Слика од Urophora merzi Mohamadzade Namin
Неразрешено име

Urophora merzi Mohamadzade Namin

Description ( англиски )

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Head: Yellow, except ocellar triangle, occiput and slender part of arista black. Length: height: width ratio = 1: 1: 1.25. Frons brown; face whitish yellow; Antenna yellow, scape with blackish setulae at dorso-apical margin; first flagellomere light yellow, 1.6 times as long as wide and distinctly rounded antro-ventrally; arista bare. Compound eye about as high as long. Gena 1.1 times as high as length of first flagellomere. Proboscis capitate with black setae. Two frontal and one orbital setae present. Postocellar, postocular, vertical and genal setae black and acuminate. Frons with black setulae around frontal setae (Fig. 4). Thorax: General color black; mesonotal scutum densely covered with gray microtrichia and black setulae. Notopleura shining black. Pleuron black; only stripe in anterior half of anepisternum and postpronotal lobe yellow. Scutellum yellow; slightly convex, corners of scutellum black. Subscutellum and mediotergite black. All setae on thorax black and acuminate. Scutellum with 4 equal black setae; basal setae placed in yellow area. Halter yellow. Wing: Hyaline with 3 well developed dark brown crossbands. Subbasal band reduced and only present as darkening near apex of cell bm and rarely bcu. Discal crossband complete, crossing wing from pterostigma through R-M crossvein into posterior margin. Preapical crossband complete, reaching posterior margin. Apical band well developed. In females, preapical and apical crossbands in 56.2% of type material fused in cell r1 (Fig. 2), in 31.2% fused in r1 and r2+3 (Figs 1, 11) and in 12.5% fused in r1, r2+3 and anterior half of r4+5 cells (Fig. 3). In males, preapical and apical crossbands in 33.3% of specimens fused in cell r1, in 50% fused in r1 and r2+3 and in 16.6% fused in r1, r2+3 and anterior half of r4+5 cells. In one male of type series discal and preapical crossbands narrowly joined in r1 cell and in one female and one male discal and preapical crossbands narrowly connected at posterior margin of wing. Pterostigma yellowish. Distance between crossveins about 1.4 as long as dm-cu crossvein. R4+5 with 1 setula ventrally at node. Legs: Completely yellow; fore femur in 60% of females and 55% of males with black stripe in dorsal side. All setae and setulae blackish (Figs 9, 10). Fore femur with two dorsal and one ventral rows of setae. Abdomen: General color black, sparsely microtrichose, subshining with black setulae. Posterior margin of abdominal tergites, especially tergites 5–6 with long black setae. Oviscape 1.25 times as long as preabdomen, shining black with black hairs. Aculeus narrow, 11 times as long as wide, apically rounded, apex with two pairs of indistinct steps, as in Figs 5, 6, 13, 14. Tergite 5 of males as long as two preceding tergites with long setae in posterior margin.Epandrium as in Figs 8, 12 and glans as in Figs 7, 15. Measurements: Male: BL= 3.5–4 mm (average 3.8), WL = 3.5–4.5 mm (average 3.9); female: BL= 4.5–6 mm (average 5.3), WL= 4–4.9 mm (average 4.3), AL = 1.5–2 mm (average 1.9) (n = 5).
авторски права
Saeed Mohamadzade Namin, Jamasb Nozari
библиографски навод
Namin S, Nozari J (2011) A new species of Urophora Robineau-Desvoidiy, 1830 (Diptera, Tephritidae) from Iran ZooKeys 152: 63–70
Saeed Mohamadzade Namin
Jamasb Nozari
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