
Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

добавил North American Flora
Horkelia congesta Hook. Bot. Mag. 56 : pL 2880. 1829
Sibbaldia congesta Dietr. Syn. PI. 2 : 1020. 1840. Poteniilla congesta Baillon, Hist. PI. 1 : 369. 1867-9.
Perennial, with a short caudex ; stem slender, strict, sparingly ciliate below, glabrous or finely puberulent above, 3-4 dm. high ; stipules pectinately dissected, the lower occasionally divided into linear segments as in the next section ; basal leaves pinnate ; leaflets 4 or 5 pairs, sparingly appressedsilky and ciliate, light-green, thin and shining, linear-oblong, 1-1.5 cm, long, entire, except at the very apex, where they are deeply 2-3-toothed, the teeth acute ; stem-leaves smaller, with linear leaflets ; cyme branched, with few upright branches terminated by small subcapitate clusters of flowers ; hypanthium hemispheric, tinged with light-brown, sparingly silkyvillous, about 5 mm. in diameter ; bractlets linearfiliform, a little shorter than the ovate-acuminate sepals, which are 2-3 mm. long ; petals broadly spatulate or obovate, yellowish, at least in the dry state, exceeding the sepals by one-half ; filaments all lanceolate.
Type locality : Cape Mendocino, California.
Distribution : Oregon and northern California.
библиографски навод
Frederick Vernon Coville, Nathaniel Lord Britton, Henry Allan Gleason, John Kunkel Small, Charles Louis Pollard, Per Axel Rydberg. 1908. GROSSULARIACEAE, PLATANACEAE, CROSSOSOMATACEAE, CONNARACEAE, CALYCANTHACEAE, and ROSACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 22(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora