Feng Zhang, Bao-Shi Zhang, Zhi-Sheng Zhang
Figures 1–4.Pseudopoda acuminata sp. n., Male (SP–SC–03–0050): 1–2 Body (1 dorsal 2 ventral) 3–4 Left palp (3 prolateral 4 ventral). Abbreviations: C conductor; dRTA dorsal branch of retrolateral tibial apophysis; E embolus; EP embolic projection; SD sperm duct; ST subtegulum; T tegulum; vRTA ventral branch of retrolateral tibial apophysis. Scale bars: 2 mm (1–2); 0.5 mm (3–4).
Feng Zhang, Bao-Shi Zhang, Zhi-Sheng Zhang
Figures 10–17.Pseudopoda acuminata sp. n., 10–13 Male (SP–SC–03–0050): 10–12 Left palp (10 prolateral 11 ventral 12 retrolateral) 13 embolus (ventral) 14–17 Female (SP–SC–03–0052): 14–16 Epigyne (14 ventral 15 dorsal 16 apical); 17 Schematic course of internal duct system, dorsal. Abbreviations: AB anterior bands; aEF anterior margin of epigynal field; amLL anterior margin of lateral lobes; C conductor; CD copulatory duct; dRTA dorsal branch of retrolateral tibial apophysis; E embolus; EP embolic projection; FD fertilization duct; LL lateral lobes of epigyne; MF median field of epigyne; mmLL median margin of lateral lobes; pmLL posterior margins of lateral lobes; PI posterior incisions; S spermathecae; SD sperm duct; ST subtegulum; T tegulum; vRTA ventral branch of retrolateral tibial apophysis. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.
Feng Zhang, Bao-Shi Zhang, Zhi-Sheng Zhang
Figures 5–9.Pseudopoda acuminata sp. n., 5 Left palp of male (retrolateral). 6–9 Female (SP–SC–03–0052): 6–7 Body (6 dorsal 7 ventral) 8–9 Epigyne (8 ventral 9 dorsal). Abbreviations: AB anterior bands; aEF margin of epigynal field; amLL anterior margin of lateral lobes; CD copulatory duct; LL lateral lobes of epigyne; MF median field of epigyne; mmLL median margin of lateral lobes; pmLL posterior margins of lateral lobes; PI posterior incisions. Scale bars: 2 mm (6–7); 1 mm (5, 8–9).
Feng Zhang, Bao-Shi Zhang, Zhi-Sheng Zhang
Figures 18–21.Pseudopoda emei sp. n., Male (SP–SC–03–0050): 18–19 Body (18 dorsal 19 ventral) 20–21 Left palp (20 prolateral 21 ventral). Abbreviations: C conductor; dRTA dorsal branch of retrolateral tibial apophysis; E embolus; EP embolic projection; SD sperm duct; ST subtegulum; T tegulum; vRTA ventral branch of retrolateral tibial apophysis. Scale bars: 2 mm (18–19); 1 mm (20–21).
Feng Zhang, Bao-Shi Zhang, Zhi-Sheng Zhang
Figures 27–33.Pseudopoda emei sp. n., 27–29 Male (SP–SC–03–0050): Left palp (27 prolateral 28 ventral 29 retrolateral). 30–33 Female (SP–SC–03–0052): 30–32 Epigyne (30 ventral 31 dorsal 32 apical) 33 Schematic course of internal duct system, dorsal. Abbreviations: aEF anterior margin of epigynal field; amLL anterior margin of lateral lobes; C conductor; CD copulatory duct; dRTA dorsal branch of retrolateral tibial apophysis; E embolus; EP embolic projection; FD fertilization duct; LL lateral lobes of epigyne; lmLL lateral margin of lateral lobes; MF median field of epigyne; mmLL median margin of lateral lobes; pmLL posterior margins of lateral lobes; PI posterior incisions; R ridges; S spermathecae; SD sperm duct; ST subtegulum; T tegulum; vRTA ventral branch of retrolateral tibial apophysis. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.
Feng Zhang, Bao-Shi Zhang, Zhi-Sheng Zhang
Figures 22–26.Pseudopoda emei sp. n., 22 Left palp of male (retrolateral). 23–26 Female (SP–SC–03–0052): 23–24 Body (23 dorsal 24 ventral) 25–26 Epigyne (25 ventral 26 dorsal). Abbreviations: aEF anterior margin of epigynal field; amLL anterior margin of lateral lobes; CD copulatory duct; LL lateral lobes of epigyne; lmLL lateral margin of lateral lobes; MF median field of epigyne; mmLL median margin of lateral lobes; pmLL posterior margins of lateral lobes; PI posterior incisions. Scale bars: 1 mm (22); 2 mm (23–24); 0.5 mm (25–26).
Feng Zhang, Bao-Shi Zhang, Zhi-Sheng Zhang
Figures 34–37.Pseudopoda lacrimosa sp. n., Male (SP–GLGS–11–41): 34–35 Body (17 dorsal 18 ventral) 36–37 Left palp (36 prolateral 37 ventral). Abbreviations: C conductor; dRTA dorsal branch of retrolateral tibial apophysis; E embolus; EP embolic projection; SD sperm duct; ST subtegulum; T tegulum; vRTA ventral branch of retrolateral tibial apophysis. Scale bars: 1 mm (34–35); 0.5 mm (36–37).
Feng Zhang, Bao-Shi Zhang, Zhi-Sheng Zhang
Figures 43–49.Pseudopoda lacrimosa sp. n., 43–45 Male (SP–GLGS–11–41): Left palp (43 prolateral 44 ventral 45 retrolateral) 46–49 Female (SP–GLGS–11–42): 46–48 Epigyne (46 ventral 47 dorsal 48 apical); 49 Schematic course of internal duct system, dorsa. Abbreviations: aEF anterior margin of epigynal field; amLL anterior margin of lateral lobes; C conductor; CD copulatory duct; dRTA dorsal branch of retrolateral tibial apophysis; E embolus; EP embolic projection; FD fertilization duct; LL lateral lobes of epigyne; MF median field of epigyne; pmLL posterior margins of lateral lobes; S spermathecae; SD sperm duct; ST subtegulum; T tegulum; vRTA ventral branch of retrolateral tibial apophysis. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.
Feng Zhang, Bao-Shi Zhang, Zhi-Sheng Zhang
Figures 38–42.Pseudopoda lacrimosa sp. n., 38 Left palp of male (retrolateral). 39–42 Female (SP–GLGS–11–42): 39–40 Body (39 dorsal 40 ventral) 41–42 Epigyne (41 ventral 42 dorsal). Abbreviations: aEF margin of epigynal field; amLL anterior margin of lateral lobes; CD copulatory duct; LL lateral lobes of epigyne; MF median field of epigyne; pmLL posterior margins of lateral lobes. Scale bars: 1 mm (39–40); 0.5 mm (38); 0.2 mm (41–42).
Feng Zhang, Bao-Shi Zhang, Zhi-Sheng Zhang
Figures 50–53.Pseudopoda robusta sp. n.,Male (SP–CQ–08–26): 50–51 Body (50 dorsal 51 ventral) 52–53 Left palp (52 prolateral 53 ventral). Abbreviations: E embolus; EP embolic projection; RTA retrolateral tibial apophysis; SD sperm duct; ST subtegulum; T tegulum. Scale bars: 1 mm (50–51); 0.5 mm (52–53).
Feng Zhang, Bao-Shi Zhang, Zhi-Sheng Zhang
Figures 59–65.Pseudopoda robusta sp. n., 59–61 Male (SP–CQ–08–26): Left palp (59 prolateral 60 ventral 61 retrolateral) 62–65 Female (SP–CQ–08–28): 62–64 Epigyne (62 ventral 63 dorsal 64 apical) 65 Schematic course of internal duct system, dorsa. Abbreviations: aEF anterior margin of epigynal field; amLL anterior margin of lateral lobes; C conductor; CD copulatory duct; E embolus; EP embolic projection; FD fertilization duct; LL lateral lobes of epigyne; MF median field of epigyne; pmLL posterior margins of lateral lobes; RTA retrolateral tibial apophysis; S spermathecae; SD sperm duct; ST subtegulum; T tegulum. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.
Feng Zhang, Bao-Shi Zhang, Zhi-Sheng Zhang
Figures 54–58.Pseudopoda robusta sp. n., 54 Left palp of male (retrolateral). 55–58 Female (SP–CQ–08–28): 55–56 Body (55 dorsal 56 ventral) 57–58 Epigyne (57 ventral 58 dorsal). Abbreviations: aEF margin of epigynal field; amLL anterior margin of lateral lobes; CD copulatory duct; FD fertilization duct; LL lateral lobes of epigyne; MF median field of epigyne; pmLL posterior margins of lateral lobes; PI posterior incisions; S spermathecae; Scale bars: 2 mm (55–56); 0.5 mm (54, 57–58).