Figures 64–75.“Dendrolimax” vangoethemi sp. n. from Pemba. 64–68: Radula of holotype: 64 marginal teeth 65 lateral teeth 66 central teeth including median tooth (M) 67 whole radular row 68 whole radula. 69–71 genitalia of Paratype 2: 69 genitalia 70 free oviduct and sheath 71 penis and sheath; 72–73 shell of holotype: 74 jaw of holotype 75 tail of Paratype 2 in 80% ethanol. Abbreviations: ag albumen gland at atrium bc bursa copulatrix ca caudal appendage ep epiphallus ff foot fringe fl flagellum fo free oviduct ke keel M median radular tooth ot ovotestis pe penis pr penial retractor sh sheath vd vas deferens vg vagina.