Euphorbia stygiana (Portuguese: Trovisco-macho) is a species of evergreen shrub in the family Euphorbiaceae, endemic to several islands of the Azores. It has a critically endangered subspecies (subsp. santamariae) with only 20 known remaining mature individuals in the wild.
Euphorbia stygiana is an evergreen shrub with low but robust serpentine, green stems; white-veined, thick, leathery blue-dark green leaves and large yellow-green flower heads which are strongly honey-scented in spring and summer (from May to June). It can grow up to about 10 metres (33 ft) tall in its native environment but is often 1.5 metres (4.9 ft) tall and spreads to about 1.5 metres (4.9 ft) wide.[2][3][4]
The leaves are 7–14 by 1.5–3.5 centimetres (2.76 in–5.51 in × 0.59 in–1.38 in) long, slightly pubescent on the bottom side. The fruits are 5–7 millimetres (0.20–0.28 in), striated, subglobous and warty.[5] During cold winters (especially outside its native range) these leaves may turn to a brilliant crimson colour.[6]
It is hardy down to USDA Zone 8b: to −9.4 °C (15.1 °F) and can be propagated through stem cuttings.[4]
Euphorbia stygiana is endemic to all Azorean islands except Graciosa where it inhabits the extremely humid highlands of the archipelago from 300 to 1,100 metres (980 to 3,610 ft) in altitude, especially on Pico Island, in sheltered places such as ravines, craters and dense laurel-Juniperus forests.[5][7][8]
There are two known subspecies:
The species is mainly threatened by agricultural development, change in land use, and invasive species and the subsequent increase in competition.[12]
Like other members of the Euphorbia genus, E. stygiana has a milky white sap that may cause skin irritation or allergic reaction when in contact with the skin or eye.[4] It is toxic if eaten.[2]
Euphorbia stygiana (Portuguese: Trovisco-macho) is a species of evergreen shrub in the family Euphorbiaceae, endemic to several islands of the Azores. It has a critically endangered subspecies (subsp. santamariae) with only 20 known remaining mature individuals in the wild.
Euphorbia stygiana, es una especie fanerógama perteneciente a la familia Euphorbiaceae. Es un arbusto de hoja perenne endémica a la región de São Lourenço en la Isla de Santa María de las Azores.
Alcanza una altura de 1,5 m y 1 m de extensión, con hojas lanceoladas de color verde oscuro y flores amarillas. La población total cuenta con menos de 50 individuos maduros en el medio silvestre.
Euphorbia stygiana fue descrita por Hewett Cottrell Watson y publicado en Hooker's Journal of Botany and Kew Garden Miscellany 3: 605. 1844.[1]
Euphorbia: nombre genérico que deriva del médico griego del rey Juba II de Mauritania (52 a 50 a. C. - 23), Euphorbus, en su honor – o en alusión a su gran vientre – ya que usaba médicamente Euphorbia resinifera. En 1753 Carlos Linneo asignó el nombre a todo el género.[2]
stygiana: epíteto
Euphorbia stygiana, es una especie fanerógama perteneciente a la familia Euphorbiaceae. Es un arbusto de hoja perenne endémica a la región de São Lourenço en la Isla de Santa María de las Azores.
Euphorbia stygiana est une espèce de plantes de la famille des Euphorbiacées endémique de l'île Santa Maria aux Açores.
Selon Catalogue of Life (24 juillet 2017)[3] :
Euphorbia stygiana est une espèce de plantes de la famille des Euphorbiacées endémique de l'île Santa Maria aux Açores.
Euphorbia stygiana endémica das ilhas dos Açores onde também é conhecida pelo nome de Trovisco macho. Surge em todas as ilhas açorianas excepto na ilha Graciosa e na ilha de Santa Maria. É um género botânico pertencente à família Euphorbiaceae.[1]
Euphorbia stygiana endémica das ilhas dos Açores onde também é conhecida pelo nome de Trovisco macho. Surge em todas as ilhas açorianas excepto na ilha Graciosa e na ilha de Santa Maria. É um género botânico pertencente à família Euphorbiaceae.
Вид містить такі підвиди:[1]
Це багаторічний вічнозелений чагарник. Виростає до висоти 1.5 м і поширюється на 1 м. Рослина із зеленими ланцетними листками й жовтими квітами.
Ендемік Азорських островів[3][1].
Euphorbia stygiana là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Đại kích. Loài này được H.C.Watson mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1844.[1]
Euphorbia stygiana là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Đại kích. Loài này được H.C.Watson mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1844.