Figures 21–28.Copulatory organs of Selenops gracilis Muma holotype male from Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, México (AMNH) 21–22 female from Taxco, México (AMNH) 23–24 Selenops malinalxochitl sp. n. holotype female from Zapotitlan de las Salinas, Puebla, México (CNAN sel_1005) 25–26 Selenops mexicanus Keyserling male from Totogalpa, Alcadia Ocotal, Departmiento Madríz,Nicaragua (EME sel_934) 27–28, 21, 27 male pedipalp, ventral view 22, 28 male pedipalp, retrolateral view 23, 25 epigyne, ventral view 24, 26 spermathecae dorsal view. Scale bar = 0.90 mm (21–22), 0.50 mm (23–26).
Map 5.Map of México and Guatemala (inset) showing the distribution of several Selenops species in the region. Selenops aztecus Valdez-Mondragón (white circle), Selenops gracilis Muma (black circles), Selenops malinalxochitl sp. n. (black squares), Selenops abyssus Muma (white squares), Selenops juxtlahuaca Valdez-Mondragón (white triangle), Selenops marginalis F.O. Pickard-Cambridge(white X), Selenops minutus F.O. Pickard-Cambridge (black triangle), Selenops morosus Banks (black Xs), Selenops nigromaculatus Keyserling (black hexagon), Selenops makimaki sp. n. (grey hexagon), Selenops scitus Muma (black stars), Selenops ixchel sp. n. (white star), Selenops petenajtoy sp. n. (white diamond), Selenops lepidus Muma (black diamond), Selenops chamela sp. n. (grey circle), Selenops huetocatl sp. n. (grey squares). US = United States, Mex = México, Gu = Guatemala, ES = El Salvador, H = Honduras, N = Nicaragua.