
Euphorbia palmeri ( азерски )

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Euphorbia palmeri (lat. Euphorbia palmeri) - südləyənkimilər fəsiləsinin südləyən cinsinə aid bitki növü.


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Euphorbia palmeri: Brief Summary ( азерски )

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Euphorbia palmeri (lat. Euphorbia palmeri) - südləyənkimilər fəsiləsinin südləyən cinsinə aid bitki növü.

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Euphorbia lurida ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

Euphorbia lurida is a species of spurge known by the common name woodland spurge. It is native to the southwestern United States from California to Utah, where it can be found in a number of habitats. This is a common perennial herb usually not exceeding half a meter in height. It has small oval green leaves all along its erect stems. The inflorescences at the tips of the stems have tiny glandular flowers with ridged or toothed tips. The fruit is a rounded capsule a few millimeters wide containing tiny gray seeds.

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wikipedia EN

Euphorbia lurida: Brief Summary ( англиски )

добавил wikipedia EN

Euphorbia lurida is a species of spurge known by the common name woodland spurge. It is native to the southwestern United States from California to Utah, where it can be found in a number of habitats. This is a common perennial herb usually not exceeding half a meter in height. It has small oval green leaves all along its erect stems. The inflorescences at the tips of the stems have tiny glandular flowers with ridged or toothed tips. The fruit is a rounded capsule a few millimeters wide containing tiny gray seeds.

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wikipedia EN

Euphorbia lurida ( шпански; кастиљски )

добавил wikipedia ES

Euphorbia lurida, es una especie fanerógama perteneciente a la familia de las euforbiáceas.


Es nativa del suroeste de los Estados Unidos de California a Utah y México, donde se puede encontrar en una serie de hábitats.[1]


Es una hierba perenne común que por lo general no excede de medio metro de altura. Tiene pequeñas hojas verdes ovaladas a lo largo de sus tallos erguidos. La inflorescencia en ciatio se encuentra en las puntas de los tallos y tienen diminutas flores glandulares dentadas. El fruto es una cápsula redondeada unos pocos milímetros de ancho que contiene diminutas semillas de color gris.


Euphorbia lurida fue descrita por George Engelmann y publicado en Report on the Colorado River 4: 26–27. 1861.[2]


Euphorbia: nombre genérico que deriva del médico griego del rey Juba II de Mauritania (52 a 50 a. C. - 23), Euphorbus, en su honor – o en alusión a su gran vientre – ya que usaba médicamente Euphorbia resinifera. En 1753 Carlos Linneo asignó el nombre a todo el género.[3]

lurida: epíteto latino que significa " de color amarillo humo, pálido".[4]

    • Tithymalus luridus (Engelm.) Wooton & Standl. (1913).
    • Euphorbia palmeri Engelm. in S.Watson (1880).
    • Euphorbia subpubens Engelm. in S.Watson (1880).
    • Euphorbia peplifolia Engelm. in H.N.Patterson (1887), nom. nud.
    • Euphorbia lurida var. pringlei Norton (1899).
    • Euphorbia palmeri var. peplifolia Norton (1899).
    • Tithymalus subpubens (Engelm.) Norton (1925).
    • Tithymalus palmeri (Engelm. ex S.Watson) Dayton (1931).
    • Euphorbia palmeri var. subpubens (Engelm.) L.C.Wheeler (1940).[5][6]


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wikipedia ES

Euphorbia lurida: Brief Summary ( шпански; кастиљски )

добавил wikipedia ES

Euphorbia lurida, es una especie fanerógama perteneciente a la familia de las euforbiáceas.

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Autores y editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia ES

Euphorbia lurida ( виетнамски )

добавил wikipedia VI

Euphorbia lurida là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Đại kích. Loài này được Engelm. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1861.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Euphorbia lurida. Truy cập ngày 3 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Euphorbia lurida: Brief Summary ( виетнамски )

добавил wikipedia VI

Euphorbia lurida là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Đại kích. Loài này được Engelm. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1861.

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wikipedia VI