
Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

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Flabellum (F.) pavoninum Lesson, 1831

Flabellum pavoninum Lesson, 1831:2.—Gray, 1849:75–76.—Marenzeller, 1888a:41–42.—Cairns, 1989a:46–50, pl. 23: figs, g–l; pl. 24: figs. a–d,g,h [synonymy],

Flabellum distinctum Milne Edwards and Haime, 1848a:262.—Marenzeller, 1888a:42.—Yabe and Eguchi, 1932a:387, 389; 1932b:443; 1941b:101; 1942a:93–95, p|. 5; figs. 3–6; pl. 6: figs. 3, 4, 9, 10; pl. 7: fig. 7; 1942b:l 12, 130–131, pl. 11: figs. 10–12.—Eguchi, 1938. table 2; 1944:132–134, 5 figs; 1968:C44 [in pan: pl. C28: figs. 5, 6].—Utinomi, 1965:255.—Eguchi and Miyawaki. 1975:58.—Mori and Minoura, 1980:321–326, figs. 1–5.—Zou et al., 1981, pl. 1: figs. 2, 3.—Song. 1982:136–137. pl. 3: figs. 1–4; 1991:135.

Flabellum coalitum Marenzeller, 1888a:48–49.—Cairns, 1989a:46, 50, pl. 24: figs. e,f,i–l.

Flabellum sp. cf. distinctum.—Okutani, 1969:12.—?Hamada, 1969:254.

DESCRIPTION.—Corallum compressed, the planar faces meeting at acute edges and projecting 2.5–3.8 mm beyond the edge as low, discontinuous crests. Angle of thecal edges quite variable, ranging from 74° (coalitum form) to 139° (typical form); inclination of lateral faces, 27°–42°.Edge angle of lower 5–8 mm of corallum considerably lower (e.g., 48°) than remainder of corallum. GCD;LCD also variable, ranging from 1.9–2.1 (coalitum form) to 2.4 (typical form). Largest specimen known (lectotype of F. distinctum) 60.6X25.1 mm in calicular diameter and 42.8 mm in height. Holotype of F. coalitum 32.3 × 14.3 mm in calicular diameter and 30.0 mm in height. Pedicel circular, 1.0–1.5 mm in diameter, and usually worn, revealing 6 protosepta. Thecal faces of most specimens examined discolored and worn; however, in well-preserved specimens there are narrow brown stripes associated with the theca overlaying every septum. Calicular edge a smooth arc.

Septa hexamerally arranged in 6 cycles (S1-3>S4>S5>S6), the last cycle progressively appearing throughout a GCD range of 30–45 mm, and a full sixth cycle (192 septa) usually attained at a GCD of 45–47 mm. S1–3 quite wide, their inner edges extremely sinuous and thick, almost touching their counterparts from the opposite face. S4 of larger coralla as wide as S1–3, but have less thick and less sinuous inner edges. S4 of smaller coralla about 80% width of an S1–3 and thus more easily distinguished. S5 about half width of an S1–4 and also have moderately sinuous inner edges. S6 rudimentary, only one-quarter to one-third width of an S5. Fossa very deep and elongate. Columella an elongate fusion of inner edges of S1–4, but often obscured from view by the narrow fossa.
библиографски навод
Cairns, Stephen D. 1994. "Scleractinia of the temperate North Pacific." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. i-150. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.557.i
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Comprehensive Description ( англиски )

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Flabellum (Flabellum) pavoninum Lesson, 1831

Flabellum pavoninum Lesson, 1831:2 [in part: largest specimen, pl. 14: figs. A–C].—Lamarck, 1836:365.—Gray, 1849:75–76 [in part].—Milne Edwards and Haime, 1850:xviii [designation as type species for genus].—Marenzeller, 1889:41–42.—Faustino, 1927:45–46 [in part: only ALB-5312, other 20 lots are F. lamellulosum, F. politum, F. magnificum, F. patens, F. paripavoninum, and F. messum, see synonymy of these species for details].—Zibrowius, 1980:18.—Cairns, in press b.

Not Euphyllia pavonina.—Dana, 1846:159–160, pl. 6: figs. 5, 6.

Not Flabellum pavoninum.—Milne Edwards and Haime, 1848:260–261 [= F. patens]; 1957:80.—Gardiner, 1902a:123–125, pl. 4: figs. 18–21; 1904:98.—Vaughan, 1907:49–51, 52–55, pl. 1: figs. 2, 3 [= undescribed species close to F. magnificum].—Gardiner, 1929:302–305.—Hoffmeister, 1933:2–5 [= F. australe.]—Gardiner, and Waugh, 1938:174.—Yabe and Eguchi, 1942a:90–91, pl. 5: fig. 2 [= F. magnificum]; 1942b:129, pl. 11: fig. 7 [= F. magnificum].—Rossi, 1960:10 [= F. chunii].—Squires, 1964a:15 [= F. magnificum and F. lamellulosum].—Wells, 1964:114, pl. 1: figs. 13–14 [= ?F. australe].—Zibrowius, Southward, and Day, 1975:98–99, pl. 2: figs. D.E [= F. patens and an undescribed species].—Boshoff, 1981:35 [undescribed South African species].—Shepard and Veron, 1982:177, fig. 4–54i [= ?F. australe].—Cairns, 1984a:20 [undescribed species close to F. magnificum],—Zibrowius and Grygier, 1985:122 [undescribed South African species].

Flabellum distinctum Milne Edwards and Haime, 1848:262; 1857:80–81.—? Duncan, 1870:299, pl. 20: fig. 2.—Marenzeller, 1889:42.—Zibrowius, 1974:18.

Not Flabellum distinctum.—Duncan, 1873:322, pl. 39: figs. 1–13 [= F. chunii],—Alcock, 1902a:30 [= in part F. lamellulosum].—Yabe and Eguchi, 1932a:387; 1932b:443; 1942a:93–95, pl. 5: figs. 3–6, pl. 6: figs. 3, 4,9,10, pl. 7: fig. 7 [= F. coalitum]—, 1942b:130–131, pl. 11: figs. 10–12.—Eguchi, 1965:291, bottom two figures.—?Eguchi, 1968:C44.—Mori and Minoura, 1980:321–326, figs. 3–5 [= F. coalitum].

Not Flabellum pavorinum var. lamellulosum.—Vaughan, 1907:51–52, pl. 1: fig. 1 [= F. lamellulosum].

Not Flabellum pavonium var. latum.—Vaughan, 1907:55–56, pl. 2: fig. 2 [undescribed species 3 of Caims, in press b].

Flabellum pavoninum var. distinctum.—Vaughan, 1907:56–59, pl. 2: fig. 5.

Not Flabellum pavoninum var. paripavoninum.—Vaughan, 1907:59–62, pl. 3: figs. 1–4 [= F. vaughani],—Umbgrove, 1938:264 [= F. sp.]; 1950:639, pl. 81: figs. 1, 2 [= F. sp.].

Not Flabellum pavoninum var. distinctum.—Gravier, 1920:67, pl. 7: figs. 116, 117 [= F. chunii].—Gerth, 1921:401 [= F. politum].—Hoffmeister, 1933:5–7 [= ?F. australe).—Umbgrove, 1950:639, pl. 81: figs. 1, 2 [= ?F. patens].

Not Flabellum pavoninum magnificum.—Yabe and Eguchi, 1942a:89–90, pl. 5: fig. 1 [= F. magnificum];—1942b:129, pl. 11: fig. 8 [= F. magnificum]. Not Flabellum pavoninum paripavoninum.—Yabe and Eguchi, 1942a:91–92, pl. 5: figs. 7, 8 [= F. patens and F. politum]; 1942b: 129–130, pl. 11: fig. 9 [= F. politum].

Not Flabellum pavoninum pavoninum.—Squires, 1958:63–64, pl. 13: figs. 17, 18 [= F. mariae].

Not Flabellum pavoninum circulare Squires, 1958:64, pl. 12: figs. 10–18 [= F. circulare].

?Flabellum pavoninum distinctum.—Squires, 1958:65 [in part: pl. 13: figs. 5, 6,10,12].

DESCRIPTION.—Angle of thecal edges 107°–139°; inclination of lateral faces 32°–42°. Largest specimen examined (lectotype of F. distinctum, Plate 24a) 60.6 × 25.1 mm in calicular diameter and 42.8 mm tall, with 194 septa. Lectotype of F. pavoninum (Plate 23g–i) 54.7 × 22.9 mm in calicular diameter and 38.8 mm tall, with 192 septa. Thecal edge crests 2.5–3.8 mm tall. Lateral thecal edges quite long in relation to height of corallum, producing a LEL:H of 0.63–0.71–0.74, the highest average of any species of Flabellum analyzed. Corallum robust and dense. Thecal faces flat and pigmented with fine brownish black stripes corresponding to each septum. Upper calicular edges of S1–3 also pigmented a dark brown. Pedicel 1.1–1.5 mm in diameter. Ratio of GCD:LCD = 1.98–2.41; GCD:H = 1.16–1.47 (Table 5).

Septa hexamerally arranged in six cycles, the largest specimen examined having a pair of small S7, or 194 septa. Septal formula: S1–3>S4≥S5>S6. Upper calicular edges of S1–3 slightly notched but lower in the fossa expand into an exsert lobe that extends well into fossa. Lower inner edges of S1–3 thickened and sinuous (SSI = 2.0–4.4), all joining with the columella. S4 variable in size, some almost as large as the S1–3, others considerably smaller. In the lectotype of F. pavoninum, 8 S4 are accelerated in growth to the same size as the S1–3, giving the impression of octameral symmetry: 32: 32: 64: 64 (192 septa). S4 thinner than S1–3 and usually not exsert. S4 have straight inner edges that often merge with the columella. S5 about half the size of S4; S6 about size of S5.

Fossa deep, containing a rudimentary, elongate, spongy columella.
библиографски навод
Cairns, Stephen D. 1989. "A revision of the ahermatypic Scleractinia of the Philippine Islands and adjacent Waters, Part 1: Fungiacyathidae, Micrabaciidae, Turbinoliinae, Guyniidae, and Flabellidae." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-136. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.486
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Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology

Flabellum pavoninum ( англиски )

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Flabellum pavoninum is a species of deep sea coral belonging to the family Flabellidae. It is found in the western Indo-Pacific Ocean at depths varying from 73 to 665 m (240 to 2,182 ft).[1] They are sometimes known as dentures of the sea because of the perceived resemblance of the corallum (skeleton) to a set of dentures.[2]


Flabellum pavoninum is an azooxanthellate species of coral; this means that its tissues do not contain photosynthetic algae and it gains its nutrition solely from what it can catch with its tentacles from the surrounding water.[1]


  1. ^ a b c d Cairns, Stephen (2010). "Flabellum (Flabellum) pavoninum Lesson, 1831". WoRMS. World Register of Marine Species. Retrieved 31 August 2017.
  2. ^ "Solitary coral Flabellum pavoninum". ABC News. 12 April 2016. Retrieved 2 September 2017.
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wikipedia EN

Flabellum pavoninum: Brief Summary ( англиски )

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Flabellum pavoninum is a species of deep sea coral belonging to the family Flabellidae. It is found in the western Indo-Pacific Ocean at depths varying from 73 to 665 m (240 to 2,182 ft). They are sometimes known as dentures of the sea because of the perceived resemblance of the corallum (skeleton) to a set of dentures.

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Flabellum pavoninum ( француски )

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Flabellum pavoninum est une espèce de coraux appartenant à la famille des Flabellidae[2].

Description et caractéristiques

Habitat et répartition

Notes et références

  1. Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), www.itis.gov, CC0 https://doi.org/10.5066/F7KH0KBK, consulté le 10 décembre 2015
  2. ITIS (consulté le 10 décembre 2015)
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Flabellum pavoninum: Brief Summary ( француски )

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Flabellum pavoninum est une espèce de coraux appartenant à la famille des Flabellidae.

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Flabellum (Flabellum) pavoninum ( холандски; фламански )

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Flabellum (Flabellum) pavoninum is een rifkoralensoort uit de familie van de Flabellidae.[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1831 door Lesson.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. Cairns, S. (2013). Flabellum (Flabellum) pavoninum Lesson, 1831. Geraadpleegd via: World Register of Marine Species op http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=287022
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Biology ( англиски )

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van der Land, J. (ed). (2008). UNESCO-IOC Register of Marine Organisms (URMO).

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WoRMS Editorial Board
Jacob van der Land [email]
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World Register of Marine Species

Depth range ( англиски )

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73-665 m
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WoRMS Editorial Board
Stephen Cairns [email]
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World Register of Marine Species

Habitat ( англиски )

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Known from seamounts and knolls


Stocks, K. 2009. Seamounts Online: an online information system for seamount biology. Version 2009-1. World Wide Web electronic publication.

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WoRMS Editorial Board
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World Register of Marine Species