Spatoglossum schraederi (a and b); Dictyota dichotoma (c and d), narrow form from coral reef.
Pheophycees (Algues brunes) Enceliacees, Punctaria latifolia. Grev..
Halidrys osmunda.
Terpsinoe americana by Josef PantocsekBeiträge zur Kenntnis der Fossilen Bacillarien Ungarns / nach dem ungarischen Manuscripte von Josef Pantocsek (1840-1916)Berlin :W. Junk,1903-1905.Band I. Plate VI
Fucus a maree basse, pres Angoulins.
Pheophyceees (Algues brunes) Laminariees, Laminaria saccharina (Lamour).
Rosenvingea orientalis.
Large Nereocystis plant collected near Low Cape, Kodiak Island. Note holdfast on ground at extreme right
Pelvetia canaliculata.
Spatoglossum schraederi.
Pheophycees (Algues brunes) Fucacees, Bifurcaria tuberculata (L.) Decn. et Thur..
Algues brunes, Pheophycees. 1- Fucus vesiculosus, 2- Fucus serratus, 3- Ascophylium nodosum, 4- Himanthalia lorea, 5- Halidrys siliquosa, 6- Dictyota dichotoma; Algues rouges, Floridees ou Rhodophycees
Sea lettuce (Ulva latissima).
Longitudinal section of the Bulf of Nereosystis.
Pheophycees (Algues brunes) Fucacees, Pelvetia canaliculata (L.) Decn. et Thur..
Giant kelp (Nercocystis lutkeana).
Showing Manner of Formation of Leaves of Macrocystis.
Bed of Alaria, Near View, Geese Islands.
Chlorophycees (Algues vertes) Confervacees, Ulva latissima L..
Young Nereocystis Plant collected at Three Saints Bay, Kodiak Island.
Sargassum vulgare.
Nereocystis lutkeana.
Fucus serratus et vesiculosus.
Terpsinoe musica by H. and M. PeragalloDiatomées marines de France et des districts maritimes voisins, par H. et M. Peragallo (b. 1851 and 1853, respectively). Publication info: Grez-sur-Loing,M. J. Tempère,1897-1908.Plate 90