Comprehensive Description
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Eunice prayensis Kinberg, 1865
Eunice prayensis Kinberg, 1865:563.
?Eunice vittata.—Hartman, 1948:77 [in part, not Nereis vittata Chiaje, 1828].
MATERIAL EXAMINED.—Two syntypes, RM 428, Atlantic Ocean, Rio de Janeiro, Eugenie Expedition. Kinberg (1865:563) gave locality information as “Portus ad Praya grande juxta Rio Janerio.”
DESCRIPTION.—One headless fragment of 42 setigers, probably starting at setigers 3–5. Other syntype incomplete, with 61 setigers; length 31 mm; maximal width 2 mm; length through setiger 10, 4.5 mm.
Prostomium (Figure 91i) distinctly shorter than peristomium, about as wide as peristomium, as deep as of the peristomium. Prostomial lobes frontally rounded, dorsally flattened; median sulcus shallow. Eyes between bases of A-I and A-II, black. Antennae in a horseshoe, evenly spaced. Ceratophores long in all antennae, without articulations. All ceratostyles missing. Peristomium cylindrical. Separation between rings distinct on all sides; anterior ring somewhat more than of total peristomial length. Peristomial cirri missing.
Jaws missing.
Branchiae present, pectinate, distinctly longer than notopodial cirri, not reduced in mid-body region, erect. Branchiae from setiger 5 to setiger 33. Branchiae terminating well before posterior end. First branchiae single filaments; all others pectinate with up to 9 filaments at about setiger 12. Branchial stems slender, erec. Filaments long, slender.
Neuropodial acicular lobes distally truncate; aciculae emerging at midline. Pre- and postsetal lobes low, transverse lobes. First 2 ventral cirri tapering. Ventral cirri basally inflated from setiger 3 through setiger 35. Inflated bases nearly spherical; narrow tips tapering. Posterior ventral cirri thick and tapering. Notopodial cirri slightly inflated basally, without articulations. Notopodial cirri without articulations.
Limbate setae marginally finely serrated. Pectinate setae (Figure 91k) very slender, tapering, flat. One marginal tooth longer than other teeth; 5–7 long, slender teeth present. Shafts of compound falcigers (Figure 91j) distally slightly inflated, marginally smooth. Appendages long, narrow, bidentate. Proximal teeth triangular, directed basally. Distal teeth nearly erect in anterior appendages, sharply curved in median appendages. Guards tapering to sharp tips, mucronate. Pseudocompound falcigers compound spinigers absent. Aciculae numbering 2 or 3, yellow, tapering, straight; cross-section round. Subacicular hooks (Figure 911) yellow, tridentate with teeth in a crest. Hooks first present from setiger 18, present in all setigers thereafter, usually single, rarely paired. Main fang very large, curved; secondary and tertiary fangs in crests; especially tertiary fang very small.
UNKNOWN MORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES.—Structure of ceratostyles; jaw structure; features associated with posterior setigers; pygidium and anal cirri.
CHARACTERS USED IN PREPARATION OF KEY NOT SCORED.—Inappropriate Characters: 56, 58, 59. Unknown Characters: 1, 2, 4, 6, 17, 20–23, 27–29, 38, 47, 50, 63.
- библиографски навод
- Fauchald, Kristian. 1992. "A Review of the Genus Eunice (Polychaeta: Eunicidae) Based upon Type Material." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-422.