on limestone gravels of wide canyon bottom. NOTE: hard horny yellow margins of leaf blades and lack of marginal fibers. This is the large handsome form once known by the synonym Y. rostrata.
on limestone gravels of desertic plain with Vachellia neovernicosa, Dalea formosa, Larrea tridentata. This is the large handsome form once known by the synonym Y. rostrata.
on limestone gravels of desertic basin floor with Vachellia neovernicosa, Dalea formosa, Larrea tridentata. This is the large handsome form once known by the synonym Y. rostrata now seriously exploited for landscaping purposes.
on limestone gravels of bajada, with Guaiacum angustifolium, Larrea tridentata, Agave lechuguilla. This large handsome form once known by the synonym Y. rostrata has been seriously exploited for landscaping purposes.
on limestone gravels of desertic plains with Vachellia vernicosa, Larrea tridentata and Dasylirion leiophylla. This is the large handsome form once known by the synonym Y. rostrata and seriously exploited for landscaping purposes.
large, multi-headed specimen transplanted in Center's courtyard
on arroyo gravel bar below north face of blocky limestone cliff cut on south side of large arroyo. This is the large handsome form prevoiusly known by the synonym Y. rostrata.
plants in shallow calcareous soils and gravels on low hillside slope of white blocky Cretaceous limestone. Site represents an extreme eastern outlier of Chihuahuan Desert flora (Agave lechuguilla present) in transition to upland Tamaulipan brushland of Rio Grande plains.