
Description ( англиски )

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Shrubs 1-3 m tall, monoecious (rarely dioecious); young branches green, appressed pubescent, glabrous at maturity. Petiole 1-8[-13] cm, pubescent to glabrous, apex usually 2-glandular; leaf blade elliptic, oblong, or oblanceolate to broadly ovate, sometimes shallowly 3-5-lobed, 5-20 × 1-9 cm, papery, both surfaces appressed pubescent to glabrous, base rounded to broadly cuneate, rarely subcordate, margin subentire or sparsely serrulate to undulate-crenulate, apex obtuse or acute, rarely acuminate; lateral veins 4 or 5. Panicles axillary, male ones 2-7(-16) cm, narrow, pubescent. Male flowers: pedicel 2-12 mm; sepals 5, ovate; disk urceolate; stamens ca. [10-]17. Female flowers 1-3, axillary or inserted at base of male inflorescences; pedicel 2-10 mm; sepals 5, ovate or triangular, 1-2 × 0.8-1 mm, pubescent outside; disk annular; ovary densely pubescent; styles 3, 1.5-3 mm, apex bifid. Fruiting calyx accrescent to (3-)5 × 2(-3) cm; capsule pendulous, subglobose, 8-10[-13] mm in diam., puberulent. Seeds elliptic-ovoid, ca. 3.5 × 3 mm, gray-brown, with stripes of yellowish spots. Fl. Mar-May, fr. Jun-Sep.
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Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
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Flora of China Vol. 11: 277 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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Distribution ( англиски )

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SW Yunnan [Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam].
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Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
библиографски навод
Flora of China Vol. 11: 277 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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Habitat ( англиски )

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Mixed woodlands; below 700 m.
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Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
библиографски навод
Flora of China Vol. 11: 277 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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Synonym ( англиски )

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Croton solanifolius Burman, Fl. Malab. 6. 1769; Balio spermum angulare Decaisne ex Baillon; B. axillare Blume; B. indicum Decaisne; B. montanum (Willdenow) Müller Argoviensis; B. moritzianum Baillon; B. pendulinum Pax; B. polyandrum (Roxburgh) Wight; B. razianum Keshava Murthy & Yoganarasimhan; C. polyandrus Roxburgh; C. roxburghii Wallich; Jatropha montana Willdenow; Ricinus montanus (Willdenow) Wallich.
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Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
библиографски навод
Flora of China Vol. 11: 277 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of China @ eFloras.org
Wu Zhengyi, Peter H. Raven & Hong Deyuan
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Baliospermum solanifolium ( астурски )

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Baliospermum solanifolium ye una especie de planta fanerógama utilizada na medicina tradicional Ayurvédica.

Detalle de la planta
Detalle de la planta


Ye un parrotal qu'algama un tamañu de 0.9-1.8 m d'altor. Les fueyes son simples, sinuaes dentaes, les cimeres pequeñes, los inferiores grandes y dacuando palmotiaes con 3-5 lóbulos. Les flores son numberoses, dispuestes en recímanos axilares con flores masculines anteriores y delles femenines embaxo. Los frutos son cápsules, de 8 - 13 mm de llargu y obovoides. Les granes son elipsoidales nidia y motudu.[1]


Distribuyir dende la rexón de Himalaya de Khasi Hills a Caxmir. Ye común en Bihar, Bengala Occidental y centru de la India.


El raigañu ye la parte melecinal que s'usa nel estriñimientu, dolor abdominal, cálculos, helmintiasis, la sarna, afecciones dérmiques, úlceras supurantes. Pasta del raigañu aplicar a les zones dolioses ya hinchadures. Les fueyes usar nel tratamientu del asma y les granes utilizar na mordedura de culiebra.[2][3]

Actividaes antilucémicas y citotóxicas amosáronse nos ésteres de 12-deoxiforbol y 12-desoxi-16-hydroxyphorbol, aisllaes de B. montanum.[4]

L'estractu alcohólicu de la planta amosó actividá hipotensora n'animales d'esperimentación. El tarmu ye anti-dontalgico. Los raigaños tienen les siguientes propiedaes: purgante, tónica, anodina, dixestiva, acres, termogénica, antihelmíntica, diurética, febrífuga, diaforética, rubefaciente y antiinflamatoria. La grana ye rubefaciente, estimulante, purgante y antídotu pa la mordedura de culiebra y el so aceite ye antirreumático. La fueya ye usada nel sanamientu de les feríes y ye antiasmática. Raigañu y grana oleaxinosa ye catártica y antidropsical.[5]

La droga constitúi una importante serie de preparaciones como Dantyarishta, Kaisoraguggulu gulika, Dantiharitakileham y otres.[6]


Dellos compuestos fueron aisllaos d'esta planta como esteroides, triterpenoides, diterpenos glucósidos, saponinas, alcaloides, flavonoides y compuestos fenólicos.[7][8]


Baliospermum solanifolium describióse por (Burm.) Suresh y espublizóse en Regnum Vegetabile 119: 106. 1988.[9]

  • Baliospermum angulare Decne. ex Baill.
  • Baliospermum axillare Blume
  • Baliospermum indicum Decne.
  • Baliospermum montanum (Willd.) Müll.Arg.
  • Baliospermum moritzianum Baill.
  • Baliospermum pendulinum Pax
  • Baliospermum polyandrum Wight
  • Baliospermum raziana Keshaw, Murthy & Yogan.
  • Croton polyandrus Roxb.
  • Croton roxburghii Wall.
  • Croton solanifolius Burm.
  • Croton solanifolius Geiseler
  • Jatropha montana Willd.
  • Ricinus montanus (Willd.) Wall.[10][11]

Ver tamién


  1. Warrier, P. K., Nambiar, V. P. K. and Ramankutty, C. 1993-1995. Indian Melecinal Plants. Vol. 1-5. Orient Longman Ltd., Madras.
  2. Kurup, P. N. V., Ramdas, V. N. K. and Joshi, P.1979. Handbook of Melecinal Plants, New Delhi.
  3. Sharma, P. V. 1983. Dravyaguna Vijnana, Varanasi (in Hindi)
  4. Kinghorn, A. D. 1979. “Carcinogenic irritant Euphorbiaceae” in Toxic Plants. Ed. A. D. Kinghorn,Columbia University Press, New York. Pp.137-60.
  5. Bhakuni, D. S. Dhar, M. L., Dhar, M. M., Dhawan, B. N., Gupta, H and Srimal, R. C.1971. Screening of Indian plants for biological activity. Part III. Indian J. exp. Biol., 2:91.
  6. Sivarajan, V. V. and Balachandran, I. 1994. Ayurvedic Drugs and their Plant Sources. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt . Ltd., New Delhi. p.570.
  7. M Johnson, EG Wesely, EL MIO Zahir Hussain, N Selvan. In vivo and in vitro phytochemical and antibacterial efficacy of Baliospermum montanum (Willd.) Muell. Arg. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, Volume 3, Issue 11, (2010), Pages 894-897
  8. Ogura M., Kolke, K., Cordell, G. I. and Farnsworth, N. R. 1978. Potential anticancer agents. VIII. Constituents of Baliospermum montanum (Euphorbiaceae). Planta med., 33:128.
  9. «Baliospermum solanifolium». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultáu'l 26 de marzu de 2014.
  10. Baliospermum solanifolium en PlantList
  11. «Baliospermum solanifolium». World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Consultáu'l 26 de marzu de 2014.


  1. Flora of China Editorial Committee. 1988-2013. Flora of China (Checklist & Addendum). Unpaginated. In C. Y. Wu, P. H. Raven & D. Y. Hong (eds.) Fl. China. Science Press & Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Beijing & St. Louis.

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Baliospermum solanifolium: Brief Summary ( астурски )

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Baliospermum solanifolium

Baliospermum solanifolium ye una especie de planta fanerógama utilizada na medicina tradicional Ayurvédica.

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Kasingsat ( сундански )

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Kasingsat, Baliospermum montanum, nyaéta tutuwuhan ti kulawarga Euphorbiaceae. Sumebar di jaluar sub-Himalaya nepi ka Kasmir, Pakistan, India, Myanmar, Indocina, Cina kidul, Muangtay, Semenanjung Malaysia, Sumatra, jeung Jawa.[1]

Ngaran lokal: srintil, adal-adal (Jawa), akar kara nasi, terap kompong, maharaja lela (Malaysia), natcho (Myanmar), tong taek, thon di, nong pom (Muangtay).

Farmakognosi jeung fitokimia

Akar dipaké natambaan konstipasi, nyeri beuteung, jeung sababaraha sasalad lianna. Pasta akarna dibalurkeun dina lebah anu nyeri/bareuh. Daunna dipaké natambaan bengék, anapon sikina pikeun natambaan anu dipacok oray [2][3].

Aktifitas antileukemik jeung sitotoksik dihasilkeun ku éster 12-déoksiforbol jeung 12-déoksi-16-hidroksiforbol anu diisolasi ti B. montanum.[4]

Ékstrak alkohol tina ieu tutuwuhan némbongkeun aktivitas hipoténsif dina sato coba. Akar, watang, jeung daunna némbongkeun rupa2 pasipatan anu boga poténsi diala mangpaatna.[5]


  1. Priyadi et al. (2010). Five hundred plant species in Gunung Halimun Salak National Park, West Java: a checklist including Sundanese names, distribution and use. CIFOR, Bogor, Indonésia. ISBN 978-602-8693-22-6 [1]
  2. Kurup, P. N. V., Ramdas, V. N. K. and Joshi, P.1979. Handbook of Medicinal Plants, New Delhi.
  3. Sharma, P. V. 1983. Dravyaguna Vijnana, Varanasi (in Hindi)
  4. Kinghorn, A. D. 1979. “Carcinogenic irritant Euphorbiaceae” in Toxic Plants. Ed. A. D. Kinghorn,Columbia University Press, New York. Pp.137-60.
  5. Bhakuni, D. S. Dhar, M. L., Dhar, M. M., Dhawan, B. N., Gupta, H and Srimal, R. C.1971. Screening of Indian plants for biological activity. Part III. Indian J. exp. Biol., 2:91.
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Kasingsat: Brief Summary ( сундански )

добавил wikipedia emerging languages

Kasingsat, Baliospermum montanum, nyaéta tutuwuhan ti kulawarga Euphorbiaceae. Sumebar di jaluar sub-Himalaya nepi ka Kasmir, Pakistan, India, Myanmar, Indocina, Cina kidul, Muangtay, Semenanjung Malaysia, Sumatra, jeung Jawa.

Ngaran lokal: srintil, adal-adal (Jawa), akar kara nasi, terap kompong, maharaja lela (Malaysia), natcho (Myanmar), tong taek, thon di, nong pom (Muangtay).

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Baliospermum montanum ( англиски )

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Baliospermum montanum (Sanskrit : हस्तिदंती Hastidanti), commonly known as red physic nut, wild castor, wild croton and wild sultan seed, is a plant in the family Euphorbiaceae. Baliospermum montanum is a stout undershrub with numerous flowers.


Baliospermum montanum is distributed throughout the sub-Himalayan tracts from Khasi Hills to Kashmir. It is common in Bihar, West Bengal, and Peninsular and Central India.


Baliospermum montanum is a stout under-shrub 0.9-1.8m in height with herbaceous branches from the roots. Leaves are simple, sinuate-toothed, upper ones small, lower ones large and sometimes palmately 3-5 lobed. Flowers are numerous, arranged in axillary racemes with male flowers above and a few females below. Fruits are capsules, 8- 13mm long and obovoid. Seeds are ellipsoid smooth and mottled.[1]

Pharmacognosy and phytochemistry

Root in the medicinal part which is used in constipation, abdominal pain, general anasarca, piles, calculus, helminthic infections, scabies, dermic affections, suppurative ulcers and diseases caused by the morbidity of kapha and pitta. Root paste is applied to painful piles and swellings. Leaves are used in treatment of asthma and seeds are used in snakebite.[2][3]

Antilukaemic and cytotoxic activities have been demonstrated in the esters of both 12-deoxyphorbol and 12-deoxy-16-hydroxyphorbol, isolated from B. montanum.[4]

Alcoholic extract of plant showed hypotensive activity in experimental animals. The stem is anti-dontalgic. The roots have the following properties: purgative, tonic, anodyne, digestive, acrid, thermogenic, anthelmintic, diuretic, febrifuge, diaphoretic, rubefacient and antiinflammatory. Seed is rubefacient, stimulant, purgative, and antidote for snakebite and its oil is antirheumatic. Leaf is antiasthmatic and wound healing. Root and seed oil is cathartic and antidropsical.[5]

The drug constitutes an important series of preparations like Dantyarishta, Kaisoraguggulu gulika, Dantiharitakileham, and others.[6]

Several compounds have been isolated from this plant such as steroids, triterpenoids, diterpenes (baliospermin, montanin, phorbol-12-deoxy-13-O-palmitate, phorbol-12-deoxy-16-hydroxy-13-O-palmitate and phorbol-12-deoxy-5b-hydroxy-13-myristate) glycosides, saponins, alkaloids, flavanoids and phenolic compounds[7][8]


  1. ^ Warrier, P. K., Nambiar, V. P. K. and Ramankutty, C. 1993-1995. Indian Medicinal Plants. Vol. 1-5. Orient Longman Ltd., Madras.
  2. ^ Kurup, P. N. V., Ramdas, V. N. K. and Joshi, P.1979. Handbook of Medicinal Plants, New Delhi.
  3. ^ Sharma, P. V. 1983. Dravyaguna Vijnana, Varanasi (in Hindi)
  4. ^ Kinghorn, A. D. 1979. “Carcinogenic irritant Euphorbiaceae” in Toxic Plants. Ed. A. D. Kinghorn,Columbia University Press, New York. Pp.137-60.
  5. ^ Bhakuni, D. S. Dhar, M. L., Dhar, M. M., Dhawan, B. N., Gupta, H and Srimal, R. C.1971. Screening of Indian plants for biological activity. Part III. Indian J. exp. Biol., 2:91.
  6. ^ Sivarajan, V. V. and Balachandran, I. 1994. Ayurvedic Drugs and their Plant Sources. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt . Ltd., New Delhi. p.570.
  7. ^ M Johnson, EG Wesely, MI Zahir Hussain, N Selvan. In vivo and in vitro phytochemical and antibacterial efficacy of Baliospermum montanum (Willd.) Muell. Arg. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, Volume 3, Issue 11, (2010), Pages 894-897
  8. ^ Ogura M., Kolke, K., Cordell, G. I. and Farnsworth, N. R. 1978. Potential anticancer agents. VIII. Constituents of Baliospermum montanum (Euphorbiaceae). Planta med., 33:128.
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Baliospermum montanum: Brief Summary ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

Baliospermum montanum (Sanskrit : हस्तिदंती Hastidanti), commonly known as red physic nut, wild castor, wild croton and wild sultan seed, is a plant in the family Euphorbiaceae. Baliospermum montanum is a stout undershrub with numerous flowers.

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Baliospermum solanifolium ( шпански; кастиљски )

добавил wikipedia ES

Baliospermum solanifolium es una especie de planta fanerógama utilizada en la medicina tradicional Ayurvédica.

Detalle de la planta
Detalle de la planta


Es un arbusto que alcanza un tamaño de 0,9-1,8 m de altura. Las hojas son simples, sinuadas dentadas, las superiores pequeñas, los inferiores grandes y a veces palmeadas con 3-5 lóbulos. Las flores son numerosas, dispuestas en racimos axilares con flores masculinas anteriores y algunas femeninas abajo. Los frutos son cápsulas, de 8 - 13 mm de largo y obovoides. Las semillas son elipsoidales suave y moteado.[1]


Se distribuye desde la región de Himalaya de Khasi Hills a Cachemira. Es común en Bihar, Bengala Occidental y centro de la India.


La raíz es la parte medicinal que se usa en el estreñimiento, dolor abdominal, cálculos, helmintiasis, la sarna, afecciones dérmicas, úlceras supurantes. Pasta de la raíz se aplica a las zonas dolorosas e hinchazones. Las hojas se usan en el tratamiento del asma y las semillas se utilizan en la mordedura de serpiente.[2][3]

Actividades antilucémicas y citotóxicas se han mostrado en los ésteres de 12-deoxiforbol y 12-desoxi-16-hydroxyphorbol, aisladas de B. montanum.[4]

El extracto alcohólico de la planta mostró actividad hipotensora en animales de experimentación. El tallo es anti-dontalgico. Las raíces tienen las siguientes propiedades: purgante, tónica, anodina, digestiva, acres, termogénica, antihelmíntica, diurética, febrífuga, diaforética, rubefaciente y antiinflamatoria. La semilla es rubefaciente, estimulante, purgante y antídoto para la mordedura de serpiente y su aceite es antirreumático. La hoja es usada en la curación de las heridas y es antiasmática. Raíz y semilla oleaginosa es catártica y antidropsical.[5]

La droga constituye una importante serie de preparaciones como Dantyarishta, Kaisoraguggulu gulika, Dantiharitakileham y otras.[6]


Varios compuestos han sido aislados de esta planta como esteroides, triterpenoides, diterpenos glucósidos, saponinas, alcaloides, flavonoides y compuestos fenólicos.[7][8]


Baliospermum solanifolium fue descrita por (Burm.) Suresh y publicado en Regnum Vegetabile 119: 106. 1988.[9]

  • Baliospermum angulare Decne. ex Baill.
  • Baliospermum axillare Blume
  • Baliospermum indicum Decne.
  • Baliospermum montanum (Willd.) Müll.Arg.
  • Baliospermum moritzianum Baill.
  • Baliospermum pendulinum Pax
  • Baliospermum polyandrum Wight
  • Baliospermum raziana Keshaw, Murthy & Yogan.
  • Croton polyandrus Roxb.
  • Croton roxburghii Wall.
  • Croton solanifolius Burm.
  • Croton solanifolius Geiseler
  • Jatropha montana Willd.
  • Ricinus montanus (Willd.) Wall.[10][11]


  1. Warrier, P. K., Nambiar, V. P. K. and Ramankutty, C. 1993-1995. Indian Medicinal Plants. Vol. 1-5. Orient Longman Ltd., Madras.
  2. Kurup, P. N. V., Ramdas, V. N. K. and Joshi, P.1979. Handbook of Medicinal Plants, Nueva Delhi.
  3. Sharma, P. V. 1983. Dravyaguna Vijnana, Benarés (en Hindi)
  4. Kinghorn, A. D. 1979. “Carcinogenic irritant Euphorbiaceae” en Toxic Plants. Ed. A. D. Kinghorn, Columbia University Press, Nueva York. Pp.137-60.
  5. Bhakuni, D. S. Dhar, M. L., Dhar, M. M., Dhawan, B. N., Gupta, H y Srimal, R. C.1971. Screening of Indian plants for biological activity. Parte III. Indian J. exp. Biol., 2:91.
  6. Sivarajan, V. V. and Balachandran, I. 1994. Ayurvedic Drugs and their Plant Sources. Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt . Ltd., Nueva Delhi. p.570.
  7. M Johnson, EG Wesely, MI Zahir Hussain, N Selvan. In vivo and in vitro phytochemical and antibacterial efficacy of Baliospermum montanum (Willd.) Muell. Arg. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine, Vol. 3, nº 11, (2010), Pág. 894-897
  8. Ogura M., Kolke, K., Cordell, G. I. and Farnsworth, N. R. 1978. Potential anticancer agents. VIII. Constituents of Baliospermum montanum (Euphorbiaceae). Planta med., 33:128.
  9. «Baliospermum solanifolium». Tropicos.org. Jardín Botánico de Misuri. Consultado el 26 de marzo de 2014.
  10. Baliospermum solanifolium en PlantList
  11. «Baliospermum solanifolium». World Checklist of Selected Plant Families. Consultado el 26 de marzo de 2014.


  1. Comité editorial de "Flora of China". 1988-2013. Flora of China (Checklist & Addendum). Sin paginar. En C. Y. Wu, P.H. Raven y D.Y. Hong (eds.) Fl. China. Science Press y Missouri Botanical Garden Press, Pekín y San Luis.
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Baliospermum solanifolium: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

добавил wikipedia ES

Baliospermum solanifolium es una especie de planta fanerógama utilizada en la medicina tradicional Ayurvédica.

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Baliospermum solanifolium ( виетнамски )

добавил wikipedia VI

Baliospermum solanifolium là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Đại kích. Loài này được (Burm.) Suresh mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1988.[1]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Baliospermum solanifolium. Truy cập ngày 3 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Baliospermum solanifolium: Brief Summary ( виетнамски )

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Baliospermum solanifolium là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Đại kích. Loài này được (Burm.) Suresh mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1988.

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Балиоспермум горный ( руски )

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Балиоспермум горный в Ботаническом саду королевы Сирикит[en] (провинция Чиангмай, Таиланд)

В литературе этот вид обычно встречается под названием Baliospermum montanum Müll.Arg. (1866), входящим, согласно современным представлениям, в синонимику вида. Общий список синонимов[2]:

Название растение на санскрите — हस्तिदंती (Hastidanti), его английские общеупотребительные названия — red physic nut («красный лекарственный орех»), wild castor («дикая клещевина»), wild croton («дикий кротон») и wild sultan seed.

Биологическое описание

Полукустарник, достигающий в высоту 90—180 см. Листья простые, с выемчато-зубчатым краем листовой пластинки. Нижние листья существенно крупнее верхних, их пластинка может быть пальчатолопастной с расчленением на 3—5 частей.

Цветки мелкие, многочисленные, собраны в пазушные соцветия, при этом мужские цветки располагаются выше, а женские — ниже. Число женских цветков существенно меньше мужских.

Плод — обратнояйцевидная коробочка длиной от 8 до 13 мм. Семена — гладкие, пёстрые, эллипсоидальной формы.

Химический состав

Среди химических компонентов, выделенных из растения, — стероиды, тритерпеноиды, дитерпены (балиоспермин, монтанин, различные форболы), гликозиды, сапонины, алколоиды, флавоноиды и фенолы.

Корни растения содержат балиосперминтерпеновый эфир, обладающий цитотоксическими (то есть токсическими по отношению к определённым группам клеток) свойствами[3].


Растение активно применяется в научной и народной медицине. Используются в основном корни — их применяют при запорах, желудочных болях, геморрое, гельминтозах, для лечения гнойных язв. Листья используются при лечении бронхиальной астмы, семена — при укусах змей.

Растение является сырьём для производства многих фармацевтических препаратов.


  1. Об условности указания класса двудольных в качестве вышестоящего таксона для описываемой в данной статье группы растений см. раздел «Системы APG» статьи «Двудольные».
  2. Baliospermum solanifolium: информация в базе данных The Plant List. (англ.) (Проверено 6 марта 2013)
  3. Головкин и др., 2001.
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Балиоспермум горный: Brief Summary ( руски )

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 src= Балиоспермум горный в Ботаническом саду королевы Сирикит[en] (провинция Чиангмай, Таиланд)

В литературе этот вид обычно встречается под названием Baliospermum montanum Müll.Arg. (1866), входящим, согласно современным представлениям, в синонимику вида. Общий список синонимов:

Baliospermum angulare Decne. ex Baill. Baliospermum axillare Blume Baliospermum indicum Decne. Baliospermum montanum (Willd.) Müll.Arg. Baliospermum moritzianum Baill. Baliospermum pendulinum Pax Baliospermum polyandrum Wight Baliospermum raziana Keshaw, Murthy & Yogan. Croton polyandrum Roxb. Croton roxburghii Wall. Croton solanifolius Burm. Croton solanifolius Geiseler Jatropha montana Willd. Ricinus montanus (Willd.) Wall.

Название растение на санскрите — हस्तिदंती (Hastidanti), его английские общеупотребительные названия — red physic nut («красный лекарственный орех»), wild castor («дикая клещевина»), wild croton («дикий кротон») и wild sultan seed.

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