
Canis lupus fuscus ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Canis lupus fuscus és una subespècie extinta del llop (Canis lupus).[2]


  • Era molt similar en grandària a Canis lupus youngi i Canis lupus irremotus: feia 90 cm d'alçària, de 120 a 150 de llargària i pesava entre 36 i 41 kg.
  • El seu pelatge era de color marró grisenc que, de vegades, tenia un pensament de vermell o esquitxades de color negre.[3]

Distribució geogràfica

Es trobava a l'oest de Nord-amèrica: la Serralada de les Cascades (des del sud-oest del Canadà fins al nord de Califòrnia).[4][3]


Es va extingir cap a l'any 1940 a causa de l'hostilitat dels ramaders i de les recompenses ofertes pels diferents governs per cada exemplar mort.[3]


  1. «Canis lupus fuscus». Catalogue of Life. (anglès) (anglès)
  2. Mammal Species of the World (anglès)
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 Cosmosmith (anglès)
  4. Knowledgerush (anglès)


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Canis lupus fuscus: Brief Summary ( каталонски; валенсиски )

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Canis lupus fuscus és una subespècie extinta del llop (Canis lupus).

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Vlk horský ( чешки )

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Vlk horský (Canis lupus fuscus) byl poddruhem vlka obecného (Canis lupus), který se běžně vyskytoval v Britské Kolumbii (Kanada) a amerických státech Oregon a Washington. Jako odlišný druh odlišující se od jiných vlků v této oblasti byl identifikován až v roce 1945 Edwardem Goldmanem. Popsán však byl již roku 1839 (Richardson). Byl popsán jako skořicově zbarvený vlk, měřící 165 centimetrů, o váze 36 až 49 kilogramů. Vlk horský patrně vymřel roku 1940.


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Vlk horský: Brief Summary ( чешки )

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Vlk horský (Canis lupus fuscus) byl poddruhem vlka obecného (Canis lupus), který se běžně vyskytoval v Britské Kolumbii (Kanada) a amerických státech Oregon a Washington. Jako odlišný druh odlišující se od jiných vlků v této oblasti byl identifikován až v roce 1945 Edwardem Goldmanem. Popsán však byl již roku 1839 (Richardson). Byl popsán jako skořicově zbarvený vlk, měřící 165 centimetrů, o váze 36 až 49 kilogramů. Vlk horský patrně vymřel roku 1940.

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Canis lupus fuscus ( интерлингва )

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Canis lupus fuscus es un subspecie de lupo gris.

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Cascade mountain wolf ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

The Cascade mountain wolf (Canis lupus fuscus) is an extinct subspecies of the gray wolf that was once found in the Pacific Northwest (British Columbia, Oregon, and Washington),[3] but became extinct in 1940.[3]


It was originally identified as a separate species by Richardson in 1839[4] and from other wolves in the area by Edward Goldman in 1945.[5] It is recognized as a subspecies of Canis lupus in the taxonomic authority Mammal Species of the World (2005).[6]


It was described as a cinnamon-coloured wolf, measuring 165 cm and weighing 36–49 kg.[7]


Recently another subspecies, the British Columbia wolf (Canis lupus columbianus), has established itself in the Cascade mountain wolf's past territory by following the Cascade Range through Washington and is now west of the Cascade Crest,[8] expanding across Oregon,[9] and into northern California to Lassen Peak, where in 2019 the Lassen pack produced 3 pups.[10]


  1. ^ "Canis lupus fuscus Richardson, 1839" – ITIS Report
  2. ^ Wozencraft, W. C. (2005). "Order Carnivora". In Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 532–628. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.
  3. ^ a b Charles Bergman (2003). Wild Echoes: Encounters With the Most Endangered Animals in North America. University of Illinois Press. pp. 256–. ISBN 978-0-252-07125-6.
  4. ^ Joshua Ross Ginsberg; David David Whyte Macdonald (1990). Foxes, Wolves, Jackals, and Dogs: An Action Plan for the Conservation of Canids. IUCN. pp. 6–. ISBN 978-2-88032-996-9.
  5. ^ Barry Lopez (2004). Of Wolves and Men. Simon and Schuster. pp. 13–. ISBN 978-0-7432-4936-2.
  6. ^ Wozencraft, W. C. (2005). "Order Carnivora". In Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 575–577. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494. url=https://books.google.com/books?id=JgAMbNSt8ikC&pg=PA576
  7. ^ The Encyclopedia of Vanished Species by David Day, Universe Books ltd. 1981. ISBN 0-947889-30-2
  8. ^ "Wolf pack living west of Cascade Mountains for first time in decades". 4 April 2019.
  9. ^ "ODFW Gray Wolf Population".
  10. ^ https://nrm.dfg.ca.gov/FileHandler.ashx?DocumentID=171100&inline
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Cascade mountain wolf: Brief Summary ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

The Cascade mountain wolf (Canis lupus fuscus) is an extinct subspecies of the gray wolf that was once found in the Pacific Northwest (British Columbia, Oregon, and Washington), but became extinct in 1940.

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Canis lupus fuscus ( италијански )

добавил wikipedia IT

Il lupo della Catena delle Cascate (Canis lupus fuscus Richardson, 1839) era una sottospecie di lupo grigio, Canis lupus. Viveva nella regione della Catena delle Cascate dello Stato di Washington e nella Columbia Britannica del sud.[2] Il primo a riconoscerlo come una forma separata dagli altri lupi presenti nell'area fu Edward Goldman nel 1945,[3] sebbene la sottospecie fosse già stata descritta molto tempo prima, nel 1839, da Richardson.[4] L'ultimo rifugio del lupo della Catena delle Cascate fu nella Columbia Britannica sud-occidentale, dove nel 1950 morì l'ultimo esemplare.[2] È stata l'ultima sottospecie nordamericana di lupo a scomparire.


Era un lupo medio-grande delle montagne e foreste sempreverdi e, come quello delle Montagne Rocciose meridionali, pesava dai 36 ai 49 kg ed era lungo circa 165 cm. Lo si chiamava spesso con il nome di lupo bruno data la sua colorazione di base tra il cinnamomo e il color cuoio.[5]


  1. ^ (EN) D.E. Wilson e D.M. Reeder, Canis lupus fuscus, in Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3ª ed., Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.
  2. ^ a b "Wild echoes: encounters with the most endangered animals in North America" - Google Books
  3. ^ "Of Wolves and Men" - Google Books
  4. ^ "Foxes, wolves, jackals, and dogs: an action plan for the conservation of canids" - Google Books
  5. ^ The Encyclopedia of Vanished Species by David Day, Universe Books ltd. 1981. ISBN 0947889302
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Canis lupus fuscus: Brief Summary ( италијански )

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 src= Teschio

Il lupo della Catena delle Cascate (Canis lupus fuscus Richardson, 1839) era una sottospecie di lupo grigio, Canis lupus. Viveva nella regione della Catena delle Cascate dello Stato di Washington e nella Columbia Britannica del sud. Il primo a riconoscerlo come una forma separata dagli altri lupi presenti nell'area fu Edward Goldman nel 1945, sebbene la sottospecie fosse già stata descritta molto tempo prima, nel 1839, da Richardson. L'ultimo rifugio del lupo della Catena delle Cascate fu nella Columbia Britannica sud-occidentale, dove nel 1950 morì l'ultimo esemplare. È stata l'ultima sottospecie nordamericana di lupo a scomparire.

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Serigala gunung Cascade ( малајски )

добавил wikipedia MS

Serigala gunung Cascade (Canis lupus fuscus) ialah satu subspesies serigala kelabu, Canis lupus, dan biasanya dijumpai di British Columbia, Oregon, dan Washington.[2] Ia pada asalnya dikenal pasti sebagai spesies terpisah daripada serigala lain di kawasan berkenaan oleh Edward Goldman pada 1945,[3] tetapi autoriti untuk spesies berkenaan dibuat jauh lebih awal oleh Richardson pada 1839.[4] Spesies ini sendiri pupus pada 1940.[2]


Ia diperihalkan sebagai serigala berwarna kayu manis berukuran 165 cm (65 in) dan berberat 36–49 kg (79–108 lb).[5]


  1. ^ "Canis lupus fuscus Richardson, 1839" – ITIS Report
  2. ^ a b Charles Bergman (2003). Wild Echoes: Encounters With the Most Endangered Animals in North America. Akhbar Universiti Illinois. m/s. 256–. ISBN 978-0-252-07125-6.
  3. ^ Barry Lopez (2004). Of Wolves and Men. Simon and Schuster. m/s. 13–. ISBN 978-0-7432-4936-2.
  4. ^ Joshua Ross Ginsberg; David David Whyte Macdonald (1990). Foxes, Wolves, Jackals, and Dogs: An Action Plan for the Conservation of Canids. IUCN. m/s. 6–. ISBN 978-2-88032-996-9.
  5. ^ The Encyclopedia of Vanished Species oleh David Day, Universe Books ltd. 1981. ISBN 0-947889-30-2
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Serigala gunung Cascade: Brief Summary ( малајски )

добавил wikipedia MS

Serigala gunung Cascade (Canis lupus fuscus) ialah satu subspesies serigala kelabu, Canis lupus, dan biasanya dijumpai di British Columbia, Oregon, dan Washington. Ia pada asalnya dikenal pasti sebagai spesies terpisah daripada serigala lain di kawasan berkenaan oleh Edward Goldman pada 1945, tetapi autoriti untuk spesies berkenaan dibuat jauh lebih awal oleh Richardson pada 1839. Spesies ini sendiri pupus pada 1940.

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캐스케이드산늑대 ( корејски )

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Dogs, jackals, wolves, and foxes (Plate IV) C. l. fuscus mod.jpg

캐스캐이드산늑대 (학명 : Canis lupus fuscus, 영어: Cascade mountain wolf)는 늑대의 아종 중 하나로 캐나다브리티시컬럼비아주, 오리건주, 워싱턴주에 서식했던 늑대다.[2] 이 늑대는 1940년 멸종하였고, 1945년 애드워드 알폰소 골드맨이 발견한 다른 지역의 늑대는 다른 종인 것으로 확인되었으며[3] 이 종은 1839년 리차드슨이 처음 발견하였다.[4]


이 늑대는 계피색이며 길이는 165cm이고 무게는 36~49kg이다.[5]


  1. "Canis lupus fuscus Richardson, 1839" – ITIS Report
  2. Charles Bergman (2003). 《Wild Echoes: Encounters With the Most Endangered Animals in North America》. University of Illinois Press. 256–쪽. ISBN 978-0-252-07125-6.
  3. Barry Lopez (2004). 《Of Wolves and Men》. Simon and Schuster. 13–쪽. ISBN 978-0-7432-4936-2.
  4. Joshua Ross Ginsberg; David David Whyte Macdonald (1990). 《Foxes, Wolves, Jackals, and Dogs: An Action Plan for the Conservation of Canids》. IUCN. 6–쪽. ISBN 978-2-88032-996-9.
  5. The Encyclopedia of Vanished Species by David Day, Universe Books ltd. 1981. ISBN 0-947889-30-2
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캐스케이드산늑대: Brief Summary ( корејски )

добавил wikipedia 한국어 위키백과
Dogs, jackals, wolves, and foxes (Plate IV) C. l. fuscus mod.jpg

캐스캐이드산늑대 (학명 : Canis lupus fuscus, 영어: Cascade mountain wolf)는 늑대의 아종 중 하나로 캐나다브리티시컬럼비아주, 오리건주, 워싱턴주에 서식했던 늑대다. 이 늑대는 1940년 멸종하였고, 1945년 애드워드 알폰소 골드맨이 발견한 다른 지역의 늑대는 다른 종인 것으로 확인되었으며 이 종은 1839년 리차드슨이 처음 발견하였다.

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