為群生動物,大量的單體組成一個群體,不同單體間窄小的圓形體管互相交錯纏繞且毫無規則地生長,單體互相纏繞的習性使其得以自由而無須附著在海床上。與體管的厚壁相比,孔眼顯得非常窄小。牠們像多數纓鰓蟲科成員一樣,利用過濾海水中的浮游生物有機物維生。[2]本屬唯一的現生種──Glomerula piloseta,是在澳大利亞大堡礁蜥蜴島英语Lizard Island National Park發現的。[3]


Glomerula piloseta



  1. ^ Jäger, M. Serpulidae und Spirorbidae (Polychaeta sedentaria) aus Campan und Maastricht von Norddeutschland, den Niederlanden, Belgien und angrenzenden Gebieten. Geologisches Jahrbuch. 2004, A 157: 121–249.
  2. ^ Walker, Cyril; Ward, David. Fossils. Smithsonian Handbooks revised, illustrated. Dorling Kindersley. 2002: 41. ISBN 0789489848.
  3. ^ Perkins, T.H. Calcisabella piloseta, new genus and species of Sabellinae (Polychaeta: Sabellidae). Bulletin of Marine Science. 1991, 48 (2): 261–267.
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wikipedia 中文维基百科

Glomerula: Brief Summary ( кинески )

добавил wikipedia 中文维基百科

Glomerula是纓鰓蟲科下的一,為群生動物,大量的單體組成一個群體,不同單體間窄小的圓形體管互相交錯纏繞且毫無規則地生長,單體互相纏繞的習性使其得以自由而無須附著在海床上。與體管的厚壁相比,孔眼顯得非常窄小。牠們像多數纓鰓蟲科成員一樣,利用過濾海水中的浮游生物有機物維生。本屬唯一的現生種──Glomerula piloseta,是在澳大利亞大堡礁蜥蜴島(英语:Lizard Island National Park)發現的。

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Status ( англиски )

добавил World Register of Marine Species
ten Hove & Kupriyanova (2009) state that "According to Ippolitov (2007: 260), the name Glomerula Nielsen, 1931 should be “unavailable according to ICZN 13.3)”. No further explanation is given by Ippolitov. If he is referring to Article 13 (iii), the full text of that is: “Article 13. Names published after 1930.- (a) Names in general.- In addition to satisfying the provisions of Article 11, a name published after 1930 must be either . . . (iii) proposed expressly as a replacement fro a pre-existing available name”. Nielsen (1931: 85) defines the genus Glomerula in a key, and (p. 88) attributes a single species (Serpulites gordialis von Schlotheim, 1820) to his genus. Nielsen, who did not give any explanation for his action at all, either replaced the generic name Serpulites, a name explicitly unavailable according to “Article 20. Genus-group names ending in –ites . . . given to fossils.”, or he simply placed the species gordialis in a new genus. Both ways we do not see conflict with the Code, certainly not with 13 (iii), and in our opinion the name Glomerula is available, though not being a serpulid."
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WoRMS Editorial Board
Read, Geoffrey [email]
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World Register of Marine Species