
Diagnostic Description ( англиски )

добавил Fishbase
Distinguished by the following characters: mouth arched; lips with fine and shallow furrows; upper lip without median incision; lower lip with a wide and deep median notch; processus dentiformis present, but low; lower jaw without median notch; anterior nostril pierced in the front side of a tube; intestine with a loop immediately behind stomach; lateral line complete, extending to the caudal base; anus is situated about 1.5 eye diameter in front of anal fin origin; caudal fin forked; a series of irregular dark brown blotches before and behind dorsal fin; numerous small dark brown spots on the side from head to caudal fin base; dorsal and caudal fin with small brown spots; posterior chamber of air-bladder absent; and vertebrae 4 + 38 (1 specimen) (Ref. 7410).
авторски права
Armi G. Torres
посети извор
соработничко мреж. место