
Associations ( англиски )

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In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Foodplant / parasite
Golovinomyces orontii parasitises live Eucalyptus globulus

Foodplant / gall
larva of Ophelimus cf. maskelli causes gall of live leaf of Eucalyptus globulus

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Brief Summary ( англиски )

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TheTasmanian Blue Gum,Southern Blue GumorBlue Gum, (Eucalyptus globulus) is anevergreentree, one of the most widely cultivated trees native toAustralia. They typically grow from 30 to 55 m (98 to 180ft) tall. The tallest currently known specimen in Tasmania is 90.7 m tall (297 ft).There are historical claims of even taller trees, the tallest being 101m (330ft).The natural distribution of the species includesTasmaniaand southernVictoria(particularly theOtway Rangesandsouthern Gippsland). There are also isolated occurrences onKing IslandandFlinders Islandin Bass Strait and on the summit of theYou YangsnearGeelong. There are naturalized non-native occurrences in southernEurope(Galicia,Akamas, Cyprus, andPortugal), southernAfrica,New Zealand, westernUnited States(California),HawaiiandMacaronesia, Caucasus (WesternGeorgia).


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Common Names ( англиски )

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More info for the terms: natural, tree

Tasmanian bluegum
bluegum eucalyptus

The scientific name of Tasmanian bluegum is Eucalyptus globulus Labill.
(Myrtaceae) [32]. Infrataxa include [7,22,47,49]:

Eucalyptus globulus subsp. bicostata Maiden, eurabbie
Eucalyptus globulus subsp. globulus, Tasmanian bluegum
Eucalyptus globulus subsp. maidenii (F. Muell) J.B. Kirkpat., Tasmanian bluegum

Natural or controlled hybrids of Tasmanian bluegum are known with E.
blakelyi, E. botryoides, E. cinera, E. cypellocarpa, E. ovata, E. rudis,
E. tereticornis, E. urnigera, and E. viminalis [7].


No special status


SPECIES: Eucalyptus globulus
Tasmanian bluegum is native to Tasmania and southeastern Australia. It
was introduced into California in 1856 and into Hawai'i in about 1865.
It has naturalized in both states [3,7]. It is a fairly common
ornamental in Arizona but has not naturalized there [7]. The planted
range in California extends from Humboldt County south to San Diego
County, with best growth in the coastal fog belt near San Francisco.
There are numerous plantings in the Central Valley from Redding south to
Bakersfield and San Bernardino. Hawai'i has about 12,000 acres (5,000
ha) of planted and naturalized Tasmanian bluegum, almost all of them on
the islands of Hawai'i and Maui [7].
библиографски навод
Esser, Lora L. 1993. Eucalyptus globulus. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Fire Effects Information System Plants

Distribution ( англиски )

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Tasmanian bluegum is native to Tasmania and southeastern Australia. It
was introduced into California in 1856 and into Hawai'i in about 1865.
It has naturalized in both states [3,7]. It is a fairly common
ornamental in Arizona but has not naturalized there [7]. The planted
range in California extends from Humboldt County south to San Diego
County, with best growth in the coastal fog belt near San Francisco.
There are numerous plantings in the Central Valley from Redding south to
Bakersfield and San Bernardino. Hawai'i has about 12,000 acres (5,000
ha) of planted and naturalized Tasmanian bluegum, almost all of them on
the islands of Hawai'i and Maui [7].

Distribution of Tasmanian bluegum in California and Hawai'i. Maps courtesy of USDA, NRCS. 2018. The PLANTS Database.
National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC [2018, June 8] [46].

библиографски навод
Esser, Lora L. 1993. Eucalyptus globulus. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Fire Effects Information System Plants

Fire Management Considerations ( англиски )

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More info for the terms: fuel, litter, prescribed fire, wildfire

Fuel buildup occurs very rapidly in unmanaged Tasmanian bluegum stands
in California [1,33]. Fuel reduction programs can reduce wildfire
hazard, as can the establishment of fuelbreaks [1,31].

In December, 1972, the San Francisco Bay Area experienced a severe cold
snap, resulting in extensive frost damage to Tasmanian bluegum trees
[6,18]. Frost-killed leaves and twigs increased Tasmanian bluegum
litter ten-fold. By early 1973, following a particularly hot, dry
summer and autumn, the litter combined with standing dead and damaged
bluegums constituted a major fire hazard [1,6,18]. Several fuel
reduction methods were proposed: mechanical removal of trees, thinning
of present stands, and prescribed fire. The first two alternatives are
commonly applied now in freeze-killed or damaged stands. Broadcast
fires have been used with success in undisturbed areas under reasonably
moist (13-19% fuel moisture) weather conditions. Spring fires have
reduced fuel loads up to 87 to 96 percent without damage to overstory
trees. Prescribed burning has been widely applied to eucalyptus forests
in Australia to reduce fuel loads and prevent wildfires [1].
библиографски навод
Esser, Lora L. 1993. Eucalyptus globulus. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Fire Effects Information System Plants

Key Plant Community Associations ( англиски )

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More info for the terms: forest, fruit, vine

Most dense Tasmanian bluegum stands in California and Hawaii are almost
devoid of understory vegetation, except for a few hardy grasses. In
Hawaii, firetree (Myrica faga) sometimes invades bluegum stands, and the
noxious passion fruit vine (Passiflora mollissima) has been found in
young Tasmanian bluegum coppice stands [7].

In its native habitat Tasmanian bluegum grows in pure stands and in
mixtures with many other eucalypt species. In California, it has been
planted with forest redgum eucalyptus (Eucalyptus tereticornis) and
river redgum eucalyptus (E. camaldulensis). In Hawaii, it has been
planted with many other eucalypts [7].
библиографски навод
Esser, Lora L. 1993. Eucalyptus globulus. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Fire Effects Information System Plants

Life Form ( англиски )

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More info for the term: tree

библиографски навод
Esser, Lora L. 1993. Eucalyptus globulus. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Fire Effects Information System Plants

Management considerations ( англиски )

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More info for the terms: fuel, natural

Tasmanian bluegum is highly flammable and should not be planted near
homes and other structures [27]. For information regarding the
eradication of Tasmanian bluegum, see Fiedler [14], Groenendaal [17],
and Rice [38].

The leaves of Tasmanian bluegum release a number of terpenes and
phenolic acids. These chemicals may be responsible for the paucity of
accompanying vegetation in plantations [4]. Natural fog drip from
Tasmanian bluegum inhibits the growth of annual grass seedlings in
bioassays, suggesting that such inhibition occurs naturally [10,34]. At
least one leaf extract has been shown to strongly inhibit root growth of
seedlings of other species [4]. The frass from the chrysomelid beetle,
which feeds upon Tasmanian bluegum, is allelopathic to grasses at very
low levels [34].

Tasmanian bluegum is used short-rotation fuel biomass plantations
[26,30,35]. The coppice method of regeneration is most common because
it allows, at least for a limited number of years, repeated harvesting
at short intervals and exploitation of exceptionally high early growth
rates [35].

In Hawaii, four 64-year-old coppice stands were studied 2 to 5 years
after logging. Seventy to eighty percent of the stumps had sprouted.
All stands also had seedlings. The seedlings made up more than 20
percent of the total number of stems, but contributed very little to
volume as they were usually suppressed by the sprouting stems [42].
библиографски навод
Esser, Lora L. 1993. Eucalyptus globulus. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Fire Effects Information System Plants

Phenology ( англиски )

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More info on this topic.

More info for the term: fruit

In California, flowering occurs from November to April. Fruit ripens
from October to March, about 11 months after flowering. In Hawaii, some
trees flower throughout the year, but flowering is heaviest in February
and March. Fruit ripens throughout the year [7].
библиографски навод
Esser, Lora L. 1993. Eucalyptus globulus. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Fire Effects Information System Plants

Post-fire Regeneration ( англиски )

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More info for the terms: crown residual colonizer, ground residual colonizer, root sucker, secondary colonizer

Tree with adventitious-bud root crown/soboliferous species root sucker
Ground residual colonizer (on-site, initial community)
Crown residual colonizer (on-site, initial community)
Initial-offsite colonizer (off-site, initial community)
Secondary colonizer - off-site seed
библиографски навод
Esser, Lora L. 1993. Eucalyptus globulus. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Fire Effects Information System Plants

Taxonomy ( англиски )

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More info for the term: natural

The scientific name of Tasmanian bluegum is Eucalyptus globulus Labill.
(Myrtaceae) [32]. Infrataxa include [7,22,47,49]:

Eucalyptus globulus subsp. bicostata Maiden, eurabbie
Eucalyptus globulus subsp. globulus, Tasmanian bluegum
Eucalyptus globulus subsp. maidenii (F. Muell) J.B. Kirkpat., Tasmanian bluegum

Natural or controlled hybrids of Tasmanian bluegum are known with E.
blakelyi, E. botryoides, E. cinera, E. cypellocarpa, E. ovata, E. rudis,
E. tereticornis, E. urnigera, and E. viminalis [7].
библиографски навод
Esser, Lora L. 1993. Eucalyptus globulus. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/
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Fire Effects Information System Plants

Distribution ( шпански; кастиљски )

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Chile Central
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Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Pablo Gutierrez
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Associated Forest Cover ( англиски )

добавил Silvics of North America
In its native habitat, bluegum eucalyptus grows in pure stands and in mixture with messmate stringy bark eucalyptus (Eucalyptus obliqua), mountain-ash eucalyptus (E. regnans), manna eucalyptus (E. viminalis), black peppermint eucalyptus (E. amygdalina), and white peppermint eucalyptus (E. pulchella). Although, for the most part, it has been planted in pure plantations in countries where it has been introduced, it has also been planted in mixture. In California, it has most commonly been mixed with forest redgum eucalyptus (E. tereticornis) and river redgum eucalyptus (E. camaldulensis) (19). In Hawaii, it has been planted in mixture with many other eucalypts.

Most of the dense bluegum eucalyptus stands in California and Hawaii are noted for being almost devoid of understory vegetation, except for a few hardy grasses. Although this condition is most likely related to the rather dry climate that provides the best site for the species, it has also been shown that the leaves of the tree produce water soluble phytotoxins that can prevent radicle growth of many herbaceous plants (7). In Hawaii, firetree (Myrica faya) is a species that sometimes invades bluegum eucalyptus stands. The noxious passion fruit vine (Passiflora mollissima) has also been found thriving in a young coppice stand.

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USDA, Forest Service
Roger G. Skolmen
F. Thomas Ledig
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Silvics of North America

Climate ( англиски )

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Although bluegum eucalyptus has great climatic adaptability, the most successful introductions worldwide have been to locations with mild, temperate climates, or to high, cool elevations in tropical areas (8). The ideal climate is said to be that of the eastern coast of Portugal, with no severe dry season, mean annual rainfall 900 min (35 in), and minimum temperature never below -7° C (20° F). In coastal California, the tree does well in only 530 mm (21 in) rainfall accompanied by a pronounced dry season, primarily because frequent fogs compensate for lack of rain. A similar situation is found in Chile where deep fertile soils as well as fogs mitigate the effect of low, seasonal precipitation (8). In Hawaii, bluegum eucalyptus does best in plantations at about 1200 min (4,000 ft) where the rainfall is 1270 mm (50 in) annually and is evenly distributed or has a winter maximum. Seasonality of rainfall is not of critical importance to the species. Although it generally grows well in countries with a Mediterranean or cold season maximum rainfall, it grows well also in summer rainfall climates of Ethiopia and Argentina (8).

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USDA, Forest Service
Roger G. Skolmen
F. Thomas Ledig
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Silvics of North America

Damaging Agents ( англиски )

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Although bluegum eucalyptus is seldom browsed by cattle or sheep, seedlings are often severely girdled by rodents. This condition can be prevented by cultivating around the young trees to remove the protective cover the rodents require (19). Although grazing animals do not eat the trees, they do trample them and should be excluded from young plantations.

In California, bluegum eucalyptus stands are highly susceptible to fire during the dry season. The bark, which hangs in strips from the stems, readily carries fire into the crowns, and the leaves contain volatile oils that produce a hot fire. Trees are rarely killed by fire, however, as they sprout vigorously from the stems and bases (8). In the moister climate of Hawaii, fire has not been a problem in bluegum eucalyptus stands.

Seedlings are intolerant of frost and temperatures of -5° to -10° C (23° to 14° F) usually kill them. Frost resistance increases with maturity, juvenile foliage being less resistant than mature foliage (4). In 1972 a severe frost in the hills of Berkeley, CA, completely defoliated most of the mature bluegum eucalyptus. The trees were considered dead by several authorities and a salvage logging program was started to remove the fire hazard. A few months later, most of the "dead" trees sprouted from the stems and bases and began to grow again. This sprouting was judged undesirable and several experiments were undertaken aimed at preventing it. The most successful treatment found was to flood axe frills made at the tree bases with a 0.36 kg/1 (3 lb/gal) solution of glyphosphate in water (10). This permanently killed the trees.

The tree is susceptible to drought, particularly on shallow soils. On such soils, subsoiling has been used effectively to permit deeper rooting and to overcome drought susceptibility.

Several insects attack bluegum eucalyptus, although none has been a serious problem in California or Hawaii. One that is common in many parts of the world is the wood borer, Phoracantha semipunctata, which has caused severe damage in South Africa and Western Australia. A scale insect, Eriococcus coriaceus, has caused high mortality in New Zealand. Several defoliating insects in the genera Gonipterus, Chrysophtharta, and Mnesampela, attack the species.

Fungi have generally not been a severe problem with bluegum eucalyptus. Damping off in nurseries caused by Botrytis cinerea has been a problem but is easily controlled. Pythium and Rhizoctonia spp. have also caused damping-off in containers and flats, particularly when old seed was used (16). Fusarium spp. have destroyed quantities of stored seed in Spain. Attack by Diplodia and Armillaria has been reported from several countries, but neither disease is considered serious (8,23).

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USDA, Forest Service
Roger G. Skolmen
F. Thomas Ledig
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Silvics of North America

Flowering and Fruiting ( англиски )

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Bluegum eucalyptus in California flowers from November to April, the wet season (15). In Hawaii, some trees flower throughout the year, but flowering is heaviest in February to March. The flower buds have a warty cap or operculum about 2.5 cm (1 in) in diameter, which falls off, allowing the very numerous stamen filaments to extend in shaving-brush fashion above the cup-shaped base (hypanthium). The yellowish white flowers are pollinated by insects, hummingbirds, and other pollen and nectar feeders. As in almost all eucalyptus, pollen is usually viable before the stigma becomes receptive (8). The fruit, a distinctive top-shaped woody capsule 15 mm (0.6 in) long and 2 cm (1 in) in diameter, ripens in October to March in California, about 11 months after flowering (15). In Hawaii the fruit ripens throughout the year.

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USDA, Forest Service
Roger G. Skolmen
F. Thomas Ledig
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Silvics of North America

Genetics ( англиски )

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Population Differences Several previously described species, southern bluegum (E. bicostata Maiden et al.), Maiden's gum (E. maidenii F. Muell.), and E. pseudoglobulus Naudin ex Maiden, have been reduced to subspecies of bluegum eucalyptus (E. globulus ssp. globulus) (12). Steep clines are found in many fruit and vegetative characteristics across the subspecies boundaries, and more gradual changes appear within the ranges of the four subspecies in Australia. The ssp. pseudoglobulus is central, grading on different borders into each of the other three subspecies. The most frost-hardy seedlings originate from populations above 450 m (1,475 ft) elevation in the ranges of ssp. bicostata and ssp. maidenii, but these tend to be the oldest growing (13). Tasmanian bluegum eucalyptus, ssp. globulus, originating near sea level in the southern part of the species range, is the most rapidly growing. Within taxa, drought tolerance of seedlings is associated with populations native to the driest sites. Variation in glaucous bloom of the leaves is correlated with elevation and the "bluer" forms are more frost hardy and more drought tolerant than the "greener" forms. Variations are known, such as California bluegurn eucalyptus var. compacta (Hort.), a cultivar propagated in the nursery trade for its compact habit and widely used along California highways (2,20).

Hybrids Natural or controlled hybrids of bluegum eucalyptus with E. blakelyi, E. botryoides, E. cinerea, E. cypellocarpa, E. ovata, E. rudis, E. tereticornis, E. urnigera, and E. viminalis are known (8,14,18).

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USDA, Forest Service
Roger G. Skolmen
F. Thomas Ledig
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Silvics of North America

Growth and Yield ( англиски )

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Bluegum eucalyptus is considered a fast-growing tree in most countries where it is used, but a wide range of growth and yield figures are reported in the literature. We know of no data for natural stands in Australia, but some plantations in Tasmania, Victoria, and the Australian Capital Territory (A.C.T.) have done well (3). In Tasmania, a yield of subspecies globulus at 17 years of 35 m³/ha (500 ft³/acre) per year was reported, with the tallest trees averaging 30 m (99 ft). A plantation of ssp. globulus in Victoria averaged about 20 ern (8 in) in d.b.h. and 18 m (59 ft) in height at 14 years, while another (ssp. bicostata) at Canberra, A.C.T., at age 13 and somewhat lower stocking, averaged 21 cm (8.3 in) in d.b.h. and 15.5 m (51 ft) in height (3).

These data are well within the range of those reported for other countries (8). Annual growth in northwestern Spain averages 20 m³ /ha (286 ft³/acre), but in southwestern Spain only 5 to 6 m³/ha (71 to 86 ft³ /acre). In Uruguay, 25 m³/ha (375 ft³ /acre) of annual growth is considered good. In Ethiopia and Portugal, at age 10 on the highest quality site, very good growth is 20 m³/ha (286 Wft³/acre) per year.

In California, 67 different stands were measured in 1924 (19). The mean annual growth of all these stands ranging from 2 to 42 years in age, was 19 m³/ha (271 ft³/acre). Ten of these stands, ranging from 13 to 16 years in age and similar to the plantation in Australia, averaged 19.6 cm (7.7 in) in d.b.h., and 20.4 m (67 ft) in height, and had a mean annual growth of 21 m³/ha (300 ft³ /acre). The tallest stand averaged 38.7 m (127 ft) at 23 years. The tallest stand in California is one planted in 1877 on the University of California campus at Berkeley; it contains trees that have been more than 61 rn (200 ft) tall since 1956 (1).

In Hawaii, 20 stands ranging in age from 2.5 to 35 years were evaluated in 1911 (18). Four of the stands were in the age range 11 to 20, somewhat similar to the plantations in Australia. In these four, the average d.b.h. was 29.2 cm (11.5 in), and average height was 23 m (76 ft). The tallest stand averaged 30.5 m (100 ft) at 14 years. Seven stands ranging in age from 5 to 20 years had an average annual yield of 20 m³/ha (286 ft³/acre). The tallest bluegurn eucalyptus trees in Hawaii were at Kukaiau Ranch, on the Island of Hawaii, and were about 61 m (200 ft) tall until logged at age 70.

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USDA, Forest Service
Roger G. Skolmen
F. Thomas Ledig
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Silvics of North America

Reaction to Competition ( англиски )

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Bluegum eucalyptus is generally classed as intolerant of shade and planted stands quickly develop crown differentiation as soon as the crowns close. On sites for which it is best suited, other species cannot compete with it. In Australia, it frequently grows in mixed stands because of microsite variation that favors the competing species that have evolved in the area (23).

Although leaves of the species produce water-soluble toxins that may help prevent competition by larger trees (7), one or two maintenance cleanings are usually required shortly after planting to free seedlings from being overtopped by grasses. In Hawaii, sprouts from buried lignotubers often grow as much as 30 cm (12 in) horizontally through litter and grass before emerging to light.

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USDA, Forest Service
Roger G. Skolmen
F. Thomas Ledig
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Silvics of North America

Rooting Habit ( англиски )

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Bluegum eucalyptus generally does not form a taproot. It produces roots throughout the soil profile, rooting several feet deep on soils that permit it, or shallowly otherwise. On shallow soils, subsoiling to permit greater depth of rooting has markedly improved growth (8). On most trees all the roots are below the lignotuber, but occasionally, adventitious roots result from layering of the stem above the lignotuber. The tree is windfirm by the time it reaches sapling size, but because the root system develops slowly, it can be windthrown when a seedling.

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USDA, Forest Service
Roger G. Skolmen
F. Thomas Ledig
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соработничко мреж. место
Silvics of North America

Seed Production and Dissemination ( англиски )

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Bluegum eucalyptus seeds are relatively large for a eucalyptus. There are 18 to 320 seeds per gram (500 to 9,100/oz) of seeds and chaff, or about 460 clean seeds per gram (13,000/oz) (2,5,15). Capsules release seed immediately on ripening and the seed is dispersed by wind. Calculated dispersal distance from a 40-m (131-ft) height, with winds of 10 km/hr (6 mi/hr), was only 20 m (66 ft). Newly released seeds germinate within a few weeks if conditions are suitable. Trees usually begin to produce seeds at 4 to 5 years and yield heavy seed crops in most locations at 3- to 5-year intervals (23). Seeds can be stored for long periods in air-tight containers at 0° to 3° C (32° to 38° F).

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USDA, Forest Service
Roger G. Skolmen
F. Thomas Ledig
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Silvics of North America

Seedling Development ( англиски )

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Newly germinated seedlings have inverse heart-shaped cotyledons, borne epigeously. The stems of seedlings, especially those grown in the shade, are usually square in cross section, often for as much as 3 to 5 m (10 to 16 ft) of stem length. These square stems usually have prominent ridges or "wings" at the corners. Juvenile leaves, which are opposite and broadly lanceolate, 9 by 9 cm (3.5 by 3.5 in), may persist for more than a year (9). Trees in coppice stands 6 rn (20 ft) or mor in height are often entirely in the juvenile leaf form These juvenile leaves bear a bluish gray, waxy bloom and are the reason for the common name of the tree bluegum.

Nursery-grown seedlings in containers reach plantable size, about 30 to 40 cm (12 to 16 in) high in 3 to 4 months. Seedlings can be established in planted with bare roots, but success is highly de pendent on favorable wet weather after planting Seedlings are, therefore, usually grown in container and planted with a root ball. Seedlings are not frost resistant (23).

With favorable weather conditions on good sites in Hawaii, seedlings that germinate after logging am are not suppressed can be expected to be 1 in (3 ft tall at 6 months, 2 m (6 ft) at 1 year, and 4 m (13 ft at 2 years. Seedlings in four coppice stands in Hawaii grew poorly because they were generally suppressed by coppice shoots from stumps (21). Despite this, an average annual growth of 1.1 cm (0.4 in) in diameter at stump height and 1.4 m (4.6 ft) in height was recorded for all seedlings in stands 3, 4, 5, and 6 years old. Stocking of seedlings and coppice shoots in these stands was high, averaging more than 6,000 stems per hectare (2,400/acre). Measurements in six representative planted stands in California that were 5 years or less in age gave an average annual height growth of 2 m (6.7 ft) (19). In Victoria, Australia, unfertilized planted seedlings grew I m (3 ft) annually during a 4-year period, while fertilization of seedlings at three different levels nearly doubled the growth rate (6). Bluegum eucalyptus seedlings show a strong response to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on many soils (23).

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USDA, Forest Service
Roger G. Skolmen
F. Thomas Ledig
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Silvics of North America

Soils and Topography ( англиски )

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Bluegum eucalyptus grows well on a wide range of soils. It requires good drainage, low salinity, and a soil depth of about 0.6 in (2 ft) or more. Other limiting factors are few (8). In locations with a pronounced dry season, such as California, the tree grows best on deep alluvial soils because of the greater moisture supply.

In Hawaii, the tree grows very well on Typic and Hydric Dystrandepts, soils of the latosolic brown forest great soil group. These soils are generally 0.9 in (3 ft) deep, acid in reaction, and formed on volcanic ash. In California, the tree grows well on a much wider range of soils than in Hawaii, from the Ultisols and Alfisols developed on deeply weathered sedimentary deposits and sandstone to Inceptisols and Aridisols developed on a wide variety of parent materials.

In Portugal, almost 15 percent of the land area is planted to this species. Most stands are on soils developed from sandstone and limestone, which have been badly degraded by cultivation since ancient times. Best yields occur on the heavy texture clay-loams and clays (11).

авторски права
USDA, Forest Service
Roger G. Skolmen
F. Thomas Ledig
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соработничко мреж. место
Silvics of North America

Special Uses ( англиски )

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Bluegum eucalyptus is one of the world's most valuable windbreak trees because of its windfirmness and the unpalatable nature of its seedlings to grazing animals (8,18,19). Because of its ability to sprout along the stem, it can be hedged, thereby making effective sight and sound barriers along highways. The horticultural variety compacta is a dwarf form widely used along California freeways. Bluegum eucalyptus windbreaks are most effective with an understory or adjacent planting of smaller trees and shrubs (20).

The species is a major source of fuelwood in many countries of the world primarily because of its ability to coppice after cutting. The wood burns freely, leaves little ash, and produces good charcoal (8). The tree shows promise for use as industrial fuelwood in place of oil. Closely spaced and fertilized plantings in Victoria, Australia, produced mean annual increments of 9 to 14 metric tons per hectare (4 to 6 tons/acre) dry weight of stem wood during a 4-year period (3). In Hawaii, untended 3- to 6-year-old coppice stands average stem wood dry weights of 5 to 7 t/ha (2 to 3 tons/acre) per year. One stand, during its fifth year of growth, produced 14 t/ha (6 tons/acre). Another, during its second year, produced 8 t/ha (3.6 ton/acre) (20).

Bluegurn eucalyptus is much used for pulpwood, particularly so because its bark, acceptable in most pulping processes, adds greatly to the yield. It is used mostly for bleached products made by sulfate, sulfite, or bisulfite processes (8).

Other uses include the extraction of essential oils from the leaves, honey production from the flowers (that are also good pollen sources), plantings for erosion control, and roadside plantings to provide a noise and headlight buffer (8).

Because the wood is heavy and shrinks greatly in drying, it is unsuitable for lumber. Sawing of logs is difficult and the quality of lumber is poor because of growth stress problems. Main uses of bluegurn eucalyptus are for mining timber, fence posts, and poles (23). In South America, the straight, uniform poles are used extensively in construction (17). Lumber and veneer are produced on a fairly large scale in Portugal and Spain where the wood is used for cooperage, furniture, and flooring (8). A small amount of lumber used to be produced in Hawaii.

авторски права
USDA, Forest Service
Roger G. Skolmen
F. Thomas Ledig
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соработничко мреж. место
Silvics of North America

Vegetative Reproduction ( англиски )

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Bluegum eucalyptus coppices readily from stumps of all sizes and ages. Stumps should be cut 10 to 20 cm (4 to 8 in) high in stands managed for coppice (23). Low-cut stumps do not coppice well from the lignotuber, and coppice stems from stumps cut higher tend to break off easily in the wind. Because the buds that sprout are on the bark side of the cambium and initially weakly connected to the wood of the stump, it is essential that the bark be firmly attached to the stump if coppice stems are to survive. In four coppice stands in Hawaii, ranging in age from 2 to 6 years after logging, annual growth of stump~ coppice averaged 15 mm (0.6 in) in diameter at stump height and 1.8 in (5.9 ft) in height (21). This growth was considerably better than that of seedlings in the same stands referred to earlier.

Elsewhere than Hawaii, where foresters have had no experience beyond one rotation, bluegum eucalyptus is normally carried for three coppice rotation after the first, or seedling rotation. Rotations rang from 5 to 10 years in different countries and sites Undesirable shoots are usually removed during the first 2 years of a coppice crop, but thinning is normally not done. In Portugal, coppice stands are some times managed by the system of "coppice with standards" so that a sawtimber crop of the straightest an best trees is retained between coppice harvests to b cut as sawtimber when of suitable size (8).

In Portugal, coppice rotations are 10 to 15 year with annual yields normally 15 to 20 m/ha (214 t 286 W/acre) (11).

авторски права
USDA, Forest Service
Roger G. Skolmen
F. Thomas Ledig
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соработничко мреж. место
Silvics of North America

Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Myrtaceae -- Myrtle family

Roger G. Skolmen and F. Thomas Ledig

Bluegum eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus), also called Tasmanian bluegum, is one of the world's best known eucalyptus trees. It is the "type" species for the genus in California, Spain, Portugal, Chile, and many other locations. One of the first tree species introduced to other countries from Australia, it is now the most extensively planted eucalyptus in the world.

авторски права
USDA, Forest Service
Roger G. Skolmen
F. Thomas Ledig
посети извор
соработничко мреж. место
Silvics of North America

Distribution ( англиски )

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Four subspecies are recognized. The type tree, subspecies globulus, is largely confined to the southeast coast of Tasmania but also grows in small pockets on the west coast of Tasmania, on islands in the Bass Strait north of Tasmania, and on Cape Otway and Wilson's Promontory in southern Victoria, Australia (9). Other subspecies are found northward in Victoria and New South Wales (13).

The species was introduced into California in 1856 (1) and into Hawaii about 1865 (18) and has become naturalized in both States. It is also fairly common as an ornamental in Arizona but is not naturalized there. In California, it is now primarily used in line plantings along roads and as windbreaks, but formerly, extensive plantations were established. Plantings total about 16 000 ha (40,000 acres) (17). The planted range in California extends from Humboldt County in the north to San Diego County in the south, with best growth in the coastal fog belt in the vicinity of San Francisco. Numerous plantings are seen in the Central Valley from Redding, south through Fresno to Bakersfield, and San Bernardino. Hawaii has about 5000 ha (12,000 acres)-almost all of them on the islands of Hawaii and Maui. In California and Hawaii the tree regenerates within and near the edges of plantations. In some areas of Hawaii it spreads fast enough to be considered a pest by ranchers.

Recently, the species has also been planted in its native Tasmania where it is an important pulpwood source (22).

авторски права
USDA, Forest Service
Roger G. Skolmen
F. Thomas Ledig
посети извор
соработничко мреж. место
Silvics of North America

Eucalyptus globulus ( астурски )

добавил wikipedia AST

El ocalitu blancu,[1] ocalitu común o ocalitu azul. Eucalyptus globulus ye una especie arbórea de la familia de les mirtacees, orixinaria del sureste d'Australia y Tasmania.

Corteza desprendida
Yema floral
Flores y fueyes.


Ye natural d'Australia. El xéneru ye unu de los árboles más conocíos de la flora australiana yá que pol so rápidu crecedera estendióse por tol mundu pal so aprovechamientu industrial.


Prefier suelos llixeramente acedos y zones fresques y húmedes. Nun aguanta'l fríu intenso y ye un pocu sensible a les seques enllargaes. Cultivóse intensamente pa esaniciar el mugor en zones pantanoses. Floria en septiembre - ochobre. Hábitat: Ye natural d'Australia y de Tasmania, onde pueden atopase más de 300 especies del xéneru Eucalyptus. Pola rapidez de crecedera, puede atopase cultiváu en munches rexones del mundu pa la producción de madera, fabricación de magaya de papel y llogru d'aceite esencial. Foi especialmente utilizáu pa saniar zones pantanoses al esaniciar el mugor de les mesmes cola consiguiente erradicación de les sos plagues d'inseutos, principalmente mosquitos, y de les enfermedaes que tresmiten. El so usu supunxo una gran ayuda pal control del paludismu en munches zones d'Asia, América del sur y el sur d'Europa. Per otra parte, esta capacidá d'absorción de l'agua, convierte a los ocalitos n'especies bien agresives pal mediu ambiente al tresformar los ecosistemes por desecación de la tierra onde se llanten. Utilízase llargamente como árbol de xardín.



L'ocalitu suel ser bien toleráu, y namái n'ocasiones especiales puede producir reacciones adverses. Estes pueden ser: dixestives (estomagaes, vultures o fories), neurolóxiques / psicolóxiques. Puede ser neurotóxico por acelerar el metabolismu hepáticu de dellos anestésicos, analxésicos y tranquilizantes. El so aceite esencial nun puede ser aplicáu direutamente sobre la cara de neños pequeños o lactantes. Considérase que la ingestión de 30 ml del so aceite esencial ye letal. Los síntomes tóxicos son rápidos: dolor abdominal, vultures bonales, problemes respiratorios, depresión respiratoria, taquicardia, convulsiones y deliriu. Nun s'encamienta tomalo mientres l'embaranzu y la lactancia.


Por cuenta del so aceite esencial: - puede amenorgar l'efectu d'otres melecines - ta contraindicáu en casu d'inflamaciones gastrointestinales, de les víes biliares o insuficiencia hepática - puede aguiyar les enzimes hepátiques del fetu, por eso nun s'aconseya mientres l'embaranzu nin la lactancia ensin supervisión médica.[2]


  • Fueyes: fervinchu al 3 % (30g/llitru); déxase reposar delles hores.
  • Inhalación: encamiéntase doblar la dosis del fervinchu (60g/llitru).
  • Polvu de les fueyes: hasta 10 gramos diarios, pueden inxerise como pitos antiasmáticos.
  • Estractu fluyíu: 1-4 g diarios.
  • Estractu blancu: 0.35-0.5g diarios.
  • Aceites esenciales: 10 gotes nuna taza de tisana.
  • Eucaliptol: 5 gota por dosis.
  • Solución antiséptica (vía esterna): 20-30 cc d'aceite esencial en 1 llitru d'agua tibio.


El Eucalyptus globulus describir por primer vegada'l botánicu francés Jacques Labillardière nes sos publicaciones Relation du Voyage à la Recherche de la Pérouse (1800) y Novae Hollandiae Plantarum Specimen (1804).[3][4] L'autor recoyó esti y otros especímenes na Badea de la Recherche mientres la espedición de d'Entrecasteaux nel añu 1792.[5]


Eucalyptus: nome xenéricu que provién del griegu antiguu: = "bien, xustamente" y kalyptós = "cubiertu, qu'anubre". En Eucalyptus L'Hér., los pétalos, soldaos ente sigo y dacuando tamién colos sépalos los, formen parte del opérculu, perfectamente afechu al hipanto, que s'esprende a la del floriamientu.[6]

globulus: epítetu llatín que significa "arrondáu", refiriéndose probablemente a la flor o al frutu.[7]


Nome común

  • N'España: calipes, calipse, calipto (2), calipto blancu, calisto, calisto blancu, calistro (4), calitro (2), carlisto, encalistro, eucalihto, ocalitu (28), ocalitu azul (3), ocalitu blancu (4), ocalitu glóbulu, eucaliptu, eucaliptus, eucalito (5), eucálito, garlito, gomero azuláu, l-ucalipto, nogalito, ocalipto, ocalito (4), ocálito (3), quinino, ucalihto, ucalito (3), ucalitu, ucaritu, ucálito.(el númberu ente paréntesis indica les especies que lleven el mesmu nome n'España).[12]

Ver tamién


  1. Johnson, Owen y More, David (2006). Árboles: guía de campu (Collins Tree Guide) (n'español). Omega. ISBN 13: 978-84-282-1400-1. «Nome vulgar preferíu en castellanu»
  2. IDBEBE - Grossesse et Accouchement
  3. «Eucalyptus globulus Labill.». Australian Plant Name Index (APNI), IBIS database. Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research, Australian Government.
  4. IPNI citation: Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Voi. i. 153. t. 13; Nov. Holl. Pl. ii. 121.
  5. Mulvaney, John. «4. Botanising», ‘The axe had never sounded': presta, people and heritage of Recherche Bay, Tasmania, Online, Australian National University. ISBN 978-1-921313-21-9. Consultáu'l 16 de febreru de 2009.
  6. En Flora Vascular
  7. N'Epítetos Botánicos
  8. Sinónimos en Catalogue of life
  9. Sinónimos en GRIN
  10. Sinónimos en Kew
  11. Eucalyptus globulus en PlantList
  12. «Eucalyptus globulus». Real Xardín Botánicu: Proyeutu Anthos. Consultáu'l 7 de marzu de 2014.

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Eucalyptus globulus: Brief Summary ( астурски )

добавил wikipedia AST
Eucalyptus globulus

El ocalitu blancu, ocalitu común o ocalitu azul. Eucalyptus globulus ye una especie arbórea de la familia de les mirtacees, orixinaria del sureste d'Australia y Tasmania.

 src= Corteza desprendida  src= Yema floral  src= Frutu  src= Flores y fueyes.
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Girdə evkalipt ( азерски )

добавил wikipedia AZ

Girdə evkalipt (lat. Eucalyptus globulus) — mərsinkimilər fəsiləsinin evkalipt cinsinə aid bitki növü.

Təbii yayılması

Təbii halda Avstraliyanın Viktoriya, Yeni Cənubi Uels ştatları, Tasmaniya, Yeni Zelandiya, Cənubi Amerika, Kaliforniya və Çinin cənubunda yayılmışdır.

Botaniki təsviri

Hündürlüyü 70 m-ə çatan, bozumtul və ya mavi-ağ rəngli, hamar gövdəli ağacdır. Gövdənin aşağı hissəsi istisna olmaqla qalan hissəsində qabığı uzun, nazik, lentşəkilli qopub tökülür. Cavan zoğlarında yarpaqlar üzbəüz, oturaq, boz və ya külvari-ağ rəngli, ürək və ya yumurtavari formalı, ucu daralmış olub, 7-16 sm uzunluqdadır. Yetkin yarpaqları isə növbəli düzülüşlü, saplaqlı və dərivari, cavan yarpaqlardan iki dəfə qalın və dörd dəfə uzundur. Rəngi tünd yaşıl olub, neştərvari və ya qılıncvari, 15-30 sm uzunluqda və 3-4 sm enindədir. Ağımtıl və ya qırmızı çiçəkləri tək və ya 2-3-ü bir yerdə olmaqla, oturaq və ya qısa ayaqcıq üzərində yerləşir. Çiçək yatağı və qapağı tükcüklü, üzəri mavi-ağ rəngli, muma oxşar təbəqə ilə örtülüdür. Meyvələri oturaq, şarvari və ya enli boruvari, tükcüklü, dördhissəli, 10-15 mm uzunluqda və 13-30 mm enindədir.


Abşeronun torpaq-iqlim şəraitinə - istiyə, soyuğadavamlı, rütubətə tələbkar ağacdır. Yerüstü hissəsi şaxtadan məhv olarsa, yazda pöhrələr vasitəsi ilə bərpa olur.

Azərbaycanda yayılması

Quru-subtropik zonalarda, o cümlədən Lənkəranda becərilir, park və bağlarda yaşıllaşdırmada rast gəlinir.


Nektarlı bitkidir. Yaşıllaşdırmada istifadə üçün əlverişlidir.


  • Tofiq Məmmədov, Elman İsgəndər, Tariyel Talıbov. Azərbaycanın nadir ağac və kol bitkiləri. Bakı: Elm, 2014, 380 səh.
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Girdə evkalipt: Brief Summary ( азерски )

добавил wikipedia AZ

Girdə evkalipt (lat. Eucalyptus globulus) — mərsinkimilər fəsiləsinin evkalipt cinsinə aid bitki növü.

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Eucaliptus blau ( каталонски; валенсиски )

добавил wikipedia CA

L'eucaliptus blau (Eucalyptus globulus)[2] és un arbre de la família de les mirtàcies originari del sud-est d'Austràlia, tot i que, actualment, es cultiva extensament fora de la seva regió original, ja que ha estat exportat per a la jardineria i la repoblació forestal. En català, l'eucaliptus es coneix també amb els noms d'eucaliptus blau de Tasmània, arbre de la salut, eucaliptus de llei o eucaliptus ver.


Distribució mundial

L'Eucalyptus globulus és originari d'Austràlia i Tasmània però la seva distribució s'ha estès per Amèrica del Sud, Europa, Àfrica, Estats Units, Nova Zelanda i Àsia[1] on arriba a competir ecològicament amb les espècies autòctones.

Fora del seu hàbitat original, la reforestació monocultural amb eucaliptus blau va adverar-se problemàtica pel seu efecte negatiu sobre la biodiversitat. Tot i créixer molt ràpidament, empobreix el terra i el metabolisme hídric.[3] Als Països Catalans són principalment les suredes tradicionals que són amenaçades.[4]

Distribució al principat

Es distribueix per tota la conca mediterrània. A Catalunya, les plantacions d'eucaliptus es concentren al Baix Empordà, el Delta de l'Ebre, el Gironès i la Selva.


Prefereix sòls lleugerament àcids i zones fresques i humides. No resisteix el fred intens i és una mica sensible a les sequeres perllongades. S'ha cultivat intensament per eliminar la humitat en zones pantanoses. Floreix al setembre - octubre.


Eucalyptus, prové del grec = ben i kalyptós = cobrir, que fa referència a l'opercle que tanca el calze en la flor.[5] Globulus significa arrodonit, referint-se probablement a la flor o al fruit.


És un arbre monoic, de 30 a 35 metres d'alçada que pot arribar a mesurar 100 m en el seu hàbitat natural.[6] Rel axonomorfa amb les tiges blanquinoses. Els eucaliptus tenen una escorça (ritidoma) que es desprèn a tires i deixa el tronc llis i de colors clars en els exemplars adults. Les fulles presenten dimorfisme, són coriàcies, falciformes i perennes. La seva forma varia segons l'edat de la branca. Per una banda, les fulles de les branques joves són ovalades, oposades, sense pecíol (sèssils), de base cordada, de color gris-blavós, d'uns 7-16 cm de longitud per 4-8 cm d'amplada i erectes (miren amunt). Les fulles de branques adultes són alternes, peciolades, asimètriques, falciformes o ovalades, rarament erectes. Mesuren uns 10-13 cm de longitud i 3-4 cm d'ample. La seva textura és una mica coriàcies, són de color verd fosc, amb la nervació marcada, i pèndules (miren avall). Les fulles es disposen en un pla vertical, de manera que reben la llum de manera igual pels dos costats i no s'hi pot distingir l'anvers del revers. Tant unes com les altres tenen les característiques glàndules secretores en el mesòfil, que són visibles a contrallum com a punts més clars. Les inflorescències són solitàries o en grups de 2-3, a les aixelles de les branques superiors. Les flors són hermafrodites, solitàries sobre un peduncle curt. Són grans (fins a 3 cm de diàmetre), sense sèpals. Els pètals estan soldats (gamosèpals) formant una estructura semiesfèrica que es desprèn deixant al descobert nombrosos estams torts cap a l'interior. El calze i corol·la es troben fusionats formant un receptacle (opercle) llenyós. L'androceu està constituït per nombrosos estams molt sobresortits i d'un color vermell intens. Gineceu amb ovari ínfer o seminífer. Els fruits són càpsules llenyoses, incrustades en el calze, de 4-5 valves, campaniformes, de color glauc i cobertes d'una pols blanquinosa. Les seves dimensions són d'aproximadament 1.4 a 2.4 cm de diàmetre, i contenen nombroses llavors, tot i que només en maduren una o dues de cada valva, són petites i de diferents formes i colors.

Conseqüències de la seua presència

És una espècie que pel despreniment d'escorça, branques i fulles altament inflamables suposa un alt rics d'incendis forestals, especialment en èpoques de l'any seques.[7] Aquest risc pot ser previngut mitjançant la mesura i monitoratge d'un índex per a la prevenció d'incendis forestals.[8]

A més, els efectes dels seus incendis impliquen "no solament la modificació de l'estructura i composició de la vegetació sinó que també poden arribar a afectar als processos ecosistèmics.[9]

Quan una zona d'eucaliptus incendiada és replantada d'eucaliptus es provoca que els incendis posteriors siguen amb més probabilitat més intensos per la menor taxa de descomposició del fullatge i altres elements fàcilment inflamables.[10]


Indústria forestal

L'ús de proveïment de fusta és típic en aquesta espècie.[9] El seu creixement i regeneració presenta una taxa molt alta després de la plantació posterior als incendis forestals sempre que es done una gran quantitat d'aigua.[10]


La droga (Eucalypti folium) està formada per les fulles de les branques adultes i els fruits (olis essencials).

Composició química

  • Olis essencials (1-3,5%). El seu principal constituent és el cineol o eucaliptol (èter òxid terpènic). Conté també: terpineol, carburs terpènics (alfapinè), alcohols alifàtics i sesquiterpens (eudesmol), aldehids (butírics, valeriànic, caproic) i cetones. També conté en un 2,8% eucaliptina que té un efecte bacteriostàtic.
  • Tanins (substància detoxificant)en un 11%.
  • Flavonoides.
  • Heteròsids del quercetol i un heteròsid fenòlic complex, el caliptòsid.
  • Àcids fenòlics (gàl·lic, cafeic, ferúlic).
  • Resina i un principi amarg.
  • Triterpens. Àcid ursòlic.
  • Floroglucinols. Euglobals.

Accions farmacològiques

  • Antisèptic de vies respiratòries i urinàries, ja que s'elimina la seva essència a nivell pulmonar i pel ronyó.
  • Analgèsic
  • Antiinflamatori
  • Antitussigen
  • Expectorant, mucolític i antiespasmòdic. L'eucaliptol produeix un efecte beneficiós a nivell bronquial. Primer actua directament sobre l'epiteli bronquial, produint un efecte irritant i augmentant les secrecions bronquialvelars. A més a més augmenta l'activitat des cilis bronquials i fa les secrecions bronquialvelars més fluides. Finalment produeix una relaxació del múscul bronquial llis.
  • Hipoglucemiant
  • Sedant
  • Vermífug (contra els cucs intestinals)
  • Antibiòtic (específic per toxina tetànica, diftèrica, bacteris Gram +, pel seu contingut en essència i taní).
  • Antifúngic
  • En ús extern és balsàmic, cicatritzant, astringent.

Ús medicinal


L'eucaliptus acostuma a ser ben tolerat, i només en ocasions especials pot produir reaccions adverses. Aquestes poden ser: digestives (nàusees, vòmits o diarrees), neurològiques/psicològiques. Pot ser neurotòxic per accelerar el metabolisme hepàtic d'alguns anestèsics, analgèsics i tranquil·litzants. El seu oli essencial no pot ser aplicat directament sobre la cara de nens petits o lactants. Es considera que la ingestió de 30 ml del seu oli essencial és letal. Els símptomes tòxics són ràpids: dolor abdominal, vòmits espontanis, problemes respiratoris, depressió respiratòria, taquicàrdia, convulsions i deliri. No es recomana prendre'l durant l'embaràs i la lactància.


Degudes al seu oli essencial:

  • pot reduir l'efecte d'altres medicaments
  • està contraindicat en cas d'inflamacions gastrointestinals, de les vies biliars o insuficiència hepàtica
  • pot estimular els enzims hepàtics del fetus, per això no s'aconsella durant l'embaràs ni la lactància sense supervisió mèdica.[11]


  • Fulles: infusió al 3% (30 g/litre); es deixa reposar algunes hores.
  • Inhalació: es recomana duplicar la dosis de la infusió (60 g/litre).
  • Pols de les fulles: fins a 10 grams diaris; es poden ingerir com a cigarretes antiasmàtiques.
  • Extracte fluid: 1-4 g diaris.
  • Extracte blanc: 0.35-0.5 g diaris.
  • Olis essencials: 10 gotes en una tassa de tisana.
  • Eucaliptol: 5 gotes per dosi.
  • Solució antisèptica (via externa): 20-30 cc d'oli essencial en 1 litre d'aigua tèbia.


Els colons australians el van anomenar "arbre de la goma blava", perquè segrega una substància resinosa. L'eucaliptus va ser descobert a la costa sud-est de Tasmània el 1792-93 per Jacques-Julien Houton Labillardière (1755-1834) i descrit per ell el 1799. El 27 de novembre de 1962 va ser proclamat com a emblema floral de Tasmània.

La seva introducció en la medicina va ser deguda al baró Ferdinand von Müller, director del jardí botànic de Melbourne (1857-1873). Ell va suggerir que l'oli essencial de l'eucaliptus podia ser utilitzat com a desinfectant en les zones afectades per febres. S'ha utilitzat també per assecar la humitat del terra i així evitar la proliferació d'insectes nocius que produeixen la malària. Actualment, el seu cultiu extensiu presenta fins i tot problemes ecològics, ja que el seu ràpid creixement pot arribar a alterar la flora autòctona.

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  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 «GRIN, Taxonomy for Plants» (en anglès). Estats Units: Agricultural Research Service, Department of Agriculture..
  2. Pascual, Ramon. Guia dels arbres dels Països Catalans (en català). 3a edició. Barcelona: Pòrtic Natura, 1994, p. 163. ISBN 84-7306-390-2.
  3. Ana Ivania Alves Fonseca, Lucas dos Reis Teixeira, Vanessa Fonseca, O cerrado no contexto do desenvolvimento da monocultura de eucalipto, Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros e Universidade Estadual Paulista, Instituto Superior de Educação de Montes Claros, 28 d'octubre 2008
  4. Juan Piqueras Haba (redacció), «Taps naturals o sintètics? », El renaixement del vi en el segle XXI, Mètode, pàgina 44 (N°29)
  5. Berdonces, Josep Lluís. Gran enciclopedia de las plantas medicinales: el dioscórides del tercer milenio. Ed. Tikal. Madrid, 1998. ISBN 843058496X.
  6. Giant Trees Consultative Committee
  7. Anchaluisa, 2013, p. 2, 9.
  8. Borges, Tiago Sperandio; Fiedler, Nilton César; Santos, Alexandre Rosa dos; Loureiro, Edmilson Bitti; Mafia, Reginaldo Gonçalves «Desempenho de alguns índices de risco de incêndios em plantios de eucalipto no norte do Espírito Santo». Floresta e Ambiente, 18, 2, 2011, pàg. 153–159. DOI: 10.4322/floram.2011.033.
  9. 9,0 9,1 Anchaluisa, 2013, p. 2.
  10. 10,0 10,1 Anchaluisa, 2013, p. 8.
  11. IDBEBE - Grossesse et Accouchement


  • Berdonces, Josep Lluís. Gran enciclopedia de las plantas medicinales: el dioscórides del tercer milenio. Ed. Tikal. Madrid, 1998. ISBN 843058496X.
  • Cañigueral, Salvador; Vila, Roser; Wichtl, Max. Plantas medicinales y drogas vegetales : para infusión y tisana : un manual de base científica para farmacéuticos y médicos. Milan : OEMF International, 1998. ISBN 88-7076-216-5
  • Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Farmacéuticos. Catálogo de plantas medicinales. 2009a ed.. CGCOF. Madrid, 2009. ISBN 2910010541388.
  • Duke, James A. Handbook of medicinal herbs, 2a edició. Boca Raton [Fla.] [etc.] : CRC Press, cop. 2002. ISBN 0-8493-1284-1 (cart.)
  • Vanaclocha, Bernat; Cañigueral, Salvador. Fitoterapia: vademecum de prescripción. 4a ed.. Editorial Masson, Barcelona, 2003. ISBN 9788445812204.
  • Anchaluisa, Stephanie; Suárez R., Esteban «Efectos del fuego sobre la estructura, microclima y funciones ecosistémicas de plantaciones de eucalipto (Eucalyptus globulus; Myrtaceae) en el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, Ecuador». Avances en Ciencias e Ingeniería, 5, 2, 2013, pàg. 1-10. DOI: 10.18272/aci.v5i2.134.

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Eucaliptus blau: Brief Summary ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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L'eucaliptus blau (Eucalyptus globulus) és un arbre de la família de les mirtàcies originari del sud-est d'Austràlia, tot i que, actualment, es cultiva extensament fora de la seva regió original, ja que ha estat exportat per a la jardineria i la repoblació forestal. En català, l'eucaliptus es coneix també amb els noms d'eucaliptus blau de Tasmània, arbre de la salut, eucaliptus de llei o eucaliptus ver.

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Ewcalyptws glas ( велшки )

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Coeden blodeuol deugotyledon o Awstralia yw Ewcalyptws glas sy'n enw gwrywaidd. Mae'n perthyn i'r teulu Myrtaceae. Yr enw gwyddonol (Lladin) yw Eucalyptus globulus a'r enw Saesneg yw Southern blue-gum.[1]

Ei huchder cyfartalog yw 30–55 m (98–180 tr), ond ceir enghreifftiau prin o rai sydd wedi tyfu i uchder o 100 metr. Mae'n perthyn yn agos i'r llawryf.

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  1. Gerddi Kew; adalwyd 21 Ionawr 2015
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Ewcalyptws glas: Brief Summary ( велшки )

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Coeden blodeuol deugotyledon o Awstralia yw Ewcalyptws glas sy'n enw gwrywaidd. Mae'n perthyn i'r teulu Myrtaceae. Yr enw gwyddonol (Lladin) yw Eucalyptus globulus a'r enw Saesneg yw Southern blue-gum.

Ei huchder cyfartalog yw 30–55 m (98–180 tr), ond ceir enghreifftiau prin o rai sydd wedi tyfu i uchder o 100 metr. Mae'n perthyn yn agos i'r llawryf.

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Blahovičník kulatoplodý ( чешки )

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Blahovičník kulatoplodý[1] (Eucalyptus globulus), také nazývaný blahovičník australský,[2] je neopadavý listnatý strom pocházející z Austrálie.


Blahovičník kulatoplodý je velmi rychle rostoucí strom (roční přírůstek 3 - 10 metrů)[1]. V Austrálii dosahuje výšky až 65 metrů, v Evropě pak maximálně 45 metrů.[1] Mladé exempláře mají kuželovitou korunu, starší mají kulový tvar, přičemž celek tvoří několik jednotlivých podkorun.[1] Kmen je většinou rovný a vysoký. Hladká kůra se samovolně odlupuje v dlouhých pruzích a tím zapříčiňuje, že kmen a všechny větve jsou poseté bělavými nebo barevnými skvrnami.[1] Větve jsou velmi křehké, u mladších jedinců jsou odstávající, u starších pak jsou strmě vztyčené.[1]

Jedním ze základních znaků eukalyptu jsou listy, které v průběhu růstu mění svůj vzhled. U mladých stromů blahovičníku kulatoplodého jsou podlouhle oválné, vstřícné, zakončené do špičky, 10-15 cm dlouhé,[1] modrozelené a na povrchu ojíněné, neboť jsou potažené vrstvičkou vosků. U starších stromů jsou úzké, střídavé, dlouhé až 30 cm, tmavozelené a kožovité.[1]

Květy jsou umístěny na stromě jednotlivě, dle podmínek kvetou od října do listopadu.[2] Mají miskovitý tvar. Tyčinky květu jsou bílé nebo načervenalé. Plody jsou polokulovité tobolky až 3 cm velké.[2]

Původní a současný výskyt

Domovinou blahovičníku kulatoplodého je jihovýchodní Austrálie a také ostrov Tasmánie[2]. Dnes je hojně vysazován například ve Středomoří[1], kde je používán k vysoušení vlhkých a bažinatých ploch.[2] Hojně je také pěstován jako pokojová rostlina.


Nemá větší nároky na půdu[2], ale nemůže být pěstován v oblastech s chladnějšími zimami.[2]


Blahovičník kulatoplodý má v listech podobně jako jiné dřeviny z čeledi myrtovitých éterické oleje,[1][2] které jsou využívány ve farmaceutickém průmyslu.[1] Dřevo se používá ve stavebnictví[1] a také v papírenském průmyslu.[1]


Rod blahovičník má více než 800 druhů[3] a množství poddruhů a různých kultivarů. Na světě se mu málo dřevin může v tomto směru vyrovnat.




  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m průvodce přírodou, nakladatelství Knižní klub a Ikar, článek Blahovičník kulatoplodý str. 244
  2. a b c d e f g h Stromy, kapesní atlas, nakladatelství Slovart, článek Blahovičník australský str. 238
  3. The Plant List [online]. Dostupné online.


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Blahovičník kulatoplodý: Brief Summary ( чешки )

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Blahovičník kulatoplodý (Eucalyptus globulus), také nazývaný blahovičník australský, je neopadavý listnatý strom pocházející z Austrálie.

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Blauer Eukalyptus ( германски )

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Der Blaue Eukalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus), auch Gewöhnlicher Eukalyptus, Tasmanischer Blaugummibaum (engl. „Tasmanian Blue Gum“ oder „Blue Gum Eucalyptus“) oder Fieberbaum[1] genannt, ist eine Pflanzenart der Gattung Eucalyptus innerhalb der Familie der Myrtengewächse (Myrtaceae). Das ursprüngliche Verbreitungsgebiet ist nur Tasmanien und das südliche Victoria. Der Blaue Eukalyptus gehört zu den am meisten angebauten und bekanntesten Pflanzenarten, deren Heimat der Australische Kontinent ist.


Früchte – von oben, unten den Seiten; halbierte Kapselfrucht – links unten eine Kapselfrucht mit nur drei Fruchtfächern

Erscheinungsbild und Blatt

Eucalyptus globulus wächst als immergrüner Baum, der Wuchshöhen von bis über 60 Meter erreicht. Der Stammdurchmesser erreicht bis zu 2 Meter. Die Borke ist glatt oder verbleibt manchmal am unteren Teil des Stammes grau mit weißlichen Flecken oder grau-gelb und fasrig-schuppig. Sie besitzt Drüsen. Im Mark sind ebenfalls Öldrüsen vorhanden. Die Keimblätter sind nierenförmig.[2]

Bei Eucalyptus globulus liegt Heterophyllie vor. Die gegenständig angeordneten Laubblätter an mittelalten Exemplaren sind kreisrund oder eiförmig, ganzrandig, matt grau-grün und besitzen keine Blattstiele. Die wechselständigen, einfarbigen, glänzend grünen Laubblätter an erwachsenen Exemplaren sind in Blattstiel und -spreite gegliedert. Ihre Blattstiele besitzen einen schmal-abgeflachten oder kanalförmigen Querschnitt. Die dicke, einfache Blattspreite ist schmal-lanzettlich oder lanzettlich mit bespitztem oberen Ende und spitz zulaufender Spreitenbasis. Die Seitennerven sind erhaben.[2]

Blütenstand und Blüte

Seitenständig auf einem im Querschnitt breit abgeflachten Blütenstandsschaft steht ein einfacher Blütenstand, der eine bis drei Blüten enthält.[2]

Die Blütenknospe ist kreiselförmig und blau-grün bemehlt oder bereift. Die zwittrige Blüte ist radiärsymmetrisch mit doppelter Blütenhülle. Die Kelchblätter bilden eine Calyptra, die früh abfällt. Die Calyptra ist konisch, so lang und so breit wie der Blütenbecher (Hypanthium). Blütenbecher und Calyptra sind gerippt oder faltig. Die Blüten sind weiß oder cremefarben.[2]


Die Kapselfrucht ist kugelig oder muschelförmig. Der Diskus ist flach oder erhaben. Die Fruchtfächer sind auf dem Niveau des Randes oder stehen hervor.[2]



Der Blaue Eukalyptus kommt natürlich nur in Tasmanien, im Süden und Osten des Bundesstaates Victoria und im südöstlichen New South Wales vor.[3] Allerdings ist er heute durch den Menschen in fast jedem Land und jeder Gegend mit geeignetem Klima verbreitet, wo er oft in großen Plantagen angebaut wird. Im Galicien/Nordwestspanien wird der Eukalyptus globulus aufgrund seiner hohen Rohdichte in Plantage angebaut und zu verleimten Fensterkanteln verarbeitet.[4]

Sämlinge nach einem Waldbrand


Die Erstbeschreibung von Eucalyptus globulus erfolgte 1800 durch den französischen Botaniker Jacques Julien Houtou de Labillardière in Relation du Voyage à la Recherche de la Pérouse, Volume 1, S. 153.[5]

Von Eucalyptus globulus gibt es vier Unterarten:[6][5]

  • Eucalyptus globulus subsp. bicostata (Maiden, Blakely & Simmonds) J.B.Kirkp. (Syn.: Eucalyptus bicostata Maiden, Blakely & Simmonds, Eucalyptus globulus var. bicostata (Maiden, Blakely & Simmonds) Ewart)[7]
  • Eucalyptus globulus Labill. subsp. globulus (Syn.: Eucalyptus gigantea Dehnh.)
  • Eucalyptus globulus subsp. maidenii (F.Muell.) J.B.Kirkp. (Syn.: Eucalyptus maidenii F.Muell., Eucalyptus maidenii F.Muell. var. maidenii, Eucalyptus maideni F.Muell. orth. var.)
  • Eucalyptus globulus subsp. pseudoglobulus (Naudin ex Maiden) J.B.Kirkp. (Syn.: Eucalyptus pseudoglobulus (Naudin) Maiden, Eucalyptus globulus var. stjohnii R.T.Baker, Eucalyptus globulus var. stjohni orth. var. R.T.Baker, Eucalyptus stjohnii (R.T.Baker) R.T.Baker, Eucalyptus st-johni orth. var. R.T.Baker)



Der Blaue Eukalyptus macht 65 Prozent der gepflanzten Bäume in Australien aus. Zurzeit sind etwa 45.000 ha als Plantagen bepflanzt. Der Blaue Eukalyptus wächst zunächst schnell, etwa 60 bis 70 % des Höhenwachstums (Standortabhängig zum Beispiel 25 m) wird in den ersten zehn Jahren erreicht. In dem nachfolgenden Jahrzehnt lässt das Wachstum nach.[8]


Holz des Eucalyptus (Blue Gum)

Das Holz hat eine hell- bis rotbraune Färbung und ist anfällig für Termiten sowie bestimmte Pilzarten. Das reife Holz des Blauen Eukalyptus hat eine Rohdichte von circa 900 kg/m³ und verfügt über gute Resistenz gegen Witterungseinflüsse (1-2 in der Resistenzklassen nach DIN 68364 (11-1979)).[9]

Verwendung des Holzes

Das Holz jüngerer Exemplare kann als Industrieholz oder Brennholz Verwendung finden. Als Holzkohle verbrennt es sauber und hinterlässt wenig Asche. Bei älteren Exemplaren nimmt die Holzqualität zu, so dass das Holz dann auch als Sägeholz Verwendung finden kann.[8] Europäischer Eucalyptus globulus aus Galicien/Nordwestspanien ist seit 2007 für die Herstellung von RAL-gütegesicherten Holzfenstern und Holzhaustüren zugelassen. Diese Zulassung gilt ausschließlich für den europäischen Eucalyptus globulus aus Galicien/Nordwestspanien. Aufgrund seiner Härte eignet sich europäischer Eucalyptus globulus hervorragend für die Herstellung von einbruchhemmenden Fenstern und Haustüren.[10][11]

Verwendung als Heilpflanze

Eukalyptusblätter werden als Droge eher selten gebraucht. Sehr viel häufiger verwendet man das reine ätherische Öl der Pflanze, das in den Blättern zu 0,5–3,5 % enthalten ist. Das Eukalyptusöl ist eine farblose, kampferartig riechende Flüssigkeit mit dem Hauptbestandteil Cineol. Phellandren und Piperidon dürfen als Schleimhaut reizende Substanzen nur in Spuren enthalten sein.[12][13]

Nach Einnahme wird es zum Teil über die Lunge wieder ausgeschieden und wirkt dort schleimlösend, schwach krampflösend und antibakteriell. Eingesetzt wird es bei Erkältungskrankheiten und Asthma auch in Form von Inhalationen, in Nasensalben, Einreibungen und Badekonzentraten. Letztere wegen der lokal durchblutungsfördernden Wirkung auch gegen rheumatische Beschwerden.[12][13]

In höheren Dosen kann das ätherische Öl bei externer Anwendung auf der Haut heftig juckende Exantheme hervorrufen.[12][13]

Insgesamt gilt Eucalyptus globulus aber als wenig giftig.[12][13]


  1. Georg August Pritzel, Carl Jessen: Die deutschen Volksnamen der Pflanzen. Neuer Beitrag zum deutschen Sprachschatze. Philipp Cohen, Hannover 1882, Seite 147.(online).
  2. a b c d e Eucalyptus globulus bei EucaLink - A Web Guide to the Eucalypts.. Abgerufen am 22. Januar 2013.
  3. Specimen search results: Eucalyptus globulus bei Australia’s Virtual Herbarium. Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria. Abgerufen am 22. Januar 2013
  4. Grupo Villapol | Maderas | Laminados. Abgerufen am 5. Februar 2018.
  5. a b APNI = Australian Plant Name Index. Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research. Australian Government. Abgerufen am 22. Januar 2013.
  6. Rafaël Govaerts (Hrsg.): Eucalyptus globulus. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) – The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, abgerufen am 22. Januar 2013.
  7. Eucalyptus globulus subsp. bicostata Datenblatt bei EUCLID.
  8. a b Invasive Plants of California's Wildland - Eucalyptus globulus.
  9. Holzarten-Lexikon: „Blue Gum“. (Memento vom 6. Juni 2008 im Internet Archive)
  10. Holzfenster. Abgerufen am 5. Februar 2018.
  11. Fenster und Türen aus Eucalyptus globulus. Eine überzeugende Alternative - BM online. In: BM online. 28. Oktober 2009 (bm-online.de [abgerufen am 5. Februar 2018]).
  12. a b c d Ingrid Schönfelder, Peter Schönfelder: Das neue Handbuch der Heilpflanzen. Botanik, Arzneidrogen, Wirkstoffe, Anwendungen. Kosmos, Stuttgart 2011, ISBN 978-3-440-12932-6.
  13. a b c d Lutz Roth, Max Daunderer, Kurt Kormann: Giftpflanzen – Pflanzengifte. Giftpflanzen von A–Z. Notfallhilfe. Vorkommen, Wirkung, Therapie. Allergische und phototoxische Reaktionen. 4. überarbeitete und wesentlich erweiterte Auflage, Sonderausgabe. Nikol Verlagsgesellschaft, Hamburg 1994, ISBN 3-933203-31-7.
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Blauer Eukalyptus: Brief Summary ( германски )

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Der Blaue Eukalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus), auch Gewöhnlicher Eukalyptus, Tasmanischer Blaugummibaum (engl. „Tasmanian Blue Gum“ oder „Blue Gum Eucalyptus“) oder Fieberbaum genannt, ist eine Pflanzenart der Gattung Eucalyptus innerhalb der Familie der Myrtengewächse (Myrtaceae). Das ursprüngliche Verbreitungsgebiet ist nur Tasmanien und das südliche Victoria. Der Blaue Eukalyptus gehört zu den am meisten angebauten und bekanntesten Pflanzenarten, deren Heimat der Australische Kontinent ist.

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Kalitus ( кабилски )

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Kalitus (Isem usnan: Eucalyptus globulus) d talmest n yemɣi seg twacult n myrtaceae Suqel. Jacques-Julien Houtou de La Billardière Suqel d amdan amezwaru i yuran fell-as deg useggas n 1800. Tamlest-a teḥseb-itt IUCN am d talmest ur tettwaggez.


Eucalyptus globulus - Kalitus[1][2]


  • Isem-is s latinit: Eucalyptus globulus
  • Isem-is s tefransist: Eucalyptus
  • Ismawen-is nniḍen s teqbaylit:
  • Ismawen-is nniḍen s tmaziɣt:



  1. 'Imɣan n Tensawt - Plantes de Kabylie ' - Saïd Zidat - Editions Innexsys, Luxembourg, Avril 2016 ISBN 978-99959-0-205-6 www.imghantensawt.lu
  2. 'Plantes médicinales de Kabylie' - Mohand Aïd Youssef - Ibis Press -Paris 2006
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Kalitus: Brief Summary ( кабилски )

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Kalitus (Isem usnan: Eucalyptus globulus) d talmest n yemɣi seg twacult n myrtaceae Suqel. Jacques-Julien Houtou de La Billardière Suqel d amdan amezwaru i yuran fell-as deg useggas n 1800. Tamlest-a teḥseb-itt IUCN am d talmest ur tettwaggez.

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Urqu kalistu ( кечуански )

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Urqu kalistu icha Anqas kalistu (Eucalyptus globulus) nisqaqa huk Awstralyapi wiñaq laya kalistu sach'am. Urin Awya Yalaman (Buliwya) apamusqam.


Kaqlla simikuna


Kaypipas qhaway


  1. Kaqlla simikuna: Catalogue of life
  2. Kaqlla simikuna: GRIN

Hawa t'inkikuna

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Urqu kalistu: Brief Summary ( кечуански )

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Urqu kalistu icha Anqas kalistu (Eucalyptus globulus) nisqaqa huk Awstralyapi wiñaq laya kalistu sach'am. Urin Awya Yalaman (Buliwya) apamusqam.

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Ευκάλυπτος ο σφαιρικός ( грчки, современ (1453-) )

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Ο Ευκάλυπτος ο σφαιρικός (Eucalyptus globulus) είναι ένα είδος ευκαλύπτου που φτάνει σε ύψος τα 80 μέτρα. Είναι αειθαλές δέντρο με ξερό φλοιό που μαδάει βγάζοντας μακριές ταινίες αφήνοντας τον κορμό λείο και το χρώμα του σταχτίλευκο. Ο ευκάλυπτος ο σφαιρικός κατάγεται από την Αυστραλία και την Τασμανία, αλλά έχει εγκλιματιστεί και απαντάται στη φύση στην Ευρώπη, στη Νότια Αφρική, στη Νέα Ζηλανδία, στην Καλιφόρνια και στη Χαβάη.[1] Εισήχθη στην Ελλάδα από τον βοτανολόγο και λόγιο Θεόδωρο Ορφανίδη το 1862. Καλλιεργείται κυρίως στη νότια Ελλάδα και στη Χαλκιδική και βρίσκεται σε δάση και κήπους.


Έχει μέτριο με μεγάλο ύψος που φτάνει τα 90 μέτρα υπό ευνοϊκές συνθήκες, αν και τα περισσότερα άτομα του είδους έχουν ύψος 15 με 25 μέτρα. Σε δυσμενείς συνθήκες, ο ευκάλυπτος ο σφαιρικός έχειν θαμνώδη εμφάνιση. Έχει σκληρό, γκριζωπό κορμό ο οποίος αποβάλλει κομμάτια που έχουν σχήμα λωρίδας. Τα άνθη του είναι λευκά και όταν γονιμοποιηθούν γίνονται γκρίζες κάψες με 3 έως 6 εγκοπές. Τα φύλλα του είναι γλαυκόχρωμα και επιμήκη. Αναπτύσσεται γρήγορα.[2]


Μερικοί τον φυτεύουν στον κήπο του σπιτιού τους αφού εκτός της σκιάς και της δροσιάς που παρέχει έχει τη δυνατότητα να απομακρύνει και τα κουνούπια, αυτός είναι και ο λόγος που εισήχθη στην Ελλάδα εξ αρχής, όπως αναφέρεται στην εισαγωγή. Έτσι απαλλάχθηκαν από την ελονοσία τα λουτρά Κυλλήνης, όπου οι σιδηρόδρομοι Πελοποννήσου δημιούργησαν ευκαλυπτοφυτεία[3] Από τα φύλλα του εξάγεται ένα αιθέριο έλαιο, το ευκαλυπτέλαιο, με βασικό συστατικό την ευκαλυπτόλη( ή κινεόλη). Το έλαιο ή μόνον η κινεόλη, έχει φαρμακευτικές χρήσεις σε σταγόνες και εισπνοές ως αντισηπτικό για τους πνεύμονες, ιδίως σε βρογχίτιδες, σε ρινικά και στοματικά σκευάσματα.[4] Γνωστές είναι οι καραμέλλες ευκαλύπτου. Επίσης το αιθέριο έλαιο χρησιμοποιείται στην αρωματοποιία και τη σαπωνοποιία.


Το επίθετο globulus σημαίνει κυριολεκτικά σφαιρούλα και το όνομα του ευκάλυπτου του σφαιρικού [5][6] αναφέρεται στο σχήμα της κάψας του καρπού του φυτού.[2] Αναφέρεται και ως ευκάλυπτος ο σφαιριόκαρπος.[7]


  1. US Forest Service. «Eucalyptus globulus». Ανακτήθηκε στις 19 Νοεμβρίου 2011.
  2. 2,0 2,1 Australian Native Plants Society (Σεπτέμβριος 2010). «Eucalyptus globulus». Ανακτήθηκε στις 19 Νοεμβρίου 2011. (Αγγλικά)
  3. Φωκάς, Γεώργιος, καθηγητής (1977). Φαρμακογνωσία. Θεσσαλονίκη: Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης. σελ. 240.
  4. Βότανα:Ευκάλυπτος Ανακτήθηκε 19 Νοεμβρίου 2011.
  5. Σάκης Κουβάτσος (17 Μαρτίου 2012). «Ευκάλυπτος».
  6. Α. Ντόρκος (2004). «Μικροπολλαπλασιαμός διάφορων καλλωπιστικών θάμνων» (PDF). σελ. 14. Ανακτήθηκε στις 17 Μαρτίου 2012.
  7. «Βιολογικό Αιθέριο Έλαιο Ευκάλυπτου». Sanoflore. 17 Μαρτίου 2012.

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Ευκάλυπτος ο σφαιρικός: Brief Summary ( грчки, современ (1453-) )

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Ο Ευκάλυπτος ο σφαιρικός (Eucalyptus globulus) είναι ένα είδος ευκαλύπτου που φτάνει σε ύψος τα 80 μέτρα. Είναι αειθαλές δέντρο με ξερό φλοιό που μαδάει βγάζοντας μακριές ταινίες αφήνοντας τον κορμό λείο και το χρώμα του σταχτίλευκο. Ο ευκάλυπτος ο σφαιρικός κατάγεται από την Αυστραλία και την Τασμανία, αλλά έχει εγκλιματιστεί και απαντάται στη φύση στην Ευρώπη, στη Νότια Αφρική, στη Νέα Ζηλανδία, στην Καλιφόρνια και στη Χαβάη. Εισήχθη στην Ελλάδα από τον βοτανολόγο και λόγιο Θεόδωρο Ορφανίδη το 1862. Καλλιεργείται κυρίως στη νότια Ελλάδα και στη Χαλκιδική και βρίσκεται σε δάση και κήπους.

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ଇଉକାଲିପଟାସ୍ ( одиски )

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ଇଉକାଲିପଟାସ (Tasmanian Blue Gum, Southern Blue Gum ବା Blue Gum, ଉଦ୍ଭିଦିକ ନାମ Eucalyptus globulus) ହେଉଛି ଏକ ଚିରହରିତ ଦ୍ରୁମ । ଏହା ପୃଥିବୀର ସବୁ ଜଳବାୟୁରେ ବଢ଼ିପାରେ। ଏହାର ଉତ୍ପତ୍ତିସ୍ଥଳ ହେଉଛି ଅଷ୍ଟ୍ରେଲିଆ । ଏହା ୩୦ରୁ ୫୫ ମିଟର (୯୮ରୁ ୧୮୦ ଫୁଟ) ଉଚ୍ଚ ହୋଇଥାଏ। ସବୁଠାରୁ ଉଚ୍ଚ (୯୦.୭ ମିଟର) ଇଉକାଲିପଟାସ ତାସମାନିଆରେ ଦେଖାଯାଇଛି ।[୧] ଆଗରୁ ତାସମାନିଆରେ ଏହାଠାରୁ ଉଚ୍ଚ ୧୦୧ ମିଟରର ଗଛ ଥିଲା ବୋଲି କେହି କେହି କହିଥାନ୍ତି ।[୨] ତାସମାନିଆ ଓ ଅଷ୍ଟ୍ରେଲିଆ ଛଡ଼ା ଏହା ଇଉରୋପ, ପର୍ତୁଗାଲ, ଦକ୍ଷିଣ ଆଫ୍ରିକା, ନିଉଜିଲାଣ୍ଡ, ଆମେରିକା, ହାୱାଇ, ମାକାରୋନେସିଆ ଓ କକେସସ ଆଦି ସ୍ଥାନରେ ମଧ୍ୟ ଦେଖିବାକୁ ମିଳେ । [୩][୪]

ସ୍ୱରୂପ ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା

ଏହି ଗଛରୁ ବାରମ୍ବର ଫଡ଼ା ଫଡ଼ା ହୋଇ ବଳ୍କଳ ବାହାରିଥାଏ। ପତ୍ର ଗୁଡ଼ିକ ବିପରୀତ ଆବର୍ତୀ, ଅଠାଳିଆ ଓ ଏହାର ଲମ୍ବ ୬ରୁ ୧୫ ସେ.ମି. ହୋଇଥାଏ। ପାକଳ ପତ୍ର ଗାଢ଼ ସବୁଜ ରଙ୍ଗର ହୋଇଥାଏ। ଏହାକୁ ଦଳିଲେ ଏକପ୍ରକାର ସୁଗନ୍ଧ ବାହାରେ। ଏହାର କଢ଼ ଗୁଡ଼ିକ ନଟୁ ଆକାରର ଏବଂ ଏହାର କଢ଼ ଅଗରେ ଏକ ଟୋପି ରହିଥାଏ। ଲହୁଣୀ ରଙ୍ଗର ଫୁଲଗୁଡ଼ିକ ଗୋଟି ଗୋଟି ହୋଇ ଫୁଟିଥାଏ ଓ ଏଥିରୁ ଅତି ସୁଗନ୍ଧଯୁକ୍ତ ମହୁ ଜାତ ହୋଇଥାଏ। ଫଳ ଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ଟାଣୁଆ ଓ ୧.୫ରୁ ୨.୫ ସେ.ମି. ବ୍ୟାସଯୁକ୍ତ ହୋଇଥାଏ। ଗୋଟିଏ ଫଳରେ ୩ରୁ ୬ ଗୋଟି ମଂଜି ରହିଥାଏ। ଏହାର ଚେର ମାଟି ଭିତରେ ବହୁତ ଗଭୀରତାକୁ ଯାଇଥାଏ।

ଫରାସୀ ଉଦ୍ଭିଦ ବିଜ୍ଞାନୀ ଜ୍ୟାକସ ଲାବିଲାରଡେରେ (Jacques Labillardière) ଏହି ଗଛକୁ ପ୍ରଥମେ ଚିହ୍ନଟ କରିଥିଲେ। (Eucalyptus globulus)(id = 6643)[୫] ସେ ଏହି ଗଛକୁ ରେଚେର୍ଚେ ଉପସାଗରୀୟ ଅଂଚଳରୁ ଆବିଷ୍କାର କରିଥିଲେ।



ଇଉକାଲିପଟାସ ଗଛର କାଠ ହଳଦିଆ ବାଦାମୀ ମିଶା ରଙ୍ଗର ଓ ଓଜନିଆ, ଏହାକୁ ପ୍ରକ୍ରିୟାକରଣ କରିବା ସହଜସାଧ୍ୟ ନୁହେଁ। [୬] ଏହା ସେତେ ଶକ୍ତ ନ ହେଲେବି ବିଭିନ୍ନ କାଠ କାମ, ବାଡ଼, ଖୁଣ୍ଟ ଇତ୍ୟାଦିରେ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରାଯାଇଥାଏ। [୭]

ଗନ୍ଧ ତୈଳ

ଏହାର ପତ୍ରରୁ ରାସାୟନିକ ପଦ୍ଧତିରେ ଗନ୍ଧତୈଳ (ଇଉକାଲିପଟାସ ତୈଳ ବା ନୀଳଗିରି ତେଲ) ପ୍ରସ୍ତୁତ କରାଯାଏ। ନୀଳଗିରି ତେଲ ଉତ୍ପାଦନରେ ଚୀନ ସବୁଠାରୁ ଆଗୁଆ। [୮][୯]

ଏହି ତୈଳର ବିଭିନ୍ନ ଚିକିତ୍ସୀୟ ଉପଯୋଗ ରହିଛି। ଏହାଛଡ଼ା ଏହା ସୁଗନ୍ଧ ତେଲ, ଜୈବ-କୀଟନାଶକ ଓ ଜୀବାଣୁ ନାଶକ ଗୁଣ ମଧ୍ୟ ରହିଛି। [୧୦][୧୧][୧୨][୧୩]

ଜଡ଼ିବୁଟି ଚା

ତାସମାନିଆରେ ଏହାର ପତ୍ରରୁ ଚା ପ୍ରସ୍ତୁତ କରି ପିଆଯାଏ। [୧୪]


ଇଉକାଲିପଟାସ ତେଲରୁ ମହୁମାଛିମାନେ ମକରନ୍ଦ ସଂଗ୍ରହ କରି ଯେଉଁ ମହୁ ତିଆରି କରନ୍ତି ତାହା ଗୁଣକାରୀ ଓ ସୁଗନ୍ଧଯୁକ୍ତ ହୋଇଥାଏ।

ସମ୍ବନ୍ଧିତ ବର୍ଗ

ଅନେକ ଉଦ୍ଭିଦ ବିଜ୍ଞାନୀଙ୍କ ମତରେ ଇ ଗ୍ଲୋବୁଲସ ବର୍ଗ ଭିତରେ ନିମ୍ନ ଲିଖିତ ଉପବର୍ଗ ଆସିଥାନ୍ତି।

  • E. globulus subsp. bicostata = E. bicostata - Southern Blue Gum, Eurabbie, Victorian Blue Gum
  • E. globulus subsp. globulus = E. globulus - Tasmanian Blue Gum
  • E. globulus subsp. maidenii= E. maidenii - Maiden's Gum
  • E. globulus subsp. pseudoglobulus = E. pseudoglobulus - Gippsland Blue Gum, Victorian Eurabbie

ଏହାକୁ ମେଲବୋର୍ଣର ଉଦ୍ଭିଦ ଉଦ୍ୟାନ [୧୫] ତାସମାନୀୟ ଗୁଳ୍ମ ବଗିଚା [୧୬] ମାନିଥାନ୍ତି କିନ୍ତୁ ରାଜକୀୟ ଉଦ୍ଭିଦ ଉଦ୍ୟାନ ସିଡ଼ନୀ [୧୭] ଏହା ମାନେନାହିଁ। ଏଠାରେ ଏଇ ଚାରିଗୋଟି ଉପବର୍ଗକୁ ଅଲଗା ଅଲଗା ବର୍ଗ ବୋଲି ଧରାଯାଏ।


ଆହୁରି ଦେଖନ୍ତୁ

ଔଷଧୀୟ ଗଛଲତାମାନଙ୍କର ତାଲିକା


  1. Giant Trees Consultative Committee
  2. Lewin, D. W. 1906: The Eucalypti Hardwood Timbers of Tasmania
  3. "GRIN Taxonomy for Plants - Eucalyptus globulus". United States Department of Agriculture.
  4. ka:ევკალიპტი ევკალიპტი
  5. IPNI citation: Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Voy. i. 153. t. 13; Nov. Holl. Pl. ii. 121.
  6. Cribb, A.B. & J.W., Useful Wild Plants in Australia, Collins 1982, p25 ISBN 0006363970
  7. Index of Species Information, Eucalyptus globulus
  8. Edited by Boland,D.J., Brophy, J.J., and A.P.N. House, Eucalyptus Leaf Oils - Use, Chemistry, Distillation and Marketing, Inkata Press, 1991, p4.
  9. Eucalyptus Oil, FAO Corporate Document Repository
  10. Eucalyptus globulus Monograph, Australian Naturopathic Network
  11. Herbal Monograph: Eucalyptus globulus, Himlaya Healthcare
  12. Eucalyptus globulus, Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants (ASGAP)[୧]
  13. Young-Cheol Yang, Han-Young Choi, Won-Sil Choi, J. M. Clark, and Young-Joon Ahn, Ovicidal and Adulticidal Activity of Eucalyptus globulus Leaf Oil Terpenoids against Pediculus humanus capitis (Anoplura: Pediculidae), J. Agric. Food Chem., 52 (9), 2507 -2511, 2004.[୨]
  14. Eucalyptus Globulus Labill Leaf Pieces Tea
  15. "A Census of the Vascular Plants of Victoria". Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne.
  16. "The Tasmanian Herbarium".
  17. "Flora of New South Wales". Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney.

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ଇଉକାଲିପଟାସ୍: Brief Summary ( одиски )

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ଇଉକାଲିପଟାସ (Tasmanian Blue Gum, Southern Blue Gum ବା Blue Gum, ଉଦ୍ଭିଦିକ ନାମ Eucalyptus globulus) ହେଉଛି ଏକ ଚିରହରିତ ଦ୍ରୁମ । ଏହା ପୃଥିବୀର ସବୁ ଜଳବାୟୁରେ ବଢ଼ିପାରେ। ଏହାର ଉତ୍ପତ୍ତିସ୍ଥଳ ହେଉଛି ଅଷ୍ଟ୍ରେଲିଆ । ଏହା ୩୦ରୁ ୫୫ ମିଟର (୯୮ରୁ ୧୮୦ ଫୁଟ) ଉଚ୍ଚ ହୋଇଥାଏ। ସବୁଠାରୁ ଉଚ୍ଚ (୯୦.୭ ମିଟର) ଇଉକାଲିପଟାସ ତାସମାନିଆରେ ଦେଖାଯାଇଛି । ଆଗରୁ ତାସମାନିଆରେ ଏହାଠାରୁ ଉଚ୍ଚ ୧୦୧ ମିଟରର ଗଛ ଥିଲା ବୋଲି କେହି କେହି କହିଥାନ୍ତି । ତାସମାନିଆ ଓ ଅଷ୍ଟ୍ରେଲିଆ ଛଡ଼ା ଏହା ଇଉରୋପ, ପର୍ତୁଗାଲ, ଦକ୍ଷିଣ ଆଫ୍ରିକା, ନିଉଜିଲାଣ୍ଡ, ଆମେରିକା, ହାୱାଇ, ମାକାରୋନେସିଆ ଓ କକେସସ ଆଦି ସ୍ଥାନରେ ମଧ୍ୟ ଦେଖିବାକୁ ମିଳେ ।

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యూకలిప్టస్ గ్లోబ్యులస్ ( телушки )

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యుకలిప్టస్ గ్లోబ్బ్యులస్ వృక్షం పుష్పించే జాతికి చెందినది


  • కింగ్ డమ్- ప్లాంటే
  • అన్ ర్యాంక్డ్- ఆంజియోస్పెర్మ్
  • అన్ ర్యాంక్డ్- యూడైకాట్స్
  • అన్ ర్యాంక్డ్- రోసిడ్స్
  • ఆర్ద్ర్ర్ర్ర్ర్- మిర్ టేల్స్
  • ఫ్యామిలి- మిర్ టేసి
  • జీనస్ - యూకలిప్టస్
  • స్పీసిస్ - ఇ.గ్లోబ్బ్యులస్

బాహ్య లక్షణాలు

బేరడు పెద్ద కుట్టూలులో పీలింగ్ తరచుగా రాలుతుంది. చదరపు కాండం మీద విస్తారంగా బాల్య ఆకులు సరసన జంటగా పుడుతుంటాయి. ఇది 6–15 cm ల పొడవు వుంటుంది. సాదారణ పేరు నీలంగం .దీని యొక్క మూలం.

ప్రత్యేక లక్షణాలు

ఇది ఒక నీలం బూడిద, మైనం వికసించినతో కప్పబడి ఉంటాయి. ముదురు కొడవలి ఆకారంలో, కృష్ణ మెరుస్తూ ఆకు పచ్చ, సంకుచితమైన గుండ్రని కాండం పొడవు 15-35 సెంమీ నుండి శ్రేణి వారు ప్రథమ్నాయంగా ఏర్పాటుచేస్తారు. మొగ్గలు టాప్ ఆకారంలో, రిబ్ద్ ఆకారంలో, వార్టి ఆకారంలో చదునైన అవయవపు మూత కేంద్ర నాబ్ గానే ఉన్నాయి.

ఆర్ధిక ప్రాముఖ్యత

క్రీం రంగు పువ్వులు ఆకు యాక్సిల్స్ లో ఒక్కొక్కటిగా కలిగే, బలమైన రుచి తేనె వస్తుంది. విపరీతంగా దీనినుండి తేనె ఉత్పత్తి చేస్తారు. పండ్లు వుడీ, వ్యాసం 1.5-2.5 సెం.మీ నుండి ఉంటాయి. అనేక చిన్న విత్తనాలు పండు పైన తెరచి కవాటాలగుండా ఉంటాయి.


  • నీటి ఆవిరిలో యూకలిప్టస్ తైలాన్ని వేసి ఆవిరి పడితే శ్వాస మార్గాలు తెరచుకొని గురక తగ్గుతుంది.
  • వృత్తులు, మట్టి పాత్రలు ఉత్పత్తి చెయబడుతున్నాయి.
  • ఇది రైతులకు లాబదాయకంగా ఉంటుంది.


  • మొక్క మొదటి ప్రచురణలు రిలేషన్ డు వాయేజ్ ఎలా రిచర్చే డిలా పిరోజ్ 1800, నోవేహొలాండియే ప్లాంటారం 1804 లో ఫ్రెంచ్ వృక్షశాస్త్రజ్ఞుడు జాక్వెస్ లాబిల్లరిడిరే వర్ణించారు.
  • ఈ సమయంలో రిచర్చే జే వద్ద రచయిత సేకరించిన నమూనాలను 1792 లో డి ఎంట్రి కాస్టియోక్స్ యాత్ర వద్ద వివరించారు.



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Eucalyptus globulus ( англиски )

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Flower buds of subsp. bicostata
Fruit of subsp. bicostata

Eucalyptus globulus, commonly known as southern blue gum[2] or blue gum, is a species of flowering plant in the family Myrtaceae. It is a tall, evergreen tree endemic to southeastern Australia. This Eucalyptus species has mostly smooth bark, juvenile leaves that are whitish and waxy on the lower surface, glossy green, lance-shaped adult leaves, glaucous, ribbed flower buds arranged singly or in groups of three or seven in leaf axils, white flowers and woody fruit.

There are four subspecies, each with a different distribution across Australia, occurring in New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. The subspecies are the Victorian blue gum, Tasmanian blue gum, Maiden's gum, and Victorian eurabbie.


Eucalyptus globulus is a tree that typically grows to a height of 45 m (148 ft) but may sometimes only be a stunted shrub, or alternatively under ideal conditions can grow as tall as 90–100 m (300–330 ft), and forms a lignotuber. The bark is usually smooth, white to cream-coloured but there are sometimes slabs of persistent, unshed bark at the base. Young plants, often several metres tall, and coppice regrowth have stems that are more or less square in cross-section with a prominent wing on each corner. Juvenile leaves are mostly arranged in opposite pairs, sessile, glaucous elliptic to egg-shaped, up to 150 mm (5.9 in) long and 105 mm (4.1 in) wide. Adult leaves are arranged alternately, the same glossy to dark green on both sides, lance-shaped or curved, 150–300 mm (5.9–11.8 in) long and 17–30 mm (0.67–1.18 in) wide on a petiole 1.5–6 mm (0.059–0.236 in) long. The flower buds are arranged singly or in groups of three or seven in leaf axils, sometimes sessile or on a short thick peduncle. The individual buds are also usually sessile, sometimes on a pedicel up to 5 mm (0.20 in) long. Mature buds are top-shaped to conical, glaucous or green, with a flattened hemispherical, warty operculum with a central knob. Flowering time varies with subspecies and distribution but the flowers are always white. The fruit is a woody conical or hemispherical capsule with the valves close to rim level.[2][3][4][5][6][7][8]

Taxonomy and naming

Eucalyptus globulus was first formally described in 1800 by the French botanist Jacques Labillardière in his book, Relation du Voyage à la Recherche de la Pérouse.[9][10][11] Labillardière collected specimens at Recherche Bay during the d'Entrecasteaux expedition in 1792.[12]

The d'Entrecasteaux expedition made immediate use of the species when they discovered it, the timber being used to improve their oared boats.[12] The Tasmanian blue gum was proclaimed as the floral emblem of Tasmania on 27 November 1962. The species name is from the Latin globulus, a little ball or small sphere,[13] referring to the shape of the fruit.[3]

In 1974, James Barrie Kirkpatrick described four subspecies and the names have been accepted by the Australian Plant Census.[14] Each subspecies has a characteristic arrangement of its flower buds:[15]

Distribution and habitat

Blue gum grows in forests in New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania, including some of the Bass Strait Islands. Subspecies bicostata occurs in montane and tableland areas between the Carrai Plateau in northern New South Wales and the Pyrenees in Victoria. Subspecies globulus is mainly found in lowland parts of Tasmania, but is also found on some Bass Strait islands including King Island, and in the extreme south-west of Victoria. Subspecies maidenii occurs on near-coastal ranges of south-eastern New South Wales and eastern Victoria. Subspecies pseudoglobulus is mostly distributed in eastern Gippsland but there are isolated populations further inland and in the Nadgee Nature Reserve in south-eastern New South Wales.[3]

There are naturalised non-native occurrences in Spain and Portugal, and other parts of southern Europe incl. Cyprus, southern Africa, New Zealand, western United States (California), Hawaii, Macaronesia,[20]

Unusual specimens

They typically grow from 30–55 m (98–180 ft) tall. There are historical claims of even taller trees with Robert Edwards Carter Stearns claiming that when he was alive, they were capable of growing to 400 feet.[21] While this claim is often regarded as being exaggerated, the environmentalist Jared Diamond argues in favor of this claim, stating that such trees were likely cut down during the colonization of Australia by the English.[22] Tasmanian D. W. Lewin claimed that the tallest was 101 m (331 ft).[23]


Large blue gum eucalyptus in Pleasanton, California – 46.5 m (153 ft) in height and 10.5 m (34 ft) in circumference.

Blue gum is one of the most extensively planted eucalypts. Its rapid growth and adaptability to a range of conditions is responsible for its popularity. It is especially well-suited to countries with a Mediterranean-type climate, but also grows well in high altitudes in the tropics.[24]

It comprises 65% of all plantation hardwood in Australia with approximately 4,500 km2 (1,100,000 acres) planted.[25]

In about 1860 Francis Cook planted the tree on Monserrate Palace, his property at Sintra in Portugal and within twenty years it had attained the height of 100 m and a circumference of 5 m.By 1878 the tree ″had spread from one end of Portugal to the other″. In 1878 the tree was also planted, partly on Cook's recommendation, in Galway, Ireland to reclaim ″useless bog land″.[26]

E. globulus begun to be planted as plantations in Los Lagos and Los Ríos regions of Chile in the 1990s.[27] However at these latitudes around the 40th parallel south the tree is at the southern border of the climatic conditions where it can grow, hence good growth in this part of southern Chile requires good site selection such as sunny north-facing slopes.[27] Some of these plantations grow on red clay soil.[27]



Blue gum timber is yellow-brown, fairly heavy, with an interlocked grain, and is difficult to season.[28] It has poor lumber qualities due to growth stress problems, but can be used in construction, fence posts and poles.[29]


Essential oil

The leaves are steam distilled to extract eucalyptus oil. E. globulus is the primary source of global eucalyptus oil production, with China being the largest commercial producer.[30][31] The oil has therapeutic, perfumery, flavoring, antimicrobial and biopesticide properties.[32][33][34] Oil yield ranges from 1.0-2.4% (fresh weight), with cineole being the major isolate. E. globulus oil has established itself internationally because it is virtually phellandrene free, a necessary characteristic for internal pharmaceutical use.[35] In 1870, Cloez identified and ascribed the name "eucalyptol" — now more often called cineole — to the dominant portion of E. globulus oil.[36]

Herb tea

Tasmanian blue gum leaves are used as a herbal tea.[37]


E. globulus bark contains quinic, dihydroxyphenylacetic and caffeic acids, bis(hexahydroxydiphenoyl (HHDP))-glucose, galloyl-bis(HHDP)-glucose, galloyl-HHDP-glucose, isorhamentin-hexoside, quercetin-hexoside, methylellagic acid (EA)-pentose conjugate, myricetin-rhamnoside, isorhamnetin-rhamnoside, mearnsetin, phloridzin, mearnsetin-hexoside, luteolin and a proanthocyanidin B-type dimer, digalloylglucose and catechin.[38] The hydrolyzable tannins tellimagrandin I, eucalbanin C, 2-O-digalloyl-1,3,4-tri-O-galloyl-β-D-glucose, 6-O-digalloyl-1,2,3-tri-O-galloyl-β-D-glucose, as well as gallic acid and (+)-catechin can also be isolated.[39] Tricetin is a rare flavone aglycone found in the pollen of members of the Myrtaceae, subfamily Leptospermoideae, such as E. globulus.[40]

See also


  1. ^ a b "Eucalyptus globulus". Australian Plant Census. Retrieved 17 July 2019.
  2. ^ a b Brooker, M. Ian H. "Eucalyptus globulus". Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria. Retrieved 18 July 2019.
  3. ^ a b c d "Eucalyptus globulus subsp. globulus". Euclid: Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research. Retrieved 2 June 2020.
  4. ^ a b "Eucalyptus globulus subsp. bicostata". Euclid: Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research. Retrieved 31 March 2021.
  5. ^ a b "Eucalyptus globulus subsp. maidenii". Euclid: Centre for Australian National Biodiversdity Research. Retrieved 31 March 2021.
  6. ^ a b "Eucalyptus globulus subsp. pseudoglobulus". Euclid: Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research. Retrieved 31 March 2021.
  7. ^ Chippendale, George M. "Eucalyptus globulus". Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of the Environment and Energy, Canberra. Retrieved 18 July 2019.
  8. ^ "Eucalyptus globulus". Kew: Plants of the World online. Retrieved 18 July 2019.
  9. ^ "Eucalyptus globulus". APNI. Retrieved 17 July 2019.
  10. ^ La Billardière, Jacques-Julien Houtou de (1800). Relation du Voyage à la Recherche de la Pérouse. Paris: chez H. J. Jansen. p. 13. Retrieved 17 July 2019.
  11. ^ La Billardière, Jacques-Julien Houtou de (1800). Relation du Voyage à la Recherche de la Pérouse. Paris: chez H. J. Jansen. p. 153. Retrieved 17 July 2019.
  12. ^ a b Mulvaney, John (c. 2006). "4. Botanising". 'The axe had never sounded': place, people and heritage of Recherche Bay, Tasmania (Online ed.). Australian National University. ISBN 978-1-921313-21-9. Retrieved 16 February 2009.
  13. ^ Brown, Roland Wilbur (1956). The Composition of Scientific Words. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. p. 119.
  14. ^ Kirkpatrick, James Barrie (September 1974). "The numerical intraspecific taxonomy of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. (Myrtaceae)". The Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 69 (2): 89–104. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8339.1974.tb01618.x.
  15. ^ Brooker, M. Ian H.; Slee, Andrew V. "Key to the subspecies of Eucalyptus globulus". Royal Botanic Gardens, Victoria. Retrieved 18 July 2019.
  16. ^ "Eucalyptus globulus subsp. bicostata". Australian Plant Census. Retrieved 17 July 2019.
  17. ^ "Eucalyptus globulus subsp. bicostata". Australian Plant Census. Retrieved 31 March 2021.
  18. ^ "Eucalyptus globulus subsp. maidenii". Australian Plant Census. Retrieved 17 July 2019.
  19. ^ "Eucalyptus globulus subsp. maidenii". Australian Plant Census. Retrieved 17 July 2019.
  20. ^ "Eucalyptus globulus". Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). Agricultural Research Service (ARS), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Retrieved 12 December 2017.
  21. ^ "Blunder from Down Under".
  22. ^ Jared Diamond, Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed pg 382.
  23. ^ Lewin, D. W. (1906). "The Eucalypti Hardwood Timbers of Tasmania". Tasmania, Gray.
  24. ^ Hillis, W.E., Brown, A.G., Eucalypts for Wood Production, Academic Press, 1984, p20, ISBN 0-12-348762-5
  25. ^ Australia's Plantations 2006 (PDF). Bureau of Rural Sciences. Archived from the original (PDF) on 29 September 2007. Retrieved 24 January 2007.
  26. ^ "The Eucalyptus for the West of England". The Cornishman. No. 16. 31 October 1878. p. 5.
  27. ^ a b c Geldres, Edith; Schlatter, Juan E. (2004). "Crecimiento de las plantaciones de Eucalyptus globulussobre suelos rojo arcillosos de la provinciad Osorno, Décima Región" [Growth of Eucalyptus globulus plantations on red clay soils in the Province of Osorno, 10th Region, Chile] (PDF). Bosque (in Spanish). 25 (1): 95–101. doi:10.4067/S0717-92002004000100008. Retrieved 12 January 2019.
  28. ^ Cribb, A.B. & J.W., Useful Wild Plants in Australia, Collins 1982, p25 ISBN 0-00-636397-0
  29. ^ "Index of Species Information, Eucalyptus globulus". Archived from the original on 29 August 2012. Retrieved 24 May 2008.
  30. ^ Edited by Boland, D.J., Brophy, J.J., and A.P.N. House, Eucalyptus Leaf Oils - Use, Chemistry, Distillation and Marketing, Inkata Press, 1991, p4.
  31. ^ "Eucalyptus Oil, FAO Corporate Document Repository". Archived from the original on 2 May 2012. Retrieved 24 May 2008.
  32. ^ Eucalyptus globulus Monograph, Australian Naturopathic Network
  33. ^ "Eucalyptus globulus". Australian Native Plants Society (Australia). Retrieved 29 October 2021.
  34. ^ Young-Cheol Yang, Han-Young Choi, Won-Sil Choi, J. M. Clark, and Young-Joon Ahn, Ovicidal and Adulticidal Activity of Eucalyptus globulus Leaf Oil Terpenoids against Pediculus humanus capitis (Anoplura: Pediculidae), J. Agric. Food Chem., 52 (9), 2507 -2511, 2004.[1]
  35. ^ Edited by Boland, D.J., Brophy, J.J., and A.P.N. House, Eucalyptus Leaf Oils - Use, Chemistry, Distillation and Marketing, Inkata Press, 1991, p3., & pp78-82.
  36. ^ Boland, D.J., Brophy, J.J., and A.P.N. House, Eucalyptus Leaf Oils, 1991, p6 ISBN 0-909605-69-6
  37. ^ Eucalyptus Globulus Labill Leaf Pieces Tea
  38. ^ Santos, SA; Freire, CS; Domingues, MR; Silvestre, AJ; Pascoal Neto, C (2011). "Characterization of phenolic components in polar extracts of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Bark by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 59 (17): 9386–93. doi:10.1021/jf201801q. PMID 21761864.
  39. ^ Hou, Ai-Jun; Liu, Yan-Ze; Yang, Hui; Lin, Zhong-Wen; Sun, Han-Dong (2000). "Hydrolyzable Tannins and Related Polyphenols fromEucalyptus globulus". Journal of Asian Natural Products Research. 2 (3): 205–12. doi:10.1080/10286020008039912. PMID 11256694. S2CID 7759379.
  40. ^ The Unique Occurrence of the Flavone Aglycone Tricetin in Myrtaceae Pollen. Maria G. Campos, Rosemary F. Webby and Kenneth R. Markham, Z. Naturforsch, 2002, 57c, pages 944-946 (article)

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wikipedia EN

Eucalyptus globulus: Brief Summary ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN
Flower buds of subsp. bicostata Fruit of subsp. bicostata

Eucalyptus globulus, commonly known as southern blue gum or blue gum, is a species of flowering plant in the family Myrtaceae. It is a tall, evergreen tree endemic to southeastern Australia. This Eucalyptus species has mostly smooth bark, juvenile leaves that are whitish and waxy on the lower surface, glossy green, lance-shaped adult leaves, glaucous, ribbed flower buds arranged singly or in groups of three or seven in leaf axils, white flowers and woody fruit.

There are four subspecies, each with a different distribution across Australia, occurring in New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania. The subspecies are the Victorian blue gum, Tasmanian blue gum, Maiden's gum, and Victorian eurabbie.

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wikipedia EN

Eucalyptus globulus ( шпански; кастиљски )

добавил wikipedia ES

El eucalipto blanco,[2]eucalipto común o eucalipto azul (Eucalyptus globulus) es una especie arbórea de la familia de las mirtáceas, originaria del sureste de Australia y Tasmania.

Corteza desprendida
Yema floral
Flores y hojas.



Estos árboles crecen generalmente hasta 30 o 55 metros de altura. Los mayores ejemplares de esta especie están en la isla de Tasmania y miden 90,7 metros. Hay registros antiguos de árboles aún más altos, llegando a 101 metros. El Avó de Chavín (Viveiro), con cerca de 7,6 metros de circunferencia en la base y 61,8 metros de altura, es el eucalipto blanco más alto de la península ibérica y uno de los más altos de Europa.


Es natural de Australia. El género es uno de los árboles más conocidos de la flora australiana ya que por su rápido crecimiento se ha extendido por todo el mundo para su aprovechamiento industrial.


Prefiere suelos ligeramente ácidos y zonas frescas y húmedas. No resiste el frío intenso y es un poco sensible a las sequías prolongadas. Se ha cultivado intensamente para eliminar la humedad en zonas pantanosas. Florece en septiembre - octubre.

Es natural de Australia y de Tasmania, donde se pueden encontrar más de 300 especies del género Eucalyptus. Por la rapidez de crecimiento, se puede encontrar cultivado en muchas regiones del mundo para la producción de madera, fabricación de pulpa de papel y obtención de aceite esencial. Ha sido especialmente utilizado para sanear zonas pantanosas al eliminar la humedad de las mismas con la consiguiente erradicación de sus plagas de insectos, principalmente mosquitos, y de las enfermedades que transmiten. Su uso ha supuesto una gran ayuda para el control del paludismo en muchas zonas de Asia, América del Sur y el sur de Europa.

Por otra parte, esta capacidad de absorción del agua, convierte a los eucaliptos en especies muy agresivas para el medio ambiente al transformar los ecosistemas por desecación de la tierra donde se plantan.[cita requerida] Se utiliza ampliamente como árbol de jardín.


El Eucalyptus globulus lo describió por primera vez el botánico francés Jacques Labillardière en sus publicaciones Relation du Voyage à la Recherche de la Pérouse (1800) y Novae Hollandiae Plantarum Specimen (1804).[3][4]​ El autor recogió este y otros especímenes en la Bahía de la Recherche durante la expedición de d'Entrecasteaux en el año 1792.[5]


Eucalyptus: nombre genérico que proviene del griego antiguo: = "bien, justamente" y kalyptós = "cubierto, que recubre". En Eucalyptus L'Hér., los pétalos, soldados entre sí y a veces también con los sépalos, forman parte del opérculo, perfectamente ajustado al hipanto, que se desprende a la hora de la floración.[6]

globulus: epíteto latíno que significa "redondeado", refiriéndose probablemente a la flor o al fruto.[7]


Importancia económica y cultural

Propiedades medicinales


El eucalipto suele ser bien tolerado, y sólo en ocasiones especiales puede producir reacciones adversas. Estas pueden ser: digestivas (náuseas, vómitos o diarreas), neurológicas / psicológicas. Puede ser neurotóxico por acelerar el metabolismo hepático de algunos anestésicos, analgésicos y tranquilizantes. Su aceite esencial no puede ser aplicado directamente sobre la cara de niños pequeños o lactantes. Se considera que la ingestión de 30 ml de su aceite esencial es letal. Los síntomas tóxicos son rápidos: dolor abdominal, vómitos espontáneos, problemas respiratorios, depresión respiratoria, taquicardia, convulsiones y delirio. No se recomienda tomarlo durante el embarazo y la lactancia.


Debido a su aceite esencial: - puede reducir el efecto de otros medicamentos - está contraindicado en caso de inflamaciones gastrointestinales, de las vías biliares o insuficiencia hepática - puede estimular las enzimas hepáticas del feto, por eso no se aconseja durante el embarazo ni la lactancia sin supervisión médica.[12]

Eucalipto blanco en España

El eucalipto blanco en España es una especie introducida desde el siglo XIX y a día de hoy se distribuye entre las provincias costeras de Galicia; Asturias, Cantabria y Vizcaya, en el norte del país, y la Provincia de Huelva, en Andalucía.[13]

Se dice que fue Rosendo Salvado (1814-1900), que evangelizó Australia, quien trajo el árbol a Galicia a mediados del siglo XIX,[14]​ si bien otras fuentes aseguran que fueron importadas desde Portugal. No hay coincidencia en la fecha exacta de su introducción: Silva Pando afirma que comenzó a plantarse en Galicia en 1845-1855; el edafólogo Francisco Díaz-Fierros da como primera cita en Galicia la de 1863; en Asturias la de 1865; en Cantabria, 1866 y en el País Vasco, 1867.[15]​ Pablo Ramil Rego asegura que Rosendo Salvado envió las semillas en 1886.[16]

En un principio se cultivó como árbol ornamental pero se acabó extendiendo por toda la Cornisa Cantábrica para su aprovechamiento maderero, dado su rápido crecimiento y la facilidad de cultivo gracias al clima oceánico de la región. A mediados de los años 1960 el eucalipto ocupaba unos pocos cientos de hectáreas en el norte del país.[17]​ En el siglo XXI, las masas puras y mixtas de eucalipto blanco han llegado a ocupar 325.000 hectáreas en España.

Los diversos autores coinciden en que el verdadero problema de la especie fue la reforestación masiva con eucaliptos llevada a cabo en el tardofranquismo. En ese momento se cedió el monocultivo del pino para comenzar a subvencionar el eucalipto. Estas ayudas, junto con el alto precio que pagaron las empresas contenedoras en un primer momento, una alta productividad (que podría llegar a los 40 metros cúbicos por hectárea por año) y el abandono de las zonas rurales en esos tiempos de auge de la industrialización, hicieron que muchas tierras que se dedicaban anteriormente a otros cultivos pasaran a ser sembradas de eucaliptos.


El eucalipto puede ser considerado como la especie de árbol más controvertida de España,[cita requerida] con partidarios y detractores no siempre se tienen en cuenta los datos científicos. Se ha dicho que los efectos negativos fueron más una consecuencia de las plantaciones masivas que se hicieron desde el último tercio del siglo XX, como con cualquier monocultivo pero agravados en este caso por las características peculiares de esta especie.

La introducción masiva de esta especie (y hoy en día hay una práctica unanimidad al respecto) fue una de las iniciativas forestales más lamentables de nuestra historia.

Entre los aspectos positivos, cabe destacar la industrialización y la reforestación del medio rural. Propietarios, rematantes, maderistas y fábricas de pasta y papel de Andalucía, Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria y Euskadi, así como en Portugal, son claves en el tejido industrial y también en la dinamización del medio rural y el sector forestal.

Entre los factores negativos están principalmente las consecuencias ecológicas. Las plantaciones siguen siendo un problema para la conservación de la fauna y la flora, para la conservación del recurso suelo, para la gestión de los recursos hídricos, para los espacios protegidos y para la correcta ordenación del territorio.[18]

También se le atribuye la capacidad de reducir la biodiversidad asociada al sotobosque,[cita requerida] y facilita la propagación de incendios forestales[cita requerida] al ser una especie pirófita, que aprovecha los incendios para la colonización del espacio.

Un bosque de eucaliptos puede crear problemas de incendios incontrolables debido a la gran altura que alcanzan estos árboles en un corto período de tiempo y la fácil combustión de su madera.[cita requerida]

Nombres comunes

  • En España: calipes, calipse, calipto (2), calipto blanco, calisto, calisto blanco, calistro (4), calitro (2), carlisto, encalistro, eucalihto, eucalipto (28), eucalipto azul (3), eucalipto blanco (4), eucalipto glóbulo, eucaliptu, eucaliptus, eucalito (5), eucálito, garlito, gomero azulado, l-ucalipto, nogalito, ocalipto, ocalito (4), ocálito (3), quinino, ucalihto, ucalito (3), ucalitu, ucaritu, ucálito.(el número entre paréntesis indica las especies que llevan el mismo nombre en España).[19]


  1. «Eucalyptus globulus». Tropicos.org. Consultado el 25 de noviembre de 2018.
  2. Johnson, Owen y More, David (2006). Árboles: guía de campo (Collins Tree Guide). Traducción:Pijoan Rotger, Manuel. Omega. ISBN 978-84-282-1400-1. «Nombre vulgar preferido en castellano».
  3. «Eucalyptus globulus Labill.». Australian Plant Name Index (APNI), IBIS database. Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research, Australian Government.
  4. IPNI citation: Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Voy. i. 153. t. 13; Nov. Holl. Pl. ii. 121.
  5. Mulvaney, John (2006?). «4. Botanising». ‘The axe had never sounded’: place, people and heritage of Recherche Bay, Tasmania (Online edición). Australian National University. ISBN 978-1-921313-21-9. Consultado el 16 de febrero de 2009.
  6. En Flora Vascular
  7. En Epítetos Botánicos
  8. Sinónimos en Catalogue of life
  9. Sinónimos en GRIN Archivado el 28 de octubre de 2008 en Wayback Machine.
  10. Sinónimos en Kew
  11. Eucalyptus globulus en PlantList
  12. IDBEBE - Grossesse et Accouchement
  13. http://especiesforestales.com/D_Eglobulus.html
  14. Silva Pando no ve verosímil esta teoría porque el lugar de residencia del misionero estaba a más de 3.000 km de la zona australiana donde crece el E. globulus, y supone que, de mandar algo, sería otra especie.
  15. Francisco Díaz-Fierros Viqueira, La Voz de Galicia (1 de setembro de 1989).
  16. La Voz de Galicia, 3 de febrero de 2009.
  17. Pablo Damil Rego, director do Instituto de Biodiversidade Agraria (La Voz de Galicia, 3.02.2009).
  18. http://www.greenpeace.org/espana/es/Trabajamos-en/Bosques/Plantaciones-de-eucalipto-Espana-y-Portugal/
  19. «Eucalyptus globulus». Real Jardín Botánico: Proyecto Anthos. Consultado el 7 de marzo de 2014.

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Eucalyptus globulus: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

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El eucalipto blanco,​ eucalipto común o eucalipto azul (Eucalyptus globulus) es una especie arbórea de la familia de las mirtáceas, originaria del sureste de Australia y Tasmania.

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Sinine eukalüpt ( естонски )

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Sinine eukalüpt[2] (Eucalyptus globulus) on eukalüpti perekonda kuuluv igihaljas puu.

Botaanilised tunnused

Sinine eukalüpt võib kasvada 30–55 m kõrguseks, mõned eukalüptipuud on Californias kasvanud ka 80 m kõrguseks. Kasvab enamasti tiheda monokultuurina.

Jäiklehised lehed kasvavad 10–30 cm pikkuseks.

Õied asetsevad okstel kas ühekaupa või sarikas. Õisi tolmeldavad putukad ja koolibrid.

Vili on 6–25 mm diameetriga kupar, kupar avaneb küpsenult kiirelt ja rohked seemned kantakse tuulega uutesee kasvukohtadesse. Seemne kupar on peaaegu tulekindel.

Sinise eukalüpti viljad

Seemnete idanemine on epigeiline.

Sinine eukalüpt ei kasvata peajuurt, vaid juurestiku.


Sinine eukalüpt on puu. Raunkiæri eluvormiliigituses on tema eluvormiks fanerofüüt.

Nomenklatuur ja süstemaatika

Sinisel eukalüptil liigitatakse neli alamliiki:

  • Eucalyptus globulus ssp. bicostata [3]
  • Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulus
  • Eucalyptus globulus ssp. maidenii [4]
  • Eucalyptus globulus ssp. pseudoglobulus [5].


Nende puude kodumaa on Tasmaania ja Austraalia kaguosa. Californiasse ja Hawaiile isutati need puud vastavalt 1856. ja 1865. aastal.


Lisaks sugulisele paljunemisele on sinine eukalüpt äärmiselt fertiilne ka peaaegu mistahes taimeosa sattumisel vähegi vastuvõtlikumasse pinnasesse või ka puu enese küljes – tüvel, moondunud juurekaelal jne.


Next.svg Pikemalt artiklis Eukalüptiõli

Eukalüpti eeterlikku õli (Eucalypti aetheroleum) saadakse värskete või osaliselt kuivatatud lehtede ja noorte varte destilleerimisel veeauruga.[6]


Noored sinise eukalüpti võsud pärast metsatulekahju

Suure õlisisalduse tõttu äärmiselt tuleohtlik ja elumajade lähedusse ei soovitata kasvama panna[7], kuid see ei tähenda et sinine eukalüpt tule tagajärjel tulesurma sureks, puu taastub ja sureb üksnes harva.


  1. Eucalyptus globulus Labill., veebiversioon (vaadatud 14.06.2016)(inglise keeles)
  2. Hardi Tullus, EMÜ metsakasvatuse professor, Eukalüptid maailma metsanduses, veebiversioon (vaadatud 14.06.2016)
  3. Maiden
  4. F. Muell
  5. Naudin ex Maiden
  6. Ain Raal, "Maailma ravimtaimede entsüklopeedia", Eesti Entsüklopeediakirjastus, Tallinn, lk 340, 2010
  7. Index of Species Information SPECIES: Eucalyptus globulus, veebiversioon (vaadatud 14.06.2016)(inglise keeles)


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Sinine eukalüpt: Brief Summary ( естонски )

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Sinine eukalüpt (Eucalyptus globulus) on eukalüpti perekonda kuuluv igihaljas puu.

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Eukalipto urdin ( баскиски )

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Eukalipto urdina (Eucalyptus globulus) mirtazeoen familiako eta eukaliptoen generoko zuhaitza da, jatorriz Australia eta Tasmaniakoak.


Hosto iraunkorreko zuhaitz handia da eukaliptoa: 40 m garai izan daiteke.

Zurtoina – Azala

Enborra lodia eta zuzena da, eta azala leuna eta gris-berdexka ─zerrendatan askatzen da kanpoko geruza─.


Eukaliptoaren hosto gazteak aurkakoak eta eseriak dira; eta helduak, berriz, txandakatuak, peziolodunak, larrukarak eta lantza formakoak. Oso usaintsuak dira hosto guztiak.


Neguan loratzen da eukaliptoa. Loreak ─zurixkak─ ginbail bakanetan sortzen dira.



Fruitua kono formakoa da; berde-urdinxka hasieran, eta arrea heltzean.


Jatorriz, Australiakoa eta Tasmaniakoa da eukaliptoa. Klima epela eta hezea behar du eukaliptoak, eta kostaldean kultibatzen da Euskal Herrian.


Erleek eukaliptoen loreen nektarra biltzen dute eztia sortzeko. Eukaliptoaren zura horixka da, eta parketa fabrikatzeko erabiltzen da. Papera ere ekoizten da eukaliptoaren egurrarekin.

Hosto eta fruituen infusioak arnas aparatuko hanturak arintzeko erabiltzen dira. Zingiretan, garrantzi handia izaten dute eukaliptoek: inguruaren hezetasuna txikitu egiten dute ─ur asko behar dute eukaliptoek─, eta, horrela, intsektuen populazioak murriztu egiten dira, eta, bide batez, haiek sortutako gaixotasunak, malaria, kasu.


  • Artikulu honen edukiaren zati bat Botanika.wikispaces.com webgunetik hartu da, CC BY-SA 3.0 lizentziapean.
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Eukalipto urdin: Brief Summary ( баскиски )

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Eukalipto urdina (Eucalyptus globulus) mirtazeoen familiako eta eukaliptoen generoko zuhaitza da, jatorriz Australia eta Tasmaniakoak.

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Kuumepuu ( фински )

добавил wikipedia FI

Kuumepuu eli kuume-eukalyptus[1] (Eucalyptus globulus) on nopeakasvuinen ikivihreä puu.

Puu voi kasvaa hyvissä oloissa 70 metriä korkeaksi ja sen rungon halkaisija voi olla kaksi metriä. Nuoret lehdet ovat 6–15 cm pitkiä ja siniharmaan vahan peittämiä. Vanhat lehdet ovat 15–35 cm pitkiä, tummanvihreitä ja kiiltäviä.[2]

Kuumepuu kasvaa luonnonvaraisena Tasmaniassa ja Australian eteläkärjessä. Koska se on nopeakasvuinen, suorarunkoinen ja sopeutuvainen, sitä on istutettu ympäri maailmaa moniin tarkoituksiin: puutavaraksi, tuulensuojaksi ja isojen tilojen koristepuuksi. Sitä on myös käytetty kuivattamaan soita, joissa moskiittohyttyset lisääntyvät.[2]

Kuumepuun lehdistä ja nuorista oksista saadaan aromaattista öljyä, jota on käytetty kuumeen, malarian ja monien vaivojen hoitoon.[3]

Se on Tasmanian kansallispuu.[2]


  • Eucalyptus globulus ssp. bicostata – viktoriankuumepuu[4]
  • Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulus – tasmaniankuumepuu[5]


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Kuumepuu: Brief Summary ( фински )

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Kuumepuu eli kuume-eukalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) on nopeakasvuinen ikivihreä puu.

Puu voi kasvaa hyvissä oloissa 70 metriä korkeaksi ja sen rungon halkaisija voi olla kaksi metriä. Nuoret lehdet ovat 6–15 cm pitkiä ja siniharmaan vahan peittämiä. Vanhat lehdet ovat 15–35 cm pitkiä, tummanvihreitä ja kiiltäviä.

Kuumepuu kasvaa luonnonvaraisena Tasmaniassa ja Australian eteläkärjessä. Koska se on nopeakasvuinen, suorarunkoinen ja sopeutuvainen, sitä on istutettu ympäri maailmaa moniin tarkoituksiin: puutavaraksi, tuulensuojaksi ja isojen tilojen koristepuuksi. Sitä on myös käytetty kuivattamaan soita, joissa moskiittohyttyset lisääntyvät.

Kuumepuun lehdistä ja nuorista oksista saadaan aromaattista öljyä, jota on käytetty kuumeen, malarian ja monien vaivojen hoitoon.

Se on Tasmanian kansallispuu.

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Eucalyptus globulus ( француски )

добавил wikipedia FR

L’Eucalyptus commun ou Gommier bleu (Eucalyptus globulus) est un arbre sempervirent de la famille des Myrtaceae originaire d'Australie. Il est largement cultivé et peut croître jusqu'à 92 m de haut.

Autres noms communs

Eucalyptus bleu, arbre à fièvre.


L'écorce du gommier bleu pèle en larges bandes. Les feuilles des arbres juvéniles apparaissent par paires sur des tiges carrées. Elles mesurent de 6 à 15 cm de long et sont couvertes d'une pruine cireuse bleu-gris, qui est à l'origine du nom de « gommier bleu ». Les feuilles des arbres matures sont alternes, étroites, en forme de faux et d'un vert foncé luisant. Elles poussent sur des tiges cylindriques et mesurent de 15 à 35 cm de long. Les boutons floraux en forme de toupie sont côtelés et recouverts d'un opercule aplati portant un bouton central. Les fleurs couleur crème sont solitaires à l'aisselle des feuilles et produisent un abondant nectar que les abeilles transforment en un miel à saveur prononcée. Les fruits ligneux mesurent de 1,5 à 2,5 cm de diamètre, ils ont une capsule très dure. De nombreuses petites graines s'échappent par des valves qui s'ouvrent sur le dessus du fruit.


Cet arbre à croissance rapide se développe mieux avec des grandes quantités d'eau qu'il va chercher en profondeur (permettant ainsi le développement d'autres essences) mais sait se contenter d'une faible humidité du sol.

Aire de répartition

L'aire de répartition naturelle de cette espèce inclut la Tasmanie et le sud de l'État de Victoria. On en retrouve aussi des groupes isolés sur l'île de King dans le détroit de Bass et au sommet des You Yangs. Elle s'est bien acclimatée dans d'autres parties du monde.

Plantation en Europe et Afrique

En Europe méridionale, l'eucalyptus bleu a été abondamment planté pour la production de pâte à papier, du fait de sa croissance prolifique. Mais les résultats escomptés ne sont pas durables.

  • L'eucalyptus épuisant les sols, le reboisement sur une parcelle précédemment plantée en eucalyptus est très médiocre.
  • La biodiversité des plantations d'eucalyptus est plus faible que celle des forêts de pins les plus épaisses, voire quasi nulle pour les plantations les plus épaisses. Le terme de désert vert est repris pour les plantations d'eucalyptus[1].
  • Par ailleurs, l'eucalyptus est très sensible aux incendies de forêts, comme au Portugal en 2006. Les hautes températures de combustion de la résine de l'arbre et de la litière de feuilles provoquent la stérilisation du sol.
Forêt d'eucalyptus au Portugal, trois ans après un incendie : toute biodiversité a disparu.


Huiles essentielles (eucalyptol, etc.), aldéhydes, hydrocarbures, pinène, camphrène, azulène, tanin, résine.


On lui prête[Qui ?] des propriétés hypoglycémiantes (pour faire diminuer la concentration en sucre) et antiseptiques. Ses feuilles sont toujours utilisées en pharmacie (extrait liquide, teinture, essence). On lui prêtait[Qui ?] le pouvoir de guérir le paludisme.[réf. nécessaire]


Le gommier bleu a été proclamé emblème floral de Tasmanie le 27 novembre 1962. Le nom latin de l'espèce, « globulus », fait référence à la forme de l'opercule du fruit.



  1. « Eucalyptus », Les Amis de la Terre (consulté le 30 janvier 2010)

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Eucalyptus globulus: Brief Summary ( француски )

добавил wikipedia FR

L’Eucalyptus commun ou Gommier bleu (Eucalyptus globulus) est un arbre sempervirent de la famille des Myrtaceae originaire d'Australie. Il est largement cultivé et peut croître jusqu'à 92 m de haut.

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Módry eukalyptowc ( горнолужички )

добавил wikipedia HSB

Módry eukalyptowc (Eucalyptus globulus) je štom ze swójby myrtowych rostlinow (Myrtaceae).






  1. Pawoł Völkel: Prawopisny słownik hornjoserbskeje rěče. Hornjoserbsko-němski słownik. Ludowe nakładnistwo Domowina, Budyšin 2005, ISBN 3-7420-1920-1, str. 120.


  • Brankačk, Jurij: Wobrazowy słownik hornjoserbskich rostlinskich mjenow na CD ROM. Rěčny centrum WITAJ, wudaće za serbske šule. Budyšin 2005.
  • Kubát, K. (Hlavní editor): Klíč ke květeně České republiky. Academia, Praha (2002)
  • Lajnert, Jan: Rostlinske mjena. Serbske. Němske. Łaćanske. Rjadowane po přirodnym systemje. Volk und Wissen Volkseigener Verlag Berlin (1954)
  • Rězak, Filip: Němsko-serbski wšowědny słownik hornjołužiskeje rěče. Donnerhak, Budyšin (1920)
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Módry eukalyptowc: Brief Summary ( горнолужички )

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Módry eukalyptowc (Eucalyptus globulus) je štom ze swójby myrtowych rostlinow (Myrtaceae).

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Blágúmmítré ( исландски )

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Blágúmmítré (fræðiheiti: Eucalyptus globulus), einnig kallað fenjagleypir og sóttvarnartré, er hraðvaxta tré af brúðarlaufætt (Myrtacee). Það er upprunnið í Ástralíu og Tasmaníu en ræktað víða meðal annars í Portúgal, Brasilíu og Kaliforníu. Tréð er nytjaviður og er viðurinn gulleitur og þéttur og hentar til pappírsgerðar og úr honum er eimuð olía. Tréð þarf mikið vatn til vaxtar og hefur verið notað á heittempruðum svæðum til að þurrka upp mýrar en við það hverfa að miklu leyti moskítóflugur og aðrar flugur sem valda sjúkdómum.

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Eucalyptus globulus ( италијански )

добавил wikipedia IT

L'eucalipto propriamente detto (nome scientifico Eucalyptus globulus (Labill., 1800)) è un albero sempreverde appartenente alla famiglia delle Myrtaceae, originaria dell'Australia meridionale[2].


Tavola botanica

L'eucalipto globulus è un albero di ragguardevoli dimensioni: nelle zone di origine può raggiungere anche i 70-80 metri, ma in genere ha altezze di 40-55 metri. Il fusto può raggiungere i 2 metri di diametro. In Italia ha uno sviluppo più contenuto e in genere non supera i 20-25 metri di altezza. Il fusto è diritto con corteccia azzurrognola o giallo-rossastra e ritidoma che si distacca in placche longitudinali, spesso di considerevole lunghezza.

Le foglie hanno aspetto differente secondo l'età della pianta o dei ricacci. Nei polloni e nelle piante giovani l'habitus è tipicamente giovanile, con foglie amplessicauli (cioè che abbracciano un po' il rametto nel punto di intersezione), sessili, opposte e decussate, quasi sempre saldate fra loro alla base, glabre e di colore verde chiaro ma con riflessi variabili dall'azzurrognolo all'argenteo al bianco-cinereo per il rivestimento pruinoso grigio-azzurrognolo. La lamina è lunga 5–15 cm, di forma ovata o ovato-lanceolata e con apice acuto e margine intero. La consistenza è erbaceo-coriacea. Nelle piante adulte le foglie sono picciolate e alterne, glabre, prive di rivestimento pruinoso, di colore verde carico. La lamina è lunga 15–20 cm, eccezionalmente anche fino a 35 cm, di forma lanceolata e falcata con apice lungamente acuminato. La base è asimmetrica rispetto alla nervatura centrale, con una parte più larga dell'altra. La consistenza è coriacea. Le foglie e i giovani germogli emanano un forte aroma che diventa particolarmente intenso e pungente se stropicciate per l'abbondante presenza di olio essenziale.

I fiori sono solitari, portati all'ascella delle foglie, piuttosto vistosi. Il calice è conformato a coppa percorso da costole e sormontato da un opercolo che si distacca al momento della fioritura. La corolla è assente. L'androceo è formato da numerosissimi stami, dai filamenti lunghi e di colore bianco-crema che conferiscono al fiore un aspetto vistoso e una forma globosa. L'ovario è infero.

Il frutto è una capsula deiscente di consistenza legnosa, di colore grigiastro e di 1,5-2,5 cm di diametro. La forma irregolarmente conica riprende quella del calice. A maturità la capsula si apre con fenditure nella parte superiore lasciando fuoriuscire i semi di piccolissime dimensioni.


L'areale di origine dell'Eucalyptus globulus comprende la Tasmania e la zona costiera del sud dello stato di Victoria. La specie è tuttavia coltivata diffusamente negli ambienti a clima mediterraneo. In Italia si rinviene al Centro, al Sud e nelle Isole ma meno frequente rispetto all'eucalipto camaldulense.

È una specie eliofila e termofila, abbastanza rustica ma più esigente del camaldulense in umidità. Non ha particolari esigenze pedologiche e si adatta anche a suoli poveri e poco profondi, tuttavia manifesta il suo notevole potenziale vegetativo nei terreni argillosi e profondi e sufficientemente umidi anche in condizioni di ristagni prolungati.

Uso fitoterapico

In erboristeria è utilizzato prevalentemente l'olio essenziale, estratto per distillazione in corrente di vapore della foglia fresca di Eucalyptus globulus per il trattamento delle affezioni a carico dell'apparato respiratorio (tosse, raffreddore, ecc.). È composto per circa il 70% da cineolo (o eucaliptolo). Si ipotizza oltre agli effetti secretolitici ed espettoranti già confermati, anche degli effetti battericidi e virostatici di altri ingredienti presenti nell'olio essenziale.

Dati farmacologici

Cineolo (Eucaliptolo)

(secondo la Commissione E del Ministero tedesco per la salute)

  • Indicazioni. Malattie da raffreddamento delle vie aeree.
  • Controindicazioni. Infiammazioni del tratto gastrointestinale e biliare, gravi epatopatie. In neonati e piccoli bambini evitare l'applicazione diretta su viso e naso.
  • Effetti collaterali. I rari casi può provocare nausea, vomito, diarrea.
  • Interazioni. L'olio essenziale accelera il metabolismo di sostanze esogene. Può succedere un indebolimento / abbreviazione di effetti di medicamenti.
  • Posologia. Uso interno: droga da 4 - 6 gr; tintura (secondo Erg.B6) 3 - 9 gr; non usare l'olio essenziale internamente!
  • Proprietà. Secretomotoria, espettorante, blandamente spasmolitica

Indicazioni fitoterapiche correlate


Il fiore di eucalipto è l'emblema floreale dello Stato australiano della Tasmania[3].


  1. ^ (EN) Eucalyptus globulus, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ (EN) Eucalyptus globulus Labill. | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science, su Plants of the World Online. URL consultato il 18 febbraio 2021.
  3. ^ (EN) Tasmanian Blue Gum, in Australian National Herbarium. URL consultato il 17 gennaio 2017.


  • Della Loggia, R (cur): Piante officinali per infusi e tisane. Manuale per farmacisti e medici; OEMF 1993; ISBN 88-7076-132-0
  • Weiss R.F.: Lehrbuch der Phytotherapie; Hippokrates 1991; ISBN 3-7773-0933-8

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Eucalyptus globulus: Brief Summary ( италијански )

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L'eucalipto propriamente detto (nome scientifico Eucalyptus globulus (Labill., 1800)) è un albero sempreverde appartenente alla famiglia delle Myrtaceae, originaria dell'Australia meridionale.

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Rutulinis eukaliptas ( литвански )

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Binomas Eucalyptus globulus
E. globulus.JPG

Starr 051123-5467 Eucalyptus globulus.jpg

Rutulinis eukaliptas (lot. Eucalyptus globulus sin. Eucalyptus maidenii subsp. globulus (Labill.) J.B.Kirkp., angl. Tasmanian Blue Gum) – mirtinių šeimos, eukaliptų genties augalų rūšis.

Paplitimo arealas

Savaime auga Australijos žemyno pietryčiuose – Tasmanijos saloje bei Viktorijos valstijos pietinėje dalyje.

Vėliau rutulinis eukaliptas buvo išplatintas ir už arealo ribų. Plačiai išplito Pietų Europoje (Galisijoje, Portugalijoje, Kipre), vakarų Gruzijoje, dalyje Makaronezijos salų, Indijoje, Afrikos pietuose, JAV (Kalifornijoje), Pietų Amerikoje (Čilės ir Argentinos dalyse), Havajuose, Naujojoje Zelandijoje.

Aukštis, kamieno skersmuo

Tai greitai augantis medis. Aukščiausi užauga augantys slėniuose gerai pralaidžiam dirvožemyje. Įprastai auga 30-55 m, rečiau pasitaiko iki 70 m ar dar aukštesnių šios rūšies medžių. O aukščiausias žinomas pavadinimais kaip „Neeminah Loggorale Meena (Mother & Daughter)“ yra 90,7 m aukščio ir 233 m³ tūrio auga Tasmanijoje. Istoriniuose archivuose yra duomenu apie augusius 101 m aukščio šios rūšies medžius. Prie gerų augimo sąlygų kamieno skersmuo gali siekti 2 m.


Rutulinis eukaliptas. Iliustracija iš Franz Eugen Köhler knygos, „Vaistiniai augalai“ (1887).

Pirmą kartą rutulinis eukaliptas buvo apibūdintas prancūzų kilmės botanisto Jacques-Julien Houton de Labillardiere gyvenusio 17551834 metais.

Šio eukalipto kamienas tiesus, pilkšvai baltas, jo žievė dažnai lupasi dideliais skiautais. Jauni lapeliai platoki ir apie 6-15 cm ilgio. Subrendę lapai pailgi, siauri, tamsiai žali ir blizgantys 15-35 cm ilgio. Žydi pakankamai reguliarei kas metai ir pradeda žydėti anksti vasarą (natūralaus paplitimo areale) Žiedai kremo spalvos išsidėstę po vieną ant tų pačių medžio šakelių ant kurių auga lapai. Žiedai gausūs nektaro ko pasekoje bičių sunešamas gausus medaus derlius. Sumedėjęs vaisius 1,5-2,5 cm skersmens.


Rutulinis eukaliptas 1962 lapkričio 27 d. buvo išrinktas kaip Tasmanijos augalijos simbolis. Anksčiau buvo sodinamas miestų gatvėse, bet dėl greito augimo ir masyvumo buvo nustota sodinti. Dėl šių pačių priežasčių taip pat netinkamas sodinti mažuose miestų soduose ar kituose mažuose žemės sklipuose. Bet sodinamas miesto parkuose, dideliuose privačiuose soduose. Mediena kieta ir patvari, naudojant tiek žemėje, tiek vandenyje, tad šalyse kur plačiai auginamas turi didelę ekonominę reikšmę. Australijoje sudaro 65 proc. nuo bendro kiekio visų kietmedžio plantacijų. Gausiai naudojamas madienos masės gamyboje iš ko daromas popierius bei dirbtinis šilkas. Taip pat mediena naudojama geležinkelio pabėgiams, stulpams, ileidžiamiems poliams (įskaitant uostų prieplaukose), tiltams tiesti bei malkoms. Rutulinio eukalipto žiedai gausus nektaro ir žiedadulkių šaltinis bitėms. Iš rutulinio eukalipto lapų gaminamas eterinis aliejus bei jie naudojami gydomajai žolelių arbatai gaminti.




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Rutulinis eukaliptas: Brief Summary ( литвански )

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Rutulinis eukaliptas (lot. Eucalyptus globulus sin. Eucalyptus maidenii subsp. globulus (Labill.) J.B.Kirkp., angl. Tasmanian Blue Gum) – mirtinių šeimos, eukaliptų genties augalų rūšis.

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Blauwe gomboom ( холандски; фламански )

добавил wikipedia NL

De blauwe gomboom (Eucalyptus globulus) is een boom uit de mirtefamilie (Myrtaceae). De hoge, snelgroeiende, groenblijvende boom stamt uit Zuid-Australië. Op vorstvrije plaatsen in Europa wordt de boom aangeplant voor de sier. De hoogte kan 40 m bedragen.

De kroon is kegel- of koepelvormig, hoog en dicht. De boom heeft een rechte, cilindrische stam. De boomschors is afbladderend in grote, grijsbruine stroken. Daaronder is het wit, bruin- of grijsachtig.

De bladeren zijn sikkelvormig en 10-30 cm × 3-8 cm groot. Ze zijn glimmend donker blauwgroen en zijn voorzien van kliertjes. De jonge bladeren zijn langwerpig, tegenoverstaand en stengelomvattend.

De bloemen zijn witachtig en hebben een doorsnede van circa 4 cm. Ze zijn alleenstaand. De bloemknop heeft een dekseltje (operculum). Als de knop opengaat, gaat dat dekseltje eraf en komen er veel meeldraden tevoorschijn. Deze staan rondom de stijl.

Dekseltjes van de bloemknoppen

Na de bloei ontwikkelen zich de 1-1,5 × 1,5-3 cm grote doosvruchten. Ze zijn zwartachtig van kleur en openen met een dekseltje dat grijsblauw van kleur is.


De eucalyptusolie uit de bladeren wordt gebruikt als geneesmiddel. Het is een van de soorten eucalyptusbladeren die een koala eet.

Wikimedia Commons Mediabestanden die bij dit onderwerp horen, zijn te vinden op de pagina Eucalyptus globulus op Wikimedia Commons.
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Blauwe gomboom: Brief Summary ( холандски; фламански )

добавил wikipedia NL

De blauwe gomboom (Eucalyptus globulus) is een boom uit de mirtefamilie (Myrtaceae). De hoge, snelgroeiende, groenblijvende boom stamt uit Zuid-Australië. Op vorstvrije plaatsen in Europa wordt de boom aangeplant voor de sier. De hoogte kan 40 m bedragen.

De kroon is kegel- of koepelvormig, hoog en dicht. De boom heeft een rechte, cilindrische stam. De boomschors is afbladderend in grote, grijsbruine stroken. Daaronder is het wit, bruin- of grijsachtig.

De bladeren zijn sikkelvormig en 10-30 cm × 3-8 cm groot. Ze zijn glimmend donker blauwgroen en zijn voorzien van kliertjes. De jonge bladeren zijn langwerpig, tegenoverstaand en stengelomvattend.

De bloemen zijn witachtig en hebben een doorsnede van circa 4 cm. Ze zijn alleenstaand. De bloemknop heeft een dekseltje (operculum). Als de knop opengaat, gaat dat dekseltje eraf en komen er veel meeldraden tevoorschijn. Deze staan rondom de stijl.

 src= Dekseltjes van de bloemknoppen

Na de bloei ontwikkelen zich de 1-1,5 × 1,5-3 cm grote doosvruchten. Ze zijn zwartachtig van kleur en openen met een dekseltje dat grijsblauw van kleur is.

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Eucalyptus globulus ( Pms )

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Drapò piemontèis.png Vos an lenga piemontèisa Për amprende a dovré 'l sistema dle parlà locaj ch'a varda sì.

Costo artìcol a l'é mach në sbòss. Da finì.


Da finì.


Da finì.

Arferiment bibliogràfich për chi a veul fé dj'arserche pì ancreuse

  • Eucalyptus globulus Labill.
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Eucalyptus globulus: Brief Summary ( Pms )

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Costo artìcol a l'é mach në sbòss. Da finì.


Da finì.


Da finì.

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Eukaliptus gałkowy ( полски )

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Eukaliptus gałkowy (Eucalyptus globulus Labill.), zwany też eukaliptusem właściwym lub rozdrębem gałkowym – gatunek drzewa należący do rodziny mirtowatych. Pochodzi z południowej Australii i Tasmanii, ale rozprzestrzeniony został również w Afryce, Azji, Ameryce Północnej, Europie, na Hawajach i Makaronezji[2].



Duże drzewo osiągające nawet 60 m wysokości o płytkim, ale silnie rozwiniętym systemie korzeniowym. Wzrostem szybko przewyższające pokrewne gatunki.
Młode pędy podłużnie pagórkowate i ostro żeberkowane.
Młode na młodych roślinach i młodych pędach okrągławe lub okrągławo-jajowate, naprzeciwległe, siedzące lub obejmujące pęd, spodem srebrzystobiałe, wierzchem ciemnozielone. Stare liście skrętoległe, krótkoogonkowe, wąskolancetowate, sierpowato wygięte, o ciemnozielonym zabarwieniu, spodem srebrzystobiałe. Wszystkie charakteryzują bardzo silną fototaksją ujemną, co oznacza, że liście ustawiają się równolegle do kąta padania promieni słonecznych, nie 'dając cienia'.
Osadzone pojedynczo, drobne, osadzone na krótkich szypułkach, białe, obupłciowe, o licznych pręcikach (długich, bladozielonych) i jednym słupku. Mają zredukowany kielich, koronę zaś zrośniętą i przekształconą w nakrywkę, która odpada podczas kwitnienia.
Żeberkowana, półkolista, wielonasienna torebka pękająca na szczycie.


Drewno ma zastosowanie w konstrukcji okrętów, wagonów i budowli wodnych. Wytwarza się z niego także papier. Jest bardzo odporne na gnicie. Kora zawiera garbniki.

Roślina lecznicza

Surowiec zielarski
Liść eukaliptusa (Eucalypti folium) – całe lub rozdrobnione, wysuszone liście starszych gałęzi o zawartości co najmniej 15 ml/kg olejku eterycznego[3]. Wytwarza się z nich olejek eukaliptusowyEucalypti oleum otrzymywany przez destylację z parą wodną surowca. Ma on zastosowanie w lecznictwie oraz perfumerii.


  1. Stevens P.F.: Angiosperm Phylogeny Website (ang.). 2001–. [dostęp 2010-01-21].
  2. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). [dostęp 2010-03-10].
  3. Polskie Towarzystwo Farmaceutyczne: Farmakopea Polska X. Warszawa: Urząd Rejestracji Produktów Leczniczych, Wyrobów Medycznych i Produktów Biobójczych, 2014, s. 4276. ISBN 978-83-63724-47-4.


  1. Zbigniew Podbielkowski: Słownik roślin użytkowych. Warszawa: PWRiL, 1989. ISBN 83-09-00256-4.
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Eukaliptus gałkowy: Brief Summary ( полски )

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Eukaliptus gałkowy (Eucalyptus globulus Labill.), zwany też eukaliptusem właściwym lub rozdrębem gałkowym – gatunek drzewa należący do rodziny mirtowatych. Pochodzi z południowej Australii i Tasmanii, ale rozprzestrzeniony został również w Afryce, Azji, Ameryce Północnej, Europie, na Hawajach i Makaronezji.

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Eucalyptus globulus ( португалски )

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Distribuição do E. globulus na sua região de ocorrência nativa, sendo uma área de ocorrência nativa muito pequena.
Folhas adultas, flores e botões do E. globulus.
E. globulus (gravura do Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen).
Frutos de eucalipto-comum, mostrando o opérculo com as valvas abertas.

Eucalyptus globulus Labill. (do latim globulus, um pequeno botão, referência à forma do opérculo do fruto), conhecido por eucalipto-comum ou eucalipto-da-Tasmânia, é uma espécie florestal de folha perene pertencente ao género Eucalyptus, de crescimento rápido, capaz de produzir árvores de 30 a 55 m de altura (um exemplar existente na Tasmânia tem 90,7 m de altura[2]). Originária da Austrália, a espécie é hoje uma das árvores mais amplamente cultivada em florestas de produção, principalmente para fabrico de pasta de papel e para queima, e a mais expandida das cerca de 600 espécies que integram o género Eucalyptus. A área de ocorrência natural da espécie inclui a Tasmânia e o sul do Estado de Victoria (Austrália). Ocorre ainda em manchas isoladas na ilhas King e Flinders, ambas no Estreito de Bass, e nos cumes do You Yangs. A flor do E. globulus foi proclamada a 27 de Novembro de 1962 como emblema floral do estado da Tasmânia.

Características e habitat

O E. globulus é uma árvore de grande dimensões (30 a 55 m de altura, mas podendo ocasionalmente ultrapassar os 90 m de altura), de tronco erecto e esguio, com ramificação apenas na parte terminal, formando uma canópia esparsa e irregular a grande altura. O tronco é recoberto por um ritidoma cinzento-claro, liso, que tende a soltar-se espontaneamente libertando longas tiras que ao secar ficam acastanhadas e se enrolam sobre si, ficando pendentes dos troncos por largos períodos.

A madeira é esbranquiçada, com pouco cerne, muito rica em água quando verde, formada por longas fibras esbranquiçadas, fissurando e contorcendo-se durante a secagem. Ao quebrar produz longas falhas aguçadas, ligadas entre si por fortes fibras relativamente flexíveis.

Quando cortada a planta regenera rapidamente a partir da toiça, produzindo fortes turiões recobertos por folhas juvenis que quando desbastados rapidamente reconstituem a árvore. As plantações de eucalipto podem assim ser repetidamente cortadas sem necessidade de replante.

A espécie apresenta marcada heteroblastia, com as plantas juvenis e os rebentos basais e de toiça a apresentarem um tipo de folha diferente das plantas adultas: as folhas juvenis são sésseis, oblolanceoladas, com 6–15 cm de comprimento, e recobertas por um tegumento ceroso de cor azulada, surgindo em pares alternados (dando à planta juvenil características de alternifólia) em caules de secção quadrangular. A folhas das árvores adultas são estreitas, falciformes a siculares (isto é alongadas e contorcidas em forma de foice), com 15–35 cm de comprimento, com tegumento verde acinzentado (particularmente na página inferior), surgindo alternadamente ao longo de caules arredondados.

Os botões são oblongos, mais largos na parte distal, rodeados por uma bordadura irregular recoberta por protuberâncias, terminando num opérculo aplanado (topo do botão floral) com uma protuberância central. As flores são esbranquiçadas ou cremosas, instaladas nas axilas das folhas, produzindo um copioso néctar que quando utilizado por colmeias produz um mel com sabor e cheiro característicos. Floresce nos meses de Setembro e Outubro.

Os frutos são cápsulas lenhosas com 1.5 a 2.5 cm de diâmetro, reproduzindo a forma do botão da flor. Cada fruto contem numerosas sementes minúsculas, que são libertadas através de 3 a 6 valvas que se abrem no topo do fruto aquando da maturação.

O eucalipto-comum produz um extenso sistema radicular, que em solos bem drenados se pode estender por muitas dezenas de metros em torno da árvore, penetrando profundamente no perfil atingindo nalguns casos mais de 10 m de profundidade. A planta adulta não tem raiz apical, desenvolvendo um sistema radicular que se distribui radialmente em torno da árvore sem qualquer elemento aprumado.

A planta é uma planta vivaz e resistente, preferido os solos ligeiramente ácidos e as zonas frescas e húmidas. Contudo, tolera bem a secura, sendo extremamente eficaz na absorção de água do solo. Não resiste aos frios intensos, aos nevoeiros persistentes e às secas prolongadas.


O eucalipto-comum é a espécie florestal mais plantada para fins comerciais na Austrália, onde ocupa cerca de 4 500 km² de território (65% da área florestada para produção de madeiras rijas).[3] A árvore é também extensamente cultivada em outras regiões de clima temperado, entre as quais a região mediterrânica da Europa, sendo também a espécie florestal mais cultivada em Portugal, onde fornece a maior parte da matéria-prima utilizada para produção de pasta de papel.

Para além da sua utilização para produção de pasta de papel, uso em que as suas longas fibras produzem papel de grande qualidade, a sua madeira é também utilizada como elemento estrutural em construções, embora tenda a fender e retorcer com a secagem, e para lenha, produzindo um biocombustível de boa qualidade.

As folhas de eucalipto são utilizadas para a confecção de infusões terapêuticas, especialmente para afecções do sistema respiratório superior. Os óleos essenciais extraídos das suas folhas, comercializados sob a designação de cineol (cineole ou eucaliptol), são utilizados em confeitaria, produzindo um efeito refrescante e dilatador dos brônquios semelhante ao mentol. A República Popular da China é o maior produtor mundial de cineol.[4][5]


Recentes estudos de biologia molecular levam a crer que o E. globulus e as espécies com ele estreitamente aparentadas constituem um complexo de subespécies enquadráveis numa única espécie.[6] Nesta acepção, mais alargada e ignorando pequenas variações morfológicas, a espécie E. globulus inclui as seguintes subespécies:

  • E. globulus subsp. bicostata = E. bicostata
  • E. globulus subsp. globulus = E. globulus - o eucalipto-comum
  • E. globulus subsp. maidenii= E. maidenii - o eucalipto-de-Maiden
  • E. globulus subsp. pseudoglobulus = E. pseudoglobulus

A inclusão numa única espécie dos diferentes taxons atrás citados é apoiada por outros autores e entidades, como o Tasmanian Herbarium[7] e o Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne, mas não pelo Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney,[8] no qual os quatro taxa são considerados espécies distintas.


O E. globulus foi introduzido na Califórnia em meados do século XIX, estando presente em muitos dos parques citadinos de San Francisco e noutras cidades do litoral daquele estado. A partir do seu uso como ornamental, naturalizou-se, sendo hoje considerado uma espécie invasora devido à sua capacidade para se implantar rapidamente nos habitats de clima mediterrânico da região, substituindo a vegetação endémica, porém a flora nativa para o território onde a Califórna está localizada não tem nenhuma importância económica e cultural, ao contrário do E. globulus nativo da Austrália, a vegetação nativa da Califórnia possui somente importância ambiental.[9] Nesse sentido, tem-se vindo a proceder na Califórnia à sua completa erradicação do solo.

Também em Portugal esta árvore se comporta como uma espécie invasora embora nenhuma medida de erradicação tenha sido levada a cabo sobretudo devido ao valor económico da espécie. Contudo, dado que o eucalipto consegues absorver grandes quantidades de água no verão, apresenta vantagem competitiva sobre as demais espécies vegetais, com consequências nefastas para a biodiversidade das florestas. Outra polémica em torno desta espécie prende-se com os fogos florestais, um flagelo recorrente em Portugal na época de verão. E assim, o Governo português começou a estabelecer limites para as de eucalipto no país a fim de conter a expansão da espécie e incentivar o plantio de espécies de árvores nativas europeias, porém não nativas de Portugal, que também possuem importância económica e cultural quanto a espécie invasora possui, mesmo assim a medida se baseou na controversa da plantação de Eucalyptus globulus e das outras espécies de eucalipto em Portugal.[10]


  1. a b «Eucalyptus globulus». Australian Plant Census. Consultado em 17 de julho de 2019
  2. Giant Trees Consultative Committee Arquivado em 16 de fevereiro de 2007, no Wayback Machine..
  3. Australia's Plantations 2006 (PDF). [S.l.]: Bureau of Rural Sciences. Consultado em 24 de maio de 2008. Arquivado do original (PDF) em 29 de setembro de 2007
  4. Eucalyptus Oil, FAO Corporate Document Repository
  5. «7 benefícios das folhas de eucalipto | Nutricionando». 12 de agosto de 2019
  6. «A Census of the Vascular Plants of Victoria». Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne. Consultado em 24 de maio de 2008. Arquivado do original em 14 de junho de 2009
  7. «The Tasmanian Herbarium». Consultado em 24 de maio de 2008. Arquivado do original em 19 de julho de 2008
  8. «Flora of New South Wales». Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney
  9. California Invasive Plant Council (Cal-IPC) Invasive Plant Inventory 2006 http://www.cal-ipc.org/ip/inventory/pdf/Inventory2006.pdf Arquivado em 10 de maio de 2008, no Wayback Machine.
  10. https://www.publico.pt/2017/02/06/sociedade/noticia/area-de-eucalipto-vai-ficar-congelada-ate-2030-1760747


  • Roth, Daunderer, Kormann: Giftpflanzen - Pflanzengifte. Nikol Verlagsgesellschaft Hamburg, 4. Auflage (ISBN 3-933203-31-7).

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Eucalyptus globulus: Brief Summary ( португалски )

добавил wikipedia PT
 src= Distribuição do E. globulus na sua região de ocorrência nativa, sendo uma área de ocorrência nativa muito pequena.  src= Folhas adultas, flores e botões do E. globulus.  src= E. globulus (gravura do Köhler's Medizinal-Pflanzen).  src= Frutos de eucalipto-comum, mostrando o opérculo com as valvas abertas.

Eucalyptus globulus Labill. (do latim globulus, um pequeno botão, referência à forma do opérculo do fruto), conhecido por eucalipto-comum ou eucalipto-da-Tasmânia, é uma espécie florestal de folha perene pertencente ao género Eucalyptus, de crescimento rápido, capaz de produzir árvores de 30 a 55 m de altura (um exemplar existente na Tasmânia tem 90,7 m de altura). Originária da Austrália, a espécie é hoje uma das árvores mais amplamente cultivada em florestas de produção, principalmente para fabrico de pasta de papel e para queima, e a mais expandida das cerca de 600 espécies que integram o género Eucalyptus. A área de ocorrência natural da espécie inclui a Tasmânia e o sul do Estado de Victoria (Austrália). Ocorre ainda em manchas isoladas na ilhas King e Flinders, ambas no Estreito de Bass, e nos cumes do You Yangs. A flor do E. globulus foi proclamada a 27 de Novembro de 1962 como emblema floral do estado da Tasmânia.

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Eucaliptul albastru ( романски; молдавски )

добавил wikipedia RO

Eucaliptul albastru (Eucalyptus globulus) albastrul Tasmanian,[1] guma albastră de sud[2] sau guma albastră, este un arbore veșnic verde, unul dintre cei mai cultivați copaci din Australia. Ei cresc de obicei de la 30 la 55m înălțime. Cel mai înalt specimen cunoscut în prezent în Tasmania este de 90,7 m înălțime.[3] Există revendicări istorice de copaci chiar mai înalți, cel mai înalt fiind de 101m.[4] Distribuția naturală a speciei include Tasmania și sudul Victoria (în special Parcul Național Otway și sudul Gippsland-ului). Există, de asemenea, apariții izolate pe insula King și Insula Flinders din strâmtoarea Bass și pe vârful You Yangs-ului de lângă Geelong.

Există întâlniri non-native naturalizate în Spania și Portugalia și în alte părți din sudul Europei, inclusiv Cipru, Africa de Sud, Noua Zeelandă, vestul Statelor Unite (California), Hawaii, Macaronesia[5] și Caucazul (Georgia de Vest).[6]

Coaja, albăstie ca și frunzele, se desprinde la sfârșit de sezon în fâșii lungi. Este cultivat pentru ca se maturizeaza repede si are lemnul de esenta tare.


  1. ^ Eucalyptus globulus. Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS Database. USDA. Accesat în 19 ianuarie 2016.
  2. ^ „BSBI List 2007”. Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland. Arhivat din original (xls) la 25 ianuarie 2015. Accesat în 17 octombrie 2014. Parametru necunoscut |df= ignorat (ajutor)
  3. ^ Giant Trees Consultative Committee Arhivat 16 February 2007 la Wayback Machine.
  4. ^ Lewin, D. W. 1906: The Eucalypti Hardwood Timbers of Tasmania
  5. ^ Format:GRIN
  6. ^ ka:ევკალიპტი ევკალიპტი

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Eucaliptul albastru: Brief Summary ( романски; молдавски )

добавил wikipedia RO

Eucaliptul albastru (Eucalyptus globulus) albastrul Tasmanian, guma albastră de sud sau guma albastră, este un arbore veșnic verde, unul dintre cei mai cultivați copaci din Australia. Ei cresc de obicei de la 30 la 55m înălțime. Cel mai înalt specimen cunoscut în prezent în Tasmania este de 90,7 m înălțime. Există revendicări istorice de copaci chiar mai înalți, cel mai înalt fiind de 101m. Distribuția naturală a speciei include Tasmania și sudul Victoria (în special Parcul Național Otway și sudul Gippsland-ului). Există, de asemenea, apariții izolate pe insula King și Insula Flinders din strâmtoarea Bass și pe vârful You Yangs-ului de lângă Geelong.

Există întâlniri non-native naturalizate în Spania și Portugalia și în alte părți din sudul Europei, inclusiv Cipru, Africa de Sud, Noua Zeelandă, vestul Statelor Unite (California), Hawaii, Macaronesia și Caucazul (Georgia de Vest).

Coaja, albăstie ca și frunzele, se desprinde la sfârșit de sezon în fâșii lungi. Este cultivat pentru ca se maturizeaza repede si are lemnul de esenta tare.

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Feberträd ( шведски )

добавил wikipedia SV

Feberträd (Eucalyptus globulus) är en art i familjen myrtenväxter. Arten kommer ursprungligen från sydöstra Australien och Tasmanien. I Sverige används arten som ettårig utplanteringsväxt, krukväxt och snittgrönt. Andra namn på trädet är eukalyptus och blågummiträd.


Eukalyptus kan bli cirka 100 meter hög[1] men vanligen 30-55 meter[2] och har dimorfologiska blad.[3][1] De unga bladen är runda till formen, blågröna och något vaxiga. De äldre bladen har korta bladskaft och är lieformade och mer grågröna till färgen.[3] De äldre grenarna bär blommor[1], som sitter i bladvecken[4] som består av fyra foderblad med en vaxig karaktär.[3] Blomman har sedan fyra kronblad som tillsammans med foderbladen bildar en urnformad struktur. Då trädet kommer i blomning kommer locket, bestående av kronbladen att lossna, och ett stort antal ståndare framträder ur blomman, vilka är vita till färgen.[3] Frukterna omges av ett träigt yttre och innehåller många mindre frön.

Historisk användning

Man trodde på 1800-talet att eukalyptus kunde ersätta användandet av kinabarken mot malaria. Senare visade det sig att detta inte var sant, då E. globulus inte har några antimalariaegenskaper.[1] Eukalyptus har även använts mot frossa, difteri, åkommor i andningsorgan och urinorganen och som smärtstillande vid neuroallergier. Detta med invärtes och utvärtes bruk.[4] Eukalyptusträdet används i sin helhet idag för att torka ut sumpmarker, så att marken blir brukbar.[1] Träet från Eucalyptus spp. används vanligen till byggnader och bränsle i Australien, av barken görs det papper. Idag används eukalyptolen och bladen från plantan till att smaksätta livsmedel. Även den eteriska oljan används som den är och även i honungsproduktionen.[5]


Den eteriska eukalyptusoljan, eucalypti aetheroleum, är svagt gul eller färglös[4] och beskrivs lukta något som kamfer.[1] Oljan tas fram med hjälp av ångdestillation då man använder blad och unga grenar som är rika på 1-8 cineol.[6] Utbytet av den eteriska oljan kan vara mellan 5-35 ml/kg.[3] Smältpunkten på oljan är -1 °C.[4]

Förutom 1-8 cineol innehåller E. globulus även många andra substanser, bland annat i grupperna:

  • alifatiska alkanoater
  • alifatiska β-diketoner
  • flavonoider
  • Ketoner
  • FPC:er
  • Flavonoider
  • Tanniner
  • Monoterpener
  • sesquiterpener

E. globulus använder sig av tanninerna för att avskräcka insekter från att äta trädets blad. Alkanoaterna har även visats ha en mycket liten variation i mängd från träd till träd inom arten. Alkanoaten benzyl n-tetraconsanoate fungerar avskräckande för insekten M. privata då den vid närvaro av alkanoaten inte vill lägga ägg i E. globulus, detta på grund av dess xenobiotiska effekt.[7]


Dessa fall är vid oralt intag av oljan eucalypti aethtoleum:

Den eteriska oljans letala dos 50 (LD50) är beräknad till 353±64 mg/kg (n=10) för möss.[8] Den dödliga dosen för möss i ett annat fall är då beräknad till 1,7 ml/kg.[3]

Vid ett intag av 10 ml eucalypti aetheroleum hos en tre år gammal pojke gavs de toxiska symptomen magbränna, illamående och kräkningar. Efter magpumpning var han helt återställd efter 24 timmar. Konvulsioner (kramper) kan även inträffa hos barn, men är mindre vanligt hos vuxna. Normal toxiska dos för en vuxen människa är 30 ml, men toxicitet har inträffat vid lägre intag.[9]

Medicinsk användning

Eukalyptusbladen kan placeras topikalt (på huden) mot smärta, och neuropatisk smärta.[10] Oljan används även mot luftrörskatarr och reumatiska sjukdomar.[1]

Många livsmedel idag har namn med eukalyptus i. Dock är det svårt att avgöra om produkten verkligen innehåller eukalyptus, då smaktillsatsen ofta benämns som aromämnen under innehållsförteckningen.


  1. ^ [a b c d e f g] Harald Nielsen, 1984, Exotiska läkeväxter och trolldomsörter, Politikerns förlag A/S, 2:a upplagan Sverige, Borås s.131
  2. ^ Index of Species Information
  3. ^ [a b c d e f] Jean Bruneton, 1999, pharmacognosy Phytochemistry medical plants Lavoisie publishing, USA, New York 2:a upplagan s. 555-558
  4. ^ [a b c d] Nordisk Familjebok, (1907). Nordisk Familjebok: Konversationslexikon och Realencyklopedi; Nordisk familjeboksförlag AB: Band 7. Nordisk familjeboksförlag AB: Stockholm, Sverige; Uggleupplagan (2nd ed.)
  5. ^ John H. Wiersema Blanca (1999) Worls economic plants a standard reference. LeónCRC Press s.214
  6. ^ Medicines clomplete, sökning på Eucalyptus globulus, eucalyptus oil, 2009-03-10 tid: 13:57
  7. ^ Luke P. Rapley, Geoff R. Allen, Brad M. Potts och Noel W. Davies (2007). Constitutive or induced defences-how does Eucalyptus globulus defend itself from larval feeding? Chemoecology 17, 235-243
  8. ^ Jeane Silva, Worku Abebe, S.M. Sousa, V.G. Duarte, M.I.L. Machado och F.J.A. Matos (2003). Analgesic and anti-inflamatory effects of essential oils of Eucalyptus Journal of Ethnopharmacology (89) 277-283
  9. ^ S.Patel och J. Wiggins (1980) Eucalyptus oil poisoning Archives of disease in childhood (55) 405-406
  10. ^ Walter H. Lewis, Memory P.F. Levin-Lewis, 2003, Medical botany plants affecting human health, , Jhon Wiley & sons, USA, New Jersey 2:a upplagan s. 267

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Feberträd: Brief Summary ( шведски )

добавил wikipedia SV

Feberträd (Eucalyptus globulus) är en art i familjen myrtenväxter. Arten kommer ursprungligen från sydöstra Australien och Tasmanien. I Sverige används arten som ettårig utplanteringsväxt, krukväxt och snittgrönt. Andra namn på trädet är eukalyptus och blågummiträd.

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Eucalyptus globulus ( украински )

добавил wikipedia UK


Вічнозелене дерево, до 45–55(70) м заввишки. Дерево виробляє велику кореневу систему, що в добре дренованих ґрунтах може продовжуватися на кілька десятків метрів навколо дерева, і досягаючи в деяких випадках глибин більш ніж 10 м. Кора лущиться на великі смуги. Широкі листки молодих рослин мають довжину близько 6–15 см і покриті сіро-блакитним, восковим нальотом. Листки зрілих рослин вузькі, серповиді, блискучі й темно-зелені 15–35 см у довжину. Кремові квітки поодиноко розташовані в пазухах листків і виробляють рясний нектар, який дає сильно ароматизований мед. Плоди деревні, 1.5–2.5 см у діаметрі. Численне дрібне насіння опадає через клапани (від 3 до 6 на плід), які відкриваються на вершині плода.


АвстраліяВікторія, Тасманія, Новий Південний Уельс. Чужоземне поширення в Середземномор'ї та Європі: Франція, Ірландія, Іспанія [вкл. Балеарські острови, Канарські острови], Італія [вкл. Сардинія, Сицилія], Португалія [вкл. Мадейра, Азорські острови], Марокко, Мальта, Закавказзя (Азербайджан, Вірменія і Грузія). Також рослини інтродуковані в південній частині Африки, Новій Зеландії, США (Каліфорнія, Гаваї).

Надає перевагу дещо кислим ґрунтам і водно-болотним угіддям. Проте, добре переносить посуху, будучи надзвичайно ефективним при поглинанні води в ґрунті. Вид уразливий до сильного холоду, постійних туманів і тривалої посухи.


Використовується для виробництва товарів із паперової маси. Листя евкаліпта використовуються для виготовлення настоянок, особливо для лікування розладів верхніх дихальних шляхів. Ефірні олії, витягнуті з листя, використовуються в кондитерській промисловості, виробляючи освіжаючий ефект, схожий на ментол.



  1. Гречаний І. Великий ілюстрований довідник лікарських трав і рослин. — Харків : Клуб Сімейного Дозвілля, 2015. — С. 190. — ISBN 9789661496254.
  2. Черних В. П. (за ред.). Енциклопедичний тлумачний словник фармацевтичних термінів : українсько-латинсько-російсько-англійський. — Вінниця : Нова Книга, 2014. — С. 371. — ISBN 9789663825076.
  3. Гризодуб А.И., Георгиевский Г.В., Тихоненко Т.М., Георгиевский В.П. Проблемы введения монографий на лекарственное растительное сырье в Государственную Фармакопею Украины // Фармаком. — С. 1–15.
  4. Australian National Botanic Gardens — Floral Emblems of Australia


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Bạch đàn xanh ( виетнамски )

добавил wikipedia VI

Bạch đàn xanh hay khuynh diệp cầu (danh pháp hai phần: Eucalyptus globulus) là loài thực vật có hoa trong Họ Đào kim nương. Loài này được Labill. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1800.[1] Đây là là một loại cây thường xanh, một trong những cây được trồng rộng rãi nhất bản địa Úc. Chúng thường cao từ 30–55 m. Mẫu vật cao nhất hiện nay ở Tasmania cao 90,7 m.[2] Có những tuyên bố lịch sử về những cây cao hơn, cao nhất là 101 m.[3] Sự phân bố tự nhiên của các loài bao gồm Tasmania và phía nam Victoria (đặc biệt là dãy Otway và miền Nam Gippsland). Cũng có những sự kiện biệt lập trên Đảo King và Đảo Flinders ở Eo biển Bass và trên đỉnh của sông Yang gần Geelong. Có những sự kiện tự nhiên không xuất xứ ở Tây Ban Nha và Bồ Đào Nha, và các phần khác của Nam Âu bao gồm Síp, Nam Châu Phi, New Zealand, Tây Hoa Kỳ (California), Hawaii, Macaronesia,[4] và Kavkaz (Tây Gruzia).[5]

Cuộc thám hiểm d'Entrecasteaux đã khiến người sử dụng ngay lập tức các loài khi chúng phát hiện ra nó, gỗ được sử dụng để nâng cấp thuyền của họ.[6] Hoa loài bạch đàn xanh này được tuyên bố là hoa biểu tượng của Tasmania vào ngày 27 tháng 11 năm 1962.

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Eucalyptus globulus. Truy cập ngày 7 tháng 6 năm 2013.
  2. ^ Giant Trees Consultative Committee Lưu trữ 16 February 2007 tại Wayback Machine.
  3. ^ Lewin, D. W. 1906: The Eucalypti Hardwood Timbers of Tasmania
  4. ^ “{{{name}}}”. Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) online database. Truy cập ngày 12 tháng 12 năm 2017.
  5. ^ ka:ევკალიპტი ევკალიპტი
  6. ^ Mulvaney, John (tháng 4 năm 2019). “4. Botanising”. ‘The axe had never sounded’: place, people and heritage of Recherche Bay, Tasmania . Australian National University. ISBN 978-1-921313-21-9. Truy cập ngày 16 tháng 2 năm 2009.

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Bạch đàn xanh: Brief Summary ( виетнамски )

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Bạch đàn xanh hay khuynh diệp cầu (danh pháp hai phần: Eucalyptus globulus) là loài thực vật có hoa trong Họ Đào kim nương. Loài này được Labill. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1800. Đây là là một loại cây thường xanh, một trong những cây được trồng rộng rãi nhất bản địa Úc. Chúng thường cao từ 30–55 m. Mẫu vật cao nhất hiện nay ở Tasmania cao 90,7 m. Có những tuyên bố lịch sử về những cây cao hơn, cao nhất là 101 m. Sự phân bố tự nhiên của các loài bao gồm Tasmania và phía nam Victoria (đặc biệt là dãy Otway và miền Nam Gippsland). Cũng có những sự kiện biệt lập trên Đảo King và Đảo Flinders ở Eo biển Bass và trên đỉnh của sông Yang gần Geelong. Có những sự kiện tự nhiên không xuất xứ ở Tây Ban Nha và Bồ Đào Nha, và các phần khác của Nam Âu bao gồm Síp, Nam Châu Phi, New Zealand, Tây Hoa Kỳ (California), Hawaii, Macaronesia, và Kavkaz (Tây Gruzia).

Cuộc thám hiểm d'Entrecasteaux đã khiến người sử dụng ngay lập tức các loài khi chúng phát hiện ra nó, gỗ được sử dụng để nâng cấp thuyền của họ. Hoa loài bạch đàn xanh này được tuyên bố là hoa biểu tượng của Tasmania vào ngày 27 tháng 11 năm 1962.

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Эвкалипт шаровидный ( руски )

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Царство: Растения
Подцарство: Зелёные растения
Отдел: Цветковые
Надпорядок: Rosanae
Порядок: Миртоцветные
Семейство: Миртовые
Подсемейство: Миртовые
Триба: Eucalypteae
Вид: Эвкалипт шаровидный
Международное научное название

Eucalyptus globulus Labill., 1861

Дочерние таксоны Ареал изображение


на Викивидах
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Эвкали́пт шарови́дный[2], или Эвкалипт кле́йкий[2], или Эвкалипт ша́риковый, или Эвкалипт голубо́й[3], или Бессты́дница (лат. Eucalýptus globúlus) — вечнозелёное дерево, вид рода Эвкалипт (Eucalyptus) семейства Миртовые (Myrtaceae).

Растение было описано французским ботаником Жаком-Жюльеном де Лабилльярдьером в его публикациях Relation du Voyage à la Recherche de la Pérouse (1800) и Novae Hollandiae Plantarum Specimen (1804)[4][5]. Автор собрал экземпляры в Решерш-Бей[en] (англ. Recherche Bay) во время экспедиции Брюни Д’Антркасто в 1792 году[6].

Ботаническое описание

Вечнозелёное быстрорастущее дерево, с мощной корневой системой и прочной древесиной, высотой до 60—80 м и диаметром ствола 1—2 м. Молодые побеги четырёхгранные, ребристые, покрытые, как и листья, восковым налётом, ярко-сизого цвета с голубым оттенком.

Кора ствола и ветвей гладкая, беловато-серая или голубоватая, глубоко бороздчатая, с отслаивающимся наружным слоем, из-за чего на ветвях и в верхней части ствола всегда висят остатки старой коры.

Молодые листья супротивные, в значительном числе пар, от сидячих до стеблеобъемлющих, ярко-сизые, сердцевидные, яйцевидные или широко ланцетовидные, кожистые, длиной 7—16 см и шириной 1—9 см. Взрослые листья очерёдные, на черешках, тёмно-зелёные, блестящие, ланцетные или серповидно-ланцетные, заострённые, длиной 10—30 см и шириной 3—4 см, цельнокрайние, плотные. Листья более старых растений располагаются ребром к солнечным лучам. В мякоти листьев в особых просвечивающихся вместилищах содержится эфирное масло; вместилища крупные и часто занимают больше половины толщины листа.

Цветки обычно одиночные, пазушные, сидячие или располагающиеся на короткой цветоножке, кубарчатые, четырёхгранные, бородавчатые, иногда на концах веток зонтики трёхцветковые. Крышечка чашевидная, с куполовидным отростком, бородавчатая. Чашечка трубчатая, сросшаяся с завязью, деревянистая, зеленовато-сизая. Пыльники обратнояйцевидные, открывающиеся широкими параллельными щелями, желёзка шаровидная.

Плод состоит из коробочки, сросшейся с чашечкой. Коробочка сидячая, сжато-шаровидная или широко трубковидная, бородавчатая, длиной 10—15 см, шириной 15—30 мм, с несколькими рёбрами. В каждом гнезде коробочки развивается по одному или по нескольку семян, которые созревают через полтора—два года.

Цветёт в октябре, на третьем — пятом году развития растения.

Распространение и экология

Сверху вниз.
Ствол взрослого дерева.
Молодые листья.
Взрослые листья.
Плодовые коробочки.

В диком виде растёт в Австралии в штатах Виктория, Новый Южный Уэльс и на острове Тасмания. Культивируется в Африке, Америке, Европе. Один из первых видов эвкалипта, ввезённых на Черноморское побережье Кавказа[7].

На родине растёт на влажных, хорошо дренированных, песчаных почвах в защищённых низменностях, невысоко над уровнем моря. Лучше развивается на лёгких и глубоких аллювиальных и краснозёмных почвах с умеренной влажностью. В этих условиях вырастает до размеров высокого лесного дерева. На сухих глинисто-каменистых склонах чаще кустообразен.

Относится к группе эвкалиптов средней морозостойкости. Выдерживает морозы −7… −8 °C, при понижении температуры до −9… −10 °C сильно повреждается или отмерзает от корня.

Один из наиболее быстрорастущих видов эвкалипта. В Аджарии отдельные экземпляры за первые 15 лет вырастали до высоты в 30—37 м при диаметре ствола в 50—65 см. За 40—45 лет максимально вырастали до 47—50 высоты при диаметре ствола 1—1,3 м. В Абхазии в возрасте 40—45 лет деревья достигали 25—30 м при диаметре ствола 70—80 см.

Химический состав

Листья содержат эфирное (эвкалиптовое) масло (0,7-2 %) сложного состава: цинеол (58—80 %), пинен, эвкалиптол, дубильные вещества, горечи, смолы, терпеновые соединения, альдегиды, кетоны, свободные и эстерифицированные спирты и карбониловые соединения.

Листья, кроме того, содержат:


Элемент К Са Mg Fe Содержание, мг/г 14,1 16,1 2,4 0,3


Элемент Mn Cu Zn Со Мо Cr Al Ва Se Ni Sr Pb В Содержание, мг/г 4,16 0,81 0,66 0,11 0,27 0,3 0,31 0,68 7,5 0,73 1,34 0,12—0,25 7,6

Значение и применение

Древесина светлая, твёрдая, прочная и устойчива против гниения, поэтому её используют в кораблестроении, вагоностроении, для внутренней отделки домов, изготовления столбов, свай и шпал. Из неё так же вырабатывают древесный спирт и уксусную кислоту.

Из листьев получают дубильные вещества, которые идут на выделку кожи, применяют их и в лакокрасочной промышленности.

Из ветвей плетут корзины.

Выращивают как декоративное растение, в парках, в садах и в рощах.

В медицине

Препараты из листьев эвкалипта обладают противовоспалительным, антисептическим и отхаркивающим действием, способны возбуждать аппетит. Они активны в отношении грамположительных, грамотрицательных микроорганизмов, губительно действуют на грибы и простейшие.

Настой, отвар и масло растения используют для лечения воспалительных заболеваний носоглотки в виде ингаляций и полосканий. Свежеприготовленный настой широко применяют как отхаркивающее и противовоспалительное средство при острых бронхитах, воспалении лёгких и кашле.

Отвар и настой эвкалипта рекомендуют для стимуляции недостаточной продукции слюны и желудочного сока при гастритах с пониженной секрецией, промываний гнойных ран и хронических язв при маститах, абсцессах, флегмонах, фурункулах, обморожениях и ожогах. Препаратами лечат воспалительные заболевания женских половых органов (спринцевания, тампоны). В глазной практике отвар растения нашёл применение для лечения конъюнктивитов и других воспалительных заболеваний глаз.

Эвкалиптовое масло используют наружно как болеутоляющее и отвлекающее средство при люмбаго, невралгиях и ревматизме, а также для отпугивания насекомых — комаров, москитов, муравьёв и др.

Лист эвкалипта шарикового входит в бактерицидный препарат «Хлорофиллипт»[8].

Растение в культуре и искусстве

Эвкалипт шаровидный был объявлен цветочной эмблемой штата Тасмании 27 ноября 1962 года.

Растение было изображёно на почтовой марке номиналом 15 центов, выпущенной 10 июля 1968 года, как часть набора из шести марок, изображающих цветочные эмблемы штатов Австралии.



В рамках вида выделяют ряд подвидов[9]:


Вид Эвкалипт шаровидный входит в род Эвкалипт (Eucalyptus) подсемейства Myrtoideae семейства Миртовые (Myrtaceae) порядка Миртоцветные (Myrtales).

ещё 13 семейств (согласно Системе APG II) ещё 130 родов порядок Миртоцветные подсемейство Myrtoideae вид Эвкалипт шаровидный отдел Цветковые, или Покрытосеменные семейство Миртовые род Эвкалипт ещё 44 порядка цветковых растений
(согласно Системе APG II) ещё 1 подсемейство
(согласно Системе APG II) ещё более 700 видов


  1. Об условности указания класса двудольных в качестве вышестоящего таксона для описываемой в данной статье группы растений см. раздел «Системы APG» статьи «Двудольные».
  2. 1 2 Названия «Эвкалипт шаровидный» и «Эвкалипт клейкий» — согласно Классификатору универсальной десятичной классификации (УДК) (Проверено 11 декабря 2009)
  3. Флора СССР, 1949, с. 562.
  4. Эвкалипт шаровидный: Таксономия на сайте Australian Plant Name Index (APNI)
  5. IPNI citation: Eucalyptus globulus Labill. Voy. i. 153. t. 13; Nov. Holl. Pl. ii. 121.
  6. Mulvaney, John. 4. Botanising // ‘The axe had never sounded’: place, people and heritage of Recherche Bay, Tasmania. — Online. — Australian National University, 2006?. — ISBN 9781921313219.
  7. По данным книги «Деревья и кустарники СССР» (см. раздел Литература).
  8. Блинова К. Ф. и др. Ботанико-фармакогностический словарь : Справ. пособие / Под ред. К. Ф. Блиновой, Г. П. Яковлева. — М.: Высш. шк., 1990. — С. 262. — ISBN 5-06-000085-0.
  9. По данным сайта GRIN (см. карточку растения).
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Эвкалипт шаровидный: Brief Summary ( руски )

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Эвкали́пт шарови́дный, или Эвкалипт кле́йкий, или Эвкалипт ша́риковый, или Эвкалипт голубо́й, или Бессты́дница (лат. Eucalýptus globúlus) — вечнозелёное дерево, вид рода Эвкалипт (Eucalyptus) семейства Миртовые (Myrtaceae).

Растение было описано французским ботаником Жаком-Жюльеном де Лабилльярдьером в его публикациях Relation du Voyage à la Recherche de la Pérouse (1800) и Novae Hollandiae Plantarum Specimen (1804). Автор собрал экземпляры в Решерш-Бей[en] (англ. Recherche Bay) во время экспедиции Брюни Д’Антркасто в 1792 году.

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蓝桉 ( кинески )

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Star of life caution.svg 维基百科中的醫療相关内容仅供参考,詳見醫學聲明。如需专业意见请咨询专业人士。
二名法 Eucalyptus globulus
Labill. E. globulus.JPG

蓝桉学名Eucalyptus globulus)为桃金娘科桉属下的一个种[1],是澳大利亞栽培最廣泛的樹種之一。一般可長到30~50米(98~164英尺)。歷史記錄中最高可達101米(331英尺)[2]。自然分佈範圍包括塔斯馬尼亞維多利亞州南部。在金島弗林德斯島上也有孤立的藍桉。在西南歐、馬卡羅尼西亞、非州南部、新西蘭美國西部夏威夷高加索地區有栽培種。[3]


  1. ^ 蓝桉 Eucalyptus globulus Labill.. 中国植物物种名录(CPNI). 中国植物物种信息数据库. [2013-01-17]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05).
  2. ^ Lewin, D. W. The Eucalypti Hardwood Timbers of Tasmania. 1906 (英语).
  3. ^ GRIN Taxonomy for Plants - Eucalyptus globulus. United States Department of Agriculture. (原始内容存档于2008-10-28).


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蓝桉: Brief Summary ( кинески )

добавил wikipedia 中文维基百科

蓝桉(学名:Eucalyptus globulus)为桃金娘科桉属下的一个种,是澳大利亞栽培最廣泛的樹種之一。一般可長到30~50米(98~164英尺)。歷史記錄中最高可達101米(331英尺)。自然分佈範圍包括塔斯馬尼亞維多利亞州南部。在金島弗林德斯島上也有孤立的藍桉。在西南歐、馬卡羅尼西亞、非州南部、新西蘭美國西部夏威夷高加索地區有栽培種。

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유칼립투스 ( корејски )

добавил wikipedia 한국어 위키백과

유칼립투스(Eucalyptus globulus, 또는 Tasmanian bluegum)는 호주에서 가장 널리 재배되는 나무 중 하나인 도금양과의 상록 교목이다. 일반적으로 30–55 m (98–180 ft)의 높이로 자란다. 현재 태즈메이니아에서 가장 큰 표본은 90.7 m (298 ft)이다.[1] 역사적으로 가장 키 큰 나무의 높이는 101 m (331 ft)였다.[2]

잎은 길이 30cm나 되는 피침형으로 혁질이고 전체가 흰 분으로 덮여 있으며 향기를 낸다. 3~11월에 크림색의 꽃이 피고 열매는 반구형이다. 꽃은 많은 수술을 가지는데, 이들은 꽃 밖으로 뻗어나와 있으며, 꽃받침통의 밑부분에는 잘 발달된 꽃턱이 있다. 열매는 이 꽃턱이 발달된 것이며, 씨는 열매의 팬 홈에 만들어지게 된다. 오스트레일리아가 원산지로, 잎에서는 유칼리유(油)를 짜낸다.

코알라의 주식이며, 잠이 들게 하는 성분이 있어 코알라가 많이자는 것이다.

유칼립투스의 전설(고백)

크리스마스에 유칼립투스 나무 아래에서 키스하며 고백하면 사랑이 이루어진다고 한다. 그 사랑은 오래오래 간다고 한다.


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유칼립투스: Brief Summary ( корејски )

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유칼립투스(Eucalyptus globulus, 또는 Tasmanian bluegum)는 호주에서 가장 널리 재배되는 나무 중 하나인 도금양과의 상록 교목이다. 일반적으로 30–55 m (98–180 ft)의 높이로 자란다. 현재 태즈메이니아에서 가장 큰 표본은 90.7 m (298 ft)이다. 역사적으로 가장 키 큰 나무의 높이는 101 m (331 ft)였다.

잎은 길이 30cm나 되는 피침형으로 혁질이고 전체가 흰 분으로 덮여 있으며 향기를 낸다. 3~11월에 크림색의 꽃이 피고 열매는 반구형이다. 꽃은 많은 수술을 가지는데, 이들은 꽃 밖으로 뻗어나와 있으며, 꽃받침통의 밑부분에는 잘 발달된 꽃턱이 있다. 열매는 이 꽃턱이 발달된 것이며, 씨는 열매의 팬 홈에 만들어지게 된다. 오스트레일리아가 원산지로, 잎에서는 유칼리유(油)를 짜낸다.

코알라의 주식이며, 잠이 들게 하는 성분이 있어 코알라가 많이자는 것이다.

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