Phyllanthus tenellus is a herbaceous plant in the leafflower family, Phyllanthaceae. It is commonly called Mascarene Island leaf flower[1] as it is native to the Mascarene Islands.[3] It is often a weed in flower beds, gardens, roadsides, and other disturbed areas.[3]
It grows to be 20–50 cm (7.9–19.7 in) tall.[3] The main stem does not have leaves but rather small scales (see phyllanthoid branching) and the secondary stems contain the flowers and leaves.[3] The flowers are inconspicuous, small, and unisexual. Male and female flowers are located on the same plant.
It was originally published in William Roxburgh's 1814 Hortus Bengalensis[4] (as a nomen nudum) and later validated in his 1832 Flora Indica.[5][6]
It has two accepted varieties:[2][7]
In addition to the Mascarene Islands, P. tenellus is possibly also native to eastern Africa, other western Indian Ocean islands, and the Arabian Peninsula.[3] It has become a naturalized weed in tropical and subtropical areas, including Australia, Mexico, South America, Eastern North America (from Florida to Virginia west to California), as well as Mediterranean region, parts of Asia and the West Indies.[3]
Phyllanthus tenellus is a herbaceous plant in the leafflower family, Phyllanthaceae. It is commonly called Mascarene Island leaf flower as it is native to the Mascarene Islands. It is often a weed in flower beds, gardens, roadsides, and other disturbed areas.
Phyllanthus tenellus là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Diệp hạ châu. Loài này được Roxb. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1832.[1]
Phyllanthus tenellus là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Diệp hạ châu. Loài này được Roxb. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1832.
五蕊油柑(学名:Phyllanthus tenellus)为大戟科油柑属下的一个种。
中的日期值 (帮助) Phyllanthus corcovadensis Müll. Arg. [1]
和名 ナガエコミカンソウナガエコミカンソウ(長柄小蜜柑草、学名 : Phyllanthus tenellus)はコミカンソウ科(従来の分類ではトウダイグサ科コミカンソウ亜科とされた)の小低木または草本。別名ブラジルコミカンソウともいうが、元来はマスカリン諸島(インド洋)の原産とされ、南アメリカ・台湾などの熱帯・亜熱帯を中心に帰化している[2]。
日本では1990年代から関東以西の都市中心部に急速に広がり、道路の植え込みなどに多い。越冬できない地域でも一年草化しているが、小低木となっている所も見られる[3]。当初ブラジルに自生するPhyllanthus corcovadensisと同種としてブラジルコミカンソウという和名がつけられた[4]が、マスカリン諸島原産のPhyllanthus tenellusと同種(またはその変種[5])であることがわかった。
ナガエコミカンソウ(長柄小蜜柑草、学名 : Phyllanthus tenellus)はコミカンソウ科(従来の分類ではトウダイグサ科コミカンソウ亜科とされた)の小低木または草本。別名ブラジルコミカンソウともいうが、元来はマスカリン諸島(インド洋)の原産とされ、南アメリカ・台湾などの熱帯・亜熱帯を中心に帰化している。
日本では1990年代から関東以西の都市中心部に急速に広がり、道路の植え込みなどに多い。越冬できない地域でも一年草化しているが、小低木となっている所も見られる。当初ブラジルに自生するPhyllanthus corcovadensisと同種としてブラジルコミカンソウという和名がつけられたが、マスカリン諸島原産のPhyllanthus tenellusと同種(またはその変種)であることがわかった。